@ -575,10 +575,6 @@ function build-kube-master-certs {
CA_KEY: $(yaml-quote ${CA_KEY_BASE64:-})
@ -953,9 +949,7 @@ function create-certs {
echo "Generating certs for alternate-names: ${sans}"
PRIMARY_CN="${primary_cn}" SANS="${sans}" generate-certs
AGGREGATOR_PRIMARY_CN="${primary_cn}" AGGREGATOR_SANS="${sans}" generate-aggregator-certs
# By default, linux wraps base64 output every 76 cols, so we use 'tr -d' to remove whitespaces.
@ -970,34 +964,6 @@ function create-certs {
KUBECFG_KEY_BASE64=$(cat "${CERT_DIR}/pki/private/kubecfg.key" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n')
KUBEAPISERVER_CERT_BASE64=$(cat "${CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/kube-apiserver.crt" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n')
KUBEAPISERVER_KEY_BASE64=$(cat "${CERT_DIR}/pki/private/kube-apiserver.key" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n')
# Setting up an addition directory (beyond pki) as it is the simplest way to
# ensure we get a different CA pair to sign the proxy-client certs and which
# we can send CA public key to the user-apiserver to validate communication.
AGGREGATOR_CA_KEY_BASE64=$(cat "${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/ca.key" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n')
REQUESTHEADER_CA_CERT_BASE64=$(cat "${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR}/pki/ca.crt" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n')
PROXY_CLIENT_CERT_BASE64=$(cat "${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/proxy-client.crt" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n')
PROXY_CLIENT_KEY_BASE64=$(cat "${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/proxy-client.key" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n')
function setup-easyrsa {
local -r cert_create_debug_output=$(mktemp "${KUBE_TEMP}/cert_create_debug_output.XXX")
# Note: This was heavily cribbed from make-ca-cert.sh
(set -x
cd "${KUBE_TEMP}"
curl -L -O --connect-timeout 20 --retry 6 --retry-delay 2 https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/easy-rsa/easy-rsa.tar.gz
tar xzf easy-rsa.tar.gz
mkdir easy-rsa-master/kubelet
cp -r easy-rsa-master/easyrsa3/* easy-rsa-master/kubelet
mkdir easy-rsa-master/aggregator
cp -r easy-rsa-master/easyrsa3/* easy-rsa-master/aggregator) &>${cert_create_debug_output} || {
# If there was an error in the subshell, just die.
# TODO(roberthbailey): add better error handling here
cat "${cert_create_debug_output}" >&2
echo "=== Failed to setup easy-rsa: Aborting ===" >&2
exit 2
# Runs the easy RSA commands to generate certificate files.
@ -1014,7 +980,12 @@ function generate-certs {
local -r cert_create_debug_output=$(mktemp "${KUBE_TEMP}/cert_create_debug_output.XXX")
# Note: This was heavily cribbed from make-ca-cert.sh
(set -x
cd "${KUBE_TEMP}/easy-rsa-master/easyrsa3"
cd "${KUBE_TEMP}"
curl -L -O --connect-timeout 20 --retry 6 --retry-delay 2 https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/easy-rsa/easy-rsa.tar.gz
tar xzf easy-rsa.tar.gz
mkdir easy-rsa-master/kubelet
cp -r easy-rsa-master/easyrsa3/* easy-rsa-master/kubelet
cd easy-rsa-master/easyrsa3
./easyrsa init-pki
# this puts the cert into pki/ca.crt and the key into pki/private/ca.key
./easyrsa --batch "--req-cn=${PRIMARY_CN}@$(date +%s)" build-ca nopass
@ -1039,51 +1010,7 @@ function generate-certs {
# If there was an error in the subshell, just die.
# TODO(roberthbailey): add better error handling here
cat "${cert_create_debug_output}" >&2
echo "=== Failed to generate master certificates: Aborting ===" >&2
exit 2
# Runs the easy RSA commands to generate aggregator certificate files.
# The generated files are at ${KUBE_TEMP}/easy-rsa-master/aggregator
# Assumed vars
# AGGREGATOR_PRIMARY_CN: Primary canonical name
# AGGREGATOR_SANS: Subject alternate names
function generate-aggregator-certs {
local -r cert_create_debug_output=$(mktemp "${KUBE_TEMP}/cert_create_debug_output.XXX")
# Note: This was heavily cribbed from make-ca-cert.sh
(set -x
cd "${KUBE_TEMP}/easy-rsa-master/aggregator"
./easyrsa init-pki
# this puts the cert into pki/ca.crt and the key into pki/private/ca.key
./easyrsa --batch "--req-cn=${AGGREGATOR_PRIMARY_CN}@$(date +%s)" build-ca nopass
./easyrsa --subject-alt-name="${AGGREGATOR_SANS}" build-server-full "${AGGREGATOR_MASTER_NAME}" nopass
./easyrsa build-client-full aggregator-apiserver nopass
kube::util::ensure-cfssl "${KUBE_TEMP}/cfssl"
# make the config for the signer
echo '{"signing":{"default":{"expiry":"43800h","usages":["signing","key encipherment","client auth"]}}}' > "ca-config.json"
# create the aggregator client cert with the correct groups
echo '{"CN":"aggregator","hosts":[""],"key":{"algo":"rsa","size":2048}}' | "${CFSSL_BIN}" gencert -ca=pki/ca.crt -ca-key=pki/private/ca.key -config=ca-config.json - | "${CFSSLJSON_BIN}" -bare proxy-client
mv "proxy-client-key.pem" "pki/private/proxy-client.key"
mv "proxy-client.pem" "pki/issued/proxy-client.crt"
rm -f "proxy-client.csr"
# Make a superuser client cert with subject "O=system:masters, CN=kubecfg"
./easyrsa --dn-mode=org \
--req-cn=proxy-clientcfg --req-org=system:aggregator \
--req-c= --req-st= --req-city= --req-email= --req-ou= \
build-client-full proxy-clientcfg nopass) &>${cert_create_debug_output} || {
# If there was an error in the subshell, just die.
# TODO(roberthbailey): add better error handling here
cat "${cert_create_debug_output}" >&2
echo "=== Failed to generate aggregator certificates: Aborting ===" >&2
echo "=== Failed to generate certificates: Aborting ===" >&2
exit 2
@ -1241,10 +1168,6 @@ function parse-master-env() {
KUBELET_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KUBELET_KEY")
MASTER_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "MASTER_CERT")
MASTER_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "MASTER_KEY")
AGGREGATOR_CA_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "AGGREGATOR_CA_KEY")
PROXY_CLIENT_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "PROXY_CLIENT_CERT")
PROXY_CLIENT_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "PROXY_CLIENT_KEY")
# Update or verify required gcloud components are installed