mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
Make ConfigOK status messages more human readable by including the API path to the object instead of the UID
@ -128,13 +128,13 @@ func (r *remoteConfigMap) Download(client clientset.Interface) (Checkpoint, stri
// get the ConfigMap via namespace/name, there doesn't seem to be a way to get it by UID
cm, err := client.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(r.source.ConfigMapRef.Namespace).Get(r.source.ConfigMapRef.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
reason = fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonDownloadFmt, r.source.ConfigMapRef.Name, r.source.ConfigMapRef.Namespace)
reason = fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonDownloadFmt, r.APIPath())
return nil, reason, fmt.Errorf("%s, error: %v", reason, err)
// ensure that UID matches the UID on the reference, the ObjectReference must be unambiguous
if r.source.ConfigMapRef.UID != cm.UID {
reason = fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonUIDMismatchFmt, r.source.ConfigMapRef.UID, cm.UID)
reason = fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonUIDMismatchFmt, r.source.ConfigMapRef.UID, r.APIPath(), cm.UID)
return nil, reason, fmt.Errorf(reason)
@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ func TestRemoteConfigMapDownload(t *testing.T) {
// object doesn't exist
{"object doesn't exist",
&remoteConfigMap{&apiv1.NodeConfigSource{ConfigMapRef: &apiv1.ObjectReference{Name: "bogus", Namespace: "namespace", UID: "bogus"}}},
nil, "failed to download ConfigMap"},
nil, "not found"},
// UID of downloaded object doesn't match UID of referent found via namespace/name
{"UID is incorrect for namespace/name",
&remoteConfigMap{&apiv1.NodeConfigSource{ConfigMapRef: &apiv1.ObjectReference{Name: "name", Namespace: "namespace", UID: "bogus"}}},
nil, "does not match UID"},
nil, "does not match"},
// successful download
{"object exists and reference is correct",
&remoteConfigMap{&apiv1.NodeConfigSource{ConfigMapRef: &apiv1.ObjectReference{Name: "name", Namespace: "namespace", UID: "uid"}}},
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ func (cc *Controller) checkpointConfigSource(client clientset.Interface, source
// if the checkpoint already exists, skip downloading
if ok, err := cc.checkpointStore.Exists(uid); err != nil {
reason := fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonCheckpointExistenceFmt, uid)
reason := fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonCheckpointExistenceFmt, source.APIPath(), uid)
return reason, fmt.Errorf("%s, error: %v", reason, err)
} else if ok {
utillog.Infof("checkpoint already exists for object with UID %q, skipping download", uid)
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ func (cc *Controller) checkpointConfigSource(client clientset.Interface, source
// save
err = cc.checkpointStore.Save(checkpoint)
if err != nil {
reason := fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonSaveCheckpointFmt, checkpoint.UID())
reason := fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonSaveCheckpointFmt, source.APIPath(), checkpoint.UID())
return reason, fmt.Errorf("%s, error: %v", reason, err)
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ func (cc *Controller) setCurrentConfig(source checkpoint.RemoteConfigSource) (bo
if source == nil {
return false, status.FailSyncReasonSetCurrentLocal, err
return false, fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonSetCurrentUIDFmt, source.UID()), err
return false, fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonSetCurrentUIDFmt, source.APIPath(), source.UID()), err
return updated, "", nil
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ func (cc *Controller) Bootstrap() (*kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration, error) {
if err == nil {
// set the status to indicate we will use the assigned config
if curSource != nil {
cc.configOK.Set(fmt.Sprintf(status.CurRemoteMessageFmt, curSource.UID()), reason, apiv1.ConditionTrue)
cc.configOK.Set(fmt.Sprintf(status.CurRemoteMessageFmt, curSource.APIPath()), reason, apiv1.ConditionTrue)
} else {
cc.configOK.Set(status.CurLocalMessage, reason, apiv1.ConditionTrue)
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ func (cc *Controller) Bootstrap() (*kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration, error) {
// set the status to indicate that we had to roll back to the lkg for the reason reported when we tried to load the assigned config
if lkgSource != nil {
cc.configOK.Set(fmt.Sprintf(status.LkgRemoteMessageFmt, lkgSource.UID()), reason, apiv1.ConditionFalse)
cc.configOK.Set(fmt.Sprintf(status.LkgRemoteMessageFmt, lkgSource.APIPath()), reason, apiv1.ConditionFalse)
} else {
cc.configOK.Set(status.LkgLocalMessage, reason, apiv1.ConditionFalse)
@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ func (cc *Controller) loadAssignedConfig(local *kubeletconfig.KubeletConfigurati
// load from checkpoint
checkpoint, err := cc.checkpointStore.Load(curUID)
if err != nil {
return nil, src, fmt.Sprintf(status.CurFailLoadReasonFmt, curUID), err
return nil, src, fmt.Sprintf(status.CurFailLoadReasonFmt, src.APIPath()), err
cur, err := checkpoint.Parse()
if err != nil {
return nil, src, fmt.Sprintf(status.CurFailParseReasonFmt, curUID), err
return nil, src, fmt.Sprintf(status.CurFailParseReasonFmt, src.APIPath()), err
if err := validation.ValidateKubeletConfiguration(cur); err != nil {
return nil, src, fmt.Sprintf(status.CurFailValidateReasonFmt, curUID), err
return nil, src, fmt.Sprintf(status.CurFailValidateReasonFmt, src.APIPath()), err
return cur, src, status.CurRemoteOkayReason, nil
@ -301,14 +301,14 @@ func (cc *Controller) loadLastKnownGoodConfig(local *kubeletconfig.KubeletConfig
// load from checkpoint
checkpoint, err := cc.checkpointStore.Load(lkgUID)
if err != nil {
return nil, src, fmt.Errorf("%s, error: %v", fmt.Sprintf(status.LkgFailLoadReasonFmt, lkgUID), err)
return nil, src, fmt.Errorf("%s, error: %v", fmt.Sprintf(status.LkgFailLoadReasonFmt, src.APIPath()), err)
lkg, err := checkpoint.Parse()
if err != nil {
return nil, src, fmt.Errorf("%s, error: %v", fmt.Sprintf(status.LkgFailParseReasonFmt, lkgUID), err)
return nil, src, fmt.Errorf("%s, error: %v", fmt.Sprintf(status.LkgFailParseReasonFmt, src.APIPath()), err)
if err := validation.ValidateKubeletConfiguration(lkg); err != nil {
return nil, src, fmt.Errorf("%s, error: %v", fmt.Sprintf(status.LkgFailValidateReasonFmt, lkgUID), err)
return nil, src, fmt.Errorf("%s, error: %v", fmt.Sprintf(status.LkgFailValidateReasonFmt, src.APIPath()), err)
return lkg, src, nil
@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ const (
NotDynamicLocalReason = "dynamic config is currently disabled by omission of --dynamic-config-dir Kubelet flag"
// CurLocalMessage indicates that the Kubelet is using its local config, which consists of defaults, flags, and/or local files
CurLocalMessage = "using current (local)"
CurLocalMessage = "using current: local"
// LkgLocalMessage indicates that the Kubelet is using its local config, which consists of defaults, flags, and/or local files
LkgLocalMessage = "using last-known-good (local)"
LkgLocalMessage = "using last-known-good: local"
// CurRemoteMessageFmt indicates the Kubelet is using its current config, which is from an API source
CurRemoteMessageFmt = "using current (UID: %q)"
CurRemoteMessageFmt = "using current: %s"
// LkgRemoteMessageFmt indicates the Kubelet is using its last-known-good config, which is from an API source
LkgRemoteMessageFmt = "using last-known-good (UID: %q)"
LkgRemoteMessageFmt = "using last-known-good: %s"
// CurLocalOkayReason indicates that the Kubelet is using its local config
CurLocalOkayReason = "when the config source is nil, the Kubelet uses its local config"
@ -55,20 +55,20 @@ const (
CurRemoteOkayReason = "passing all checks"
// CurFailLoadReasonFmt indicates that the Kubelet failed to load the current config checkpoint for an API source
CurFailLoadReasonFmt = "failed to load current (UID: %q)"
CurFailLoadReasonFmt = "failed to load current: %s"
// CurFailParseReasonFmt indicates that the Kubelet failed to parse the current config checkpoint for an API source
CurFailParseReasonFmt = "failed to parse current (UID: %q)"
CurFailParseReasonFmt = "failed to parse current: %s"
// CurFailValidateReasonFmt indicates that the Kubelet failed to validate the current config checkpoint for an API source
CurFailValidateReasonFmt = "failed to validate current (UID: %q)"
CurFailValidateReasonFmt = "failed to validate current: %s"
// LkgFail*ReasonFmt reasons are currently used to print errors in the Kubelet log, but do not appear in Node.Status.Conditions
// LkgFailLoadReasonFmt indicates that the Kubelet failed to load the last-known-good config checkpoint for an API source
LkgFailLoadReasonFmt = "failed to load last-known-good (UID: %q)"
LkgFailLoadReasonFmt = "failed to load last-known-good: %s"
// LkgFailParseReasonFmt indicates that the Kubelet failed to parse the last-known-good config checkpoint for an API source
LkgFailParseReasonFmt = "failed to parse last-known-good (UID: %q)"
LkgFailParseReasonFmt = "failed to parse last-known-good: %s"
// LkgFailValidateReasonFmt indicates that the Kubelet failed to validate the last-known-good config checkpoint for an API source
LkgFailValidateReasonFmt = "failed to validate last-known-good (UID: %q)"
LkgFailValidateReasonFmt = "failed to validate last-known-good: %s"
// FailSyncReasonFmt is used when the system couldn't sync the config, due to a malformed Node.Spec.ConfigSource, a download failure, etc.
FailSyncReasonFmt = "failed to sync, reason: %s"
@ -78,21 +78,21 @@ const (
FailSyncReasonPartialObjectReference = "invalid ObjectReference, all of UID, Name, and Namespace must be specified"
// FailSyncReasonUIDMismatchFmt is used when there is a UID mismatch between the referenced and downloaded ConfigMaps,
// this can happen because objects must be downloaded by namespace/name, rather than by UID
FailSyncReasonUIDMismatchFmt = "invalid ObjectReference, UID %q does not match UID of downloaded ConfigMap %q"
FailSyncReasonUIDMismatchFmt = "invalid ConfigSource.ConfigMapRef.UID: %s does not match %s.UID: %s"
// FailSyncReasonDownloadFmt is used when the download fails, e.g. due to network issues
FailSyncReasonDownloadFmt = "failed to download ConfigMap with name %q from namespace %q"
FailSyncReasonDownloadFmt = "failed to download: %s"
// FailSyncReasonInformer is used when the informer fails to report the Node object
FailSyncReasonInformer = "failed to read Node from informer object cache"
// FailSyncReasonReset is used when we can't reset the local configuration references, e.g. due to filesystem issues
FailSyncReasonReset = "failed to reset to local config"
// FailSyncReasonCheckpointExistenceFmt is used when we can't determine if a checkpoint already exists, e.g. due to filesystem issues
FailSyncReasonCheckpointExistenceFmt = "failed to determine whether object with UID %q was already checkpointed"
FailSyncReasonCheckpointExistenceFmt = "failed to determine whether object %s with UID %s was already checkpointed"
// FailSyncReasonSaveCheckpointFmt is used when we can't save a checkpoint, e.g. due to filesystem issues
FailSyncReasonSaveCheckpointFmt = "failed to save config checkpoint for object with UID %q"
FailSyncReasonSaveCheckpointFmt = "failed to save config checkpoint for object %s with UID %s"
// FailSyncReasonSetCurrentDefault is used when we can't set the current config checkpoint to the local default, e.g. due to filesystem issues
FailSyncReasonSetCurrentLocal = "failed to set current config checkpoint to local config"
// FailSyncReasonSetCurrentUIDFmt is used when we can't set the current config checkpoint to a checkpointed object, e.g. due to filesystem issues
FailSyncReasonSetCurrentUIDFmt = "failed to set current config checkpoint to object with UID %q"
FailSyncReasonSetCurrentUIDFmt = "failed to set current config checkpoint to object %s with UID %s"
// EmptyMessage is a placeholder in the case that we accidentally set the condition's message to the empty string.
// Doing so can result in a partial patch, and thus a confusing status; this makes it clear that the message was not provided.
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("DynamicKubeletConfiguration [Feature:DynamicKube
Namespace: originalConfigMap.Namespace,
Name: originalConfigMap.Name}},
expectConfigOK: &apiv1.NodeCondition{Type: apiv1.NodeConfigOK, Status: apiv1.ConditionTrue,
Message: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurRemoteMessageFmt, originalConfigMap.UID),
Message: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurRemoteMessageFmt, configMapAPIPath(originalConfigMap)),
Reason: status.CurRemoteOkayReason},
expectConfig: originalKC,
}, false)
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("DynamicKubeletConfiguration [Feature:DynamicKube
Name: correctConfigMap.Name}},
expectConfigOK: &apiv1.NodeCondition{Type: apiv1.NodeConfigOK, Status: apiv1.ConditionFalse,
Message: "",
Reason: fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonFmt, fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonUIDMismatchFmt, "foo", correctConfigMap.UID))},
Reason: fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonFmt, fmt.Sprintf(status.FailSyncReasonUIDMismatchFmt, "foo", configMapAPIPath(correctConfigMap), correctConfigMap.UID))},
expectConfig: nil,
event: false,
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("DynamicKubeletConfiguration [Feature:DynamicKube
Namespace: correctConfigMap.Namespace,
Name: correctConfigMap.Name}},
expectConfigOK: &apiv1.NodeCondition{Type: apiv1.NodeConfigOK, Status: apiv1.ConditionTrue,
Message: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurRemoteMessageFmt, correctConfigMap.UID),
Message: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurRemoteMessageFmt, configMapAPIPath(correctConfigMap)),
Reason: status.CurRemoteOkayReason},
expectConfig: correctKC,
event: true,
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("DynamicKubeletConfiguration [Feature:DynamicKube
Name: failParseConfigMap.Name}},
expectConfigOK: &apiv1.NodeCondition{Type: apiv1.NodeConfigOK, Status: apiv1.ConditionFalse,
Message: status.LkgLocalMessage,
Reason: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurFailParseReasonFmt, failParseConfigMap.UID)},
Reason: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurFailParseReasonFmt, configMapAPIPath(failParseConfigMap))},
expectConfig: nil,
event: true,
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("DynamicKubeletConfiguration [Feature:DynamicKube
Name: failValidateConfigMap.Name}},
expectConfigOK: &apiv1.NodeCondition{Type: apiv1.NodeConfigOK, Status: apiv1.ConditionFalse,
Message: status.LkgLocalMessage,
Reason: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurFailValidateReasonFmt, failValidateConfigMap.UID)},
Reason: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurFailValidateReasonFmt, configMapAPIPath(failValidateConfigMap))},
expectConfig: nil,
event: true,
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("DynamicKubeletConfiguration [Feature:DynamicKube
Namespace: lkgConfigMap.Namespace,
Name: lkgConfigMap.Name}},
expectConfigOK: &apiv1.NodeCondition{Type: apiv1.NodeConfigOK, Status: apiv1.ConditionTrue,
Message: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurRemoteMessageFmt, lkgConfigMap.UID),
Message: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurRemoteMessageFmt, configMapAPIPath(lkgConfigMap)),
Reason: status.CurRemoteOkayReason},
expectConfig: lkgKC,
event: true,
@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("DynamicKubeletConfiguration [Feature:DynamicKube
Namespace: badConfigMap.Namespace,
Name: badConfigMap.Name}},
expectConfigOK: &apiv1.NodeCondition{Type: apiv1.NodeConfigOK, Status: apiv1.ConditionFalse,
Message: fmt.Sprintf(status.LkgRemoteMessageFmt, lkgConfigMap.UID),
Reason: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurFailParseReasonFmt, badConfigMap.UID)},
Message: fmt.Sprintf(status.LkgRemoteMessageFmt, configMapAPIPath(lkgConfigMap)),
Reason: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurFailParseReasonFmt, configMapAPIPath(badConfigMap))},
expectConfig: lkgKC,
event: true,
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("DynamicKubeletConfiguration [Feature:DynamicKube
Namespace: cm1.Namespace,
Name: cm1.Name}},
expectConfigOK: &apiv1.NodeCondition{Type: apiv1.NodeConfigOK, Status: apiv1.ConditionTrue,
Message: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurRemoteMessageFmt, cm1.UID),
Message: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurRemoteMessageFmt, configMapAPIPath(cm1)),
Reason: status.CurRemoteOkayReason},
expectConfig: kc1,
event: true,
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("DynamicKubeletConfiguration [Feature:DynamicKube
Namespace: cm2.Namespace,
Name: cm2.Name}},
expectConfigOK: &apiv1.NodeCondition{Type: apiv1.NodeConfigOK, Status: apiv1.ConditionTrue,
Message: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurRemoteMessageFmt, cm2.UID),
Message: fmt.Sprintf(status.CurRemoteMessageFmt, configMapAPIPath(cm2)),
Reason: status.CurRemoteOkayReason},
expectConfig: kc2,
event: true,
@ -488,3 +488,8 @@ func checkEvent(f *framework.Framework, desc string, expect *apiv1.NodeConfigSou
return nil
}, timeout, interval).Should(BeNil())
// constructs the expected SelfLink for a config map
func configMapAPIPath(cm *apiv1.ConfigMap) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/namespaces/%s/configmaps/%s", cm.Namespace, cm.Name)
Reference in New Issue