Implement DisruptionController.

Part of #12611
Matt Liggett 2016-05-13 15:51:05 -07:00
parent 1b0bc9421f
commit d60ba3c6e2
6 changed files with 1259 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import (
certcontroller ""
endpointcontroller ""
@ -367,6 +368,18 @@ func StartControllers(s *options.CMServer, kubeClient *client.Client, kubeconfig
groupVersion = "policy/v1alpha1"
resources, found = resourceMap[groupVersion]
glog.Infof("Attempting to start disruption controller, full resource map %+v", resourceMap)
if containsVersion(versions, groupVersion) && found {
glog.Infof("Starting %s apis", groupVersion)
if containsResource(resources, "poddisruptionbudgets") {
glog.Infof("Starting disruption controller")
go disruption.NewDisruptionController(sharedInformers.Pods().Informer(), kubeClient).Run(wait.NeverStop)
time.Sleep(wait.Jitter(s.ControllerStartInterval.Duration, ControllerStartJitter))
groupVersion = "apps/v1alpha1"
resources, found = resourceMap[groupVersion]
glog.Infof("Attempting to start petset, full resource map %+v", resourceMap)

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import (
@ -710,3 +711,44 @@ func (i *IndexerToNamespaceLister) List(selector labels.Selector) (namespaces []
return namespaces, nil
type StoreToPodDisruptionBudgetLister struct {
// GetPodPodDisruptionBudgets returns a list of PodDisruptionBudgets matching a pod. Returns an error only if no matching PodDisruptionBudgets are found.
func (s *StoreToPodDisruptionBudgetLister) GetPodPodDisruptionBudgets(pod *api.Pod) (pdbList []policy.PodDisruptionBudget, err error) {
var selector labels.Selector
if len(pod.Labels) == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("no PodDisruptionBudgets found for pod %v because it has no labels", pod.Name)
for _, m := range s.Store.List() {
pdb, ok := m.(*policy.PodDisruptionBudget)
if !ok {
glog.Errorf("Unexpected: %v is not a PodDisruptionBudget", m)
if pdb.Namespace != pod.Namespace {
selector, err = unversioned.LabelSelectorAsSelector(pdb.Spec.Selector)
if err != nil {
glog.Warningf("invalid selector: %v", err)
// TODO(mml): add an event to the PDB
// If a PDB with a nil or empty selector creeps in, it should match nothing, not everything.
if selector.Empty() || !selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
pdbList = append(pdbList, *pdb)
if len(pdbList) == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("could not find PodDisruptionBudget for pod %s in namespace %s with labels: %v", pod.Name, pod.Namespace, pod.Labels)

View File

@ -183,6 +183,10 @@ func (c *Client) Rbac() RbacInterface {
return c.RbacClient
func (c *Client) Policy() PolicyInterface {
return c.PolicyClient
func (c *Client) Discovery() discovery.DiscoveryInterface {
return c.DiscoveryClient

View File

@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package disruption
import (
client ""
const statusUpdateRetries = 2
type updater func(*policy.PodDisruptionBudget) error
type DisruptionController struct {
kubeClient *client.Client
pdbStore cache.Store
pdbController *framework.Controller
pdbLister cache.StoreToPodDisruptionBudgetLister
podController framework.ControllerInterface
podLister cache.StoreToPodLister
rcIndexer cache.Indexer
rcController *framework.Controller
rcLister cache.StoreToReplicationControllerLister
rsStore cache.Store
rsController *framework.Controller
rsLister cache.StoreToReplicaSetLister
dStore cache.Store
dController *framework.Controller
dLister cache.StoreToDeploymentLister
queue *workqueue.Type
broadcaster record.EventBroadcaster
recorder record.EventRecorder
getUpdater func() updater
// controllerAndScale is used to return (controller, scale) pairs from the
// controller finder functions.
type controllerAndScale struct {
scale int32
// podControllerFinder is a function type that maps a pod to a list of
// controllers and their scale.
type podControllerFinder func(*api.Pod) ([]controllerAndScale, error)
func NewDisruptionController(podInformer framework.SharedIndexInformer, kubeClient *client.Client) *DisruptionController {
dc := &DisruptionController{
kubeClient: kubeClient,
podController: podInformer.GetController(),
queue: workqueue.New(),
broadcaster: record.NewBroadcaster(),
dc.recorder = dc.broadcaster.NewRecorder(api.EventSource{Component: "controllermanager"})
dc.getUpdater = func() updater { return dc.writePdbStatus }
dc.podLister.Indexer = podInformer.GetIndexer()
AddFunc: dc.addPod,
UpdateFunc: dc.updatePod,
DeleteFunc: dc.deletePod,
dc.pdbStore, dc.pdbController = framework.NewInformer(
ListFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
return dc.kubeClient.Policy().PodDisruptionBudgets(api.NamespaceAll).List(options)
WatchFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
return dc.kubeClient.Policy().PodDisruptionBudgets(api.NamespaceAll).Watch(options)
AddFunc: dc.addDb,
UpdateFunc: dc.updateDb,
DeleteFunc: dc.removeDb,
dc.pdbLister.Store = dc.pdbStore
dc.rcIndexer, dc.rcController = framework.NewIndexerInformer(
ListFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
return dc.kubeClient.ReplicationControllers(api.NamespaceAll).List(options)
WatchFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
return dc.kubeClient.ReplicationControllers(api.NamespaceAll).Watch(options)
cache.Indexers{cache.NamespaceIndex: cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc},
dc.rcLister.Indexer = dc.rcIndexer
dc.rsStore, dc.rsController = framework.NewInformer(
ListFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
return dc.kubeClient.Extensions().ReplicaSets(api.NamespaceAll).List(options)
WatchFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
return dc.kubeClient.Extensions().ReplicaSets(api.NamespaceAll).Watch(options)
dc.rsLister.Store = dc.rsStore
dc.dStore, dc.dController = framework.NewInformer(
ListFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
return dc.kubeClient.Extensions().Deployments(api.NamespaceAll).List(options)
WatchFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
return dc.kubeClient.Extensions().Deployments(api.NamespaceAll).Watch(options)
dc.dLister.Store = dc.dStore
return dc
// TODO(mml): When controllerRef is implemented (#2210), we *could* simply
// return controllers without their scales, and access scale type-generically
// via the scale subresource. That may not be as much of a win as it sounds,
// however. We are accessing everything through the pkg/client/cache API that
// we have to set up and tune to the types we know we'll be accessing anyway,
// and we may well need further tweaks just to be able to access scale
// subresources.
func (dc *DisruptionController) finders() []podControllerFinder {
return []podControllerFinder{dc.getPodReplicationControllers, dc.getPodDeployments, dc.getPodReplicaSets}
// getPodReplicaSets finds replicasets which have no matching deployments.
func (dc *DisruptionController) getPodReplicaSets(pod *api.Pod) ([]controllerAndScale, error) {
cas := []controllerAndScale{}
rss, err := dc.rsLister.GetPodReplicaSets(pod)
// GetPodReplicaSets returns an error only if no ReplicaSets are found. We
// don't return that as an error to the caller.
if err != nil {
return cas, nil
controllerScale := map[types.UID]int32{}
for _, rs := range rss {
// GetDeploymentsForReplicaSet returns an error only if no matching
// deployments are found.
_, err := dc.dLister.GetDeploymentsForReplicaSet(&rs)
if err == nil { // A deployment was found, so this finder will not count this RS.
controllerScale[rs.UID] = rs.Spec.Replicas
for uid, scale := range controllerScale {
cas = append(cas, controllerAndScale{UID: uid, scale: scale})
return cas, nil
// getPodDeployments finds deployments for any replicasets which are being managed by deployments.
func (dc *DisruptionController) getPodDeployments(pod *api.Pod) ([]controllerAndScale, error) {
cas := []controllerAndScale{}
rss, err := dc.rsLister.GetPodReplicaSets(pod)
// GetPodReplicaSets returns an error only if no ReplicaSets are found. We
// don't return that as an error to the caller.
if err != nil {
return cas, nil
controllerScale := map[types.UID]int32{}
for _, rs := range rss {
ds, err := dc.dLister.GetDeploymentsForReplicaSet(&rs)
// GetDeploymentsForReplicaSet returns an error only if no matching
// deployments are found. In that case we skip this ReplicaSet.
if err != nil {
for _, d := range ds {
controllerScale[d.UID] = d.Spec.Replicas
for uid, scale := range controllerScale {
cas = append(cas, controllerAndScale{UID: uid, scale: scale})
return cas, nil
func (dc *DisruptionController) getPodReplicationControllers(pod *api.Pod) ([]controllerAndScale, error) {
cas := []controllerAndScale{}
rcs, err := dc.rcLister.GetPodControllers(pod)
if err == nil {
for _, rc := range rcs {
cas = append(cas, controllerAndScale{UID: rc.UID, scale: rc.Spec.Replicas})
return cas, nil
func (dc *DisruptionController) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
glog.V(0).Infof("Starting disruption controller")
if dc.kubeClient != nil {
glog.V(0).Infof("Sending events to api server.")
} else {
glog.V(0).Infof("No api server defined - no events will be sent to API server.")
go dc.pdbController.Run(stopCh)
go dc.podController.Run(stopCh)
go dc.rcController.Run(stopCh)
go dc.rsController.Run(stopCh)
go dc.dController.Run(stopCh)
go wait.Until(dc.worker, time.Second, stopCh)
glog.V(0).Infof("Shutting down disruption controller")
func (dc *DisruptionController) addDb(obj interface{}) {
pdb := obj.(*policy.PodDisruptionBudget)
glog.V(4).Infof("add DB %q", pdb.Name)
func (dc *DisruptionController) updateDb(old, cur interface{}) {
// TODO(mml) ignore updates where 'old' is equivalent to 'cur'.
pdb := cur.(*policy.PodDisruptionBudget)
glog.V(4).Infof("update DB %q", pdb.Name)
func (dc *DisruptionController) removeDb(obj interface{}) {
pdb := obj.(*policy.PodDisruptionBudget)
glog.V(4).Infof("remove DB %q", pdb.Name)
func (dc *DisruptionController) addPod(obj interface{}) {
pod := obj.(*api.Pod)
glog.V(4).Infof("addPod called on pod %q", pod.Name)
pdb := dc.getPdbForPod(pod)
if pdb == nil {
glog.V(4).Infof("No matching pdb for pod %q", pod.Name)
glog.V(4).Infof("addPod %q -> PDB %q", pod.Name, pdb.Name)
func (dc *DisruptionController) updatePod(old, cur interface{}) {
pod := cur.(*api.Pod)
glog.V(4).Infof("updatePod called on pod %q", pod.Name)
pdb := dc.getPdbForPod(pod)
if pdb == nil {
glog.V(4).Infof("No matching pdb for pod %q", pod.Name)
glog.V(4).Infof("updatePod %q -> PDB %q", pod.Name, pdb.Name)
func (dc *DisruptionController) deletePod(obj interface{}) {
pod, ok := obj.(*api.Pod)
// When a delete is dropped, the relist will notice a pod in the store not
// in the list, leading to the insertion of a tombstone object which contains
// the deleted key/value. Note that this value might be stale. If the pod
// changed labels the new ReplicaSet will not be woken up till the periodic
// resync.
if !ok {
tombstone, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
if !ok {
glog.Errorf("Couldn't get object from tombstone %+v", obj)
pod, ok = tombstone.Obj.(*api.Pod)
if !ok {
glog.Errorf("Tombstone contained object that is not a pod %+v", obj)
glog.V(4).Infof("deletePod called on pod %q", pod.Name)
pdb := dc.getPdbForPod(pod)
if pdb == nil {
glog.V(4).Infof("No matching pdb for pod %q", pod.Name)
glog.V(4).Infof("deletePod %q -> PDB %q", pod.Name, pdb.Name)
func (dc *DisruptionController) enqueuePdb(pdb *policy.PodDisruptionBudget) {
key, err := controller.KeyFunc(pdb)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Cound't get key for PodDisruptionBudget object %+v: %v", pdb, err)
func (dc *DisruptionController) getPdbForPod(pod *api.Pod) *policy.PodDisruptionBudget {
// GetPodPodDisruptionBudgets returns an error only if no
// PodDisruptionBudgets are found. We don't return that as an error to the
// caller.
pdbs, err := dc.pdbLister.GetPodPodDisruptionBudgets(pod)
if err != nil {
glog.V(0).Infof("No PodDisruptionBudgets found for pod %v, PodDisruptionBudget controller will avoid syncing.", pod.Name)
return nil
if len(pdbs) > 1 {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Pod %q/%q matches multiple PodDisruptionBudgets. Chose %q arbitrarily.", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, pdbs[0].Name)
dc.recorder.Event(pod, api.EventTypeWarning, "MultiplePodDisruptionBudgets", msg)
return &pdbs[0]
func (dc *DisruptionController) getPodsForPdb(pdb *policy.PodDisruptionBudget) ([]*api.Pod, error) {
sel, err := unversioned.LabelSelectorAsSelector(pdb.Spec.Selector)
if sel.Empty() {
return []*api.Pod{}, nil
if err != nil {
return []*api.Pod{}, err
podList, err := dc.podLister.Pods(pdb.Namespace).List(sel)
if err != nil {
return []*api.Pod{}, err
pods := []*api.Pod{}
for i := range podList.Items {
pod := podList.Items[i]
pods = append(pods, &pod)
return pods, nil
func (dc *DisruptionController) worker() {
work := func() bool {
key, quit := dc.queue.Get()
if quit {
return quit
defer dc.queue.Done(key)
glog.V(4).Infof("Syncing PodDisruptionBudget %q", key.(string))
if err := dc.sync(key.(string)); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error syncing PodDisruptionBudget %v, requeuing: %v", key.(string), err)
// TODO(mml): In order to be safe in the face of a total inability to write state
// changes, we should write an expiration timestamp here and consumers
// of the PDB state (the /evict subresource handler) should check that
// any 'true' state is relatively fresh.
// TODO(mml): file an issue to that effect
// TODO(mml): If we used a workqueue.RateLimitingInterface, we could
// improve our behavior (be a better citizen) when we need to retry.
return false
for {
if quit := work(); quit {
func (dc *DisruptionController) sync(key string) error {
startTime := time.Now()
defer func() {
glog.V(4).Infof("Finished syncing PodDisruptionBudget %q (%v)", key, time.Now().Sub(startTime))
obj, exists, err := dc.pdbLister.Store.GetByKey(key)
if !exists {
return err
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("unable to retrieve PodDisruptionBudget %v from store: %v", key, err)
return err
pdb := obj.(*policy.PodDisruptionBudget)
if err := dc.trySync(pdb); err != nil {
return dc.failSafe(pdb)
return nil
func (dc *DisruptionController) trySync(pdb *policy.PodDisruptionBudget) error {
pods, err := dc.getPodsForPdb(pdb)
if err != nil {
return err
expectedCount, desiredHealthy, err := dc.getExpectedPodCount(pdb, pods)
if err != nil {
return err
currentHealthy := countHealthyPods(pods)
err = dc.updatePdbSpec(pdb, currentHealthy, desiredHealthy, expectedCount)
return err
func (dc *DisruptionController) getExpectedPodCount(pdb *policy.PodDisruptionBudget, pods []*api.Pod) (expectedCount, desiredHealthy int32, err error) {
err = nil
if pdb.Spec.MinAvailable.Type == intstr.Int {
desiredHealthy = pdb.Spec.MinAvailable.IntVal
expectedCount = int32(len(pods))
} else if pdb.Spec.MinAvailable.Type == intstr.String {
// When the user specifies a fraction of pods that must be available, we
// use as the fraction's denominator
// SUM_{all c in C} scale(c)
// where C is the union of C_p1, C_p2, ..., C_pN
// and each C_pi is the set of controllers controlling the pod pi
// k8s only defines what will happens when 0 or 1 controllers control a
// given pod. We explicitly exclude the 0 controllers case here, and we
// report an error if we find a pod with more than 1 controller. Thus in
// practice each C_pi is a set of exactly 1 controller.
// A mapping from controllers to their scale.
controllerScale := map[types.UID]int32{}
// 1. Find the controller(s) for each pod. If any pod has 0 controllers,
// that's an error. If any pod has more than 1 controller, that's also an
// error.
for _, pod := range pods {
controllerCount := 0
for _, finder := range dc.finders() {
var controllers []controllerAndScale
controllers, err = finder(pod)
if err != nil {
for _, controller := range controllers {
controllerScale[controller.UID] = controller.scale
if controllerCount == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("asked for percentage, but found no controllers for pod %q", pod.Name)
} else if controllerCount > 1 {
err = fmt.Errorf("pod %q has %v>1 controllers", pod.Name, controllerCount)
// 2. Add up all the controllers.
expectedCount = 0
for _, count := range controllerScale {
expectedCount += count
// 3. Do the math.
var dh int
dh, err = intstr.GetValueFromIntOrPercent(&pdb.Spec.MinAvailable, int(expectedCount), true)
if err != nil {
desiredHealthy = int32(dh)
func countHealthyPods(pods []*api.Pod) (currentHealthy int32) {
for _, pod := range pods {
for _, c := range pod.Status.Conditions {
if c.Type == api.PodReady && c.Status == api.ConditionTrue {
continue Pod
// failSafe is an attempt to at least update the PodDisruptionAllowed field to
// false if everything something else has failed. This is one place we
// implement the "fail open" part of the design since if we manage to update
// this field correctly, we will prevent the /evict handler from approving an
// eviction when it may be unsafe to do so.
func (dc *DisruptionController) failSafe(pdb *policy.PodDisruptionBudget) error {
obj, err := api.Scheme.DeepCopy(*pdb)
if err != nil {
return err
newPdb := obj.(policy.PodDisruptionBudget)
newPdb.Status.PodDisruptionAllowed = false
return dc.getUpdater()(&newPdb)
func (dc *DisruptionController) updatePdbSpec(pdb *policy.PodDisruptionBudget, currentHealthy, desiredHealthy, expectedCount int32) error {
// We require expectedCount to be > 0 so that PDBs which currently match no
// pods are in a safe state when their first pods appear but this controller
// has not updated their status yet. This isn't the only race, but it's a
// common one that's easy to detect.
disruptionAllowed := currentHealthy >= desiredHealthy && expectedCount > 0
if pdb.Status.CurrentHealthy == currentHealthy && pdb.Status.DesiredHealthy == desiredHealthy && pdb.Status.ExpectedPods == expectedCount && pdb.Status.PodDisruptionAllowed == disruptionAllowed {
return nil
obj, err := api.Scheme.DeepCopy(*pdb)
if err != nil {
return err
newPdb := obj.(policy.PodDisruptionBudget)
newPdb.Status = policy.PodDisruptionBudgetStatus{
CurrentHealthy: currentHealthy,
DesiredHealthy: desiredHealthy,
ExpectedPods: expectedCount,
PodDisruptionAllowed: disruptionAllowed,
return dc.getUpdater()(&newPdb)
// refresh tries to re-GET the given PDB. If there are any errors, it just
// returns the old PDB. Intended to be used in a retry loop where it runs a
// bounded number of times.
func refresh(pdbClient client.PodDisruptionBudgetInterface, pdb *policy.PodDisruptionBudget) *policy.PodDisruptionBudget {
newPdb, err := pdbClient.Get(pdb.Name)
if err == nil {
return newPdb
} else {
return pdb
func (dc *DisruptionController) writePdbStatus(pdb *policy.PodDisruptionBudget) error {
pdbClient := dc.kubeClient.Policy().PodDisruptionBudgets(pdb.Namespace)
st := pdb.Status
var err error
for i, pdb := 0, pdb; i < statusUpdateRetries; i, pdb = i+1, refresh(pdbClient, pdb) {
pdb.Status = st
if _, err = pdbClient.UpdateStatus(pdb); err == nil {
return err

View File

@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package disruption
import (
type pdbStates map[string]policy.PodDisruptionBudget
func (ps *pdbStates) Set(pdb *policy.PodDisruptionBudget) error {
key, err := controller.KeyFunc(pdb)
if err != nil {
return err
obj, err := api.Scheme.DeepCopy(*pdb)
if err != nil {
return err
(*ps)[key] = obj.(policy.PodDisruptionBudget)
return nil
func (ps *pdbStates) Get(key string) policy.PodDisruptionBudget {
return (*ps)[key]
func (ps *pdbStates) VerifyPdbStatus(t *testing.T, key string, disruptionAllowed bool, currentHealthy, desiredHealthy, expectedPods int32) {
expectedStatus := policy.PodDisruptionBudgetStatus{
PodDisruptionAllowed: disruptionAllowed,
CurrentHealthy: currentHealthy,
DesiredHealthy: desiredHealthy,
ExpectedPods: expectedPods,
actualStatus := ps.Get(key).Status
if !reflect.DeepEqual(actualStatus, expectedStatus) {
t.Fatalf("PDB %q status mismatch. Expected %+v but got %+v.", key, expectedStatus, actualStatus)
func (ps *pdbStates) VerifyDisruptionAllowed(t *testing.T, key string, disruptionAllowed bool) {
pdb := ps.Get(key)
if pdb.Status.PodDisruptionAllowed != disruptionAllowed {
t.Fatalf("PodDisruptionAllowed mismatch for PDB %q. Expected %v but got %v.", key, disruptionAllowed, pdb.Status.PodDisruptionAllowed)
func newFakeDisruptionController() (*DisruptionController, *pdbStates) {
ps := &pdbStates{}
dc := &DisruptionController{
pdbLister: cache.StoreToPodDisruptionBudgetLister{Store: cache.NewStore(controller.KeyFunc)},
podLister: cache.StoreToPodLister{Indexer: cache.NewIndexer(controller.KeyFunc, cache.Indexers{})},
rcLister: cache.StoreToReplicationControllerLister{Indexer: cache.NewIndexer(controller.KeyFunc, cache.Indexers{cache.NamespaceIndex: cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc})},
rsLister: cache.StoreToReplicaSetLister{Store: cache.NewStore(controller.KeyFunc)},
dLister: cache.StoreToDeploymentLister{Store: cache.NewStore(controller.KeyFunc)},
getUpdater: func() updater { return ps.Set },
return dc, ps
func fooBar() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}
func newSel(labels map[string]string) *unversioned.LabelSelector {
return &unversioned.LabelSelector{MatchLabels: labels}
func newSelFooBar() *unversioned.LabelSelector {
return newSel(map[string]string{"foo": "bar"})
func newPodDisruptionBudget(t *testing.T, minAvailable intstr.IntOrString) (*policy.PodDisruptionBudget, string) {
pdb := &policy.PodDisruptionBudget{
TypeMeta: unversioned.TypeMeta{APIVersion: testapi.Default.GroupVersion().String()},
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
UID: uuid.NewUUID(),
Name: "foobar",
Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault,
ResourceVersion: "18",
Spec: policy.PodDisruptionBudgetSpec{
MinAvailable: minAvailable,
Selector: newSelFooBar(),
pdbName, err := controller.KeyFunc(pdb)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error naming pdb %q: %v", pdb.Name, err)
return pdb, pdbName
func newPod(t *testing.T, name string) (*api.Pod, string) {
pod := &api.Pod{
TypeMeta: unversioned.TypeMeta{APIVersion: testapi.Default.GroupVersion().String()},
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
UID: uuid.NewUUID(),
Annotations: make(map[string]string),
Name: name,
Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault,
ResourceVersion: "18",
Labels: fooBar(),
Spec: api.PodSpec{},
Status: api.PodStatus{
Conditions: []api.PodCondition{
{Type: api.PodReady, Status: api.ConditionTrue},
podName, err := controller.KeyFunc(pod)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error naming pod %q: %v", pod.Name, err)
return pod, podName
func newReplicationController(t *testing.T, size int32) (*api.ReplicationController, string) {
rc := &api.ReplicationController{
TypeMeta: unversioned.TypeMeta{APIVersion: testapi.Default.GroupVersion().String()},
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
UID: uuid.NewUUID(),
Name: "foobar",
Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault,
ResourceVersion: "18",
Labels: fooBar(),
Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{
Replicas: size,
Selector: fooBar(),
rcName, err := controller.KeyFunc(rc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error naming RC %q", rc.Name)
return rc, rcName
func newDeployment(t *testing.T, size int32) (*extensions.Deployment, string) {
d := &extensions.Deployment{
TypeMeta: unversioned.TypeMeta{APIVersion: testapi.Default.GroupVersion().String()},
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
UID: uuid.NewUUID(),
Name: "foobar",
Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault,
ResourceVersion: "18",
Labels: fooBar(),
Spec: extensions.DeploymentSpec{
Replicas: size,
Selector: newSelFooBar(),
dName, err := controller.KeyFunc(d)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error naming Deployment %q: %v", d.Name, err)
return d, dName
func newReplicaSet(t *testing.T, size int32) (*extensions.ReplicaSet, string) {
rs := &extensions.ReplicaSet{
TypeMeta: unversioned.TypeMeta{APIVersion: testapi.Default.GroupVersion().String()},
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
UID: uuid.NewUUID(),
Name: "foobar",
Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault,
ResourceVersion: "18",
Labels: fooBar(),
Spec: extensions.ReplicaSetSpec{
Replicas: size,
Selector: newSelFooBar(),
rsName, err := controller.KeyFunc(rs)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error naming ReplicaSet %q: %v", rs.Name, err)
return rs, rsName
func update(t *testing.T, store cache.Store, obj interface{}) {
if err := store.Update(obj); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not add %+v to %+v: %v", obj, store, err)
func add(t *testing.T, store cache.Store, obj interface{}) {
if err := store.Add(obj); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not add %+v to %+v: %v", obj, store, err)
// Create one with no selector. Verify it matches 0 pods.
func TestNoSelector(t *testing.T) {
dc, ps := newFakeDisruptionController()
pdb, pdbName := newPodDisruptionBudget(t, intstr.FromInt(3))
pdb.Spec.Selector = &unversioned.LabelSelector{}
pod, _ := newPod(t, "yo-yo-yo")
add(t, dc.pdbLister.Store, pdb)
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, false, 0, 3, 0)
add(t, dc.podLister.Indexer, pod)
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, false, 0, 3, 0)
// Verify that available/expected counts go up as we add pods, then verify that
// available count goes down when we make a pod unavailable.
func TestUnavailable(t *testing.T) {
dc, ps := newFakeDisruptionController()
pdb, pdbName := newPodDisruptionBudget(t, intstr.FromInt(3))
add(t, dc.pdbLister.Store, pdb)
// Add three pods, verifying that the counts go up at each step.
pods := []*api.Pod{}
for i := int32(0); i < 3; i++ {
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, false, i, 3, i)
pod, _ := newPod(t, fmt.Sprintf("yo-yo-yo %d", i))
pods = append(pods, pod)
add(t, dc.podLister.Indexer, pod)
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, true, 3, 3, 3)
// Now set one pod as unavailable
pods[0].Status.Conditions = []api.PodCondition{}
update(t, dc.podLister.Indexer, pods[0])
// Verify expected update
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, false, 2, 3, 3)
// Create a pod with no controller, and verify that a PDB with a percentage
// specified won't allow a disruption.
func TestNakedPod(t *testing.T) {
dc, ps := newFakeDisruptionController()
pdb, pdbName := newPodDisruptionBudget(t, intstr.FromString("28%"))
add(t, dc.pdbLister.Store, pdb)
// This verifies that when a PDB has 0 pods, disruptions are not allowed.
ps.VerifyDisruptionAllowed(t, pdbName, false)
pod, _ := newPod(t, "naked")
add(t, dc.podLister.Indexer, pod)
ps.VerifyDisruptionAllowed(t, pdbName, false)
// Verify that we count the scale of a ReplicaSet even when it has no Deployment.
func TestReplicaSet(t *testing.T) {
dc, ps := newFakeDisruptionController()
pdb, pdbName := newPodDisruptionBudget(t, intstr.FromString("20%"))
add(t, dc.pdbLister.Store, pdb)
rs, _ := newReplicaSet(t, 10)
add(t, dc.rsLister.Store, rs)
pod, _ := newPod(t, "pod")
add(t, dc.podLister.Indexer, pod)
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, false, 1, 2, 10)
// Verify that multiple controllers doesn't allow the PDB to be set true.
func TestMultipleControllers(t *testing.T) {
const rcCount = 2
const podCount = 2
dc, ps := newFakeDisruptionController()
pdb, pdbName := newPodDisruptionBudget(t, intstr.FromString("1%"))
add(t, dc.pdbLister.Store, pdb)
for i := 0; i < podCount; i++ {
pod, _ := newPod(t, fmt.Sprintf("pod %d", i))
add(t, dc.podLister.Indexer, pod)
// No controllers yet => no disruption allowed
ps.VerifyDisruptionAllowed(t, pdbName, false)
rc, _ := newReplicationController(t, 1)
rc.Name = "rc 1"
add(t, dc.rcLister.Indexer, rc)
// One RC and 200%>1% healthy => disruption allowed
ps.VerifyDisruptionAllowed(t, pdbName, true)
rc, _ = newReplicationController(t, 1)
rc.Name = "rc 2"
add(t, dc.rcLister.Indexer, rc)
// 100%>1% healthy BUT two RCs => no disruption allowed
ps.VerifyDisruptionAllowed(t, pdbName, false)
func TestReplicationController(t *testing.T) {
// The budget in this test matches foo=bar, but the RC and its pods match
// {foo=bar, baz=quux}. Later, when we add a rogue pod with only a foo=bar
// label, it will match the budget but have no controllers, which should
// trigger the controller to set PodDisruptionAllowed to false.
labels := map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "quux",
dc, ps := newFakeDisruptionController()
// 67% should round up to 3
pdb, pdbName := newPodDisruptionBudget(t, intstr.FromString("67%"))
add(t, dc.pdbLister.Store, pdb)
rc, _ := newReplicationController(t, 3)
rc.Spec.Selector = labels
add(t, dc.rcLister.Indexer, rc)
// It starts out at 0 expected because, with no pods, the PDB doesn't know
// about the RC. This is a known bug. TODO(mml): file issue
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, false, 0, 0, 0)
pods := []*api.Pod{}
for i := int32(0); i < 3; i++ {
pod, _ := newPod(t, fmt.Sprintf("foobar %d", i))
pods = append(pods, pod)
pod.Labels = labels
add(t, dc.podLister.Indexer, pod)
if i < 2 {
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, false, i+1, 3, 3)
} else {
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, true, 3, 3, 3)
rogue, _ := newPod(t, "rogue")
add(t, dc.podLister.Indexer, rogue)
ps.VerifyDisruptionAllowed(t, pdbName, false)
func TestTwoControllers(t *testing.T) {
// Most of this test is in verifying intermediate cases as we define the
// three controllers and create the pods.
rcLabels := map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "quux",
dLabels := map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "quuux",
dc, ps := newFakeDisruptionController()
pdb, pdbName := newPodDisruptionBudget(t, intstr.FromString("28%"))
add(t, dc.pdbLister.Store, pdb)
rc, _ := newReplicationController(t, 11)
rc.Spec.Selector = rcLabels
add(t, dc.rcLister.Indexer, rc)
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, false, 0, 0, 0)
pods := []*api.Pod{}
for i := int32(0); i < 11; i++ {
pod, _ := newPod(t, fmt.Sprintf("quux %d", i))
pods = append(pods, pod)
pod.Labels = rcLabels
if i < 7 {
pod.Status.Conditions = []api.PodCondition{}
add(t, dc.podLister.Indexer, pod)
if i < 7 {
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, false, 0, 4, 11)
} else if i < 10 {
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, false, i-6, 4, 11)
} else {
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, true, 4, 4, 11)
d, _ := newDeployment(t, 11)
d.Spec.Selector = newSel(dLabels)
add(t, dc.dLister.Store, d)
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, true, 4, 4, 11)
rs, _ := newReplicaSet(t, 11)
rs.Spec.Selector = newSel(dLabels)
rs.Labels = dLabels
add(t, dc.rsLister.Store, rs)
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, true, 4, 4, 11)
for i := int32(0); i < 11; i++ {
pod, _ := newPod(t, fmt.Sprintf("quuux %d", i))
pods = append(pods, pod)
pod.Labels = dLabels
if i < 7 {
pod.Status.Conditions = []api.PodCondition{}
add(t, dc.podLister.Indexer, pod)
if i < 7 {
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, false, 4, 7, 22)
} else if i < 9 {
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, false, 4+i-6, 7, 22)
} else {
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, true, 4+i-6, 7, 22)
// Now we verify we can bring down 1 pod and a disruption is still permitted,
// but if we bring down two, it's not. Then we make the pod ready again and
// verify that a disruption is permitted again.
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, true, 8, 7, 22)
pods[10].Status.Conditions = []api.PodCondition{}
update(t, dc.podLister.Indexer, pods[10])
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, true, 7, 7, 22)
pods[9].Status.Conditions = []api.PodCondition{}
update(t, dc.podLister.Indexer, pods[9])
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, false, 6, 7, 22)
pods[10].Status.Conditions = []api.PodCondition{{Type: api.PodReady, Status: api.ConditionTrue}}
update(t, dc.podLister.Indexer, pods[10])
ps.VerifyPdbStatus(t, pdbName, true, 7, 7, 22)

test/e2e/disruption.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
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package e2e
import (
. ""
. ""
client ""
var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("DisruptionController [Feature:PodDisruptionbudget]", func() {
f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("disruption")
var ns string
var c *client.Client
BeforeEach(func() {
c = f.Client
ns = f.Namespace.Name
It("should create a PodDisruptionBudget", func() {
pdb := policy.PodDisruptionBudget{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Name: "foo",
Namespace: ns,
Spec: policy.PodDisruptionBudgetSpec{
Selector: &unversioned.LabelSelector{MatchLabels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}},
MinAvailable: intstr.FromString("1%"),
_, err := c.Policy().PodDisruptionBudgets(ns).Create(&pdb)
It("should update PodDisruptionBudget status", func() {
pdb := policy.PodDisruptionBudget{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Name: "foo",
Namespace: ns,
Spec: policy.PodDisruptionBudgetSpec{
Selector: &unversioned.LabelSelector{MatchLabels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}},
MinAvailable: intstr.FromInt(2),
_, err := c.Policy().PodDisruptionBudgets(ns).Create(&pdb)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
pod := &api.Pod{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("pod-%d", i),
Namespace: ns,
Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
Spec: api.PodSpec{
Containers: []api.Container{
Name: "busybox",
Image: "",
RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways,
_, err := c.Pods(ns).Create(pod)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Creating pod %q in namespace %q", pod.Name, ns)
err = wait.PollImmediate(framework.Poll, 60*time.Second, func() (bool, error) {
pdb, err := c.Policy().PodDisruptionBudgets(ns).Get("foo")
if err != nil {
return false, err
return pdb.Status.PodDisruptionAllowed, nil