@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ package node
import (
@ -51,13 +52,21 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("NodeProblemDetector", func() {
It("should run without error", func() {
By("Getting all nodes' SSH-able IP addresses")
hosts, err := framework.NodeSSHHosts(f.ClientSet)
if err != nil {
framework.Failf("Error getting node hostnames: %v", err)
By("Getting all nodes and their SSH-able IP addresses")
nodes := framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(f.ClientSet)
hosts := []string{}
for _, node := range nodes.Items {
for _, addr := range node.Status.Addresses {
if addr.Type == v1.NodeExternalIP {
hosts = append(hosts, net.JoinHostPort(addr.Address, "22"))
isStandaloneMode := make(map[string]bool)
cpuUsageStats := make(map[string][]float64)
uptimeStats := make(map[string][]float64)
rssStats := make(map[string][]float64)
@ -69,12 +78,16 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("NodeProblemDetector", func() {
rssStats[host] = []float64{}
workingSetStats[host] = []float64{}
cmd := "systemctl status node-problem-detector.service"
result, err := framework.SSH(cmd, host, framework.TestContext.Provider)
isStandaloneMode[host] = (err == nil && result.Code == 0)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Check node %q has node-problem-detector process", host))
// Using brackets "[n]" is a trick to prevent grep command itself from
// showing up, because string text "[n]ode-problem-detector" does not
// match regular expression "[n]ode-problem-detector".
psCmd := "ps aux | grep [n]ode-problem-detector"
result, err := framework.SSH(psCmd, host, framework.TestContext.Provider)
result, err = framework.SSH(psCmd, host, framework.TestContext.Provider)
@ -86,9 +99,11 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("NodeProblemDetector", func() {
Expect(result.Stdout).NotTo(ContainSubstring("node-problem-detector.service: Failed"))
cpuUsage, uptime := getCpuStat(f, host)
cpuUsageStats[host] = append(cpuUsageStats[host], cpuUsage)
uptimeStats[host] = append(uptimeStats[host], uptime)
if isStandaloneMode[host] {
cpuUsage, uptime := getCpuStat(f, host)
cpuUsageStats[host] = append(cpuUsageStats[host], cpuUsage)
uptimeStats[host] = append(uptimeStats[host], uptime)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Inject log to trigger AUFSUmountHung on node %q", host))
log := "INFO: task umount.aufs:21568 blocked for more than 120 seconds."
@ -99,8 +114,6 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("NodeProblemDetector", func() {
By("Check node-problem-detector can post conditions and events to API server")
nodes := framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(f.ClientSet)
for _, node := range nodes.Items {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Check node-problem-detector posted KernelDeadlock condition on node %q", node.Name))
Eventually(func() error {
@ -117,14 +130,21 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("NodeProblemDetector", func() {
By("Gather node-problem-detector cpu and memory stats")
numIterations := 60
for i := 1; i <= numIterations; i++ {
for _, host := range hosts {
rss, workingSet := getMemoryStat(f, host)
rssStats[host] = append(rssStats[host], rss)
workingSetStats[host] = append(workingSetStats[host], workingSet)
if i == numIterations {
cpuUsage, uptime := getCpuStat(f, host)
for j, host := range hosts {
if isStandaloneMode[host] {
rss, workingSet := getMemoryStat(f, host)
rssStats[host] = append(rssStats[host], rss)
workingSetStats[host] = append(workingSetStats[host], workingSet)
if i == numIterations {
cpuUsage, uptime := getCpuStat(f, host)
cpuUsageStats[host] = append(cpuUsageStats[host], cpuUsage)
uptimeStats[host] = append(uptimeStats[host], uptime)
} else {
cpuUsage, rss, workingSet := getNpdPodStat(f, nodes.Items[j].Name)
cpuUsageStats[host] = append(cpuUsageStats[host], cpuUsage)
uptimeStats[host] = append(uptimeStats[host], uptime)
rssStats[host] = append(rssStats[host], rss)
workingSetStats[host] = append(workingSetStats[host], workingSet)
@ -134,16 +154,24 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("NodeProblemDetector", func() {
rssStatsMsg := "RSS (MB):"
workingSetStatsMsg := "WorkingSet (MB):"
for i, host := range hosts {
cpuUsage := cpuUsageStats[host][1] - cpuUsageStats[host][0]
totaltime := uptimeStats[host][1] - uptimeStats[host][0]
cpuStatsMsg += fmt.Sprintf(" Node%d[%.3f];", i, cpuUsage/totaltime)
if isStandaloneMode[host] {
// When in standalone mode, NPD is running as systemd service. We
// calculate its cpu usage from cgroup cpuacct value differences.
cpuUsage := cpuUsageStats[host][1] - cpuUsageStats[host][0]
totaltime := uptimeStats[host][1] - uptimeStats[host][0]
cpuStatsMsg += fmt.Sprintf(" %s[%.3f];", nodes.Items[i].Name, cpuUsage/totaltime)
} else {
cpuStatsMsg += fmt.Sprintf(" %s[%.3f|%.3f|%.3f];", nodes.Items[i].Name,
cpuUsageStats[host][0], cpuUsageStats[host][len(cpuUsageStats[host])/2], cpuUsageStats[host][len(cpuUsageStats[host])-1])
rssStatsMsg += fmt.Sprintf(" Node%d[%.1f|%.1f|%.1f];", i,
rssStatsMsg += fmt.Sprintf(" %s[%.1f|%.1f|%.1f];", nodes.Items[i].Name,
rssStats[host][0], rssStats[host][len(rssStats[host])/2], rssStats[host][len(rssStats[host])-1])
workingSetStatsMsg += fmt.Sprintf(" Node%d[%.1f|%.1f|%.1f];", i,
workingSetStatsMsg += fmt.Sprintf(" %s[%.1f|%.1f|%.1f];", nodes.Items[i].Name,
workingSetStats[host][0], workingSetStats[host][len(workingSetStats[host])/2], workingSetStats[host][len(workingSetStats[host])-1])
framework.Logf("Node-Problem-Detector CPU and Memory Stats:\n\t%s\n\t%s\n\t%s", cpuStatsMsg, rssStatsMsg, workingSetStatsMsg)
@ -233,3 +261,22 @@ func getCpuStat(f *framework.Framework, host string) (usage, uptime float64) {
usage *= 1e-9
func getNpdPodStat(f *framework.Framework, nodeName string) (cpuUsage, rss, workingSet float64) {
summary, err := framework.GetStatsSummary(f.ClientSet, nodeName)
hasNpdPod := false
for _, pod := range summary.Pods {
if !strings.HasPrefix(pod.PodRef.Name, "npd") {
cpuUsage = float64(*pod.CPU.UsageNanoCores) * 1e-9
rss = float64(*pod.Memory.RSSBytes) / 1024 / 1024
workingSet = float64(*pod.Memory.WorkingSetBytes) / 1024 / 1024
hasNpdPod = true