mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
Implements kubectl rollout status and history for StatefulSet
@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ func HistoryViewerFor(kind schema.GroupKind, c clientset.Interface) (HistoryView
switch kind {
case extensions.Kind("Deployment"), apps.Kind("Deployment"):
return &DeploymentHistoryViewer{c}, nil
case apps.Kind("StatefulSet"):
return &StatefulSetHistoryViewer{c}, nil
case extensions.Kind("DaemonSet"):
return &DaemonSetHistoryViewer{c}, nil
@ -200,6 +202,58 @@ func (h *DaemonSetHistoryViewer) ViewHistory(namespace, name string, revision in
type StatefulSetHistoryViewer struct {
c clientset.Interface
func getOwner(revision apps.ControllerRevision) *metav1.OwnerReference {
ownerRefs := revision.GetOwnerReferences()
for i := range ownerRefs {
owner := &ownerRefs[i]
if owner.Controller != nil && *owner.Controller == true {
return owner
return nil
// ViewHistory returns a list of the revision history of a statefulset
// TODO: this should be a describer
// TODO: needs to implement detailed revision view
func (h *StatefulSetHistoryViewer) ViewHistory(namespace, name string, revision int64) (string, error) {
sts, err := h.c.Apps().StatefulSets(namespace).Get(name, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve statefulset %s", err)
selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(sts.Spec.Selector)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve statefulset history %s", err)
revisions, err := h.c.Apps().ControllerRevisions(namespace).List(metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: selector.String()})
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve statefulset history %s", err)
if len(revisions.Items) <= 0 {
return "No rollout history found.", nil
revisionNumbers := make([]int64, len(revisions.Items))
for i := range revisions.Items {
if owner := getOwner(revisions.Items[i]); owner != nil && owner.UID == sts.UID {
revisionNumbers[i] = revisions.Items[i].Revision
return tabbedString(func(out io.Writer) error {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "REVISION\n")
for _, r := range revisionNumbers {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%d\n", r)
return nil
// controlledHistories returns all ControllerRevisions controlled by the given DaemonSet
// TODO: Use external version DaemonSet instead when #3955 is fixed
func controlledHistories(c clientset.Interface, ds *extensions.DaemonSet) ([]*appsv1beta1.ControllerRevision, error) {
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import (
appsclient "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/clientset_generated/internalclientset/typed/apps/internalversion"
extensionsclient "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/clientset_generated/internalclientset/typed/extensions/internalversion"
@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ func StatusViewerFor(kind schema.GroupKind, c internalclientset.Interface) (Stat
return &DeploymentStatusViewer{c.Extensions()}, nil
case extensions.Kind("DaemonSet"):
return &DaemonSetStatusViewer{c.Extensions()}, nil
case apps.Kind("StatefulSet"):
return &StatefulSetStatusViewer{c.Apps()}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no status viewer has been implemented for %v", kind)
@ -51,6 +54,10 @@ type DaemonSetStatusViewer struct {
c extensionsclient.DaemonSetsGetter
type StatefulSetStatusViewer struct {
c appsclient.StatefulSetsGetter
// Status returns a message describing deployment status, and a bool value indicating if the status is considered done
func (s *DeploymentStatusViewer) Status(namespace, name string, revision int64) (string, bool, error) {
deployment, err := s.c.Deployments(namespace).Get(name, metav1.GetOptions{})
@ -107,3 +114,34 @@ func (s *DaemonSetStatusViewer) Status(namespace, name string, revision int64) (
return fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for daemon set spec update to be observed...\n"), false, nil
// Status returns a message describing statefulset status, and a bool value indicating if the status is considered done
func (s *StatefulSetStatusViewer) Status(namespace, name string, revision int64) (string, bool, error) {
sts, err := s.c.StatefulSets(namespace).Get(name, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
if sts.Spec.UpdateStrategy.Type == apps.OnDeleteStatefulSetStrategyType {
return "", true, fmt.Errorf("%s updateStrategy does not have a Status`", apps.OnDeleteStatefulSetStrategyType)
if sts.Status.ObservedGeneration == nil || sts.Generation > *sts.Status.ObservedGeneration {
return "Waiting for statefulset spec update to be observed...\n", false, nil
if sts.Status.ReadyReplicas < sts.Spec.Replicas {
return fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for %d pods to be ready...\n", sts.Spec.Replicas-sts.Status.ReadyReplicas), false, nil
if sts.Spec.UpdateStrategy.Type == apps.PartitionStatefulSetStrategyType {
if sts.Status.UpdatedReplicas < (sts.Spec.Replicas - sts.Spec.UpdateStrategy.Partition.Ordinal) {
return fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for partitioned roll out to finish: %d out of %d new pods have been updated...\n",
sts.Status.UpdatedReplicas, (sts.Spec.Replicas - sts.Spec.UpdateStrategy.Partition.Ordinal)), false, nil
return fmt.Sprintf("partitioned roll out complete: %d new pods have been updated...\n",
sts.Status.UpdatedReplicas), false, nil
if sts.Status.UpdateRevision != sts.Status.CurrentRevision {
return fmt.Sprintf("waiting for statefulset rolling update to complete %d pods at revision %s...\n",
sts.Status.UpdatedReplicas, sts.Status.UpdateRevision), false, nil
return fmt.Sprintf("statefulset rolling update complete %d pods at revision %s...\n", sts.Status.CurrentReplicas, sts.Status.CurrentRevision), true, nil
@ -17,9 +17,12 @@ limitations under the License.
package kubectl
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
@ -231,6 +234,163 @@ func TestDaemonSetStatusViewerStatus(t *testing.T) {
func TestStatefulSetStatusViewerStatus(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
generation int64
strategy apps.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy
status apps.StatefulSetStatus
msg string
done bool
err bool
name: "on delete returns an error",
generation: 1,
strategy: apps.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy{Type: apps.OnDeleteStatefulSetStrategyType},
status: apps.StatefulSetStatus{
ObservedGeneration: func() *int64 {
generation := int64(1)
return &generation
Replicas: 0,
ReadyReplicas: 1,
CurrentReplicas: 0,
UpdatedReplicas: 0,
msg: "",
done: true,
err: true,
name: "unobserved update is not complete",
generation: 2,
strategy: apps.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy{Type: apps.RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategyType},
status: apps.StatefulSetStatus{
ObservedGeneration: func() *int64 {
generation := int64(1)
return &generation
Replicas: 3,
ReadyReplicas: 3,
CurrentReplicas: 3,
UpdatedReplicas: 0,
msg: "Waiting for statefulset spec update to be observed...\n",
done: false,
err: false,
name: "if all pods are not ready the update is not complete",
generation: 1,
strategy: apps.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy{Type: apps.RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategyType},
status: apps.StatefulSetStatus{
ObservedGeneration: func() *int64 {
generation := int64(2)
return &generation
Replicas: 3,
ReadyReplicas: 2,
CurrentReplicas: 3,
UpdatedReplicas: 0,
msg: fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for %d pods to be ready...\n", 1),
done: false,
err: false,
name: "partition update completes when all replicas above the partition are updated",
generation: 1,
strategy: apps.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy{Type: apps.PartitionStatefulSetStrategyType,
Partition: func() *apps.PartitionStatefulSetStrategy {
return &apps.PartitionStatefulSetStrategy{Ordinal: 2}
status: apps.StatefulSetStatus{
ObservedGeneration: func() *int64 {
generation := int64(2)
return &generation
Replicas: 3,
ReadyReplicas: 3,
CurrentReplicas: 2,
UpdatedReplicas: 1,
msg: fmt.Sprintf("partitioned roll out complete: %d new pods have been updated...\n", 1),
done: true,
err: false,
name: "partition update is in progress if all pods above the partition have not been updated",
generation: 1,
strategy: apps.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy{Type: apps.PartitionStatefulSetStrategyType,
Partition: func() *apps.PartitionStatefulSetStrategy {
return &apps.PartitionStatefulSetStrategy{Ordinal: 2}
status: apps.StatefulSetStatus{
ObservedGeneration: func() *int64 {
generation := int64(2)
return &generation
Replicas: 3,
ReadyReplicas: 3,
CurrentReplicas: 3,
UpdatedReplicas: 0,
msg: fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for partitioned roll out to finish: %d out of %d new pods have been updated...\n", 0, 1),
done: true,
err: false,
name: "update completes when all replicas are current",
generation: 1,
strategy: apps.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy{Type: apps.RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategyType},
status: apps.StatefulSetStatus{
ObservedGeneration: func() *int64 {
generation := int64(2)
return &generation
Replicas: 3,
ReadyReplicas: 3,
CurrentReplicas: 3,
UpdatedReplicas: 3,
CurrentRevision: "foo",
UpdateRevision: "foo",
msg: fmt.Sprintf("statefulset rolling update complete %d pods at revision %s...\n", 3, "foo"),
done: true,
err: false,
for i := range tests {
test := tests[i]
s := newStatefulSet(3)
s.Status = test.status
s.Spec.UpdateStrategy = test.strategy
s.Generation = test.generation
client := fake.NewSimpleClientset(s).Apps()
dsv := &StatefulSetStatusViewer{c: client}
msg, done, err := dsv.Status(s.Namespace, s.Name, 0)
if test.err && err == nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: expected error", test.name)
if !test.err && err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: %s", test.name, err)
if done && !test.done {
t.Errorf("%s: want done %v got %v", test.name, done, test.done)
if msg != test.msg {
t.Errorf("%s: want message %s got %s", test.name, test.msg, msg)
func TestDaemonSetStatusViewerStatusWithWrongUpdateStrategyType(t *testing.T) {
d := &extensions.DaemonSet{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
@ -252,3 +412,36 @@ func TestDaemonSetStatusViewerStatusWithWrongUpdateStrategyType(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("Status for daemon sets with UpdateStrategy type different than RollingUpdate should return error. Instead got: msg: %s\ndone: %t\n err: %v", msg, done, err)
func newStatefulSet(replicas int32) *apps.StatefulSet {
return &apps.StatefulSet{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "foo",
Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault,
Labels: map[string]string{"a": "b"},
Spec: apps.StatefulSetSpec{
PodManagementPolicy: apps.OrderedReadyPodManagement,
Selector: &metav1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels: map[string]string{"a": "b"}},
Template: api.PodTemplateSpec{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Labels: map[string]string{"a": "b"},
Spec: api.PodSpec{
Containers: []api.Container{
Name: "test",
Image: "test_image",
ImagePullPolicy: api.PullIfNotPresent,
RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways,
DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst,
Replicas: replicas,
UpdateStrategy: apps.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy{Type: apps.RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategyType},
Status: apps.StatefulSetStatus{},
Reference in New Issue