Add more logs during the progress check

Michail Kargakis 2017-02-10 14:14:32 +01:00
parent ce998a9fa7
commit e13c3e481c
2 changed files with 10 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -64,11 +64,15 @@ func (dc *DeploymentController) hasFailed(d *extensions.Deployment) (bool, error
// If the deployment is complete or it is progressing, there is no need to check if it
// has timed out.
// TODO: Switch to a much higher verbosity level
glog.V(2).Infof("Checking if deployment %q is complete or progressing", d.Name)
if util.DeploymentComplete(d, &newStatus) || util.DeploymentProgressing(d, &newStatus) {
return false, nil
// Check if the deployment has timed out.
// TODO: Switch to a much higher verbosity level
glog.V(2).Infof("Checking if deployment %q has timed out", d.Name)
return util.DeploymentTimedOut(d, &newStatus), nil

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@ -867,8 +867,13 @@ func DeploymentTimedOut(deployment *extensions.Deployment, newStatus *extensions
// progress or tried to create a replica set, or resumed a paused deployment and
// compare against progressDeadlineSeconds.
from := condition.LastUpdateTime
now := nowFn()
delta := time.Duration(*deployment.Spec.ProgressDeadlineSeconds) * time.Second
return from.Add(delta).Before(nowFn())
timedOut := from.Add(delta).Before(now)
// TODO: Switch to a much higher verbosity level
glog.V(2).Infof("Deployment %q timed out (%t) [last progress check: %v - now: %v]", deployment.Name, timedOut, from, now)
return timedOut
// NewRSNewReplicas calculates the number of replicas a deployment's new RS should have.