Fix golint failures of test/e2e/autoscaling

s-ito-ts 2019-05-15 08:26:46 +00:00
parent 81a61ae0e3
commit c101f40e18
8 changed files with 264 additions and 262 deletions

View File

@ -590,7 +590,6 @@ staging/src/

View File

@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ import (
. ""
. ""
var _ = SIGDescribe("[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp] [Slow] Autoscaling", func() {
f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("autoscaling")
SIGDescribe("Autoscaling a service", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() {
// Check if Cloud Autoscaler is enabled by trying to get its ConfigMap.
_, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().ConfigMaps("kube-system").Get("cluster-autoscaler-status", metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp] [Slow] Autoscaling"
Context("from 1 pod and 3 nodes to 8 pods and >=4 nodes", func() {
ginkgo.Context("from 1 pod and 3 nodes to 8 pods and >=4 nodes", func() {
const nodesNum = 3 // Expect there to be 3 nodes before and after the test.
var nodeGroupName string // Set by BeforeEach, used by AfterEach to scale this node group down after the test.
var nodes *v1.NodeList // Set by BeforeEach, used by Measure to calculate CPU request based on node's sizes.
BeforeEach(func() {
ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() {
// Make sure there is only 1 node group, otherwise this test becomes useless.
nodeGroups := strings.Split(framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.NodeInstanceGroup, ",")
if len(nodeGroups) != 1 {
@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp] [Slow] Autoscaling"
// Make sure all nodes are schedulable, otherwise we are in some kind of a problem state.
nodes = framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(f.ClientSet)
schedulableCount := len(nodes.Items)
Expect(schedulableCount).To(Equal(nodeGroupSize), "not all nodes are schedulable")
gomega.Expect(schedulableCount).To(gomega.Equal(nodeGroupSize), "not all nodes are schedulable")
AfterEach(func() {
ginkgo.AfterEach(func() {
// Attempt cleanup only if a node group was targeted for scale up.
// Otherwise the test was probably skipped and we'll get a gcloud error due to invalid parameters.
if len(nodeGroupName) > 0 {
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp] [Slow] Autoscaling"
Measure("takes less than 15 minutes", func(b Benchmarker) {
ginkgo.Measure("takes less than 15 minutes", func(b ginkgo.Benchmarker) {
// Measured over multiple samples, scaling takes 10 +/- 2 minutes, so 15 minutes should be fully sufficient.
const timeToWait = 15 * time.Minute
@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp] [Slow] Autoscaling"
// This test expects that 8 pods will not fit in 'nodesNum' nodes, but will fit in >='nodesNum'+1 nodes.
// Make it so that 'nodesNum' pods fit perfectly per node.
nodeCpus := nodes.Items[0].Status.Allocatable[v1.ResourceCPU]
nodeCpuMillis := (&nodeCpus).MilliValue()
cpuRequestMillis := int64(nodeCpuMillis / nodesNum)
nodeCPUMillis := (&nodeCpus).MilliValue()
cpuRequestMillis := int64(nodeCPUMillis / nodesNum)
// Start the service we want to scale and wait for it to be up and running.
nodeMemoryBytes := nodes.Items[0].Status.Allocatable[v1.ResourceMemory]
@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp] [Slow] Autoscaling"
// Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler with 50% target utilization and
// scale up the CPU usage to trigger autoscaling to 8 pods for target to be satisfied.
targetCpuUtilizationPercent := int32(50)
hpa := common.CreateCPUHorizontalPodAutoscaler(resourceConsumer, targetCpuUtilizationPercent, 1, 10)
targetCPUUtilizationPercent := int32(50)
hpa := common.CreateCPUHorizontalPodAutoscaler(resourceConsumer, targetCPUUtilizationPercent, 1, 10)
defer common.DeleteHorizontalPodAutoscaler(resourceConsumer, hpa.Name)
cpuLoad := 8 * cpuRequestMillis * int64(targetCpuUtilizationPercent) / 100 // 8 pods utilized to the target level
cpuLoad := 8 * cpuRequestMillis * int64(targetCPUUtilizationPercent) / 100 // 8 pods utilized to the target level
// Measure the time it takes for the service to scale to 8 pods with 50% CPU utilization each.

View File

@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ import (
testutils ""
imageutils ""
. ""
. ""
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Cluster size autoscaler scalability [Slow]", fun
var originalSizes map[string]int
var sum int
BeforeEach(func() {
ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() {
framework.SkipUnlessProviderIs("gce", "gke", "kubemark")
// Check if Cloud Autoscaler is enabled by trying to get its ConfigMap.
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Cluster size autoscaler scalability [Slow]", fun
for _, mig := range strings.Split(framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.NodeInstanceGroup, ",") {
size, err := framework.GroupSize(mig)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Initial size of %s: %d", mig, size))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Initial size of %s: %d", mig, size))
originalSizes[mig] = size
sum += size
@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Cluster size autoscaler scalability [Slow]", fun
nodes := framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(f.ClientSet)
nodeCount = len(nodes.Items)
cpu := nodes.Items[0].Status.Capacity[v1.ResourceCPU]
mem := nodes.Items[0].Status.Capacity[v1.ResourceMemory]
coresPerNode = int((&cpu).MilliValue() / 1000)
memCapacityMb = int((&mem).Value() / 1024 / 1024)
if framework.ProviderIs("gke") {
val, err := isAutoscalerEnabled(3)
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Cluster size autoscaler scalability [Slow]", fun
AfterEach(func() {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Restoring initial size of the cluster"))
ginkgo.AfterEach(func() {
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Restoring initial size of the cluster"))
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForReadyNodes(c, nodeCount, scaleDownTimeout))
nodes, err := c.CoreV1().Nodes().List(metav1.ListOptions{})
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Cluster size autoscaler scalability [Slow]", fun
klog.Infof("Made nodes schedulable again in %v", time.Since(s).String())
It("should scale up at all [Feature:ClusterAutoscalerScalability1]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale up at all [Feature:ClusterAutoscalerScalability1]", func() {
perNodeReservation := int(float64(memCapacityMb) * 0.95)
replicasPerNode := 10
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Cluster size autoscaler scalability [Slow]", fun
defer testCleanup()
It("should scale up twice [Feature:ClusterAutoscalerScalability2]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale up twice [Feature:ClusterAutoscalerScalability2]", func() {
perNodeReservation := int(float64(memCapacityMb) * 0.95)
replicasPerNode := 10
additionalNodes1 := int(math.Ceil(0.7 * maxNodes))
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Cluster size autoscaler scalability [Slow]", fun
klog.Infof("Scaled up twice")
It("should scale down empty nodes [Feature:ClusterAutoscalerScalability3]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale down empty nodes [Feature:ClusterAutoscalerScalability3]", func() {
perNodeReservation := int(float64(memCapacityMb) * 0.7)
replicas := int(math.Ceil(maxNodes * 0.7))
totalNodes := maxNodes
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Cluster size autoscaler scalability [Slow]", fun
}, scaleDownTimeout))
It("should scale down underutilized nodes [Feature:ClusterAutoscalerScalability4]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale down underutilized nodes [Feature:ClusterAutoscalerScalability4]", func() {
perPodReservation := int(float64(memCapacityMb) * 0.01)
// underutilizedNodes are 10% full
underutilizedPerNodeReplicas := 10
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Cluster size autoscaler scalability [Slow]", fun
}, timeout))
It("shouldn't scale down with underutilized nodes due to host port conflicts [Feature:ClusterAutoscalerScalability5]", func() {
ginkgo.It("shouldn't scale down with underutilized nodes due to host port conflicts [Feature:ClusterAutoscalerScalability5]", func() {
fullReservation := int(float64(memCapacityMb) * 0.9)
hostPortPodReservation := int(float64(memCapacityMb) * 0.3)
totalNodes := maxNodes
@ -307,28 +307,28 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Cluster size autoscaler scalability [Slow]", fun
fullNodesCount := divider
underutilizedNodesCount := totalNodes - fullNodesCount
By("Reserving full nodes")
ginkgo.By("Reserving full nodes")
// run RC1 w/o host port
cleanup := ReserveMemory(f, "filling-pod", fullNodesCount, fullNodesCount*fullReservation, true, largeScaleUpTimeout*2)
defer cleanup()
By("Reserving host ports on remaining nodes")
ginkgo.By("Reserving host ports on remaining nodes")
// run RC2 w/ host port
cleanup2 := createHostPortPodsWithMemory(f, "underutilizing-host-port-pod", underutilizedNodesCount, reservedPort, underutilizedNodesCount*hostPortPodReservation, largeScaleUpTimeout)
defer cleanup2()
waitForAllCaPodsReadyInNamespace(f, c)
// wait and check scale down doesn't occur
By(fmt.Sprintf("Sleeping %v minutes...", scaleDownTimeout.Minutes()))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Sleeping %v minutes...", scaleDownTimeout.Minutes()))
By("Checking if the number of nodes is as expected")
ginkgo.By("Checking if the number of nodes is as expected")
nodes := framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(f.ClientSet)
klog.Infof("Nodes: %v, expected: %v", len(nodes.Items), totalNodes)
Specify("CA ignores unschedulable pods while scheduling schedulable pods [Feature:ClusterAutoscalerScalability6]", func() {
ginkgo.Specify("CA ignores unschedulable pods while scheduling schedulable pods [Feature:ClusterAutoscalerScalability6]", func() {
// Start a number of pods saturating existing nodes.
perNodeReservation := int(float64(memCapacityMb) * 0.80)
replicasPerNode := 10
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Cluster size autoscaler scalability [Slow]", fun
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, podsConfig.Name)
// Ensure that no new nodes have been added so far.
// Start a number of schedulable pods to ensure CA reacts.
additionalNodes := maxNodes - nodeCount
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ func anyKey(input map[string]int) string {
func simpleScaleUpTestWithTolerance(f *framework.Framework, config *scaleUpTestConfig, tolerateMissingNodeCount int, tolerateMissingPodCount int) func() error {
// resize cluster to start size
// run rc based on config
By(fmt.Sprintf("Running RC %v from config", config.extraPods.Name))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Running RC %v from config", config.extraPods.Name))
start := time.Now()
// check results
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ func addAnnotation(f *framework.Framework, nodes []v1.Node, key, value string) e
func createHostPortPodsWithMemory(f *framework.Framework, id string, replicas, port, megabytes int, timeout time.Duration) func() error {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Running RC which reserves host port and memory"))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Running RC which reserves host port and memory"))
request := int64(1024 * 1024 * megabytes / replicas)
config := &testutils.RCConfig{
Client: f.ClientSet,

View File

@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ import (
testutils ""
imageutils ""
. ""
. ""
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
var memAllocatableMb int
var originalSizes map[string]int
BeforeEach(func() {
ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() {
c = f.ClientSet
framework.SkipUnlessProviderIs("gce", "gke")
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
for _, mig := range strings.Split(framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.NodeInstanceGroup, ",") {
size, err := framework.GroupSize(mig)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Initial size of %s: %d", mig, size))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Initial size of %s: %d", mig, size))
originalSizes[mig] = size
sum += size
@ -117,12 +117,12 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
quantity := node.Status.Allocatable[v1.ResourceCPU]
coreCount += quantity.Value()
By(fmt.Sprintf("Initial number of schedulable nodes: %v", nodeCount))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Initial number of schedulable nodes: %v", nodeCount))
mem := nodes.Items[0].Status.Allocatable[v1.ResourceMemory]
memAllocatableMb = int((&mem).Value() / 1024 / 1024)
if framework.ProviderIs("gke") {
val, err := isAutoscalerEnabled(5)
@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
AfterEach(func() {
ginkgo.AfterEach(func() {
framework.SkipUnlessProviderIs("gce", "gke")
By(fmt.Sprintf("Restoring initial size of the cluster"))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Restoring initial size of the cluster"))
expectedNodes := 0
for _, size := range originalSizes {
@ -163,29 +163,29 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
klog.Infof("Made nodes schedulable again in %v", time.Since(s).String())
It("shouldn't increase cluster size if pending pod is too large [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
By("Creating unschedulable pod")
ginkgo.It("shouldn't increase cluster size if pending pod is too large [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.By("Creating unschedulable pod")
ReserveMemory(f, "memory-reservation", 1, int(1.1*float64(memAllocatableMb)), false, defaultTimeout)
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "memory-reservation")
By("Waiting for scale up hoping it won't happen")
ginkgo.By("Waiting for scale up hoping it won't happen")
// Verify that the appropriate event was generated
eventFound := false
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < scaleUpTimeout; time.Sleep(20 * time.Second) {
By("Waiting for NotTriggerScaleUp event")
ginkgo.By("Waiting for NotTriggerScaleUp event")
events, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Events(f.Namespace.Name).List(metav1.ListOptions{})
for _, e := range events.Items {
if e.InvolvedObject.Kind == "Pod" && e.Reason == "NotTriggerScaleUp" && strings.Contains(e.Message, "it wouldn't fit if a new node is added") {
By("NotTriggerScaleUp event found")
ginkgo.By("NotTriggerScaleUp event found")
eventFound = true
break EventsLoop
// Verify that cluster size is not changed
func(size int) bool { return size <= nodeCount }, time.Second))
@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(waitForAllCaPodsReadyInNamespace(f, c))
It("should increase cluster size if pending pods are small [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]",
ginkgo.It("should increase cluster size if pending pods are small [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]",
func() { simpleScaleUpTest(0) })
gpuType := os.Getenv("TESTED_GPU_TYPE")
It(fmt.Sprintf("Should scale up GPU pool from 0 [GpuType:%s] [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingGpu]", gpuType), func() {
ginkgo.It(fmt.Sprintf("Should scale up GPU pool from 0 [GpuType:%s] [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingGpu]", gpuType), func() {
if gpuType == "" {
framework.Failf("TEST_GPU_TYPE not defined")
@ -219,21 +219,21 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
By("Enable autoscaler")
ginkgo.By("Enable autoscaler")
framework.ExpectNoError(enableAutoscaler(gpuPoolName, 0, 1))
defer disableAutoscaler(gpuPoolName, 0, 1)
Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(Equal(0))
gomega.Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(gomega.Equal(0))
By("Schedule a pod which requires GPU")
ginkgo.By("Schedule a pod which requires GPU")
framework.ExpectNoError(ScheduleAnySingleGpuPod(f, "gpu-pod-rc"))
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "gpu-pod-rc")
func(size int) bool { return size == nodeCount+1 }, scaleUpTimeout))
Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(Equal(1))
gomega.Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(gomega.Equal(1))
It(fmt.Sprintf("Should scale up GPU pool from 1 [GpuType:%s] [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingGpu]", gpuType), func() {
ginkgo.It(fmt.Sprintf("Should scale up GPU pool from 1 [GpuType:%s] [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingGpu]", gpuType), func() {
if gpuType == "" {
framework.Failf("TEST_GPU_TYPE not defined")
@ -246,24 +246,24 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
By("Schedule a single pod which requires GPU")
ginkgo.By("Schedule a single pod which requires GPU")
framework.ExpectNoError(ScheduleAnySingleGpuPod(f, "gpu-pod-rc"))
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "gpu-pod-rc")
By("Enable autoscaler")
ginkgo.By("Enable autoscaler")
framework.ExpectNoError(enableAutoscaler(gpuPoolName, 0, 2))
defer disableAutoscaler(gpuPoolName, 0, 2)
Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(Equal(1))
gomega.Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(gomega.Equal(1))
By("Scale GPU deployment")
ginkgo.By("Scale GPU deployment")
framework.ScaleRC(f.ClientSet, f.ScalesGetter, f.Namespace.Name, "gpu-pod-rc", 2, true)
func(size int) bool { return size == nodeCount+2 }, scaleUpTimeout))
Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(Equal(2))
gomega.Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(gomega.Equal(2))
It(fmt.Sprintf("Should not scale GPU pool up if pod does not require GPUs [GpuType:%s] [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingGpu]", gpuType), func() {
ginkgo.It(fmt.Sprintf("Should not scale GPU pool up if pod does not require GPUs [GpuType:%s] [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingGpu]", gpuType), func() {
if gpuType == "" {
framework.Failf("TEST_GPU_TYPE not defined")
@ -276,12 +276,12 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
By("Enable autoscaler")
ginkgo.By("Enable autoscaler")
framework.ExpectNoError(enableAutoscaler(gpuPoolName, 0, 1))
defer disableAutoscaler(gpuPoolName, 0, 1)
Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(Equal(0))
gomega.Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(gomega.Equal(0))
By("Schedule bunch of pods beyond point of filling default pool but do not request any GPUs")
ginkgo.By("Schedule bunch of pods beyond point of filling default pool but do not request any GPUs")
ReserveMemory(f, "memory-reservation", 100, nodeCount*memAllocatableMb, false, 1*time.Second)
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "memory-reservation")
// Verify that cluster size is increased
@ -289,10 +289,10 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
func(size int) bool { return size >= nodeCount+1 }, scaleUpTimeout))
// Expect gpu pool to stay intact
Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(Equal(0))
gomega.Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(gomega.Equal(0))
It(fmt.Sprintf("Should scale down GPU pool from 1 [GpuType:%s] [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingGpu]", gpuType), func() {
ginkgo.It(fmt.Sprintf("Should scale down GPU pool from 1 [GpuType:%s] [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingGpu]", gpuType), func() {
if gpuType == "" {
framework.Failf("TEST_GPU_TYPE not defined")
@ -305,29 +305,29 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
By("Schedule a single pod which requires GPU")
ginkgo.By("Schedule a single pod which requires GPU")
framework.ExpectNoError(ScheduleAnySingleGpuPod(f, "gpu-pod-rc"))
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "gpu-pod-rc")
By("Enable autoscaler")
ginkgo.By("Enable autoscaler")
framework.ExpectNoError(enableAutoscaler(gpuPoolName, 0, 1))
defer disableAutoscaler(gpuPoolName, 0, 1)
Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(Equal(1))
gomega.Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(gomega.Equal(1))
By("Remove the only POD requiring GPU")
ginkgo.By("Remove the only POD requiring GPU")
framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "gpu-pod-rc")
func(size int) bool { return size == nodeCount }, scaleDownTimeout))
Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(Equal(0))
gomega.Expect(len(getPoolNodes(f, gpuPoolName))).Should(gomega.Equal(0))
It("should increase cluster size if pending pods are small and one node is broken [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]",
ginkgo.It("should increase cluster size if pending pods are small and one node is broken [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]",
func() {
framework.TestUnderTemporaryNetworkFailure(c, "default", getAnyNode(c), func() { simpleScaleUpTest(1) })
It("shouldn't trigger additional scale-ups during processing scale-up [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.It("shouldn't trigger additional scale-ups during processing scale-up [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
// Wait for the situation to stabilize - CA should be running and have up-to-date node readiness info.
status, err := waitForScaleUpStatus(c, func(s *scaleUpStatus) bool {
return s.ready == && s.ready <= nodeCount
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
unmanagedNodes := nodeCount - status.ready
By("Schedule more pods than can fit and wait for cluster to scale-up")
ginkgo.By("Schedule more pods than can fit and wait for cluster to scale-up")
ReserveMemory(f, "memory-reservation", 100, nodeCount*memAllocatableMb, false, 1*time.Second)
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "memory-reservation")
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
target :=
framework.ExpectNoError(waitForAllCaPodsReadyInNamespace(f, c))
By("Expect no more scale-up to be happening after all pods are scheduled")
ginkgo.By("Expect no more scale-up to be happening after all pods are scheduled")
// wait for a while until scale-up finishes; we cannot read CA status immediately
// after pods are scheduled as status config map is updated by CA once every loop iteration
@ -359,16 +359,16 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
if != target {
klog.Warningf("Final number of nodes (%v) does not match initial scale-up target (%v).",, target)
Expect(len(framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(f.ClientSet).Items)).Should(Equal( + unmanagedNodes))
gomega.Expect(len(framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(f.ClientSet).Items)).Should(gomega.Equal( + unmanagedNodes))
It("should increase cluster size if pending pods are small and there is another node pool that is not autoscaled [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should increase cluster size if pending pods are small and there is another node pool that is not autoscaled [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
By("Creating new node-pool with n1-standard-4 machines")
ginkgo.By("Creating new node-pool with n1-standard-4 machines")
const extraPoolName = "extra-pool"
addNodePool(extraPoolName, "n1-standard-4", 1)
defer deleteNodePool(extraPoolName)
@ -379,16 +379,16 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForAllNodesSchedulable(c, resizeTimeout))
klog.Infof("Not enabling cluster autoscaler for the node pool (on purpose).")
By("Getting memory available on new nodes, so we can account for it when creating RC")
ginkgo.By("Getting memory available on new nodes, so we can account for it when creating RC")
nodes := getPoolNodes(f, extraPoolName)
extraMemMb := 0
for _, node := range nodes {
mem := node.Status.Allocatable[v1.ResourceMemory]
extraMemMb += int((&mem).Value() / 1024 / 1024)
By("Reserving 0.1x more memory than the cluster holds to trigger scale up")
ginkgo.By("Reserving 0.1x more memory than the cluster holds to trigger scale up")
totalMemoryReservation := int(1.1 * float64(nodeCount*memAllocatableMb+extraMemMb))
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "memory-reservation")
ReserveMemory(f, "memory-reservation", 100, totalMemoryReservation, false, defaultTimeout)
@ -399,10 +399,10 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(waitForAllCaPodsReadyInNamespace(f, c))
It("should disable node pool autoscaling [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should disable node pool autoscaling [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
By("Creating new node-pool with n1-standard-4 machines")
ginkgo.By("Creating new node-pool with n1-standard-4 machines")
const extraPoolName = "extra-pool"
addNodePool(extraPoolName, "n1-standard-4", 1)
defer deleteNodePool(extraPoolName)
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(disableAutoscaler(extraPoolName, 1, 2))
It("should increase cluster size if pods are pending due to host port conflict [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should increase cluster size if pods are pending due to host port conflict [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
scheduling.CreateHostPortPods(f, "host-port", nodeCount+2, false)
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "host-port")
@ -421,18 +421,18 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(waitForAllCaPodsReadyInNamespace(f, c))
It("should increase cluster size if pods are pending due to pod anti-affinity [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should increase cluster size if pods are pending due to pod anti-affinity [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
pods := nodeCount
newPods := 2
labels := map[string]string{
"anti-affinity": "yes",
By("starting a pod with anti-affinity on each node")
ginkgo.By("starting a pod with anti-affinity on each node")
framework.ExpectNoError(runAntiAffinityPods(f, f.Namespace.Name, pods, "some-pod", labels, labels))
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "some-pod")
framework.ExpectNoError(waitForAllCaPodsReadyInNamespace(f, c))
By("scheduling extra pods with anti-affinity to existing ones")
ginkgo.By("scheduling extra pods with anti-affinity to existing ones")
framework.ExpectNoError(runAntiAffinityPods(f, f.Namespace.Name, newPods, "extra-pod", labels, labels))
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "extra-pod")
@ -440,8 +440,8 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForReadyNodes(c, nodeCount+newPods, scaleUpTimeout))
It("should increase cluster size if pod requesting EmptyDir volume is pending [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
By("creating pods")
ginkgo.It("should increase cluster size if pod requesting EmptyDir volume is pending [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.By("creating pods")
pods := nodeCount
newPods := 1
labels := map[string]string{
@ -450,10 +450,10 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(runAntiAffinityPods(f, f.Namespace.Name, pods, "some-pod", labels, labels))
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "some-pod")
By("waiting for all pods before triggering scale up")
ginkgo.By("waiting for all pods before triggering scale up")
framework.ExpectNoError(waitForAllCaPodsReadyInNamespace(f, c))
By("creating a pod requesting EmptyDir")
ginkgo.By("creating a pod requesting EmptyDir")
framework.ExpectNoError(runVolumeAntiAffinityPods(f, f.Namespace.Name, newPods, "extra-pod", labels, labels, emptyDirVolumes))
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "extra-pod")
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForReadyNodes(c, nodeCount+newPods, scaleUpTimeout))
It("should increase cluster size if pod requesting volume is pending [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should increase cluster size if pod requesting volume is pending [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
framework.SkipUnlessProviderIs("gce", "gke")
volumeLabels := labels.Set{
@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
selector := metav1.SetAsLabelSelector(volumeLabels)
By("creating volume & pvc")
ginkgo.By("creating volume & pvc")
diskName, err := framework.CreatePDWithRetry()
pvConfig := framework.PersistentVolumeConfig{
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
By("creating pods")
ginkgo.By("creating pods")
pods := nodeCount
labels := map[string]string{
"anti-affinity": "yes",
@ -516,10 +516,10 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
klog.Infof("RC and pods not using volume deleted")
By("waiting for all pods before triggering scale up")
ginkgo.By("waiting for all pods before triggering scale up")
framework.ExpectNoError(waitForAllCaPodsReadyInNamespace(f, c))
By("creating a pod requesting PVC")
ginkgo.By("creating a pod requesting PVC")
pvcPodName := "pvc-pod"
newPods := 1
volumes := buildVolumes(pv, pvc)
@ -533,11 +533,11 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForReadyNodes(c, nodeCount+newPods, scaleUpTimeout))
It("should add node to the particular mig [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should add node to the particular mig [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
labelKey := "cluster-autoscaling-test.special-node"
labelValue := "true"
By("Finding the smallest MIG")
ginkgo.By("Finding the smallest MIG")
minMig := ""
minSize := nodeCount
for mig, size := range originalSizes {
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
removeLabels := func(nodesToClean sets.String) {
By("Removing labels from nodes")
ginkgo.By("Removing labels from nodes")
for node := range nodesToClean {
framework.RemoveLabelOffNode(c, node, labelKey)
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
nodesSet := sets.NewString(nodes...)
defer removeLabels(nodesSet)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Annotating nodes of the smallest MIG(%s): %v", minMig, nodes))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Annotating nodes of the smallest MIG(%s): %v", minMig, nodes))
for node := range nodesSet {
framework.AddOrUpdateLabelOnNode(c, node, labelKey, labelValue)
@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
scheduling.CreateNodeSelectorPods(f, "node-selector", minSize+1, map[string]string{labelKey: labelValue}, false)
By("Waiting for new node to appear and annotating it")
ginkgo.By("Waiting for new node to appear and annotating it")
framework.WaitForGroupSize(minMig, int32(minSize+1))
// Verify that cluster size is increased
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
newNodesSet := sets.NewString(newNodes...)
if len(newNodesSet) > 1 {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Spotted following new nodes in %s: %v", minMig, newNodesSet))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Spotted following new nodes in %s: %v", minMig, newNodesSet))
klog.Infof("Usually only 1 new node is expected, investigating")
klog.Infof("Kubectl:%s\n", framework.RunKubectlOrDie("get", "nodes", "-o", "json"))
if output, err := exec.Command("gcloud", "compute", "instances", "list",
@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
// However at this moment we DO WANT it to crash so that we don't check all test runs for the
// rare behavior, but only the broken ones.
By(fmt.Sprintf("New nodes: %v\n", newNodesSet))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("New nodes: %v\n", newNodesSet))
registeredNodes := sets.NewString()
for nodeName := range newNodesSet {
node, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Nodes().Get(nodeName, metav1.GetOptions{})
@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
klog.Errorf("Failed to get node %v: %v", nodeName, err)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Setting labels for registered new nodes: %v", registeredNodes.List()))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Setting labels for registered new nodes: %v", registeredNodes.List()))
for node := range registeredNodes {
framework.AddOrUpdateLabelOnNode(c, node, labelKey, labelValue)
@ -633,10 +633,10 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "node-selector"))
It("should scale up correct target pool [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale up correct target pool [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
By("Creating new node-pool with n1-standard-4 machines")
ginkgo.By("Creating new node-pool with n1-standard-4 machines")
const extraPoolName = "extra-pool"
addNodePool(extraPoolName, "n1-standard-4", 1)
defer deleteNodePool(extraPoolName)
@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
extraPods := extraNodes + 1
totalMemoryReservation := int(float64(extraPods) * 1.5 * float64(memAllocatableMb))
By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating rc with %v pods too big to fit default-pool but fitting extra-pool", extraPods))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating rc with %v pods too big to fit default-pool but fitting extra-pool", extraPods))
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "memory-reservation")
ReserveMemory(f, "memory-reservation", extraPods, totalMemoryReservation, false, defaultTimeout)
@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
defer cleanup()
By("Manually increase cluster size")
ginkgo.By("Manually increase cluster size")
increasedSize := 0
newSizes := make(map[string]int)
for key, val := range originalSizes {
@ -674,20 +674,20 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
func(size int) bool { return size >= increasedSize }, manualResizeTimeout, unready))
By("Some node should be removed")
ginkgo.By("Some node should be removed")
func(size int) bool { return size < increasedSize }, scaleDownTimeout, unready))
It("should correctly scale down after a node is not needed [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]",
ginkgo.It("should correctly scale down after a node is not needed [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]",
func() { simpleScaleDownTest(0) })
It("should correctly scale down after a node is not needed and one node is broken [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]",
ginkgo.It("should correctly scale down after a node is not needed and one node is broken [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]",
func() {
framework.TestUnderTemporaryNetworkFailure(c, "default", getAnyNode(c), func() { simpleScaleDownTest(1) })
It("should correctly scale down after a node is not needed when there is non autoscaled pool[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should correctly scale down after a node is not needed when there is non autoscaled pool[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
increasedSize := manuallyIncreaseClusterSize(f, originalSizes)
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
func(size int) bool { return size >= increasedSize+extraNodes }, scaleUpTimeout))
By("Some node should be removed")
ginkgo.By("Some node should be removed")
// Apparently GKE master is restarted couple minutes after the node pool is added
// reseting all the timers in scale down code. Adding 10 extra minutes to workaround
// this issue.
@ -709,44 +709,44 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
func(size int) bool { return size < increasedSize+extraNodes }, scaleDownTimeout+10*time.Minute))
It("should be able to scale down when rescheduling a pod is required and pdb allows for it[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should be able to scale down when rescheduling a pod is required and pdb allows for it[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
runDrainTest(f, originalSizes, f.Namespace.Name, 1, 1, func(increasedSize int) {
By("Some node should be removed")
ginkgo.By("Some node should be removed")
func(size int) bool { return size < increasedSize }, scaleDownTimeout))
It("shouldn't be able to scale down when rescheduling a pod is required, but pdb doesn't allow drain[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
ginkgo.It("shouldn't be able to scale down when rescheduling a pod is required, but pdb doesn't allow drain[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
runDrainTest(f, originalSizes, f.Namespace.Name, 1, 0, func(increasedSize int) {
By("No nodes should be removed")
ginkgo.By("No nodes should be removed")
nodes := framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(f.ClientSet)
It("should be able to scale down by draining multiple pods one by one as dictated by pdb[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should be able to scale down by draining multiple pods one by one as dictated by pdb[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
runDrainTest(f, originalSizes, f.Namespace.Name, 2, 1, func(increasedSize int) {
By("Some node should be removed")
ginkgo.By("Some node should be removed")
func(size int) bool { return size < increasedSize }, scaleDownTimeout))
It("should be able to scale down by draining system pods with pdb[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should be able to scale down by draining system pods with pdb[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
runDrainTest(f, originalSizes, "kube-system", 2, 1, func(increasedSize int) {
By("Some node should be removed")
ginkgo.By("Some node should be removed")
func(size int) bool { return size < increasedSize }, scaleDownTimeout))
It("Should be able to scale a node group up from 0[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.It("Should be able to scale a node group up from 0[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
// Provider-specific setup
if framework.ProviderIs("gke") {
// GKE-specific setup
By("Add a new node pool with 0 nodes and min size 0")
ginkgo.By("Add a new node pool with 0 nodes and min size 0")
const extraPoolName = "extra-pool"
addNodePool(extraPoolName, "n1-standard-4", 0)
defer deleteNodePool(extraPoolName)
@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
// on GCE, run only if there are already at least 2 node groups
framework.SkipUnlessAtLeast(len(originalSizes), 2, "At least 2 node groups are needed for scale-to-0 tests")
By("Manually scale smallest node group to 0")
ginkgo.By("Manually scale smallest node group to 0")
minMig := ""
minSize := nodeCount
for mig, size := range originalSizes {
@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForReadyNodes(c, nodeCount-minSize, resizeTimeout))
By("Make remaining nodes unschedulable")
ginkgo.By("Make remaining nodes unschedulable")
nodes, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Nodes().List(metav1.ListOptions{FieldSelector: fields.Set{
"spec.unschedulable": "false",
@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
By("Run a scale-up test")
ginkgo.By("Run a scale-up test")
ReserveMemory(f, "memory-reservation", 1, 100, false, 1*time.Second)
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, "memory-reservation")
@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
// verify the targeted node pool/MIG is of size 0
gkeScaleToZero := func() {
// GKE-specific setup
By("Add a new node pool with size 1 and min size 0")
ginkgo.By("Add a new node pool with size 1 and min size 0")
const extraPoolName = "extra-pool"
addNodePool(extraPoolName, "n1-standard-4", 1)
defer deleteNodePool(extraPoolName)
@ -817,9 +817,9 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
defer disableAutoscaler(extraPoolName, 0, 1)
ngNodes := getPoolNodes(f, extraPoolName)
for _, node := range ngNodes {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Target node for scale-down: %s", node.Name))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Target node for scale-down: %s", node.Name))
for _, node := range ngNodes {
@ -830,12 +830,12 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
// GKE-specific check
newSize := getPoolSize(f, extraPoolName)
gceScaleToZero := func() {
// non-GKE only
By("Find smallest node group and manually scale it to a single node")
ginkgo.By("Find smallest node group and manually scale it to a single node")
minMig := ""
minSize := nodeCount
for mig, size := range originalSizes {
@ -848,9 +848,9 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForReadyNodes(c, nodeCount-minSize+1, resizeTimeout))
ngNodes, err := framework.GetGroupNodes(minMig)
Expect(len(ngNodes) == 1).To(BeTrue())
gomega.Expect(len(ngNodes) == 1).To(gomega.BeTrue())
node, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Nodes().Get(ngNodes[0], metav1.GetOptions{})
By(fmt.Sprintf("Target node for scale-down: %s", node.Name))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Target node for scale-down: %s", node.Name))
// this part is identical
@ -861,10 +861,10 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
// non-GKE only
newSize, err := framework.GroupSize(minMig)
It("Should be able to scale a node group down to 0[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
ginkgo.It("Should be able to scale a node group down to 0[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
if framework.ProviderIs("gke") { // In GKE, we can just add a node pool
} else if len(originalSizes) >= 2 {
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
It("Shouldn't perform scale up operation and should list unhealthy status if most of the cluster is broken[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.It("Shouldn't perform scale up operation and should list unhealthy status if most of the cluster is broken[Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
clusterSize := nodeCount
for clusterSize < unhealthyClusterThreshold+1 {
clusterSize = manuallyIncreaseClusterSize(f, originalSizes)
@ -893,13 +893,13 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
// making no assumptions about minimal node startup time.
time.Sleep(2 * time.Minute)
By("Block network connectivity to some nodes to simulate unhealthy cluster")
ginkgo.By("Block network connectivity to some nodes to simulate unhealthy cluster")
nodesToBreakCount := int(math.Ceil(math.Max(float64(unhealthyClusterThreshold), 0.5*float64(clusterSize))))
nodes, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Nodes().List(metav1.ListOptions{FieldSelector: fields.Set{
"spec.unschedulable": "false",
Expect(nodesToBreakCount <= len(nodes.Items)).To(BeTrue())
gomega.Expect(nodesToBreakCount <= len(nodes.Items)).To(gomega.BeTrue())
nodesToBreak := nodes.Items[:nodesToBreakCount]
// TestUnderTemporaryNetworkFailure only removes connectivity to a single node,
@ -917,11 +917,11 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
currentNodes := framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(f.ClientSet)
e2elog.Logf("Currently available nodes: %v, nodes available at the start of test: %v, disabled nodes: %v", len(currentNodes.Items), len(nodes.Items), nodesToBreakCount)
Expect(len(currentNodes.Items)).Should(Equal(len(nodes.Items) - nodesToBreakCount))
gomega.Expect(len(currentNodes.Items)).Should(gomega.Equal(len(nodes.Items) - nodesToBreakCount))
status, err := getClusterwideStatus(c)
e2elog.Logf("Clusterwide status: %v", status)
@ -929,19 +929,19 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForReadyNodes(c, len(nodes.Items), nodesRecoverTimeout))
It("shouldn't scale up when expendable pod is created [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.It("shouldn't scale up when expendable pod is created [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
defer createPriorityClasses(f)()
// Create nodesCountAfterResize+1 pods allocating 0.7 allocatable on present nodes. One more node will have to be created.
cleanupFunc := ReserveMemoryWithPriority(f, "memory-reservation", nodeCount+1, int(float64(nodeCount+1)*float64(0.7)*float64(memAllocatableMb)), false, time.Second, expendablePriorityClassName)
defer cleanupFunc()
By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for scale up hoping it won't happen, sleep for %s", scaleUpTimeout.String()))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for scale up hoping it won't happen, sleep for %s", scaleUpTimeout.String()))
// Verify that cluster size is not changed
func(size int) bool { return size == nodeCount }, time.Second))
It("should scale up when non expendable pod is created [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale up when non expendable pod is created [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
defer createPriorityClasses(f)()
// Create nodesCountAfterResize+1 pods allocating 0.7 allocatable on present nodes. One more node will have to be created.
cleanupFunc := ReserveMemoryWithPriority(f, "memory-reservation", nodeCount+1, int(float64(nodeCount+1)*float64(0.7)*float64(memAllocatableMb)), true, scaleUpTimeout, highPriorityClassName)
@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
func(size int) bool { return size > nodeCount }, time.Second))
It("shouldn't scale up when expendable pod is preempted [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
ginkgo.It("shouldn't scale up when expendable pod is preempted [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
defer createPriorityClasses(f)()
// Create nodesCountAfterResize pods allocating 0.7 allocatable on present nodes - one pod per node.
cleanupFunc1 := ReserveMemoryWithPriority(f, "memory-reservation1", nodeCount, int(float64(nodeCount)*float64(0.7)*float64(memAllocatableMb)), true, defaultTimeout, expendablePriorityClassName)
@ -963,24 +963,24 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
func(size int) bool { return size == nodeCount }, time.Second))
It("should scale down when expendable pod is running [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale down when expendable pod is running [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
defer createPriorityClasses(f)()
increasedSize := manuallyIncreaseClusterSize(f, originalSizes)
// Create increasedSize pods allocating 0.7 allocatable on present nodes - one pod per node.
cleanupFunc := ReserveMemoryWithPriority(f, "memory-reservation", increasedSize, int(float64(increasedSize)*float64(0.7)*float64(memAllocatableMb)), true, scaleUpTimeout, expendablePriorityClassName)
defer cleanupFunc()
By("Waiting for scale down")
ginkgo.By("Waiting for scale down")
func(size int) bool { return size == nodeCount }, scaleDownTimeout))
It("shouldn't scale down when non expendable pod is running [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
ginkgo.It("shouldn't scale down when non expendable pod is running [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleDown]", func() {
defer createPriorityClasses(f)()
increasedSize := manuallyIncreaseClusterSize(f, originalSizes)
// Create increasedSize pods allocating 0.7 allocatable on present nodes - one pod per node.
cleanupFunc := ReserveMemoryWithPriority(f, "memory-reservation", increasedSize, int(float64(increasedSize)*float64(0.7)*float64(memAllocatableMb)), true, scaleUpTimeout, highPriorityClassName)
defer cleanupFunc()
By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for scale down hoping it won't happen, sleep for %s", scaleDownTimeout.String()))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for scale down hoping it won't happen, sleep for %s", scaleDownTimeout.String()))
func(size int) bool { return size == increasedSize }, time.Second))
@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
func installNvidiaDriversDaemonSet() {
By("Add daemonset which installs nvidia drivers")
ginkgo.By("Add daemonset which installs nvidia drivers")
// the link differs from one in GKE documentation; discussed with @mindprince this one should be used
framework.RunKubectlOrDie("apply", "-f", "")
@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ func runDrainTest(f *framework.Framework, migSizes map[string]int, namespace str
defer framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, namespace, "reschedulable-pods")
By("Create a PodDisruptionBudget")
ginkgo.By("Create a PodDisruptionBudget")
minAvailable := intstr.FromInt(numPods - pdbSize)
pdb := &policy.PodDisruptionBudget{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
@ -1034,15 +1034,15 @@ func runDrainTest(f *framework.Framework, migSizes map[string]int, namespace str
func getGkeApiEndpoint() string {
if gkeApiEndpoint == "" {
gkeApiEndpoint = ""
func getGkeAPIEndpoint() string {
if gkeAPIEndpoint == "" {
gkeAPIEndpoint = ""
if strings.HasSuffix(gkeApiEndpoint, "/") {
gkeApiEndpoint = gkeApiEndpoint[:len(gkeApiEndpoint)-1]
if strings.HasSuffix(gkeAPIEndpoint, "/") {
gkeAPIEndpoint = gkeAPIEndpoint[:len(gkeAPIEndpoint)-1]
return gkeApiEndpoint
return gkeAPIEndpoint
func getGKEURL(apiVersion string, suffix string) string {
@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ func getGKEURL(apiVersion string, suffix string) string {
token := strings.Replace(string(out), "\n", "", -1)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s?access_token=%s",
@ -1064,13 +1064,12 @@ func getGKEClusterURL(apiVersion string) string {
} else {
return getGKEURL(apiVersion, fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/zones/%s/clusters/%s",
func getCluster(apiVersion string) (string, error) {
resp, err := http.Get(getGKEClusterURL(apiVersion))
@ -1107,9 +1106,8 @@ func isAutoscalerEnabled(expectedMaxNodeCountInTargetPool int) (bool, error) {
func getClusterLocation() string {
if isRegionalCluster() {
return "--region=" + framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.Region
} else {
return "--zone=" + framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.Zone
return "--zone=" + framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.Zone
func getGcloudCommandFromTrack(commandTrack string, args []string) []string {
@ -1248,7 +1246,7 @@ func getPoolInitialSize(poolName string) int {
klog.Infof("Node-pool initial size: %s", output)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, string(output))
fields := strings.Fields(string(output))
size, err := strconv.ParseInt(fields[0], 10, 64)
@ -1274,7 +1272,7 @@ func getPoolSize(f *framework.Framework, poolName string) int {
func reserveMemory(f *framework.Framework, id string, replicas, megabytes int, expectRunning bool, timeout time.Duration, selector map[string]string, tolerations []v1.Toleration, priorityClassName string) func() error {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Running RC which reserves %v MB of memory", megabytes))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Running RC which reserves %v MB of memory", megabytes))
request := int64(1024 * 1024 * megabytes / replicas)
config := &testutils.RCConfig{
Client: f.ClientSet,
@ -1311,7 +1309,7 @@ func ReserveMemoryWithPriority(f *framework.Framework, id string, replicas, mega
return reserveMemory(f, id, replicas, megabytes, expectRunning, timeout, nil, nil, priorityClassName)
// ReserveMemoryWithSelector creates a replication controller with pods with node selector that, in summation,
// ReserveMemoryWithSelectorAndTolerations creates a replication controller with pods with node selector that, in summation,
// request the specified amount of memory.
func ReserveMemoryWithSelectorAndTolerations(f *framework.Framework, id string, replicas, megabytes int, expectRunning bool, timeout time.Duration, selector map[string]string, tolerations []v1.Toleration) func() error {
return reserveMemory(f, id, replicas, megabytes, expectRunning, timeout, selector, tolerations, "")
@ -1418,7 +1416,7 @@ func setMigSizes(sizes map[string]int) bool {
currentSize, err := framework.GroupSize(mig)
if desiredSize != currentSize {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Setting size of %s to %d", mig, desiredSize))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Setting size of %s to %d", mig, desiredSize))
err = framework.ResizeGroup(mig, int32(desiredSize))
madeChanges = true
@ -1428,10 +1426,10 @@ func setMigSizes(sizes map[string]int) bool {
func drainNode(f *framework.Framework, node *v1.Node) {
By("Make the single node unschedulable")
ginkgo.By("Make the single node unschedulable")
makeNodeUnschedulable(f.ClientSet, node)
By("Manually drain the single node")
ginkgo.By("Manually drain the single node")
podOpts := metav1.ListOptions{FieldSelector: fields.OneTermEqualSelector(api.PodHostField, node.Name).String()}
pods, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Pods(metav1.NamespaceAll).List(podOpts)
@ -1442,7 +1440,7 @@ func drainNode(f *framework.Framework, node *v1.Node) {
func makeNodeUnschedulable(c clientset.Interface, node *v1.Node) error {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Taint node %s", node.Name))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Taint node %s", node.Name))
for j := 0; j < 3; j++ {
freshNode, err := c.CoreV1().Nodes().Get(node.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
@ -1479,7 +1477,7 @@ func (CriticalAddonsOnlyError) Error() string {
func makeNodeSchedulable(c clientset.Interface, node *v1.Node, failOnCriticalAddonsOnly bool) error {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Remove taint from node %s", node.Name))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Remove taint from node %s", node.Name))
for j := 0; j < 3; j++ {
freshNode, err := c.CoreV1().Nodes().Get(node.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
@ -1634,7 +1632,7 @@ func buildAntiAffinity(labels map[string]string) *v1.Affinity {
// 3a. enable scheduling on that node
// 3b. increase number of replicas in RC by podsPerNode
func runReplicatedPodOnEachNode(f *framework.Framework, nodes []v1.Node, namespace string, podsPerNode int, id string, labels map[string]string, memRequest int64) error {
By("Run a pod on each node")
ginkgo.By("Run a pod on each node")
for _, node := range nodes {
err := makeNodeUnschedulable(f.ClientSet, &node)
@ -1709,7 +1707,7 @@ func runReplicatedPodOnEachNode(f *framework.Framework, nodes []v1.Node, namespa
// Increase cluster size by newNodesForScaledownTests to create some unused nodes
// that can be later removed by cluster autoscaler.
func manuallyIncreaseClusterSize(f *framework.Framework, originalSizes map[string]int) int {
By("Manually increase cluster size")
ginkgo.By("Manually increase cluster size")
increasedSize := 0
newSizes := make(map[string]int)
for key, val := range originalSizes {
@ -1857,13 +1855,13 @@ func waitForScaleUpStatus(c clientset.Interface, cond func(s *scaleUpStatus) boo
// This is a temporary fix to allow CA to migrate some kube-system pods
// TODO: Remove this when the PDB is added for some of those components
func addKubeSystemPdbs(f *framework.Framework) (func(), error) {
By("Create PodDisruptionBudgets for kube-system components, so they can be migrated if required")
ginkgo.By("Create PodDisruptionBudgets for kube-system components, so they can be migrated if required")
var newPdbs []string
cleanup := func() {
var finalErr error
for _, newPdbName := range newPdbs {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Delete PodDisruptionBudget %v", newPdbName))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Delete PodDisruptionBudget %v", newPdbName))
err := f.ClientSet.PolicyV1beta1().PodDisruptionBudgets("kube-system").Delete(newPdbName, &metav1.DeleteOptions{})
if err != nil {
// log error, but attempt to remove other pdbs
@ -1888,7 +1886,7 @@ func addKubeSystemPdbs(f *framework.Framework) (func(), error) {
{label: "glbc", minAvailable: 0},
for _, pdbData := range pdbsToAdd {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Create PodDisruptionBudget for %v", pdbData.label))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Create PodDisruptionBudget for %v", pdbData.label))
labelMap := map[string]string{"k8s-app": pdbData.label}
pdbName := fmt.Sprintf("test-pdb-for-%v", pdbData.label)
minAvailable := intstr.FromInt(pdbData.minAvailable)
@ -1922,7 +1920,7 @@ func createPriorityClasses(f *framework.Framework) func() {
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Error creating priority class: %v", err)
Expect(err == nil || errors.IsAlreadyExists(err)).To(Equal(true))
gomega.Expect(err == nil || errors.IsAlreadyExists(err)).To(gomega.Equal(true))
return func() {

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import (
e2elog ""
. ""
@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ const (
var _ = SIGDescribe("[HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver)", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() {
framework.SkipUnlessProviderIs("gce", "gke")
f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("horizontal-pod-autoscaling")
It("should scale down with Custom Metric of type Pod from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale down with Custom Metric of type Pod from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
initialReplicas := 2
// metric should cause scale down
metricValue := int64(100)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Me
It("should scale down with Custom Metric of type Object from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale down with Custom Metric of type Object from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
initialReplicas := 2
// metric should cause scale down
metricValue := int64(100)
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Me
It("should scale down with External Metric with target value from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale down with External Metric with target value from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
initialReplicas := 2
// metric should cause scale down
metricValue := externalMetricValue
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Me
It("should scale down with External Metric with target average value from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale down with External Metric with target average value from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
initialReplicas := 2
// metric should cause scale down
metricValue := externalMetricValue
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Me
It("should scale down with Custom Metric of type Pod from Stackdriver with Prometheus [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale down with Custom Metric of type Pod from Stackdriver with Prometheus [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
initialReplicas := 2
// metric should cause scale down
metricValue := int64(100)
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Me
It("should scale up with two metrics of type Pod from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale up with two metrics of type Pod from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
initialReplicas := 1
// metric 1 would cause a scale down, if not for metric 2
metric1Value := int64(100)
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Me
It("should scale up with two External metrics from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
ginkgo.It("should scale up with two External metrics from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() {
initialReplicas := 1
// metric 1 would cause a scale down, if not for metric 2
metric1Value := externalMetricValue
@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Me
// CustomMetricTestCase is a struct for test cases.
type CustomMetricTestCase struct {
framework *framework.Framework
hpa *as.HorizontalPodAutoscaler
@ -226,8 +227,9 @@ type CustomMetricTestCase struct {
scaledReplicas int
// Run starts test case.
func (tc *CustomMetricTestCase) Run() {
projectId := framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.ProjectID
projectID := framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.ProjectID
ctx := context.Background()
client, err := google.DefaultClient(ctx, gcm.CloudPlatformScope)
@ -251,11 +253,11 @@ func (tc *CustomMetricTestCase) Run() {
// Set up a cluster: create a custom metric and set up k8s-sd adapter
err = monitoring.CreateDescriptors(gcmService, projectId)
err = monitoring.CreateDescriptors(gcmService, projectID)
if err != nil {
framework.Failf("Failed to create metric descriptor: %v", err)
defer monitoring.CleanupDescriptors(gcmService, projectId)
defer monitoring.CleanupDescriptors(gcmService, projectID)
err = monitoring.CreateAdapter(monitoring.AdapterDefault)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ import (
e2elog ""
. ""
. ""
// Constants used in dns-autoscaling test.
const (
DNSdefaultTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
ClusterAddonLabelKey = "k8s-app"
@ -47,18 +48,18 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("DNS horizontal autoscaling", func() {
var c clientset.Interface
var previousParams map[string]string
var originDNSReplicasCount int
var DNSParams_1 DNSParamsLinear
var DNSParams_2 DNSParamsLinear
var DNSParams_3 DNSParamsLinear
var DNSParams1 DNSParamsLinear
var DNSParams2 DNSParamsLinear
var DNSParams3 DNSParamsLinear
BeforeEach(func() {
ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() {
framework.SkipUnlessProviderIs("gce", "gke")
c = f.ClientSet
nodeCount := len(framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(c).Items)
By("Collecting original replicas count and DNS scaling params")
ginkgo.By("Collecting original replicas count and DNS scaling params")
var err error
originDNSReplicasCount, err = getDNSReplicas(c)
@ -68,13 +69,13 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("DNS horizontal autoscaling", func() {
previousParams = pcm.Data
if nodeCount <= 500 {
DNSParams_1 = DNSParamsLinear{
DNSParams1 = DNSParamsLinear{
nodesPerReplica: 1,
DNSParams_2 = DNSParamsLinear{
DNSParams2 = DNSParamsLinear{
nodesPerReplica: 2,
DNSParams_3 = DNSParamsLinear{
DNSParams3 = DNSParamsLinear{
nodesPerReplica: 3,
coresPerReplica: 3,
@ -84,13 +85,13 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("DNS horizontal autoscaling", func() {
// The default setup is: 256 cores/replica, 16 nodes/replica.
// With nodeCount > 500, nodes/13, nodes/14, nodes/15 and nodes/16
// are different numbers.
DNSParams_1 = DNSParamsLinear{
DNSParams1 = DNSParamsLinear{
nodesPerReplica: 13,
DNSParams_2 = DNSParamsLinear{
DNSParams2 = DNSParamsLinear{
nodesPerReplica: 14,
DNSParams_3 = DNSParamsLinear{
DNSParams3 = DNSParamsLinear{
nodesPerReplica: 15,
coresPerReplica: 15,
@ -99,25 +100,25 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("DNS horizontal autoscaling", func() {
// This test is separated because it is slow and need to run serially.
// Will take around 5 minutes to run on a 4 nodes cluster.
It("[Serial] [Slow] kube-dns-autoscaler should scale kube-dns pods when cluster size changed", func() {
ginkgo.It("[Serial] [Slow] kube-dns-autoscaler should scale kube-dns pods when cluster size changed", func() {
numNodes, err := framework.NumberOfRegisteredNodes(c)
By("Replace the dns autoscaling parameters with testing parameters")
err = updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(packLinearParams(&DNSParams_1)))
ginkgo.By("Replace the dns autoscaling parameters with testing parameters")
err = updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(packLinearParams(&DNSParams1)))
defer func() {
By("Restoring initial dns autoscaling parameters")
ginkgo.By("Restoring initial dns autoscaling parameters")
err = updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(previousParams))
By("Wait for number of running and ready kube-dns pods recover")
ginkgo.By("Wait for number of running and ready kube-dns pods recover")
label := labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set(map[string]string{ClusterAddonLabelKey: DNSLabelName}))
_, err := framework.WaitForPodsWithLabelRunningReady(c, metav1.NamespaceSystem, label, originDNSReplicasCount, DNSdefaultTimeout)
By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear := getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams_1)
ginkgo.By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear := getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams1)
err = waitForDNSReplicasSatisfied(c, getExpectReplicasLinear, DNSdefaultTimeout)
@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("DNS horizontal autoscaling", func() {
for _, mig := range strings.Split(framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.NodeInstanceGroup, ",") {
size, err := framework.GroupSize(mig)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Initial size of %s: %d", mig, size))
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Initial size of %s: %d", mig, size))
originalSizes[mig] = size
By("Manually increase cluster size")
ginkgo.By("Manually increase cluster size")
increasedSizes := make(map[string]int)
for key, val := range originalSizes {
increasedSizes[key] = val + 1
@ -139,87 +140,88 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("DNS horizontal autoscaling", func() {
func(size int) bool { return size == numNodes+len(originalSizes) }, scaleUpTimeout)
By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear = getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams_1)
ginkgo.By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear = getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams1)
err = waitForDNSReplicasSatisfied(c, getExpectReplicasLinear, DNSdefaultTimeout)
By("Replace the dns autoscaling parameters with another testing parameters")
err = updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(packLinearParams(&DNSParams_3)))
ginkgo.By("Replace the dns autoscaling parameters with another testing parameters")
err = updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(packLinearParams(&DNSParams3)))
By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear = getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams_3)
ginkgo.By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear = getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams3)
err = waitForDNSReplicasSatisfied(c, getExpectReplicasLinear, DNSdefaultTimeout)
By("Restoring cluster size")
ginkgo.By("Restoring cluster size")
err = framework.WaitForReadyNodes(c, numNodes, scaleDownTimeout)
By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
ginkgo.By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
err = waitForDNSReplicasSatisfied(c, getExpectReplicasLinear, DNSdefaultTimeout)
// TODO: Get rid of [DisabledForLargeClusters] tag when issue #55779 is fixed.
It("[DisabledForLargeClusters] kube-dns-autoscaler should scale kube-dns pods in both nonfaulty and faulty scenarios", func() {
ginkgo.It("[DisabledForLargeClusters] kube-dns-autoscaler should scale kube-dns pods in both nonfaulty and faulty scenarios", func() {
By("Replace the dns autoscaling parameters with testing parameters")
err := updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(packLinearParams(&DNSParams_1)))
ginkgo.By("Replace the dns autoscaling parameters with testing parameters")
err := updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(packLinearParams(&DNSParams1)))
defer func() {
By("Restoring initial dns autoscaling parameters")
ginkgo.By("Restoring initial dns autoscaling parameters")
err = updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(previousParams))
By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear := getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams_1)
ginkgo.By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear := getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams1)
err = waitForDNSReplicasSatisfied(c, getExpectReplicasLinear, DNSdefaultTimeout)
By("--- Scenario: should scale kube-dns based on changed parameters ---")
By("Replace the dns autoscaling parameters with another testing parameters")
err = updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(packLinearParams(&DNSParams_3)))
ginkgo.By("--- Scenario: should scale kube-dns based on changed parameters ---")
ginkgo.By("Replace the dns autoscaling parameters with another testing parameters")
err = updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(packLinearParams(&DNSParams3)))
By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear = getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams_3)
ginkgo.By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear = getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams3)
err = waitForDNSReplicasSatisfied(c, getExpectReplicasLinear, DNSdefaultTimeout)
By("--- Scenario: should re-create scaling parameters with default value when parameters got deleted ---")
By("Delete the ConfigMap for autoscaler")
ginkgo.By("--- Scenario: should re-create scaling parameters with default value when parameters got deleted ---")
ginkgo.By("Delete the ConfigMap for autoscaler")
err = deleteDNSScalingConfigMap(c)
By("Wait for the ConfigMap got re-created")
ginkgo.By("Wait for the ConfigMap got re-created")
_, err = waitForDNSConfigMapCreated(c, DNSdefaultTimeout)
By("Replace the dns autoscaling parameters with another testing parameters")
err = updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(packLinearParams(&DNSParams_2)))
ginkgo.By("Replace the dns autoscaling parameters with another testing parameters")
err = updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(packLinearParams(&DNSParams2)))
By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear = getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams_2)
ginkgo.By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear = getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams2)
err = waitForDNSReplicasSatisfied(c, getExpectReplicasLinear, DNSdefaultTimeout)
By("--- Scenario: should recover after autoscaler pod got deleted ---")
By("Delete the autoscaler pod for kube-dns")
ginkgo.By("--- Scenario: should recover after autoscaler pod got deleted ---")
ginkgo.By("Delete the autoscaler pod for kube-dns")
err = deleteDNSAutoscalerPod(c)
By("Replace the dns autoscaling parameters with another testing parameters")
err = updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(packLinearParams(&DNSParams_1)))
ginkgo.By("Replace the dns autoscaling parameters with another testing parameters")
err = updateDNSScalingConfigMap(c, packDNSScalingConfigMap(packLinearParams(&DNSParams1)))
By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear = getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams_1)
ginkgo.By("Wait for kube-dns scaled to expected number")
getExpectReplicasLinear = getExpectReplicasFuncLinear(c, &DNSParams1)
err = waitForDNSReplicasSatisfied(c, getExpectReplicasLinear, DNSdefaultTimeout)
// DNSParamsLinear is a struct for number of DNS pods.
type DNSParamsLinear struct {
nodesPerReplica float64
coresPerReplica float64

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ package autoscaling
import ""
// SIGDescribe annotates the test with the SIG label.
func SIGDescribe(text string, body func()) bool {
return ginkgo.Describe("[sig-autoscaling] "+text, body)

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import (
. ""
// These tests don't seem to be running properly in parallel: issue: #20338.
@ -37,20 +37,20 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: CPU)", fu
SIGDescribe("[Serial] [Slow] Deployment", func() {
// CPU tests via deployments
It(titleUp, func() {
ginkgo.It(titleUp, func() {
scaleUp("test-deployment", common.KindDeployment, false, rc, f)
It(titleDown, func() {
ginkgo.It(titleDown, func() {
scaleDown("test-deployment", common.KindDeployment, false, rc, f)
SIGDescribe("[Serial] [Slow] ReplicaSet", func() {
// CPU tests via ReplicaSets
It(titleUp, func() {
ginkgo.It(titleUp, func() {
scaleUp("rs", common.KindReplicaSet, false, rc, f)
It(titleDown, func() {
ginkgo.It(titleDown, func() {
scaleDown("rs", common.KindReplicaSet, false, rc, f)
@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: CPU)", fu
// These tests take ~20 minutes each.
SIGDescribe("[Serial] [Slow] ReplicationController", func() {
// CPU tests via replication controllers
It(titleUp+" and verify decision stability", func() {
ginkgo.It(titleUp+" and verify decision stability", func() {
scaleUp("rc", common.KindRC, true, rc, f)
It(titleDown+" and verify decision stability", func() {
ginkgo.It(titleDown+" and verify decision stability", func() {
scaleDown("rc", common.KindRC, true, rc, f)
SIGDescribe("ReplicationController light", func() {
It("Should scale from 1 pod to 2 pods", func() {
ginkgo.It("Should scale from 1 pod to 2 pods", func() {
scaleTest := &HPAScaleTest{
initPods: 1,
totalInitialCPUUsage: 150,
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("[HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: CPU)", fu
}"rc-light", common.KindRC, rc, f)
It("Should scale from 2 pods to 1 pod", func() {
ginkgo.It("Should scale from 2 pods to 1 pod", func() {
scaleTest := &HPAScaleTest{
initPods: 2,
totalInitialCPUUsage: 50,