mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
FROM golang:1.12.12-alpine3.10
RUN apk -U --no-cache add bash git gcc musl-dev docker vim less file curl wget ca-certificates jq linux-headers zlib-dev tar zip squashfs-tools npm coreutils \
python3 py3-pip python3-dev openssl-dev libffi-dev libseccomp libseccomp-dev make
python3 py3-pip python3-dev openssl-dev libffi-dev libseccomp libseccomp-dev make libuv-static
RUN pip3 install 'tox==3.6.0'
RUN apk -U --no-cache --repository http://dl-3.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main/ add sqlite-dev sqlite-static
RUN mkdir -p /go/src/golang.org/x && \
@ -17,6 +17,13 @@ RUN if [ "${ARCH}" == "amd64" ]; then \
curl -sL https://install.goreleaser.com/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint.sh | sh -s v1.15.0; \
RUN if [ "$DQLITE" = true ]; then \
curl -sfL https://github.com/rancher/dqlite-build/releases/download/v1.1.0-r5/dqlite-${ARCH}.tgz | tar xzf - -C / && \
apk add --allow-untrusted /usr/local/packages/*.apk \
ENV DAPPER_RUN_ARGS --privileged -v k3s-cache:/go/src/github.com/rancher/k3s/.cache
ENV DAPPER_SOURCE /go/src/github.com/rancher/k3s/
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ go 1.12
replace (
github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim => github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim v0.8.7-0.20190926181021-82c7525d98c8
github.com/canonical/go-dqlite => github.com/rancher/go-dqlite v1.1.0-k3s.1
github.com/containerd/btrfs => github.com/containerd/btrfs v0.0.0-20181101203652-af5082808c83
github.com/containerd/cgroups => github.com/containerd/cgroups v0.0.0-20190717030353-c4b9ac5c7601
github.com/containerd/console => github.com/containerd/console v0.0.0-20181022165439-0650fd9eeb50
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ require (
github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000
github.com/lib/pq v1.1.1
github.com/lxc/lxd v0.0.0-20191108214106-60ea15630455
github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.10.0
github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.11.0
github.com/mindprince/gonvml v0.0.0-20190828220739-9ebdce4bb989 // indirect
github.com/natefinch/lumberjack v2.0.0+incompatible
github.com/opencontainers/runc v1.0.0-rc2.0.20190611121236-6cc515888830
@ -80,8 +80,6 @@ github.com/buger/jsonparser v0.0.0-20180808090653-f4dd9f5a6b44/go.mod h1:bbYlZJ7
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github.com/buger/jsonparser v0.0.0-20181115193947-bf1c66bbce23/go.mod h1:bbYlZJ7hK1yFx9hf58LP0zeX7UjIGs20ufpu3evjr+s=
github.com/caddyserver/caddy v1.0.3/go.mod h1:G+ouvOY32gENkJC+jhgl62TyhvqEsFaDiZ4uw0RzP1E=
github.com/canonical/go-dqlite v1.1.0 h1:vXGVhHrql++q038JVZk17/VZDbvbH5ySWcObWjuxiBQ=
github.com/canonical/go-dqlite v1.1.0/go.mod h1:wp00vfMvPYgNCyxcPdHB5XExmDoCGoPUGymloAQT17Y=
github.com/cenkalti/backoff v2.1.1+incompatible/go.mod h1:90ReRw6GdpyfrHakVjL/QHaoyV4aDUVVkXQJJJ3NXXM=
github.com/cespare/prettybench v0.0.0-20150116022406-03b8cfe5406c/go.mod h1:Xe6ZsFhtM8HrDku0pxJ3/Lr51rwykrzgFwpmTzleatY=
github.com/chai2010/gettext-go v0.0.0-20160711120539-c6fed771bfd5 h1:7aWHqerlJ41y6FOsEUvknqgXnGmJyJSbjhAWq5pO4F8=
@ -476,6 +474,8 @@ github.com/mattn/go-shellwords v1.0.5 h1:JhhFTIOslh5ZsPrpa3Wdg8bF0WI3b44EMblmU9w
github.com/mattn/go-shellwords v1.0.5/go.mod h1:3xCvwCdWdlDJUrvuMn7Wuy9eWs4pE8vqg+NOMyg4B2o=
github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.10.0 h1:jbhqpg7tQe4SupckyijYiy0mJJ/pRyHvXf7JdWK860o=
github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.10.0/go.mod h1:FPy6KqzDD04eiIsT53CuJW3U88zkxoIYsOqkbpncsNc=
github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.11.0 h1:LDdKkqtYlom37fkvqs8rMPFKAMe8+SgjbwZ6ex1/A/Q=
github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.11.0/go.mod h1:FPy6KqzDD04eiIsT53CuJW3U88zkxoIYsOqkbpncsNc=
github.com/mattn/goveralls v0.0.2/go.mod h1:8d1ZMHsd7fW6IRPKQh46F2WRpyib5/X4FOpevwGNQEw=
github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.1 h1:4hp9jkHxhMHkqkrB3Ix0jegS5sx/RkqARlsWZ6pIwiU=
github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.1/go.mod h1:D8He9yQNgCq6Z5Ld7szi9bcBfOoFv/3dc6xSMkL2PC0=
@ -588,6 +588,8 @@ github.com/rancher/dynamiclistener v0.1.1-0.20191110035254-aaa5bc0d2a07 h1:wR1hn
github.com/rancher/dynamiclistener v0.1.1-0.20191110035254-aaa5bc0d2a07/go.mod h1:fs/dxyNcB3YT6W9fVz4bDGfhmSQS17QQup6BIcGF++s=
github.com/rancher/flannel v0.11.0-k3s.1 h1:mIwnfWDafjzQgFkZeJ1AkFrrAT3EdBaA1giE0eLJKo8=
github.com/rancher/flannel v0.11.0-k3s.1/go.mod h1:Hn4ZV+eq0LhLZP63xZnxdGwXEoRSxs5sxELxu27M3UA=
github.com/rancher/go-dqlite v1.1.0-k3s.1 h1:w3ghNkY5vqRnnrcqxvHkpBQr6E+R/nIwJfaGdNgJAiw=
github.com/rancher/go-dqlite v1.1.0-k3s.1/go.mod h1:lj8UhpkZddn/Ag0tBsnkbELbxHGMpzrZLMs/nW9/DX4=
github.com/rancher/helm-controller v0.2.2 h1:MUqisy53/Ay1EYOF2uTCYBbGpgtZLNKKrI01BdxIbQo=
github.com/rancher/helm-controller v0.2.2/go.mod h1:0JkL0UjxddNbT4FmLoESarD4Mz8xzA5YlejqJ/U4g+8=
github.com/rancher/kine v0.2.1 h1:pK7QJUVA+/oU6esxKa/LIlBbeLl2HGWIwmu8xrROukQ=
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ func NewApp() *cli.App {
Name: "debug",
Usage: "Turn on debug logs",
Destination: &debug,
EnvVar: "K3S_DEBUG",
@ -24,10 +24,16 @@ LDFLAGS="
-extldflags '-static'
if [ "$DQLITE" = "true" ]; then
DQLITE_STATIC_SQLITE="-luv -lraft -lco"
-extldflags '-static -lm -ldl -lz -lpthread'
-extldflags '-static -lm -ldl -lz -lpthread $DQLITE_STATIC_SQLITE'
TAGS="ctrd apparmor seccomp no_btrfs netgo osusergo providerless"
TAGS="ctrd apparmor seccomp no_btrfs netgo osusergo providerless $DQLITE_TAGS"
if [ "$STATIC_BUILD" != "true" ]; then
@ -43,4 +43,7 @@ LDFLAGS="
-w -s
STATIC="-extldflags '-static'"
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags "$LDFLAGS $STATIC" -o ${CMD_NAME} ./cmd/k3s/main.go
if [ "$DQLITE" = "true" ]; then
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags "$DQLITE_TAGS" -ldflags "$LDFLAGS $STATIC" -o ${CMD_NAME} ./cmd/k3s/main.go
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ mkdir -p ${OUTPUT}
docker run -d --name ${K3S_SERVER} --privileged \
-p${K3S_PORT}:${K3S_PORT} \
-e K3S_DEBUG=true \
${K3S_IMAGE} server --no-deploy=traefik --https-listen-port=${K3S_PORT}
K3S_IP=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' ${K3S_SERVER})
@ -89,14 +89,6 @@ type Node C.dqlite_node
func Init() error {
// FIXME: ignore SIGPIPE, see https://github.com/joyent/libuv/issues/1254
// Don't enable single thread mode when running tests. TODO: find a
// better way to expose this functionality.
if os.Getenv("GO_DQLITE_MULTITHREAD") == "1" {
return nil
if rc := C.initializeSQLite(); rc != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%d", rc)
return nil
@ -8,34 +8,24 @@ addons:
update: true
- GOTAGS=libsqlite3
- GOTAGS="sqlite_allow_uri_authority sqlite_app_armor sqlite_foreign_keys sqlite_fts5 sqlite_icu sqlite_introspect sqlite_json sqlite_secure_delete sqlite_see sqlite_stat4 sqlite_trace sqlite_userauth sqlite_vacuum_incr sqlite_vtable sqlite_unlock_notify"
- GOTAGS=sqlite_vacuum_full
- 1.9.x
- 1.10.x
- 1.11.x
- master
- |
if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then
brew update
- |
go get github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
if [[ "${GOOS}" != "windows" ]]; then
go get github.com/mattn/goveralls
go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover
- go get github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
- go get github.com/mattn/goveralls
- go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover
- GOOS=$(go env GOOS) GOARCH=$(go env GOARCH) go build -v -tags "${GOTAGS}" .
- |
if [[ "${GOOS}" != "windows" ]]; then
$HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -repotoken 3qJVUE0iQwqnCbmNcDsjYu1nh4J4KIFXx
go test -race -v . -tags "${GOTAGS}"
- $HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -repotoken 3qJVUE0iQwqnCbmNcDsjYu1nh4J4KIFXx
- go test -race -v . -tags ""
- go test -race -v . -tags "libsqlite3"
- go test -race -v . -tags "sqlite_allow_uri_authority sqlite_app_armor sqlite_foreign_keys sqlite_fts5 sqlite_icu sqlite_introspect sqlite_json sqlite_secure_delete sqlite_see sqlite_stat4 sqlite_trace sqlite_userauth sqlite_vacuum_incr sqlite_vtable sqlite_unlock_notify"
- go test -race -v . -tags "sqlite_vacuum_full"
@ -10,9 +10,7 @@ go-sqlite3
sqlite3 driver conforming to the built-in database/sql interface
Supported Golang version:
- 1.9.x
- 1.10.x
Supported Golang version: See .travis.yml
[This package follows the official Golang Release Policy.](https://golang.org/doc/devel/release.html#policy)
@ -249,7 +247,7 @@ Required dependency
brew install sqlite3
For OSX there is an additional package install which is required if you whish to build the `icu` extension.
For OSX there is an additional package install which is required if you wish to build the `icu` extension.
This additional package can be installed with `homebrew`.
@ -282,7 +280,7 @@ To compile this package on Windows OS you must have the `gcc` compiler installed
3) Open a terminal for the TDM-GCC toolchain, can be found in the Windows Start menu.
4) Navigate to your project folder and run the `go build ...` command for this package.
For example the TDM-GCC Toolchain can be found [here](ttps://sourceforge.net/projects/tdm-gcc/).
For example the TDM-GCC Toolchain can be found [here](https://sourceforge.net/projects/tdm-gcc/).
## Errors
@ -458,15 +456,19 @@ For an example see [shaxbee/go-spatialite](https://github.com/shaxbee/go-spatial
Why is it racy if I use a `sql.Open("sqlite3", ":memory:")` database?
Each connection to :memory: opens a brand new in-memory sql database, so if
Each connection to `":memory:"` opens a brand new in-memory sql database, so if
the stdlib's sql engine happens to open another connection and you've only
specified ":memory:", that connection will see a brand new database. A
workaround is to use "file::memory:?mode=memory&cache=shared". Every
specified `":memory:"`, that connection will see a brand new database. A
workaround is to use `"file::memory:?cache=shared"` (or `"file:foobar?mode=memory&cache=shared"`). Every
connection to this string will point to the same in-memory database.
Note that if the last database connection in the pool closes, the in-memory database is deleted. Make sure the [max idle connection limit](https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/#DB.SetMaxIdleConns) is > 0, and the [connection lifetime](https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/#DB.SetConnMaxLifetime) is infinite.
For more information see
* [#204](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/issues/204)
* [#511](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/issues/511)
* https://www.sqlite.org/sharedcache.html#shared_cache_and_in_memory_databases
* https://www.sqlite.org/inmemorydb.html#sharedmemdb
- Reading from database with large amount of goroutines fails on OSX.
@ -481,11 +483,11 @@ For an example see [shaxbee/go-spatialite](https://github.com/shaxbee/go-spatial
You need to implement the feature or call the sqlite3 cli.
More infomation see [#305](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/issues/305)
More information see [#305](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/issues/305)
- Error: `database is locked`
When you get an database is locked. Please use the following options.
When you get a database is locked. Please use the following options.
Add to DSN: `cache=shared`
@ -497,7 +499,7 @@ For an example see [shaxbee/go-spatialite](https://github.com/shaxbee/go-spatial
Second please set the database connections of the SQL package to 1.
More information see [#209](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/issues/209)
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ func callbackRet(typ reflect.Type) (callbackRetConverter, error) {
func callbackError(ctx *C.sqlite3_context, err error) {
cstr := C.CString(err.Error())
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr))
C.sqlite3_result_error(ctx, cstr, -1)
C.sqlite3_result_error(ctx, cstr, C.int(-1))
// Test support code. Tests are not allowed to import "C", so we can't
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ extern "C" {
** [sqlite3_libversion_number()], [sqlite3_sourceid()],
** [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()].
#define SQLITE_VERSION "3.25.2"
#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "2018-09-25 19:08:10 fb90e7189ae6d62e77ba3a308ca5d683f90bbe633cf681865365b8e92792d1c7"
#define SQLITE_VERSION "3.29.0"
#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "2019-07-10 17:32:03 fc82b73eaac8b36950e527f12c4b5dc1e147e6f4ad2217ae43ad82882a88bfa6"
** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Library Version Numbers
@ -190,6 +190,9 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_libversion_number(void);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_compileoption_used(const char *zOptName);
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_compileoption_get(int N);
# define sqlite3_compileoption_used(X) 0
# define sqlite3_compileoption_get(X) ((void*)0)
@ -824,6 +827,15 @@ struct sqlite3_io_methods {
** file space based on this hint in order to help writes to the database
** file run faster.
** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_LIMIT] opcode is used by in-memory VFS that
** implements [sqlite3_deserialize()] to set an upper bound on the size
** of the in-memory database. The argument is a pointer to a [sqlite3_int64].
** If the integer pointed to is negative, then it is filled in with the
** current limit. Otherwise the limit is set to the larger of the value
** of the integer pointed to and the current database size. The integer
** pointed to is set to the new limit.
** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE] opcode is used to request that the VFS
** extends and truncates the database file in chunks of a size specified
@ -1132,6 +1144,7 @@ struct sqlite3_io_methods {
/* deprecated names */
@ -1284,8 +1297,14 @@ typedef struct sqlite3_api_routines sqlite3_api_routines;
** ^The flags argument to xAccess() may be [SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS]
** to test for the existence of a file, or [SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE] to
** test whether a file is readable and writable, or [SQLITE_ACCESS_READ]
** to test whether a file is at least readable. The file can be a
** directory.
** to test whether a file is at least readable. The SQLITE_ACCESS_READ
** flag is never actually used and is not implemented in the built-in
** VFSes of SQLite. The file is named by the second argument and can be a
** directory. The xAccess method returns [SQLITE_OK] on success or some
** non-zero error code if there is an I/O error or if the name of
** the file given in the second argument is illegal. If SQLITE_OK
** is returned, then non-zero or zero is written into *pResOut to indicate
** whether or not the file is accessible.
** ^SQLite will always allocate at least mxPathname+1 bytes for the
** output buffer xFullPathname. The exact size of the output buffer
@ -1973,6 +1992,17 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** negative value for this option restores the default behaviour.
** This option is only available if SQLite is compiled with the
** [SQLITE_ENABLE_SORTER_REFERENCES] compile-time option.
** <dd>The SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMDB_MAXSIZE option accepts a single parameter
** [sqlite3_int64] parameter which is the default maximum size for an in-memory
** database created using [sqlite3_deserialize()]. This default maximum
** size can be adjusted up or down for individual databases using the
** [SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_LIMIT] [sqlite3_file_control|file-control]. If this
** configuration setting is never used, then the default maximum is determined
** by the [SQLITE_MEMDB_DEFAULT_MAXSIZE] compile-time option. If that
** compile-time option is not set, then the default maximum is 1073741824.
** </dl>
@ -2003,6 +2033,7 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_STMTJRNL_SPILL 26 /* int nByte */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_SMALL_MALLOC 27 /* boolean */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_SORTERREF_SIZE 28 /* int nByte */
#define SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMDB_MAXSIZE 29 /* sqlite3_int64 */
** CAPI3REF: Database Connection Configuration Options
@ -2018,6 +2049,7 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** is invoked.
** <dl>
** <dd> ^This option takes three additional arguments that determine the
** [lookaside memory allocator] configuration for the [database connection].
@ -2040,6 +2072,7 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** memory is in use leaves the configuration unchanged and returns
** [SQLITE_BUSY].)^</dd>
** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable the enforcement of
** [foreign key constraints]. There should be two additional arguments.
@ -2050,6 +2083,7 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in
** which case the FK enforcement setting is not reported back. </dd>
** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable [CREATE TRIGGER | triggers].
** There should be two additional arguments.
@ -2060,9 +2094,10 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in
** which case the trigger setting is not reported back. </dd>
** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable the two-argument
** version of the [fts3_tokenizer()] function which is part of the
** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable the
** [fts3_tokenizer()] function which is part of the
** [FTS3] full-text search engine extension.
** There should be two additional arguments.
** The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable fts3_tokenizer() or
@ -2073,6 +2108,7 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in
** which case the new setting is not reported back. </dd>
** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable the [sqlite3_load_extension()]
** interface independently of the [load_extension()] SQL function.
@ -2090,7 +2126,7 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** be a NULL pointer, in which case the new setting is not reported back.
** </dd>
** <dd> ^This option is used to change the name of the "main" database
** schema. ^The sole argument is a pointer to a constant UTF8 string
** which will become the new schema name in place of "main". ^SQLite
@ -2099,6 +2135,7 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** until after the database connection closes.
** </dd>
** <dd> Usually, when a database in wal mode is closed or detached from a
** database handle, SQLite checks if this will mean that there are now no
@ -2112,7 +2149,7 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** have been disabled - 0 if they are not disabled, 1 if they are.
** </dd>
** <dd>^(The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_QPSG option activates or deactivates
** the [query planner stability guarantee] (QPSG). When the QPSG is active,
** a single SQL query statement will always use the same algorithm regardless
@ -2128,7 +2165,7 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** following this call.
** </dd>
** <dd> By default, the output of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN commands does not
** include output for any operations performed by trigger programs. This
** option is used to set or clear (the default) a flag that governs this
@ -2140,7 +2177,7 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** it is not disabled, 1 if it is.
** </dd>
** <dd> Set the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_RESET_DATABASE flag and then run
** [VACUUM] in order to reset a database back to an empty database
** with no schema and no content. The following process works even for
@ -2159,6 +2196,58 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** Because resetting a database is destructive and irreversible, the
** process requires the use of this obscure API and multiple steps to help
** ensure that it does not happen by accident.
** <dd>The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE option activates or deactivates the
** "defensive" flag for a database connection. When the defensive
** flag is enabled, language features that allow ordinary SQL to
** deliberately corrupt the database file are disabled. The disabled
** features include but are not limited to the following:
** <ul>
** <li> The [PRAGMA writable_schema=ON] statement.
** <li> The [PRAGMA journal_mode=OFF] statement.
** <li> Writes to the [sqlite_dbpage] virtual table.
** <li> Direct writes to [shadow tables].
** </ul>
** </dd>
** <dd>The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_WRITABLE_SCHEMA option activates or deactivates the
** "writable_schema" flag. This has the same effect and is logically equivalent
** to setting [PRAGMA writable_schema=ON] or [PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF].
** The first argument to this setting is an integer which is 0 to disable
** the writable_schema, positive to enable writable_schema, or negative to
** leave the setting unchanged. The second parameter is a pointer to an
** integer into which is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether the writable_schema
** is enabled or disabled following this call.
** </dd>
** <dd>The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_ALTER_TABLE option activates or deactivates
** the legacy behavior of the [ALTER TABLE RENAME] command such it
** behaves as it did prior to [version 3.24.0] (2018-06-04). See the
** "Compatibility Notice" on the [ALTER TABLE RENAME documentation] for
** additional information. This feature can also be turned on and off
** using the [PRAGMA legacy_alter_table] statement.
** </dd>
** <dd>The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DML option activates or deactivates
** the legacy [double-quoted string literal] misfeature for DML statement
** only, that is DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE statements. The
** default value of this setting is determined by the [-DSQLITE_DQS]
** compile-time option.
** </dd>
** <dd>The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS option activates or deactivates
** the legacy [double-quoted string literal] misfeature for DDL statements,
** default value of this setting is determined by the [-DSQLITE_DQS]
** compile-time option.
** </dd>
** </dl>
@ -2172,7 +2261,12 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_QPSG 1007 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRIGGER_EQP 1008 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_RESET_DATABASE 1009 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAX 1009 /* Largest DBCONFIG */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE 1010 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_WRITABLE_SCHEMA 1011 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_ALTER_TABLE 1012 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DML 1013 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DDL 1014 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAX 1014 /* Largest DBCONFIG */
** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Extended Result Codes
@ -2329,7 +2423,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_changes(sqlite3*);
** not. ^Changes to a view that are intercepted by INSTEAD OF triggers
** are not counted.
** This the [sqlite3_total_changes(D)] interface only reports the number
** The [sqlite3_total_changes(D)] interface only reports the number
** of rows that changed due to SQL statement run against database
** connection D. Any changes by other database connections are ignored.
** To detect changes against a database file from other database
@ -2973,9 +3067,9 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_set_authorizer(
** time is in units of nanoseconds, however the current implementation
** is only capable of millisecond resolution so the six least significant
** digits in the time are meaningless. Future versions of SQLite
** might provide greater resolution on the profiler callback. The
** sqlite3_profile() function is considered experimental and is
** subject to change in future versions of SQLite.
** might provide greater resolution on the profiler callback. Invoking
** either [sqlite3_trace()] or [sqlite3_trace_v2()] will cancel the
** profile callback.
SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED void *sqlite3_trace(sqlite3*,
void(*xTrace)(void*,const char*), void*);
@ -3389,6 +3483,8 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_open_v2(
** is not a database file pathname pointer that SQLite passed into the xOpen
** VFS method, then the behavior of this routine is undefined and probably
** undesirable.
** See the [URI filename] documentation for additional information.
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_uri_parameter(const char *zFilename, const char *zParam);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_uri_boolean(const char *zFile, const char *zParam, int bDefault);
@ -3610,9 +3706,24 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_limit(sqlite3*, int id, int newVal);
** on this hint by avoiding the use of [lookaside memory] so as not to
** deplete the limited store of lookaside memory. Future versions of
** SQLite may act on this hint differently.
** <dd>The SQLITE_PREPARE_NORMALIZE flag is a no-op. This flag used
** to be required for any prepared statement that wanted to use the
** [sqlite3_normalized_sql()] interface. However, the
** [sqlite3_normalized_sql()] interface is now available to all
** prepared statements, regardless of whether or not they use this
** flag.
** <dd>The SQLITE_PREPARE_NO_VTAB flag causes the SQL compiler
** to return an error (error code SQLITE_ERROR) if the statement uses
** any virtual tables.
** </dl>
** CAPI3REF: Compiling An SQL Statement
@ -3770,6 +3881,11 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_prepare16_v3(
** ^The sqlite3_expanded_sql(P) interface returns a pointer to a UTF-8
** string containing the SQL text of prepared statement P with
** [bound parameters] expanded.
** ^The sqlite3_normalized_sql(P) interface returns a pointer to a UTF-8
** string containing the normalized SQL text of prepared statement P. The
** semantics used to normalize a SQL statement are unspecified and subject
** to change. At a minimum, literal values will be replaced with suitable
** placeholders.
** ^(For example, if a prepared statement is created using the SQL
** text "SELECT $abc,:xyz" and if parameter $abc is bound to integer 2345
@ -3785,14 +3901,16 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_prepare16_v3(
** bound parameter expansions. ^The [SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE] compile-time
** option causes sqlite3_expanded_sql() to always return NULL.
** ^The string returned by sqlite3_sql(P) is managed by SQLite and is
** automatically freed when the prepared statement is finalized.
** ^The strings returned by sqlite3_sql(P) and sqlite3_normalized_sql(P)
** are managed by SQLite and are automatically freed when the prepared
** statement is finalized.
** ^The string returned by sqlite3_expanded_sql(P), on the other hand,
** is obtained from [sqlite3_malloc()] and must be free by the application
** by passing it to [sqlite3_free()].
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_sql(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_expanded_sql(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_normalized_sql(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
** CAPI3REF: Determine If An SQL Statement Writes The Database
@ -3830,6 +3948,18 @@ SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_expanded_sql(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_readonly(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
** CAPI3REF: Query The EXPLAIN Setting For A Prepared Statement
** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
** ^The sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(S) interface returns 1 if the
** prepared statement S is an EXPLAIN statement, or 2 if the
** statement S is an EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN.
** ^The sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(S) interface returns 0 if S is
** an ordinary statement or a NULL pointer.
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
** CAPI3REF: Determine If A Prepared Statement Has Been Reset
** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
@ -3969,7 +4099,9 @@ typedef struct sqlite3_context sqlite3_context;
** ^The fifth argument to the BLOB and string binding interfaces
** is a destructor used to dispose of the BLOB or
** string after SQLite has finished with it. ^The destructor is called
** to dispose of the BLOB or string even if the call to bind API fails.
** to dispose of the BLOB or string even if the call to the bind API fails,
** except the destructor is not called if the third parameter is a NULL
** pointer or the fourth parameter is negative.
** ^If the fifth argument is
** the special value [SQLITE_STATIC], then SQLite assumes that the
** information is in static, unmanaged space and does not need to be freed.
@ -4886,6 +5018,8 @@ SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int6
** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_nochange </b>
** <td>→ <td>True if the column is unchanged in an UPDATE
** against a virtual table.
** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_frombind </b>
** <td>→ <td>True if value originated from a [bound parameter]
** </table></blockquote>
** <b>Details:</b>
@ -4947,6 +5081,11 @@ SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int6
** than within an [xUpdate] method call for an UPDATE statement, then
** the return value is arbitrary and meaningless.
** ^The sqlite3_value_frombind(X) interface returns non-zero if the
** value X originated from one of the [sqlite3_bind_int|sqlite3_bind()]
** interfaces. ^If X comes from an SQL literal value, or a table column,
** and expression, then sqlite3_value_frombind(X) returns zero.
** Please pay particular attention to the fact that the pointer returned
** from [sqlite3_value_blob()], [sqlite3_value_text()], or
** [sqlite3_value_text16()] can be invalidated by a subsequent call to
@ -4992,6 +5131,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_bytes16(sqlite3_value*);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_type(sqlite3_value*);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_numeric_type(sqlite3_value*);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_nochange(sqlite3_value*);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_frombind(sqlite3_value*);
** CAPI3REF: Finding The Subtype Of SQL Values
@ -5727,7 +5867,7 @@ SQLITE_API sqlite3 *sqlite3_db_handle(sqlite3_stmt*);
** associated with database N of connection D. ^The main database file
** has the name "main". If there is no attached database N on the database
** connection D, or if database N is a temporary or in-memory database, then
** a NULL pointer is returned.
** this function will return either a NULL pointer or an empty string.
** ^The filename returned by this function is the output of the
** xFullPathname method of the [VFS]. ^In other words, the filename
@ -6282,6 +6422,9 @@ struct sqlite3_module {
int (*xSavepoint)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, int);
int (*xRelease)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, int);
int (*xRollbackTo)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, int);
/* The methods above are in versions 1 and 2 of the sqlite_module object.
** Those below are for version 3 and greater. */
int (*xShadowName)(const char*);
@ -7204,6 +7347,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_test_control(int op, ...);
@ -7214,7 +7358,8 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_test_control(int op, ...);
#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_LAST 26 /* Largest TESTCTRL */
#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_LAST 27 /* Largest TESTCTRL */
** CAPI3REF: SQL Keyword Checking
@ -8616,6 +8761,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_vtab_config(sqlite3*, int op, ...);
** can use to customize and optimize their behavior.
** <dl>
** <dd>Calls of the form
** [sqlite3_vtab_config](db,SQLITE_VTAB_CONSTRAINT_SUPPORT,X) are supported,
@ -9385,7 +9531,7 @@ struct sqlite3_rtree_query_info {
sqlite3_int64 iRowid; /* Rowid for current entry */
sqlite3_rtree_dbl rParentScore; /* Score of parent node */
int eParentWithin; /* Visibility of parent node */
int eWithin; /* OUT: Visiblity */
int eWithin; /* OUT: Visibility */
sqlite3_rtree_dbl rScore; /* OUT: Write the score here */
/* The following fields are only available in 3.8.11 and later */
sqlite3_value **apSqlParam; /* Original SQL values of parameters */
@ -9881,12 +10027,38 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3session_isempty(sqlite3_session *pSession);
** consecutively. There is no chance that the iterator will visit a change
** the applies to table X, then one for table Y, and then later on visit
** another change for table X.
** The behavior of sqlite3changeset_start_v2() and its streaming equivalent
** may be modified by passing a combination of
** [SQLITE_CHANGESETSTART_INVERT | supported flags] as the 4th parameter.
** Note that the sqlite3changeset_start_v2() API is still <b>experimental</b>
** and therefore subject to change.
SQLITE_API int sqlite3changeset_start(
sqlite3_changeset_iter **pp, /* OUT: New changeset iterator handle */
int nChangeset, /* Size of changeset blob in bytes */
void *pChangeset /* Pointer to blob containing changeset */
SQLITE_API int sqlite3changeset_start_v2(
sqlite3_changeset_iter **pp, /* OUT: New changeset iterator handle */
int nChangeset, /* Size of changeset blob in bytes */
void *pChangeset, /* Pointer to blob containing changeset */
int flags /* SESSION_CHANGESETSTART_* flags */
** CAPI3REF: Flags for sqlite3changeset_start_v2
** The following flags may passed via the 4th parameter to
** [sqlite3changeset_start_v2] and [sqlite3changeset_start_v2_strm]:
** Invert the changeset while iterating through it. This is equivalent to
** inverting a changeset using sqlite3changeset_invert() before applying it.
** It is an error to specify this flag with a patchset.
@ -9930,7 +10102,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3changeset_next(sqlite3_changeset_iter *pIter);
** sqlite3changeset_next() is called on the iterator or until the
** conflict-handler function returns. If pnCol is not NULL, then *pnCol is
** set to the number of columns in the table affected by the change. If
** pbIncorrect is not NULL, then *pbIndirect is set to true (1) if the change
** pbIndirect is not NULL, then *pbIndirect is set to true (1) if the change
** is an indirect change, or false (0) otherwise. See the documentation for
** [sqlite3session_indirect()] for a description of direct and indirect
** changes. Finally, if pOp is not NULL, then *pOp is set to one of
@ -10541,7 +10713,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3changeset_apply_v2(
void *pCtx, /* First argument passed to xConflict */
void **ppRebase, int *pnRebase, /* OUT: Rebase data */
int flags /* Combination of SESSION_APPLY_* flags */
int flags /* SESSION_CHANGESETAPPLY_* flags */
@ -10559,8 +10731,14 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3changeset_apply_v2(
** causes the sessions module to omit this savepoint. In this case, if the
** caller has an open transaction or savepoint when apply_v2() is called,
** it may revert the partially applied changeset by rolling it back.
** Invert the changeset before applying it. This is equivalent to inverting
** a changeset using sqlite3changeset_invert() before applying it. It is
** an error to specify this flag with a patchset.
** CAPI3REF: Constants Passed To The Conflict Handler
@ -10791,7 +10969,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3rebaser_configure(
** in size. This function allocates and populates a buffer with a copy
** of the changeset rebased rebased according to the configuration of the
** rebaser object passed as the first argument. If successful, (*ppOut)
** is set to point to the new buffer containing the rebased changset and
** is set to point to the new buffer containing the rebased changeset and
** (*pnOut) to its size in bytes and SQLITE_OK returned. It is the
** responsibility of the caller to eventually free the new buffer using
** sqlite3_free(). Otherwise, if an error occurs, (*ppOut) and (*pnOut)
@ -10954,6 +11132,12 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3changeset_start_strm(
int (*xInput)(void *pIn, void *pData, int *pnData),
void *pIn
SQLITE_API int sqlite3changeset_start_v2_strm(
sqlite3_changeset_iter **pp,
int (*xInput)(void *pIn, void *pData, int *pnData),
void *pIn,
int flags
SQLITE_API int sqlite3session_changeset_strm(
sqlite3_session *pSession,
int (*xOutput)(void *pOut, const void *pData, int nData),
@ -10980,6 +11164,45 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3rebaser_rebase_strm(
void *pOut
** CAPI3REF: Configure global parameters
** The sqlite3session_config() interface is used to make global configuration
** changes to the sessions module in order to tune it to the specific needs
** of the application.
** The sqlite3session_config() interface is not threadsafe. If it is invoked
** while any other thread is inside any other sessions method then the
** results are undefined. Furthermore, if it is invoked after any sessions
** related objects have been created, the results are also undefined.
** The first argument to the sqlite3session_config() function must be one
** of the SQLITE_SESSION_CONFIG_XXX constants defined below. The
** interpretation of the (void*) value passed as the second parameter and
** the effect of calling this function depends on the value of the first
** parameter.
** <dl>
** By default, the sessions module streaming interfaces attempt to input
** and output data in approximately 1 KiB chunks. This operand may be used
** to set and query the value of this configuration setting. The pointer
** passed as the second argument must point to a value of type (int).
** If this value is greater than 0, it is used as the new streaming data
** chunk size for both input and output. Before returning, the (int) value
** pointed to by pArg is set to the final value of the streaming interface
** chunk size.
** </dl>
** This function returns SQLITE_OK if successful, or an SQLite error code
** otherwise.
SQLITE_API int sqlite3session_config(int op, void *pArg);
** CAPI3REF: Values for sqlite3session_config().
** Make sure we can call this stuff from C++.
@ -11113,12 +11336,8 @@ struct Fts5PhraseIter {
** Usually, output parameter *piPhrase is set to the phrase number, *piCol
** to the column in which it occurs and *piOff the token offset of the
** first token of the phrase. The exception is if the table was created
** with the offsets=0 option specified. In this case *piOff is always
** set to -1.
** Returns SQLITE_OK if successful, or an error code (i.e. SQLITE_NOMEM)
** if an error occurs.
** first token of the phrase. Returns SQLITE_OK if successful, or an error
** code (i.e. SQLITE_NOMEM) if an error occurs.
** This API can be quite slow if used with an FTS5 table created with the
** "detail=none" or "detail=column" option.
@ -11159,7 +11378,7 @@ struct Fts5PhraseIter {
** Save the pointer passed as the second argument as the extension functions
** "auxiliary data". The pointer may then be retrieved by the current or any
** future invocation of the same fts5 extension function made as part of
** of the same MATCH query using the xGetAuxdata() API.
** the same MATCH query using the xGetAuxdata() API.
** Each extension function is allocated a single auxiliary data slot for
** each FTS query (MATCH expression). If the extension function is invoked
@ -11174,7 +11393,7 @@ struct Fts5PhraseIter {
** The xDelete callback, if one is specified, is also invoked on the
** auxiliary data pointer after the FTS5 query has finished.
** If an error (e.g. an OOM condition) occurs within this function, an
** If an error (e.g. an OOM condition) occurs within this function,
** the auxiliary data is set to NULL and an error code returned. If the
** xDelete parameter was not NULL, it is invoked on the auxiliary data
** pointer before returning.
@ -11407,11 +11626,11 @@ struct Fts5ExtensionApi {
** the tokenizer substitutes "first" for "1st" and the query works
** as expected.
** <li> By adding multiple synonyms for a single term to the FTS index.
** In this case, when tokenizing query text, the tokenizer may
** provide multiple synonyms for a single term within the document.
** FTS5 then queries the index for each synonym individually. For
** example, faced with the query:
** <li> By querying the index for all synonyms of each query term
** separately. In this case, when tokenizing query text, the
** tokenizer may provide multiple synonyms for a single term
** within the document. FTS5 then queries the index for each
** synonym individually. For example, faced with the query:
** <codeblock>
** ... MATCH 'first place'</codeblock>
@ -11435,7 +11654,7 @@ struct Fts5ExtensionApi {
** "place".
** This way, even if the tokenizer does not provide synonyms
** when tokenizing query text (it should not - to do would be
** when tokenizing query text (it should not - to do so would be
** inefficient), it doesn't matter if the user queries for
** 'first + place' or '1st + place', as there are entries in the
** FTS index corresponding to both forms of the first token.
@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ func (c *SQLiteConn) RegisterAggregator(name string, impl interface{}, pure bool
ai.stepArgConverters = append(ai.stepArgConverters, conv)
if step.IsVariadic() {
conv, err := callbackArg(t.In(start + stepNArgs).Elem())
conv, err := callbackArg(step.In(start + stepNArgs).Elem())
if err != nil {
return err
@ -740,6 +740,8 @@ func (c *SQLiteConn) RegisterAggregator(name string, impl interface{}, pure bool
// AutoCommit return which currently auto commit or not.
func (c *SQLiteConn) AutoCommit() bool {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return int(C.sqlite3_get_autocommit(c.db)) != 0
@ -1340,6 +1342,9 @@ func (d *SQLiteDriver) Open(dsn string) (driver.Conn, error) {
if rv != 0 {
if db != nil {
return nil, Error{Code: ErrNo(rv)}
if db == nil {
@ -1376,7 +1381,7 @@ func (d *SQLiteDriver) Open(dsn string) (driver.Conn, error) {
// - Activate User Authentication
// Check if the user wants to activate User Authentication.
// If so then first create a temporary AuthConn to the database
// This is possible because we are already succesfully authenticated.
// This is possible because we are already successfully authenticated.
// - Check if `sqlite_user`` table exists
// YES => Add the provided user from DSN as Admin User and
@ -1387,7 +1392,7 @@ func (d *SQLiteDriver) Open(dsn string) (driver.Conn, error) {
// Create connection to SQLite
conn := &SQLiteConn{db: db, loc: loc, txlock: txlock}
// Password Cipher has to be registerd before authentication
// Password Cipher has to be registered before authentication
if len(authCrypt) > 0 {
switch strings.ToUpper(authCrypt) {
case "SHA1":
@ -1674,7 +1679,7 @@ func (c *SQLiteConn) prepare(ctx context.Context, query string) (driver.Stmt, er
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(pquery))
var s *C.sqlite3_stmt
var tail *C.char
rv := C._sqlite3_prepare_v2_internal(c.db, pquery, -1, &s, &tail)
rv := C._sqlite3_prepare_v2_internal(c.db, pquery, C.int(-1), &s, &tail)
if rv != C.SQLITE_OK {
return nil, c.lastError()
@ -1718,7 +1723,7 @@ func (c *SQLiteConn) GetFilename(schemaName string) string {
// GetLimit returns the current value of a run-time limit.
// See: sqlite3_limit, http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/limit.html
func (c *SQLiteConn) GetLimit(id int) int {
return int(C._sqlite3_limit(c.db, C.int(id), -1))
return int(C._sqlite3_limit(c.db, C.int(id), C.int(-1)))
// SetLimit changes the value of a run-time limits.
@ -2024,16 +2029,11 @@ func (rc *SQLiteRows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error {
p := C.sqlite3_column_blob(rc.s.s, C.int(i))
if p == nil {
dest[i] = nil
dest[i] = []byte{}
n := int(C.sqlite3_column_bytes(rc.s.s, C.int(i)))
switch dest[i].(type) {
slice := make([]byte, n)
copy(slice[:], (*[1 << 30]byte)(p)[0:n])
dest[i] = slice
n := C.sqlite3_column_bytes(rc.s.s, C.int(i))
dest[i] = C.GoBytes(p, n)
dest[i] = nil
@ -2062,9 +2062,8 @@ func (rc *SQLiteRows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error {
dest[i] = t
dest[i] = []byte(s)
dest[i] = s
return nil
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
// This file provides several different implementations for the
// default embedded sqlite_crypt function.
// This function is uses a ceasar-cypher by default
// This function is uses a caesar-cypher by default
// and is used within the UserAuthentication module to encode
// the password.
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import (
// password X, sqlite_crypt(X,NULL) is run. A new random salt is selected
// when the second argument is NULL.
// The built-in version of of sqlite_crypt() uses a simple Ceasar-cypher
// The built-in version of of sqlite_crypt() uses a simple Caesar-cypher
// which prevents passwords from being revealed by searching the raw database
// for ASCII text, but is otherwise trivally broken. For better password
// security, the database should be encrypted using the SQLite Encryption
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ package sqlite3
import (
@ -18,7 +17,8 @@ import (
// Ping implement Pinger.
func (c *SQLiteConn) Ping(ctx context.Context) error {
if c.db == nil {
return errors.New("Connection was closed")
// must be ErrBadConn for sql to close the database
return driver.ErrBadConn
return nil
@ -311,12 +311,18 @@ struct sqlite3_api_routines {
int (*str_errcode)(sqlite3_str*);
int (*str_length)(sqlite3_str*);
char *(*str_value)(sqlite3_str*);
/* Version 3.25.0 and later */
int (*create_window_function)(sqlite3*,const char*,int,int,void*,
void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*),
void (*xValue)(sqlite3_context*),
void (*xInv)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
/* Version 3.26.0 and later */
const char *(*normalized_sql)(sqlite3_stmt*);
/* Version 3.28.0 and later */
int (*stmt_isexplain)(sqlite3_stmt*);
int (*value_frombind)(sqlite3_value*);
@ -604,6 +610,11 @@ typedef int (*sqlite3_loadext_entry)(
#define sqlite3_str_value sqlite3_api->str_value
/* Version 3.25.0 and later */
#define sqlite3_create_window_function sqlite3_api->create_window_function
/* Version 3.26.0 and later */
#define sqlite3_normalized_sql sqlite3_api->normalized_sql
/* Version 3.28.0 and later */
#define sqlite3_stmt_isexplain sqlite3_api->isexplain
#define sqlite3_value_frombind sqlite3_api->frombind
#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_CORE) && !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION) */
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ github.com/blang/semver
# github.com/buger/jsonparser v0.0.0-20181115193947-bf1c66bbce23
# github.com/canonical/go-dqlite v1.1.0
# github.com/canonical/go-dqlite v1.1.0 => github.com/rancher/go-dqlite v1.1.0-k3s.1
@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ github.com/mailru/easyjson/buffer
# github.com/mattn/go-shellwords v1.0.5
# github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.10.0
# github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.11.0
# github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.1
Reference in New Issue