mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
revamp deployment upgrade test
@ -289,3 +289,22 @@ func RunDeployment(config testutils.DeploymentConfig) error {
func logPodsOfDeployment(c clientset.Interface, deployment *extensions.Deployment, rsList []*extensions.ReplicaSet) {
testutils.LogPodsOfDeployment(c, deployment, rsList, Logf)
func WaitForDeploymentCompletes(c clientset.Interface, deployment *extensions.Deployment) error {
return testutils.WaitForDeploymentCompletes(c, deployment, Logf, Poll, pollLongTimeout)
func WaitForDeploymentRevision(c clientset.Interface, d *extensions.Deployment, targetRevision string) error {
err := wait.PollImmediate(Poll, pollLongTimeout, func() (bool, error) {
deployment, err := c.ExtensionsV1beta1().Deployments(d.Namespace).Get(d.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return false, err
revision := deployment.Annotations[deploymentutil.RevisionAnnotation]
return revision == targetRevision, nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error waiting for revision to become %q for deployment %q: %v", targetRevision, d.Name, err)
return nil
@ -21,75 +21,63 @@ import (
extensions "k8s.io/api/extensions/v1beta1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
deploymentutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/controller/deployment/util"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
imageutils "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/utils/image"
const (
deploymentName = "dp"
// TODO: Test that the deployment stays available during master (and maybe
// node and cluster upgrades).
// DeploymentUpgradeTest tests that a deployment is using the same replica
// sets before and after a cluster upgrade.
type DeploymentUpgradeTest struct {
oldD *extensions.Deployment
updatedD *extensions.Deployment
oldRS *extensions.ReplicaSet
newRS *extensions.ReplicaSet
oldDeploymentUID types.UID
oldRSUID types.UID
newRSUID types.UID
func (DeploymentUpgradeTest) Name() string { return "[sig-apps] deployment-upgrade" }
func (DeploymentUpgradeTest) Skip(upgCtx upgrades.UpgradeContext) bool {
// The Deployment upgrade test currently relies on implementation details to probe the
// ReplicaSets belonging to a Deployment. As of 1.7, the client code we call into no
// longer supports talking to a server <1.6. (see #47685)
minVersion := version.MustParseSemantic("v1.6.0")
for _, vCtx := range upgCtx.Versions {
if vCtx.Version.LessThan(minVersion) {
return true
return false
var _ upgrades.Skippable = DeploymentUpgradeTest{}
// Setup creates a deployment and makes sure it has a new and an old replicaset running.
// This calls in to client code and should not be expected to work against a cluster more than one minor version away from the current version.
func (t *DeploymentUpgradeTest) Setup(f *framework.Framework) {
deploymentName := "deployment-hash-test"
c := f.ClientSet
nginxImage := imageutils.GetE2EImage(imageutils.NginxSlim)
ns := f.Namespace.Name
deploymentClient := c.ExtensionsV1beta1().Deployments(ns)
rsClient := c.ExtensionsV1beta1().ReplicaSets(ns)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating a deployment %q in namespace %q", deploymentName, ns))
By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating a deployment %q with 1 replica in namespace %q", deploymentName, ns))
d := framework.NewDeployment(deploymentName, int32(1), map[string]string{"test": "upgrade"}, "nginx", nginxImage, extensions.RollingUpdateDeploymentStrategyType)
deployment, err := c.Extensions().Deployments(ns).Create(d)
// Wait for it to be updated to revision 1
By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting deployment %q to be updated to revision 1", deploymentName))
err = framework.WaitForDeploymentRevisionAndImage(c, ns, deploymentName, "1", nginxImage)
deployment, err := deploymentClient.Create(d)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting deployment %q to complete", deploymentName))
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForDeploymentStatusValid(c, deployment))
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForDeploymentCompletes(c, deployment))
rs, err := deploymentutil.GetNewReplicaSet(deployment, c.ExtensionsV1beta1())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Getting replicaset revision 1 of deployment %q", deploymentName))
rsSelector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(d.Spec.Selector)
if rs == nil {
framework.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("expected a new replica set for deployment %q, found none", deployment.Name))
rsList, err := rsClient.List(metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: rsSelector.String()})
rss := rsList.Items
if len(rss) != 1 {
framework.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("expected one replicaset, got %d", len(rss)))
t.oldRSUID = rss[0].UID
// Store the old replica set - should be the same after the upgrade.
t.oldRS = rs
By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for revision of the deployment %q to become 1", deploymentName))
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForDeploymentRevision(c, deployment, "1"))
// Trigger a new rollout so that we have some history.
By(fmt.Sprintf("Triggering a new rollout for deployment %q", deploymentName))
@ -98,89 +86,87 @@ func (t *DeploymentUpgradeTest) Setup(f *framework.Framework) {
// Use observedGeneration to determine if the controller noticed the pod template update.
framework.Logf("Wait deployment %q to be observed by the deployment controller", deploymentName)
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForObservedDeployment(c, ns, deploymentName, deployment.Generation))
// Wait for it to be updated to revision 2
By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting deployment %q to be updated to revision 2", deploymentName))
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForDeploymentRevisionAndImage(c, ns, deploymentName, "2", nginxImage))
By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting deployment %q to complete", deploymentName))
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForDeploymentStatus(c, deployment))
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForDeploymentCompletes(c, deployment))
rs, err = deploymentutil.GetNewReplicaSet(deployment, c.ExtensionsV1beta1())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Getting replicasets revision 1 and 2 of deployment %q", deploymentName))
rsList, err = rsClient.List(metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: rsSelector.String()})
if rs == nil {
framework.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("expected a new replica set for deployment %q", deployment.Name))
rss = rsList.Items
if len(rss) != 2 {
framework.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("expected 2 replicaset, got %d", len(rss)))
if rs.UID == t.oldRS.UID {
framework.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("expected a new replica set different from the previous one"))
By(fmt.Sprintf("Checking replicaset of deployment %q that is created before rollout survives the rollout", deploymentName))
switch t.oldRSUID {
case rss[0].UID:
t.newRSUID = rss[1].UID
case rss[1].UID:
t.newRSUID = rss[0].UID
framework.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("old replicaset with UID %q does not survive rollout", t.oldRSUID))
// Store new replica set - should be the same after the upgrade.
t.newRS = rs
deployment, err = c.Extensions().Deployments(ns).Get(deployment.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
t.oldD = deployment
By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for revision of the deployment %q to become 2", deploymentName))
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForDeploymentRevision(c, deployment, "2"))
t.oldDeploymentUID = deployment.UID
// Test checks whether the replicasets for a deployment are the same after an upgrade.
func (t *DeploymentUpgradeTest) Test(f *framework.Framework, done <-chan struct{}, upgrade upgrades.UpgradeType) {
// Block until upgrade is done
By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for upgrade to finish before checking replica sets for deployment %q", t.oldD.Name))
By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for upgrade to finish before checking replicasets for deployment %q", deploymentName))
c := f.ClientSet
ns := f.Namespace.Name
deploymentClient := c.ExtensionsV1beta1().Deployments(ns)
rsClient := c.ExtensionsV1beta1().ReplicaSets(ns)
deployment, err := c.Extensions().Deployments(t.oldD.Namespace).Get(t.oldD.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
deployment, err := deploymentClient.Get(deploymentName, metav1.GetOptions{})
t.updatedD = deployment
By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for deployment %q to complete adoption", deployment.Name))
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForDeploymentStatus(c, deployment))
By(fmt.Sprintf("Checking UID to verify deployment %q survives upgrade", deploymentName))
By(fmt.Sprintf("Checking that replica sets for deployment %q are the same as prior to the upgrade", t.updatedD.Name))
_, allOldRSs, newRS, err := deploymentutil.GetAllReplicaSets(t.updatedD, c.ExtensionsV1beta1())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Verifying deployment %q does not create new replicasets", deploymentName))
rsSelector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(deployment.Spec.Selector)
if newRS == nil {
By(t.spewDeploymentAndReplicaSets(newRS, allOldRSs))
framework.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("expected a new replica set for deployment %q", t.updatedD.Name))
rsList, err := rsClient.List(metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: rsSelector.String()})
rss := rsList.Items
if len(rss) != 2 {
framework.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("expected 2 replicaset, got %d", len(rss)))
if newRS.UID != t.newRS.UID {
By(t.spewDeploymentAndReplicaSets(newRS, allOldRSs))
framework.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("expected new replica set:\n%#v\ngot new replica set:\n%#v\n", t.newRS, newRS))
if len(allOldRSs) != 1 {
By(t.spewDeploymentAndReplicaSets(newRS, allOldRSs))
errString := fmt.Sprintf("expected one old replica set, got %d\n", len(allOldRSs))
for i := range allOldRSs {
rs := allOldRSs[i]
errString += fmt.Sprintf("%#v\n", rs)
if allOldRSs[0].UID != t.oldRS.UID {
By(t.spewDeploymentAndReplicaSets(newRS, allOldRSs))
framework.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("expected old replica set:\n%#v\ngot old replica set:\n%#v\n", t.oldRS, allOldRSs[0]))
switch t.oldRSUID {
case rss[0].UID:
case rss[1].UID:
framework.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("new replicasets are created during upgrade of deployment %q", deploymentName))
By(fmt.Sprintf("Verifying revision of the deployment %q is still 2", deploymentName))
By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for deployment %q to complete adoption", deploymentName))
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForDeploymentCompletes(c, deployment))
// Verify the upgraded deployment is active by scaling up the deployment by 1
By(fmt.Sprintf("Scaling up replicaset of deployment %q by 1", deploymentName))
_, err = framework.UpdateDeploymentWithRetries(c, ns, deploymentName, func(deployment *extensions.Deployment) {
*deployment.Spec.Replicas = *deployment.Spec.Replicas + 1
By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for deployment %q to complete after scaling", deploymentName))
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForDeploymentCompletes(c, deployment))
// Teardown cleans up any remaining resources.
func (t *DeploymentUpgradeTest) Teardown(f *framework.Framework) {
// rely on the namespace deletion to clean up everything
func (t *DeploymentUpgradeTest) spewDeploymentAndReplicaSets(newRS *extensions.ReplicaSet, allOldRSs []*extensions.ReplicaSet) string {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("deployment prior to the upgrade:\n%#v\n", t.oldD)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("old replica sets prior to the upgrade:\n%#v\n", t.oldRS)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("new replica sets prior to the upgrade:\n%#v\n", t.newRS)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("deployment after the upgrade:\n%#v\n", t.updatedD)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("new replica set after the upgrade:\n%#v\n", newRS)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("old replica sets after the upgrade:\n")
for i := range allOldRSs {
msg += fmt.Sprintf("%#v\n", allOldRSs[i])
return msg
@ -244,3 +244,26 @@ func WaitForObservedDeployment(c clientset.Interface, ns, deploymentName string,
return c.Extensions().Deployments(ns).Get(deploymentName, metav1.GetOptions{})
}, desiredGeneration, 2*time.Second, 1*time.Minute)
// Pool until deployment status and its underlying resources reach the desired state.
func WaitForDeploymentCompletes(c clientset.Interface, d *extensions.Deployment, logf LogfFn, pollInterval, pollTimeout time.Duration) error {
var reason string
err := wait.PollImmediate(pollInterval, pollTimeout, func() (bool, error) {
deployment, err := c.ExtensionsV1beta1().Deployments(d.Namespace).Get(d.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return false, err
// When the deployment status and its underlying resources reach the desired state, we're done
if deploymentutil.DeploymentComplete(d, &deployment.Status) {
return true, nil
reason = fmt.Sprintf("deployment status: %#v", deployment.Status)
return false, nil
if err == wait.ErrWaitTimeout {
err = fmt.Errorf("timeout waiting for deployment to complete: %v, most recent deployment status: %s", err, reason)
return err
Reference in New Issue