Remove kube_server_version from cluster/

Joe Finney 2016-03-08 16:07:04 -08:00
parent fa21ef11bd
commit e8fda8c9e8
1 changed files with 0 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -30,23 +30,3 @@ if [[ -z "${color_start-}" ]]; then
declare -r color_green="${color_start}0;32m"
declare -r color_norm="${color_start}0m"
# Returns the server version as MMmmpp, with MM as the major
# component, mm the minor component, and pp as the patch
# revision. e.g. 0.7.1 is echoed as 701, and 1.0.11 would be
# 10011. (This makes for easy integer comparison in bash.)
function kube_server_version() {
local server_version
local major
local minor
local patch
# This sed expression is the POSIX BRE to match strings like:
# Server Version: &version.Info{Major:"0", Minor:"7+", GitVersion:"v0.7.0-dirty", GitCommit:"ad44234f7152e9c66bc2853575445c7071335e57", GitTreeState:"dirty"}
# and capture the GitVersion portion (which has the patch level)
server_version=$(${KUBECTL} --match-server-version=false version | grep "Server Version:")
read major minor patch < <(
echo ${server_version} | \
sed "s/.*GitVersion:\"v\([0-9]\{1,\}\)\.\([0-9]\{1,\}\)\.\([0-9]\{1,\}\).*/\1 \2 \3/")
printf "%02d%02d%02d" ${major} ${minor} ${patch} | sed 's/^0*//'