Elastic IP need to be assigned after the instance is in running state. Currently always fails with "The pending instance x is not in a valid state for this operation" and defaults to public ip.

Fix: Moved assign-elastic-ip to run after wait-for-instance-running
Mikael Hammarin 2015-08-23 13:39:01 +02:00
parent 5fe7029e68
commit c82e645f9d
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -869,13 +869,13 @@ function kube-up {
exit 1
# We are not able to add an elastic ip, a route or volume to the instance until that instance is in "running" state.
wait-for-instance-running $master_id
KUBE_MASTER_IP=$(assign-elastic-ip $ip $master_id)
echo -e " ${color_green}[master running @${KUBE_MASTER_IP}]${color_norm}"
# We are not able to add a route or volume to the instance until that instance is in "running" state.
wait-for-instance-running $master_id
# This is a race between instance start and volume attachment. There appears to be no way to start an AWS instance with a volume attached.
# To work around this, we wait for volume to be ready in setup-master-pd.sh
echo "Attaching persistent data volume (${MASTER_DISK_ID}) to master"