in storage media upgrade prompt, provide config for using protobuf

Dan Gillespie 2017-03-27 16:46:38 +01:00
parent 031dd569ac
commit d7a552c188
1 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -454,17 +454,20 @@ if [[ -z "${STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE:-}" ]] && [[ "${STORAGE_BACKEND:-}" != "etcd2" ]]
echo ""
echo "ETCD2 DOES NOT SUPPORT PROTOBUF: If you wish to have to ability to downgrade to etcd2 later application/json must be used."
echo ""
echo "It's HIGHLY recommended that etcd be backed up before this step!!"
echo ""
echo "To enable using json, before running this script set:"
echo "export STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE=application/json"
echo ""
echo "It's HIGHLY recommended that etcd be backed up before this step!!"
echo ""
if [ -t 0 ] && [ -t 1 ]; then
read -p "Would you like to continue with the new default, and lose the ability to downgrade to etcd2? [y/N] " confirm
if [[ "${confirm}" != "y" ]]; then
exit 1
echo "To enable using protobuf, before running this script set:"
echo "export STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE=application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"
echo ""
echo "STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE must be specified when run non-interactively." >&2
exit 1