E2E Libification rebased (3).

jay vyas 2016-01-21 17:33:14 -05:00
parent 76f8a800ed
commit ef5f1012f6
2 changed files with 241 additions and 212 deletions

test/e2e/e2e.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package e2e
import (
gcecloud "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/cloudprovider/providers/gce"
const (
// podStartupTimeout is the time to allow all pods in the cluster to become
// running and ready before any e2e tests run. It includes pulling all of
// the pods (as of 5/18/15 this is 8 pods).
podStartupTimeout = 10 * time.Minute
var (
cloudConfig = &testContext.CloudConfig
func RegisterFlags() {
// Turn on verbose by default to get spec names
config.DefaultReporterConfig.Verbose = true
// Turn on EmitSpecProgress to get spec progress (especially on interrupt)
config.GinkgoConfig.EmitSpecProgress = true
// Randomize specs as well as suites
config.GinkgoConfig.RandomizeAllSpecs = true
flag.StringVar(&testContext.KubeConfig, clientcmd.RecommendedConfigPathFlag, "", "Path to kubeconfig containing embedded authinfo.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.KubeContext, clientcmd.FlagContext, "", "kubeconfig context to use/override. If unset, will use value from 'current-context'")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.CertDir, "cert-dir", "", "Path to the directory containing the certs. Default is empty, which doesn't use certs.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.Host, "host", "", "The host, or apiserver, to connect to")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.RepoRoot, "repo-root", "../../", "Root directory of kubernetes repository, for finding test files.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.Provider, "provider", "", "The name of the Kubernetes provider (gce, gke, local, vagrant, etc.)")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.KubectlPath, "kubectl-path", "kubectl", "The kubectl binary to use. For development, you might use 'cluster/kubectl.sh' here.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.OutputDir, "e2e-output-dir", "/tmp", "Output directory for interesting/useful test data, like performance data, benchmarks, and other metrics.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.ReportDir, "report-dir", "", "Path to the directory where the JUnit XML reports should be saved. Default is empty, which doesn't generate these reports.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.prefix, "prefix", "e2e", "A prefix to be added to cloud resources created during testing.")
// TODO: Flags per provider? Rename gce-project/gce-zone?
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.MasterName, "kube-master", "", "Name of the kubernetes master. Only required if provider is gce or gke")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.ProjectID, "gce-project", "", "The GCE project being used, if applicable")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.Zone, "gce-zone", "", "GCE zone being used, if applicable")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.ServiceAccount, "gce-service-account", "", "GCE service account to use for GCE API calls, if applicable")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.Cluster, "gke-cluster", "", "GKE name of cluster being used, if applicable")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.NodeInstanceGroup, "node-instance-group", "", "Name of the managed instance group for nodes. Valid only for gce, gke or aws")
flag.IntVar(&cloudConfig.NumNodes, "num-nodes", -1, "Number of nodes in the cluster")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.ClusterTag, "cluster-tag", "", "Tag used to identify resources. Only required if provider is aws.")
flag.IntVar(&testContext.MinStartupPods, "minStartupPods", 0, "The number of pods which we need to see in 'Running' state with a 'Ready' condition of true, before we try running tests. This is useful in any cluster which needs some base pod-based services running before it can be used.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.UpgradeTarget, "upgrade-target", "ci/latest", "Version to upgrade to (e.g. 'release/stable', 'release/latest', 'ci/latest', '0.19.1', '0.19.1-669-gabac8c8') if doing an upgrade test.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.PrometheusPushGateway, "prom-push-gateway", "", "The URL to prometheus gateway, so that metrics can be pushed during e2es and scraped by prometheus. Typically something like")
flag.BoolVar(&testContext.VerifyServiceAccount, "e2e-verify-service-account", true, "If true tests will verify the service account before running.")
flag.BoolVar(&testContext.DeleteNamespace, "delete-namespace", true, "If true tests will delete namespace after completion. It is only designed to make debugging easier, DO NOT turn it off by default.")
flag.BoolVar(&testContext.CleanStart, "clean-start", false, "If true, purge all namespaces except default and system before running tests. This serves to cleanup test namespaces from failed/interrupted e2e runs in a long-lived cluster.")
flag.BoolVar(&testContext.GatherKubeSystemResourceUsageData, "gather-resource-usage", false, "If set to true framework will be monitoring resource usage of system add-ons in (some) e2e tests.")
flag.BoolVar(&testContext.GatherLogsSizes, "gather-logs-sizes", false, "If set to true framework will be monitoring logs sizes on all machines running e2e tests.")
flag.BoolVar(&testContext.GatherMetricsAfterTest, "gather-metrics-at-teardown", false, "If set to true framwork will gather metrics from all components after each test.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.OutputPrintType, "output-print-type", "hr", "Comma separated list: 'hr' for human readable summaries 'json' for JSON ones.")
// setupProviderConfig validates and sets up cloudConfig based on testContext.Provider.
func setupProviderConfig() error {
switch testContext.Provider {
case "":
glog.Info("The --provider flag is not set. Treating as a conformance test. Some tests may not be run.")
case "gce", "gke":
var err error
Logf("Fetching cloud provider for %q\r\n", testContext.Provider)
var tokenSource oauth2.TokenSource
tokenSource = nil
if cloudConfig.ServiceAccount != "" {
// Use specified service account for auth
Logf("Using service account %q as token source.", cloudConfig.ServiceAccount)
tokenSource = google.ComputeTokenSource(cloudConfig.ServiceAccount)
zone := testContext.CloudConfig.Zone
region, err := gcecloud.GetGCERegion(zone)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing GCE/GKE region from zone %q: %v", zone, err)
managedZones := []string{zone} // Only single-zone for now
cloudConfig.Provider, err = gcecloud.CreateGCECloud(testContext.CloudConfig.ProjectID, region, zone, managedZones, "" /* networkUrl */, tokenSource, false /* useMetadataServer */)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error building GCE/GKE provider: ", err)
case "aws":
awsConfig := "[Global]\n"
if cloudConfig.Zone == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("gce-zone must be specified for AWS")
awsConfig += fmt.Sprintf("Zone=%s\n", cloudConfig.Zone)
if cloudConfig.ClusterTag == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("--cluster-tag must be specified for AWS")
awsConfig += fmt.Sprintf("KubernetesClusterTag=%s\n", cloudConfig.ClusterTag)
var err error
cloudConfig.Provider, err = cloudprovider.GetCloudProvider(testContext.Provider, strings.NewReader(awsConfig))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error building AWS provider: ", err)
return nil
// There are certain operations we only want to run once per overall test invocation
// (such as deleting old namespaces, or verifying that all system pods are running.
// Because of the way Ginkgo runs tests in parallel, we must use SynchronizedBeforeSuite
// to ensure that these operations only run on the first parallel Ginkgo node.
// This function takes two parameters: one function which runs on only the first Ginkgo node,
// returning an opaque byte array, and then a second function which runs on all Ginkgo nodes,
// accepting the byte array.
var _ = ginkgo.SynchronizedBeforeSuite(func() []byte {
// Run only on Ginkgo node 1
// Delete any namespaces except default and kube-system. This ensures no
// lingering resources are left over from a previous test run.
if testContext.CleanStart {
c, err := loadClient()
if err != nil {
glog.Fatal("Error loading client: ", err)
deleted, err := deleteNamespaces(c, nil /* deleteFilter */, []string{api.NamespaceSystem, api.NamespaceDefault})
if err != nil {
Failf("Error deleting orphaned namespaces: %v", err)
glog.Infof("Waiting for deletion of the following namespaces: %v", deleted)
if err := waitForNamespacesDeleted(c, deleted, namespaceCleanupTimeout); err != nil {
Failf("Failed to delete orphaned namespaces %v: %v", deleted, err)
// Ensure all pods are running and ready before starting tests (otherwise,
// cluster infrastructure pods that are being pulled or started can block
// test pods from running, and tests that ensure all pods are running and
// ready will fail).
if err := waitForPodsRunningReady(api.NamespaceSystem, testContext.MinStartupPods, podStartupTimeout); err != nil {
Failf("Error waiting for all pods to be running and ready: %v", err)
return nil
}, func(data []byte) {
// Run on all Ginkgo nodes
// Similar to SynchornizedBeforeSuite, we want to run some operations only once (such as collecting cluster logs).
// Here, the order of functions is reversed; first, the function which runs everywhere,
// and then the function that only runs on the first Ginkgo node.
var _ = ginkgo.SynchronizedAfterSuite(func() {
// Run on all Ginkgo nodes
}, func() {
// Run only Ginkgo on node 1
if testContext.ReportDir != "" {
// TestE2E checks configuration parameters (specified through flags) and then runs
// E2E tests using the Ginkgo runner.
// If a "report directory" is specified, one or more JUnit test reports will be
// generated in this directory, and cluster logs will also be saved.
// This function is called on each Ginkgo node in parallel mode.
func RunE2ETests(t *testing.T) {
util.ReallyCrash = true
defer util.FlushLogs()
// We must call setupProviderConfig first since SynchronizedBeforeSuite needs
// cloudConfig to be set up already.
if err := setupProviderConfig(); err != nil {
// Disable skipped tests unless they are explicitly requested.
if config.GinkgoConfig.FocusString == "" && config.GinkgoConfig.SkipString == "" {
// TODO(ihmccreery) Remove [Skipped] once all [Skipped] labels have been reclassified.
config.GinkgoConfig.SkipString = `\[Flaky\]|\[Skipped\]|\[Feature:.+\]`
// Run tests through the Ginkgo runner with output to console + JUnit for Jenkins
var r []ginkgo.Reporter
if testContext.ReportDir != "" {
// TODO: we should probably only be trying to create this directory once
// rather than once-per-Ginkgo-node.
if err := os.MkdirAll(testContext.ReportDir, 0755); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Failed creating report directory: %v", err)
} else {
r = append(r, reporters.NewJUnitReporter(path.Join(testContext.ReportDir, fmt.Sprintf("junit_%02d.xml", config.GinkgoConfig.ParallelNode))))
glog.Infof("Starting e2e run %q on Ginkgo node %d", runId, config.GinkgoConfig.ParallelNode)
ginkgo.RunSpecsWithDefaultAndCustomReporters(t, "Kubernetes e2e suite", r)

View File

@ -17,223 +17,13 @@ limitations under the License.
package e2e
import (
gcecloud "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/cloudprovider/providers/gce"
const (
// podStartupTimeout is the time to allow all pods in the cluster to become
// running and ready before any e2e tests run. It includes pulling all of
// the pods (as of 5/18/15 this is 8 pods).
podStartupTimeout = 10 * time.Minute
var (
cloudConfig = &testContext.CloudConfig
func init() {
// Turn on verbose by default to get spec names
config.DefaultReporterConfig.Verbose = true
// Turn on EmitSpecProgress to get spec progress (especially on interrupt)
config.GinkgoConfig.EmitSpecProgress = true
// Randomize specs as well as suites
config.GinkgoConfig.RandomizeAllSpecs = true
flag.StringVar(&testContext.KubeConfig, clientcmd.RecommendedConfigPathFlag, "", "Path to kubeconfig containing embedded authinfo.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.KubeContext, clientcmd.FlagContext, "", "kubeconfig context to use/override. If unset, will use value from 'current-context'")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.CertDir, "cert-dir", "", "Path to the directory containing the certs. Default is empty, which doesn't use certs.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.Host, "host", "", "The host, or apiserver, to connect to")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.RepoRoot, "repo-root", "../../", "Root directory of kubernetes repository, for finding test files.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.Provider, "provider", "", "The name of the Kubernetes provider (gce, gke, local, vagrant, etc.)")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.KubectlPath, "kubectl-path", "kubectl", "The kubectl binary to use. For development, you might use 'cluster/kubectl.sh' here.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.OutputDir, "e2e-output-dir", "/tmp", "Output directory for interesting/useful test data, like performance data, benchmarks, and other metrics.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.ReportDir, "report-dir", "", "Path to the directory where the JUnit XML reports should be saved. Default is empty, which doesn't generate these reports.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.prefix, "prefix", "e2e", "A prefix to be added to cloud resources created during testing.")
// TODO: Flags per provider? Rename gce-project/gce-zone?
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.MasterName, "kube-master", "", "Name of the kubernetes master. Only required if provider is gce or gke")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.ProjectID, "gce-project", "", "The GCE project being used, if applicable")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.Zone, "gce-zone", "", "GCE zone being used, if applicable")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.ServiceAccount, "gce-service-account", "", "GCE service account to use for GCE API calls, if applicable")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.Cluster, "gke-cluster", "", "GKE name of cluster being used, if applicable")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.NodeInstanceGroup, "node-instance-group", "", "Name of the managed instance group for nodes. Valid only for gce, gke or aws")
flag.IntVar(&cloudConfig.NumNodes, "num-nodes", -1, "Number of nodes in the cluster")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.ClusterTag, "cluster-tag", "", "Tag used to identify resources. Only required if provider is aws.")
flag.IntVar(&testContext.MinStartupPods, "minStartupPods", 0, "The number of pods which we need to see in 'Running' state with a 'Ready' condition of true, before we try running tests. This is useful in any cluster which needs some base pod-based services running before it can be used.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.UpgradeTarget, "upgrade-target", "ci/latest", "Version to upgrade to (e.g. 'release/stable', 'release/latest', 'ci/latest', '0.19.1', '0.19.1-669-gabac8c8') if doing an upgrade test.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.PrometheusPushGateway, "prom-push-gateway", "", "The URL to prometheus gateway, so that metrics can be pushed during e2es and scraped by prometheus. Typically something like")
flag.BoolVar(&testContext.VerifyServiceAccount, "e2e-verify-service-account", true, "If true tests will verify the service account before running.")
flag.BoolVar(&testContext.DeleteNamespace, "delete-namespace", true, "If true tests will delete namespace after completion. It is only designed to make debugging easier, DO NOT turn it off by default.")
flag.BoolVar(&testContext.CleanStart, "clean-start", false, "If true, purge all namespaces except default and system before running tests. This serves to cleanup test namespaces from failed/interrupted e2e runs in a long-lived cluster.")
flag.BoolVar(&testContext.GatherKubeSystemResourceUsageData, "gather-resource-usage", false, "If set to true framework will be monitoring resource usage of system add-ons in (some) e2e tests.")
flag.BoolVar(&testContext.GatherLogsSizes, "gather-logs-sizes", false, "If set to true framework will be monitoring logs sizes on all machines running e2e tests.")
flag.BoolVar(&testContext.GatherMetricsAfterTest, "gather-metrics-at-teardown", false, "If set to true framwork will gather metrics from all components after each test.")
flag.StringVar(&testContext.OutputPrintType, "output-print-type", "hr", "Comma separated list: 'hr' for human readable summaries 'json' for JSON ones.")
// setupProviderConfig validates and sets up cloudConfig based on testContext.Provider.
func setupProviderConfig() error {
switch testContext.Provider {
case "":
glog.Info("The --provider flag is not set. Treating as a conformance test. Some tests may not be run.")
case "gce", "gke":
var err error
Logf("Fetching cloud provider for %q\r\n", testContext.Provider)
var tokenSource oauth2.TokenSource
tokenSource = nil
if cloudConfig.ServiceAccount != "" {
// Use specified service account for auth
Logf("Using service account %q as token source.", cloudConfig.ServiceAccount)
tokenSource = google.ComputeTokenSource(cloudConfig.ServiceAccount)
zone := testContext.CloudConfig.Zone
region, err := gcecloud.GetGCERegion(zone)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing GCE/GKE region from zone %q: %v", zone, err)
managedZones := []string{zone} // Only single-zone for now
cloudConfig.Provider, err = gcecloud.CreateGCECloud(testContext.CloudConfig.ProjectID, region, zone, managedZones, "" /* networkUrl */, tokenSource, false /* useMetadataServer */)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error building GCE/GKE provider: ", err)
case "aws":
awsConfig := "[Global]\n"
if cloudConfig.Zone == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("gce-zone must be specified for AWS")
awsConfig += fmt.Sprintf("Zone=%s\n", cloudConfig.Zone)
if cloudConfig.ClusterTag == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("--cluster-tag must be specified for AWS")
awsConfig += fmt.Sprintf("KubernetesClusterTag=%s\n", cloudConfig.ClusterTag)
var err error
cloudConfig.Provider, err = cloudprovider.GetCloudProvider(testContext.Provider, strings.NewReader(awsConfig))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error building AWS provider: ", err)
return nil
// There are certain operations we only want to run once per overall test invocation
// (such as deleting old namespaces, or verifying that all system pods are running.
// Because of the way Ginkgo runs tests in parallel, we must use SynchronizedBeforeSuite
// to ensure that these operations only run on the first parallel Ginkgo node.
// This function takes two parameters: one function which runs on only the first Ginkgo node,
// returning an opaque byte array, and then a second function which runs on all Ginkgo nodes,
// accepting the byte array.
var _ = ginkgo.SynchronizedBeforeSuite(func() []byte {
// Run only on Ginkgo node 1
// Delete any namespaces except default and kube-system. This ensures no
// lingering resources are left over from a previous test run.
if testContext.CleanStart {
c, err := loadClient()
if err != nil {
glog.Fatal("Error loading client: ", err)
deleted, err := deleteNamespaces(c, nil /* deleteFilter */, []string{api.NamespaceSystem, api.NamespaceDefault})
if err != nil {
Failf("Error deleting orphaned namespaces: %v", err)
glog.Infof("Waiting for deletion of the following namespaces: %v", deleted)
if err := waitForNamespacesDeleted(c, deleted, namespaceCleanupTimeout); err != nil {
Failf("Failed to delete orphaned namespaces %v: %v", deleted, err)
// Ensure all pods are running and ready before starting tests (otherwise,
// cluster infrastructure pods that are being pulled or started can block
// test pods from running, and tests that ensure all pods are running and
// ready will fail).
if err := waitForPodsRunningReady(api.NamespaceSystem, testContext.MinStartupPods, podStartupTimeout); err != nil {
Failf("Error waiting for all pods to be running and ready: %v", err)
return nil
}, func(data []byte) {
// Run on all Ginkgo nodes
// Similar to SynchornizedBeforeSuite, we want to run some operations only once (such as collecting cluster logs).
// Here, the order of functions is reversed; first, the function which runs everywhere,
// and then the function that only runs on the first Ginkgo node.
var _ = ginkgo.SynchronizedAfterSuite(func() {
// Run on all Ginkgo nodes
}, func() {
// Run only Ginkgo on node 1
if testContext.ReportDir != "" {
// TestE2E checks configuration parameters (specified through flags) and then runs
// E2E tests using the Ginkgo runner.
// If a "report directory" is specified, one or more JUnit test reports will be
// generated in this directory, and cluster logs will also be saved.
// This function is called on each Ginkgo node in parallel mode.
func TestE2E(t *testing.T) {
util.ReallyCrash = true
defer util.FlushLogs()
// We must call setupProviderConfig first since SynchronizedBeforeSuite needs
// cloudConfig to be set up already.
if err := setupProviderConfig(); err != nil {
// Disable skipped tests unless they are explicitly requested.
if config.GinkgoConfig.FocusString == "" && config.GinkgoConfig.SkipString == "" {
// TODO(ihmccreery) Remove [Skipped] once all [Skipped] labels have been reclassified.
config.GinkgoConfig.SkipString = `\[Flaky\]|\[Skipped\]|\[Feature:.+\]`
// Run tests through the Ginkgo runner with output to console + JUnit for Jenkins
var r []ginkgo.Reporter
if testContext.ReportDir != "" {
// TODO: we should probably only be trying to create this directory once
// rather than once-per-Ginkgo-node.
if err := os.MkdirAll(testContext.ReportDir, 0755); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Failed creating report directory: %v", err)
} else {
r = append(r, reporters.NewJUnitReporter(path.Join(testContext.ReportDir, fmt.Sprintf("junit_%02d.xml", config.GinkgoConfig.ParallelNode))))
glog.Infof("Starting e2e run %q on Ginkgo node %d", runId, config.GinkgoConfig.ParallelNode)
ginkgo.RunSpecsWithDefaultAndCustomReporters(t, "Kubernetes e2e suite", r)