Don't show Kubernetes username & password to console for heapster.

Dawn Chen 2014-11-13 23:00:37 -08:00
parent 8c358f0cae
commit a9defc413a
1 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -612,8 +612,11 @@ function setup-monitoring {
if "${kubectl}" create -f "${KUBE_ROOT}/examples/monitoring/influx-grafana-pod.json" &> /dev/null \
&& "${kubectl}" create -f "${KUBE_ROOT}/examples/monitoring/influx-grafana-service.json" &> /dev/null \
&& "${kubectl}" create -f "${KUBE_ROOT}/examples/monitoring/heapster-pod.json" &> /dev/null; then
dashboardIP="http://$KUBE_USER:$KUBE_PASSWORD@`${kubectl} get -o json pod influx-grafana | grep hostIP | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/[,|\"]//g'`"
echo "Grafana dashboard will be available at $dashboardIP. Wait for the monitoring dashboard to be online. Use the master user name and password for the dashboard."
dashboardIP="http://`${kubectl} get -o json pod influx-grafana | grep hostIP | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/[,|\"]//g'`"
echo "Grafana dashboard will be available at $dashboardIP. Wait for the monitoring dashboard to be online."
echo "Use the master user name and password for the dashboard."
echo "Failed to Setup Monitoring"