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Merge pull request #7149 from a-robinson/fluentd
Create a Docker image for use as a sidecar log collector that sends logs to Google Cloud Loggingpull/6/head
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# This Dockerfile will build an image that is configured to use Fluentd to
# collect container log files from the specified paths and send them to the
# Google Cloud Logging API.
# The environment variable that controls which log files are collected is
# FILES_TO_COLLECT. Files specified in the environment variable should be
# separated by whitespace, as in "/var/log/syslog /var/log/nginx/access.log".
# This configuration assumes that the host performning the collection is a VM
# that has been created with a logging.write scope and that the Logging API
# has been enabled for the project in the Google Developer Console.
FROM ubuntu:14.04
MAINTAINER Alex Robinson "arob@google.com"
# Disable prompts from apt.
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
ENV OPTS_APT -y --force-yes --no-install-recommends
# Install the Fluentd agent that knows how to send logs to Google Cloud Logging.
RUN apt-get -q update && \
apt-get -y install curl && \
apt-get clean && \
curl -s https://storage.googleapis.com/signals-agents/logging/google-fluentd-install.sh | sudo bash
# Copy the configuration file generator for creating input configurations for
# each file specified in the FILES_TO_COLLECT environment variable.
COPY config_generator.sh /usr/local/sbin/config_generator.sh
# Copy the Fluentd configuration file for collecting from all the inputs
# generated by the config generator and sending them to Google Cloud Logging.
COPY google-fluentd.conf /etc/google-fluentd/google-fluentd.conf
# Run the config generator to get the config files in place and start Fluentd.
# We have to run the config generator at runtime rather than now so that it can
# incorporate the files provided in the environment variable in its config.
CMD /usr/local/sbin/config_generator.sh && /usr/sbin/google-fluentd -qq --use-v1-config --suppress-repeated-stacktrace > /var/log/google-fluentd/google-fluentd.log
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
.PHONY: build push
TAG = 1.0
docker build -t gcr.io/google_containers/fluentd-sidecar-gcp:$(TAG) .
gcloud preview docker push gcr.io/google_containers/fluentd-sidecar-gcp:$(TAG)
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Collecting log files from within containers with Fluentd and sending to the Google Cloud Logging service.
This directory contains the source files needed to make a Docker image that collects log files from arbitrary files within a container using [Fluentd](http://www.fluentd.org/) and sends them to GCP.
The image is designed to be used as a sidecar container as part of a pod.
It lives in the Google Container Registry under the name `gcr.io/google_containers/fluentd-sidecar-gcp`.
This shouldn't be necessary if your container writes its logs to stdout or stderr, since the Kubernetes cluster's default logging infrastructure will collect that automatically, but this is useful if your application logs to a specific file in its filesystem and can't easily be changed.
In order to make this work, you have to add a few things to your pod config:
1. A second container, using the `gcr.io/google_containers/fluentd-sidecar-gcp:1.0` image to send the logs to Google Cloud Logging.
2. A volume for the two containers to share. The emptyDir volume type is a good choice for this because we only want the volume to exist for the lifetime of the pod.
3. Mount paths for the volume in each container. In your primary container, this should be the path that the applications log files are written to. In the secondary container, this can be just about anything, so we put it under /mnt/log to keep it out of the way of the rest of the filesystem.
4. The `FILES_TO_COLLECT` environment variable in the sidecar container, telling it which files to collect logs from. These paths should always be in the mounted volume.
To try it out, make sure that your cluster was set up to log to Google Cloud Logging when it was created (i.e. you set `LOGGING_DESTINATION=gcp` or are running on Container Engine), then simply run
kubectl create -f logging-sidecar-pod.yaml
You should see the logs show up in the log viewer of the Google Developer Console shortly after creating the pod. To clean up after yourself, simply run
kubectl delete -f logging-sidecar-pod.yaml
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
mkdir -p /etc/google-fluentd/files
if [ -z "$FILES_TO_COLLECT" ]; then
exit 0
for filepath in $FILES_TO_COLLECT
filename=$(basename $filepath)
cat > "/etc/google-fluentd/files/${filename}" << EndOfMessage
type tail
format none
time_key time
path ${filepath}
pos_file /etc/google-fluentd/fluentd-gcp.log.pos
time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
tag file.${filename}
read_from_head true
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# This Fluentd configuration file enables the collection of log files
# that can be specified at the time of its creation in an environment
# variable, assuming that the config_generator.sh script runs to generate
# a configuration file for each log file to collect.
# Logs collected will be sent to the Google Cloud Logging API.
# Currently the collector uses a text format rather than allowing the user
# to specify how to parse each file.
# This configuration assumes the correct installation of the the Google
# Fluentd plug-in, and that the VM host running this configuration is on
# Google Compute Engine and has been created with the logging.write scope.
# Pick up all the auto-generated input config files, one for each file
# specified in the FILES_TO_COLLECT environment variable.
@include files/*
# All the auto-generated files should use the tag "file.<filename>".
<match file.**>
type google_cloud
flush_interval 5s
# Never wait longer than 5 minutes between retries.
max_retry_wait 300
# Disable the limit on the number of retries (retry forever).
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
apiVersion: v1beta3
kind: Pod
example: logging-sidecar
name: logging-sidecar-example
- name: synthetic-logger
image: ubuntu:14.04
command: ["bash", "-c", "i=\"0\"; while true; do echo \"`hostname`: $i \" >> /var/log/synthetic-count.log; date --rfc-3339 ns >> /var/log/synthetic-dates.log; sleep 4; i=$[$i+1]; done"]
- name: log-storage
mountPath: /var/log
- name: sidecar-log-collector
image: gcr.io/google_containers/fluentd-sidecar-gcp:1.0
value: "/mnt/log/synthetic-count.log /mnt/log/synthetic-dates.log"
- name: log-storage
readOnly: true
mountPath: /mnt/log
- name: log-storage
emptyDir: {}
Reference in New Issue