mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
Node e2e Makefile support for running remote tests against kubernetes-node-e2e-images.
Also includes other improvements: - Makefile rule to run tests against remote instance using existing host or image - Makefile will reuse an instance created from an image if it was not torn down - Runner starts gce instances in parallel with building source - Runner uses instance ip instead of hostname so that it doesn't need to resolve - Runner supports cleaning up files and processes on an instance without stopping / deleting it - Runner runs tests using `ginkgo` binary to support running tests in parallelpull/6/head
@ -93,16 +93,28 @@ test_e2e:
# Build and run node end-to-end tests.
# Build and run node end-to-end tests.
# Args:
# Args:
# FOCUS: regexp that matches the tests to be run
# FOCUS: regexp that matches the tests to be run. Defaults to "".
# SKIP: regexp that matches the tests that needs to be skipped
# SKIP: regexp that matches the tests that needs to be skipped. Defaults to "".
# RUN_UNTIL_FAILURE: Ff true, pass --untilItFails to ginkgo so tests are run repeatedly until they fail. Defaults to false.
# REMOTE: If true, run the tests on a remote host instance on GCE. Defaults to false.
# IMAGES: for REMOTE=true only. Comma delimited list of images for creating remote hosts to run tests against. Defaults to "e2e-node-containervm-v20160321-image".
# LIST_IMAGES: If true, don't run tests. Just output the list of available images for testing. Defaults to false.
# HOSTS: for REMOTE=true only. Comma delimited list of running gce hosts to run tests against. Defaults to "".
# DELETE_INSTANCES: for REMOTE=true only. Delete any instances created as part of this test run. Defaults to false.
# ARTIFACTS: for REMOTE=true only. Local directory to scp test artifacts into from the remote hosts. Defaults to ""/tmp/_artifacts".
# REPORT: for REMOTE=false only. Local directory to write juntil xml results to. Defaults to "/tmp/".
# CLEANUP: for REMOTE=true only. If false, do not stop processes or delete test files on remote hosts. Defaults to true.
# IMAGE_PROJECT: for REMOTE=true only. Project containing images provided to IMAGES. Defaults to "kubernetes-node-e2e-images".
# INSTANCE_PREFIX: for REMOTE=true only. Instances created from images will have the name "${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-${IMAGE_NAME}". Defaults to "test"/
# Example:
# Example:
# make test_e2e_node FOCUS=kubelet SKIP=container
# make test_e2e_node FOCUS=kubelet SKIP=container
# make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true DELETE_INSTANCES=true
# Build and run tests.
# Build and run tests.
hack/e2e-node-test.sh FOCUS=$(FOCUS) SKIP=$(SKIP)
.PHONY: test_e2e_node
.PHONY: test_e2e_node
# Remove all build artifacts.
# Remove all build artifacts.
# Example:
# Example:
@ -34,147 +34,187 @@ Documentation for other releases can be found at
# Node End-To-End tests
# Node End-To-End tests
Node e2e tests start kubelet and minimal supporting infrastructure to validate
Node e2e tests are component tests meant for testing the Kubelet code on a custom host environment.
the kubelet on a host. Tests can be run either locally, against a remote host or
against a GCE image.
Tests can be run either locally or against a host running on GCE.
Node e2e tests are run as both pre- and post- submit tests by the Kubernetes project.
*Note: Linux only. Mac and Windows unsupported.*
*Note: Linux only. Mac and Windows unsupported.*
## Running tests locally
# Running tests
etcd must be installed and on the PATH to run the node e2e tests. To verify
## Locally
etcd is installed: `which etcd`. You can find instructions for installing etcd
[on the etcd releases page](https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases).
Run the tests locally: `make test_e2e_node`
Why run tests *Locally*? Much faster than running tests Remotely.
Running the node e2e tests locally will build the kubernetes go source files and
then start the kubelet, kube-apiserver, and etcd binaries on localhost before
- [Install etcd](https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases) on your PATH
executing the ginkgo tests under test/e2e_node against the local kubelet
- Verify etcd is installed correctly by running `which etcd`
- [Install ginkgo](https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo) on your PATH
- Verify ginkgo is installed correctly by running `which ginkgo`
## Running tests against a remote host
From the Kubernetes base directory, run:
The node e2e tests can be run against one or more remote hosts using one of:
* [e2e-node-jenkins.sh](../../test/e2e_node/jenkins/e2e-node-jenkins.sh) (gce
* [run_e2e.go](../../test/e2e_node/runner/run_e2e.go) (requires passwordless ssh
and remote passwordless sudo access over ssh)
* using [run_e2e.go](../../test/e2e_node/runner/run_e2e.go) to build a tar.gz
and executing on host (requires host access w/ remote sudo)
### Option 1: Configuring a new remote host from scratch for testing
The host must contain an environment capable of running a minimal kubernetes cluster
consisting of etcd, the kube-apiserver, and kubelet. The steps required to step a host vary between distributions
(coreos, rhel, ubuntu, etc), but may include:
* install etcd
* install docker
* add user running tests to docker group
* install lxc and update grub commandline
* enable tty-less sudo access
These steps should be captured in [setup_host.sh](../../test/e2e_node/environment/setup_host.sh)
### Option 2: Copying an existing host image from another project
If there is an existing image in another project you would like to use, you can use the script
[copy-e2e-image.sh](../../test/e2e_node/jenkins/copy-e2e-image.sh) to copy an image
from one GCE project to another.
copy-e2e-image.sh <image-to-be-copied-name> <from-gce-project> <to-gce-project>
make test_e2e_node
### Running the tests
This will: run the *ginkgo* binary against the subdirectory *test/e2e_node*, which will in turn:
- Ask for sudo access (needed for running some of the processes)
- Build the Kubernetes source code
- Pre-pull docker images used by the tests
- Start a local instance of *etcd*
- Start a local instance of *kube-apiserver*
- Start a local instance of *kubelet*
- Run the test using the locally started processes
- Output the test results to STDOUT
- Stop *kubelet*, *kube-apiserver*, and *etcd*
1. If running tests against a running host on gce
## Remotely
* Make sure host names are resolvable to ssh by running `gcloud compute config-ssh` to
Why Run tests *Remotely*? Tests will be run in a customized pristine environment. Closely mimics what will be done
update ~/.ssh/config with the GCE hosts. After running this command, check the hostnames
as pre- and post- submit testing performed by the project.
in the ~/.ssh/config file and verify you have the correct access by running `ssh <host>`.
* Copy [template.properties](../../test/e2e_node/jenkins/template.properties)
- [join the googlegroup](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kubernetes-dev)
- *This provides read access to the node test images.*
- Setup a [Google Cloud Platform](https://cloud.google.com/) account and project with Google Compute Engine enabled
- Install and setup the [gcloud sdk](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/downloads)
- Verify the sdk is setup correctly by running `gcloud compute instances list` and `gcloud compute images list --project kubernetes-node-e2e-images`
* Fill in `GCE_HOSTS` with the name of the host
* Run `test/e2e_node/jenkins/e2e-node-jenkins.sh <path to properties file>`
* **Must be run from kubernetes root**
make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true
2. If running against a host anywhere else
This will:
- Build the Kubernetes source code
- Create a new GCE instance using the default test image
- Instance will be called **test-e2e-node-containervm-v20160321-image**
- Lookup the instance public ip address
- Copy a compressed archive file to the host containing the following binaries:
- ginkgo
- kubelet
- kube-apiserver
- e2e_node.test (this binary contains the actual tests to be run)
- Unzip the archive to a directory under **/tmp/gcloud**
- Run the tests using the `ginkgo` command
- Starts etcd, kube-apiserver, kubelet
- The ginkgo command is used because this supports more features than running the test binary directly
- Output the remote test results to STDOUT
- `scp` the log files back to the local host under /tmp/_artifacts/e2e-node-containervm-v20160321-image
- Stop the processes on the remote host
- **Leave the GCE instance running**
* **Requires password-less ssh and sudo access**
**Note: Subsequent tests run using the same image will *reuse the existing host* instead of deleting it and
provisioning a new one. To delete the GCE instance after each test see
* Make sure this works - e.g. `ssh <hostname> -- sudo echo "ok"`
* If ssh flags are required (e.g. `-i`), they can be used and passed to the
tests with `--ssh-options`
* `go run test/e2e_node/runner/run_e2e.go --logtostderr --hosts <comma
separated hosts>`
* **Must be run from kubernetes root**
3. Alternatively, manually build and copy `e2e_node_test.tar.gz` to a remote
* Build the tar.gz `go run test/e2e_node/runner/run_e2e.go --logtostderr
* Copy `e2e_node_test.tar.gz` to the remote host
* Extract the archive on the remote host `tar -xzvf e2e_node_test.tar.gz`
* Run the tests `./e2e_node.test --logtostderr --vmodule=*=2
--build-services=false --node-name=<hostname>`
* Note: This must be run from the directory containing the kubelet and
kube-apiserver binaries.
## Running tests against a gce image
* Option 1: Build a gce image from a prepared gce host
* Create the host from a base image and configure it (see above)
* Run tests against this remote host to ensure that it is setup correctly
before doing anything else
* Create a gce *snapshot* of the instance
* Create a gce *disk* from the snapshot
* Create a gce *image* from the disk
* Option 2: Copy a prepared image from another project
* Instructions above
* Test that the necessary gcloud credentials are setup for the project
* `gcloud compute --project <project> --zone <zone> images list`
* Verify that your image appears in the list
* Copy [template.properties](../../test/e2e_node/jenkins/template.properties)
* Run `test/e2e_node/jenkins/e2e-node-jenkins.sh <path to properties file>`
* **Must be run from kubernetes root**
## Kubernetes Jenkins CI and PR builder
Node e2e tests are run against a static list of host environments continuously
or when manually triggered on a github.com pull requests using the trigger
phrase `@k8s-bot test node e2e`
### CI Host environments
### PR builder host environments
| linux distro | distro version | docker version | etcd version | cloud provider |
| containervm | | 1.8 | | gce |
| coreos | stable | 1.8 | | gce |
| debian | jessie | 1.10 | | gce |
| ubuntu | trusty | 1.8 | | gce |
| ubuntu | trusty | 1.9 | | gce |
| ubuntu | trusty | 1.10 | | gce |
# Additional Remote Options
## Run tests using different images
This is useful if you want to run tests against a host using a different OS distro or container runtime than
provided by the default image.
List the available test images using gcloud.
make test_e2e_node LIST_IMAGES=true
This will output a list of the available images for the default image project.
Then run:
make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true IMAGES="<comma-separated-list-images>"
## Run tests against a running GCE instance (not an image)
This is useful if you have an host instance running already and want to run the tests there instead of on a new instance.
make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true HOSTS="<comma-separated-list-of-hostnames>"
## Delete instance after tests run
This is useful if you want recreate the instance for each test run to trigger flakes related to starting the instance.
make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true DELETE_INSTANCES=true
## Keep instance, test binaries, and *processes* around after tests run
This is useful if you want to manually inspect or debug the kubelet process run as part of the tests.
make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true CLEANUP=false
## Run tests using an image in another project
This is useful if you want to create your own host image in another project and use it for testing.
make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true IMAGE_PROJECT="<name-of-project-with-images>" IMAGES="<image-name>"
Setting up your own host image may require additional steps such as installing etcd or docker. See
[setup_host.sh](../../test/e2e_node/environment/setup_host.sh) for common steps to setup hosts to run node tests.
## Create instances using a different instance name prefix
This is useful if you want to create instances using a different name so that you can run multiple copies of the
test in parallel against different instances of the same image.
make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true INSTANCE_PREFIX="my-prefix"
# Additional Test Options for both Remote and Local execution
## Only run a subset of the tests
To run tests matching a regex:
make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true FOCUS="<regex-to-match>"
To run tests NOT matching a regex:
make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true SKIP="<regex-to-match>"
## Run tests continually until they fail
This is useful if you are trying to debug a flaky test failure. This will cause ginkgo to continually
run the tests until they fail. **Note: this will only perform test setup once (e.g. creating the instance) and is
less useful for catching flakes related creating the instance from an image.**
make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true RUN_UNTIL_FAILURE=true
# Notes on tests run by the Kubernetes project during pre-, post- submit.
The node e2e tests are run by the PR builder for each Pull Request and the results published at
the bottom of the comments section. To re-run just the node e2e tests from the PR builder add the comment
`@k8s-bot node e2e test this issue: #<Flake-Issue-Number or IGNORE>` and **include a link to the test
failure logs if caused by a flake.**
The PR builder runs tests against the images listed in [jenkins-pull.properties](../../test/e2e_node/jenkins/jenkins-pull.properties)
The post submit tests run against the images listed in [jenkins-ci.properties](../../test/e2e_node/jenkins/jenkins-ci.properties)
@ -20,6 +20,24 @@ source "${KUBE_ROOT}/hack/lib/init.sh"
if [[ $hosts == "" && $images == "" ]]; then
if [[ $list_images == "true" ]]; then
gcloud compute images list --project="${image_project}" | grep "e2e-node"
exit 0
ginkgo=$(kube::util::find-binary "ginkgo")
ginkgo=$(kube::util::find-binary "ginkgo")
if [[ -z "${ginkgo}" ]]; then
if [[ -z "${ginkgo}" ]]; then
@ -27,12 +45,90 @@ if [[ -z "${ginkgo}" ]]; then
exit 1
exit 1
# Refresh sudo credentials if not running on GCE.
if [ $remote = true ] ; then
if ! ping -c 1 -q metadata.google.internal &> /dev/null; then
# Setup the directory to copy test artifacts (logs, junit.xml, etc) from remote host to local host
sudo -v || exit 1
if [ ! -d "${artifacts}" ]; then
echo "Creating artifacts directory at ${artifacts}"
mkdir -p ${artifacts}
echo "Test artifacts will be written to ${artifacts}"
# Get the compute zone
zone=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.properties.compute.zone)')
if [[ $zone == "" ]]; then
echo "Could not find gcloud compute/zone when running:\ngcloud info --format='value(config.properties.compute.zone)'"
exit 1
# Get the compute project
project=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')
if [[ $project == "" ]]; then
echo "Could not find gcloud project when running:\ngcloud info --format='value(config.project)'"
exit 1
# Check if any of the images specified already have running instances. If so reuse those instances
# by moving the IMAGE to a HOST
if [[ $images != "" ]]; then
IFS=',' read -ra IM <<< "$images"
for i in "${IM[@]}"; do
if [[ $(gcloud compute instances list "${instance_prefix}-$i" | grep $i) ]]; then
if [[ $hosts != "" ]]; then
echo "Reusing host ${instance_prefix}-$i"
if [[ $images != "" ]]; then
# Parse the flags to pass to ginkgo
if [[ $focus != "" ]]; then
ginkgoflags="$ginkgoflags -focus=$focus "
if [[ $skip != "" ]]; then
ginkgoflags="$ginkgoflags -skip=$skip "
if [[ $run_until_failure != "" ]]; then
ginkgoflags="$ginkgoflags -untilItFails=$run_until_failure "
# Output the configuration we will try to run
echo "Running tests remotely using"
echo "Project: $project"
echo "Image Project: $image_project"
echo "Compute/Zone: $zone"
echo "Images: $images"
echo "Hosts: $hosts"
echo "Ginkgo Flags: $ginkgoflags"
# Invoke the runner
go run test/e2e_node/runner/run_e2e.go --logtostderr --vmodule=*=2 --ssh-env="gce" \
--zone="$zone" --project="$project" \
--hosts="$hosts" --images="$images" --cleanup="$cleanup" \
--results-dir="$artifacts" --ginkgo-flags="$ginkgoflags" \
--image-project="$image_project" --instance-name-prefix="$instance_prefix" --setup-node="true" \
exit $?
# Refresh sudo credentials if not running on GCE.
if ! ping -c 1 -q metadata.google.internal &> /dev/null; then
sudo -v || exit 1
# Test using the host the script was run on
# Provided for backwards compatibility
"${ginkgo}" --focus=$focus --skip=$skip "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/e2e_node/" --report-dir=${report} \
-- --alsologtostderr --v 2 --node-name $(hostname) --build-services=true --start-services=true --stop-services=true
exit $?
# Provided for backwards compatibility
"${ginkgo}" --focus=$focus --skip=$skip "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/e2e_node/" --report-dir=${report} -- --alsologtostderr --v 2 --node-name $(hostname) --build-services=true --start-services=true --stop-services=true
exit $?
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ default-container-cpu-limit
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ func getK8sNodeTestDir() (string, error) {
func getKubeletServerBin() string {
func getKubeletServerBin() string {
bin, err := getK8sBin("kubelet")
bin, err := getK8sBin("kubelet")
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not locate kubelet binary."))
glog.Fatalf("Could not locate kubelet binary %v.", err)
return bin
return bin
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ func getKubeletServerBin() string {
func getApiServerBin() string {
func getApiServerBin() string {
bin, err := getK8sBin("kube-apiserver")
bin, err := getK8sBin("kube-apiserver")
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not locate kube-apiserver binary."))
glog.Fatalf("Could not locate kube-apiserver binary %v.", err)
return bin
return bin
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import (
utilerrors "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/errors"
utilerrors "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/errors"
@ -41,6 +42,11 @@ var sshOptionsMap map[string]string
const archiveName = "e2e_node_test.tar.gz"
const archiveName = "e2e_node_test.tar.gz"
var hostnameIpOverrides = struct {
m map[string]string
}{m: make(map[string]string)}
func init() {
func init() {
usr, err := user.Current()
usr, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
@ -51,9 +57,24 @@ func init() {
func AddHostnameIp(hostname, ip string) {
defer hostnameIpOverrides.Unlock()
hostnameIpOverrides.m[hostname] = ip
func GetHostnameOrIp(hostname string) string {
defer hostnameIpOverrides.RUnlock()
if ip, found := hostnameIpOverrides.m[hostname]; found {
return ip
return hostname
// CreateTestArchive builds the local source and creates a tar archive e2e_node_test.tar.gz containing
// CreateTestArchive builds the local source and creates a tar archive e2e_node_test.tar.gz containing
// the binaries k8s required for node e2e tests
// the binaries k8s required for node e2e tests
func CreateTestArchive() string {
func CreateTestArchive() (string, error) {
// Build the executables
// Build the executables
@ -65,50 +86,57 @@ func CreateTestArchive() string {
ginkgoTest := filepath.Join(buildOutputDir, "e2e_node.test")
ginkgoTest := filepath.Join(buildOutputDir, "e2e_node.test")
if _, err := os.Stat(ginkgoTest); err != nil {
if _, err := os.Stat(ginkgoTest); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to locate test binary %s", ginkgoTest)
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to locate test binary %s", ginkgoTest)
kubelet := filepath.Join(buildOutputDir, "kubelet")
kubelet := filepath.Join(buildOutputDir, "kubelet")
if _, err := os.Stat(kubelet); err != nil {
if _, err := os.Stat(kubelet); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to locate binary %s", kubelet)
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to locate binary %s", kubelet)
apiserver := filepath.Join(buildOutputDir, "kube-apiserver")
apiserver := filepath.Join(buildOutputDir, "kube-apiserver")
if _, err := os.Stat(apiserver); err != nil {
if _, err := os.Stat(apiserver); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to locate binary %s", apiserver)
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to locate binary %s", apiserver)
ginkgo := filepath.Join(buildOutputDir, "ginkgo")
if _, err := os.Stat(apiserver); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to locate binary %s", ginkgo)
glog.Infof("Building archive...")
glog.Infof("Building archive...")
tardir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "node-e2e-archive")
tardir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "node-e2e-archive")
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to create temporary directory %v.", err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create temporary directory %v.", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(tardir)
defer os.RemoveAll(tardir)
// Copy binaries
// Copy binaries
out, err := exec.Command("cp", ginkgoTest, filepath.Join(tardir, "e2e_node.test")).CombinedOutput()
out, err := exec.Command("cp", ginkgoTest, filepath.Join(tardir, "e2e_node.test")).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to copy e2e_node.test %v.", err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to copy e2e_node.test %v.", err)
out, err = exec.Command("cp", kubelet, filepath.Join(tardir, "kubelet")).CombinedOutput()
out, err = exec.Command("cp", kubelet, filepath.Join(tardir, "kubelet")).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to copy kubelet %v.", err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to copy kubelet %v.", err)
out, err = exec.Command("cp", apiserver, filepath.Join(tardir, "kube-apiserver")).CombinedOutput()
out, err = exec.Command("cp", apiserver, filepath.Join(tardir, "kube-apiserver")).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to copy kube-apiserver %v.", err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to copy kube-apiserver %v.", err)
out, err = exec.Command("cp", ginkgo, filepath.Join(tardir, "ginkgo")).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to copy ginkgo %v.", err)
// Build the tar
// Build the tar
out, err = exec.Command("tar", "-zcvf", archiveName, "-C", tardir, ".").CombinedOutput()
out, err = exec.Command("tar", "-zcvf", archiveName, "-C", tardir, ".").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to build tar %v. Output:\n%s", err, out)
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to build tar %v. Output:\n%s", err, out)
dir, err := os.Getwd()
dir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to get working directory %v.", err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to get working directory %v.", err)
return filepath.Join(dir, archiveName)
return filepath.Join(dir, archiveName), nil
// Returns the command output, whether the exit was ok, and any errors
// Returns the command output, whether the exit was ok, and any errors
@ -118,31 +146,31 @@ func RunRemote(archive string, host string, cleanup bool, junitFileNumber int, s
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("could not find username: %v", err)
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("could not find username: %v", err)
output, err := RunSshCommand("ssh", host, "--", "sudo", "usermod", "-a", "-G", "docker", uname.Username)
output, err := RunSshCommand("ssh", GetHostnameOrIp(host), "--", "sudo", "usermod", "-a", "-G", "docker", uname.Username)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("Instance %s not running docker daemon - Command failed: %s", host, output)
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("instance %s not running docker daemon - Command failed: %s", host, output)
// Create the temp staging directory
// Create the temp staging directory
glog.Infof("Staging test binaries on %s", host)
glog.Infof("Staging test binaries on %s", host)
tmp := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/gcloud-e2e-%d", rand.Int31())
tmp := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/gcloud-e2e-%d", rand.Int31())
_, err := RunSshCommand("ssh", host, "--", "mkdir", tmp)
_, err := RunSshCommand("ssh", GetHostnameOrIp(host), "--", "mkdir", tmp)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
// Exit failure with the error
// Exit failure with the error
return "", false, err
return "", false, err
if cleanup {
if cleanup {
defer func() {
defer func() {
output, err := RunSshCommand("ssh", host, "--", "rm", "-rf", tmp)
output, err := RunSshCommand("ssh", GetHostnameOrIp(host), "--", "rm", "-rf", tmp)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Failed to cleanup tmp directory %s on host %v. Output:\n%s", tmp, err, output)
glog.Errorf("failed to cleanup tmp directory %s on host %v. Output:\n%s", tmp, err, output)
// Copy the archive to the staging directory
// Copy the archive to the staging directory
_, err = RunSshCommand("scp", archive, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s/", host, tmp))
_, err = RunSshCommand("scp", archive, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s/", GetHostnameOrIp(host), tmp))
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
// Exit failure with the error
// Exit failure with the error
return "", false, err
return "", false, err
@ -158,12 +186,12 @@ func RunRemote(archive string, host string, cleanup bool, junitFileNumber int, s
// If we are unable to stop existing running k8s processes, we should see messages in the kubelet/apiserver/etcd
// If we are unable to stop existing running k8s processes, we should see messages in the kubelet/apiserver/etcd
// logs about failing to bind the required ports.
// logs about failing to bind the required ports.
glog.Infof("Killing any existing node processes on %s", host)
glog.Infof("Killing any existing node processes on %s", host)
RunSshCommand("ssh", host, "--", "sh", "-c", cmd)
RunSshCommand("ssh", GetHostnameOrIp(host), "--", "sh", "-c", cmd)
// Extract the archive
// Extract the archive
cmd = getSshCommand(" && ", fmt.Sprintf("cd %s", tmp), fmt.Sprintf("tar -xzvf ./%s", archiveName))
cmd = getSshCommand(" && ", fmt.Sprintf("cd %s", tmp), fmt.Sprintf("tar -xzvf ./%s", archiveName))
glog.Infof("Extracting tar on %s", host)
glog.Infof("Extracting tar on %s", host)
output, err := RunSshCommand("ssh", host, "--", "sh", "-c", cmd)
output, err := RunSshCommand("ssh", GetHostnameOrIp(host), "--", "sh", "-c", cmd)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
// Exit failure with the error
// Exit failure with the error
return "", false, err
return "", false, err
@ -172,12 +200,13 @@ func RunRemote(archive string, host string, cleanup bool, junitFileNumber int, s
// Run the tests
// Run the tests
cmd = getSshCommand(" && ",
cmd = getSshCommand(" && ",
fmt.Sprintf("cd %s", tmp),
fmt.Sprintf("cd %s", tmp),
fmt.Sprintf("timeout -k 30s %ds ./e2e_node.test --logtostderr --v 2 --build-services=false --stop-services=%t --node-name=%s --report-dir=%s/results --junit-file-number=%d %s", *testTimeoutSeconds, cleanup, host, tmp, junitFileNumber, *ginkgoFlags),
fmt.Sprintf("timeout -k 30s %ds ./ginkgo %s ./e2e_node.test -- --logtostderr --v 2 --build-services=false --stop-services=%t --node-name=%s --report-dir=%s/results --junit-file-number=%d", *testTimeoutSeconds, *ginkgoFlags, cleanup, host, tmp, junitFileNumber),
aggErrs := []error{}
aggErrs := []error{}
glog.Infof("Starting tests on %s", host)
glog.Infof("Starting tests on %s", host)
output, err = RunSshCommand("ssh", host, "--", "sh", "-c", cmd)
output, err = RunSshCommand("ssh", GetHostnameOrIp(host), "--", "sh", "-c", cmd)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
aggErrs = append(aggErrs, err)
aggErrs = append(aggErrs, err)
@ -195,13 +224,13 @@ func RunRemote(archive string, host string, cleanup bool, junitFileNumber int, s
func getTestArtifacts(host, testDir string) error {
func getTestArtifacts(host, testDir string) error {
_, err := RunSshCommand("scp", "-r", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s/results/", host, testDir), fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", *resultsDir, host))
_, err := RunSshCommand("scp", "-r", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s/results/", GetHostnameOrIp(host), testDir), fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", *resultsDir, host))
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
// Copy junit to the top of artifacts
// Copy junit to the top of artifacts
_, err = RunSshCommand("scp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s/results/junit*", host, testDir), fmt.Sprintf("%s/", *resultsDir))
_, err = RunSshCommand("scp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s/results/junit*", GetHostnameOrIp(host), testDir), fmt.Sprintf("%s/", *resultsDir))
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -223,7 +252,7 @@ func RunSshCommand(cmd string, args ...string) (string, error) {
output, err := exec.Command(cmd, args...).CombinedOutput()
output, err := exec.Command(cmd, args...).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s", output), fmt.Errorf("Command [%s %s] failed with error: %v and output:\n%s", cmd, strings.Join(args, " "), err, output)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s", output), fmt.Errorf("command [%s %s] failed with error: %v and output:\n%s", cmd, strings.Join(args, " "), err, output)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s", output), nil
return fmt.Sprintf("%s", output), nil
@ -29,7 +29,10 @@ set -x
. $1
. $1
go build test/e2e_node/environment/conformance.go
go build test/e2e_node/environment/conformance.go
mkdir -p ${ARTIFACTS}
mkdir -p ${ARTIFACTS}
go run test/e2e_node/runner/run_e2e.go --logtostderr --vmodule=*=2 --ssh-env="gce" \
go run test/e2e_node/runner/run_e2e.go --logtostderr --vmodule=*=2 --ssh-env="gce" \
--zone="$GCE_ZONE" --project="$GCE_PROJECT" --image-project="$GCE_IMAGE_PROJECT" \
--zone="$GCE_ZONE" --project="$GCE_PROJECT" --image-project="$GCE_IMAGE_PROJECT" \
@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ GCE_ZONE=us-central1-f
@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ GCE_ZONE=us-central1-f
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import (
@ -45,11 +46,20 @@ var imageProject = flag.String("image-project", "", "gce project the hosts live
var images = flag.String("images", "", "images to test")
var images = flag.String("images", "", "images to test")
var hosts = flag.String("hosts", "", "hosts to test")
var hosts = flag.String("hosts", "", "hosts to test")
var cleanup = flag.Bool("cleanup", true, "If true remove files from remote hosts and delete temporary instances")
var cleanup = flag.Bool("cleanup", true, "If true remove files from remote hosts and delete temporary instances")
var deleteInstances = flag.Bool("delete-instances", true, "If true, delete any instances created")
var buildOnly = flag.Bool("build-only", false, "If true, build e2e_node_test.tar.gz and exit.")
var buildOnly = flag.Bool("build-only", false, "If true, build e2e_node_test.tar.gz and exit.")
var setupNode = flag.Bool("setup-node", false, "When true, current user will be added to docker group on the test machine")
var setupNode = flag.Bool("setup-node", false, "When true, current user will be added to docker group on the test machine")
var computeService *compute.Service
var computeService *compute.Service
type Archive struct {
path string
err error
var arc Archive
type TestResult struct {
type TestResult struct {
output string
output string
err error
err error
@ -94,35 +104,22 @@ func main() {
noColour = "\033[0m"
noColour = "\033[0m"
archive := e2e_node.CreateTestArchive()
go arc.getArchive()
defer os.Remove(archive)
defer arc.deleteArchive()
var err error
computeService, err = getComputeClient()
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Unable to create gcloud compute service using defaults. Make sure you are authenticated. %v", err)
results := make(chan *TestResult)
results := make(chan *TestResult)
running := 0
running := 0
if *images != "" {
if *images != "" {
// Setup the gce client for provisioning instances
// Getting credentials on gce jenkins is flaky, so try a couple times
var err error
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
var client *http.Client
client, err = google.DefaultClient(oauth2.NoContext, compute.ComputeScope)
if err != nil {
computeService, err = compute.New(client)
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 6)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Unable to create gcloud compute service using defaults. Make sure you are authenticated. %v", err)
for _, image := range strings.Split(*images, ",") {
for _, image := range strings.Split(*images, ",") {
fmt.Printf("Initializing e2e tests using image %s.\n", image)
fmt.Printf("Initializing e2e tests using image %s.\n", image)
go func(image string, junitFileNum int) { results <- testImage(image, archive, junitFileNum) }(image, running)
go func(image string, junitFileNum int) { results <- testImage(image, junitFileNum) }(image, running)
if *hosts != "" {
if *hosts != "" {
@ -130,7 +127,7 @@ func main() {
fmt.Printf("Initializing e2e tests using host %s.\n", host)
fmt.Printf("Initializing e2e tests using host %s.\n", host)
go func(host string, junitFileNum int) {
go func(host string, junitFileNum int) {
results <- testHost(host, archive, *cleanup, junitFileNum, *setupNode)
results <- testHost(host, *cleanup, junitFileNum, *setupNode)
}(host, running)
}(host, running)
@ -159,9 +156,51 @@ func main() {
func (a *Archive) getArchive() (string, error) {
a.Do(func() { a.path, a.err = e2e_node.CreateTestArchive() })
return a.path, a.err
func (a *Archive) deleteArchive() {
path, err := a.getArchive()
if err != nil {
// Run tests in archive against host
// Run tests in archive against host
func testHost(host, archive string, deleteFiles bool, junitFileNum int, setupNode bool) *TestResult {
func testHost(host string, deleteFiles bool, junitFileNum int, setupNode bool) *TestResult {
output, exitOk, err := e2e_node.RunRemote(archive, host, deleteFiles, junitFileNum, setupNode)
instance, err := computeService.Instances.Get(*project, *zone, host).Do()
if err != nil {
return &TestResult{
err: err,
host: host,
exitOk: false,
if strings.ToUpper(instance.Status) != "RUNNING" {
err = fmt.Errorf("instance %s not in state RUNNING, was %s.", host, instance.Status)
return &TestResult{
err: err,
host: host,
exitOk: false,
externalIp := getExternalIp(instance)
if len(externalIp) > 0 {
e2e_node.AddHostnameIp(host, externalIp)
path, err := arc.getArchive()
if err != nil {
// Don't log fatal because we need to do any needed cleanup contained in "defer" statements
return &TestResult{
err: fmt.Errorf("unable to create test archive %v.", err),
output, exitOk, err := e2e_node.RunRemote(path, host, deleteFiles, junitFileNum, setupNode)
return &TestResult{
return &TestResult{
output: output,
output: output,
err: err,
err: err,
@ -172,17 +211,21 @@ func testHost(host, archive string, deleteFiles bool, junitFileNum int, setupNod
// Provision a gce instance using image and run the tests in archive against the instance.
// Provision a gce instance using image and run the tests in archive against the instance.
// Delete the instance afterward.
// Delete the instance afterward.
func testImage(image, archive string, junitFileNum int) *TestResult {
func testImage(image string, junitFileNum int) *TestResult {
host, err := createInstance(image)
host, err := createInstance(image)
if *cleanup {
if *deleteInstances {
defer deleteInstance(image)
defer deleteInstance(image)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return &TestResult{
return &TestResult{
err: fmt.Errorf("Unable to create gce instance with running docker daemon for image %s. %v", image, err),
err: fmt.Errorf("unable to create gce instance with running docker daemon for image %s. %v", image, err),
return testHost(host, archive, false, junitFileNum, *setupNode)
// Only delete the files if we are keeping the instance and want it cleaned up.
// If we are going to delete the instance, don't bother with cleaning up the files
deleteFiles := !*deleteInstances && *cleanup
return testHost(host, deleteFiles, junitFileNum, *setupNode)
// Provision a gce instance using image
// Provision a gce instance using image
@ -216,7 +259,7 @@ func createInstance(image string) (string, error) {
return "", err
return "", err
if op.Error != nil {
if op.Error != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not create instance %s: %+v", name, op.Error)
return "", fmt.Errorf("could not create instance %s: %+v", name, op.Error)
instanceRunning := false
instanceRunning := false
@ -230,17 +273,21 @@ func createInstance(image string) (string, error) {
if strings.ToUpper(instance.Status) != "RUNNING" {
if strings.ToUpper(instance.Status) != "RUNNING" {
err = fmt.Errorf("Instance %s not in state RUNNING, was %s.", name, instance.Status)
err = fmt.Errorf("instance %s not in state RUNNING, was %s.", name, instance.Status)
externalIp := getExternalIp(instance)
if len(externalIp) > 0 {
e2e_node.AddHostnameIp(name, externalIp)
var output string
var output string
output, err = e2e_node.RunSshCommand("ssh", name, "--", "sudo", "docker", "version")
output, err = e2e_node.RunSshCommand("ssh", e2e_node.GetHostnameOrIp(name), "--", "sudo", "docker", "version")
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Instance %s not running docker daemon - Command failed: %s", name, output)
err = fmt.Errorf("instance %s not running docker daemon - Command failed: %s", name, output)
if !strings.Contains(output, "Server") {
if !strings.Contains(output, "Server") {
err = fmt.Errorf("Instance %s not running docker daemon - Server not found: %s", name, output)
err = fmt.Errorf("instance %s not running docker daemon - Server not found: %s", name, output)
instanceRunning = true
instanceRunning = true
@ -248,6 +295,47 @@ func createInstance(image string) (string, error) {
return name, err
return name, err
func getExternalIp(instance *compute.Instance) string {
for i := range instance.NetworkInterfaces {
ni := instance.NetworkInterfaces[i]
for j := range ni.AccessConfigs {
ac := ni.AccessConfigs[j]
if len(ac.NatIP) > 0 {
return ac.NatIP
return ""
func getComputeClient() (*compute.Service, error) {
const retries = 10
const backoff = time.Second * 6
// Setup the gce client for provisioning instances
// Getting credentials on gce jenkins is flaky, so try a couple times
var err error
var cs *compute.Service
for i := 0; i < retries; i++ {
if i > 0 {
var client *http.Client
client, err = google.DefaultClient(oauth2.NoContext, compute.ComputeScope)
if err != nil {
cs, err = compute.New(client)
if err != nil {
return cs, nil
return nil, err
func deleteInstance(image string) {
func deleteInstance(image string) {
_, err := computeService.Instances.Delete(*project, *zone, imageToInstanceName(image)).Do()
_, err := computeService.Instances.Delete(*project, *zone, imageToInstanceName(image)).Do()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
Reference in New Issue