Emit events for AddOn lifecycle

Signed-off-by: Brad Davidson <brad.davidson@rancher.com>
Brad Davidson 2021-06-10 14:10:38 -07:00 committed by Brad Davidson
parent ea2cd6d727
commit a7d1159ba6
2 changed files with 54 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -21,13 +21,18 @@ import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
yamlDecoder "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/yaml"
typedcorev1 "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/core/v1"
const (
@ -36,7 +41,7 @@ const (
// WatchFiles sets up an OnChange callback to start a periodic goroutine to watch files for changes once the controller has started up.
func WatchFiles(ctx context.Context, apply apply.Apply, addons controllersv1.AddonController, disables map[string]bool, bases ...string) error {
func WatchFiles(ctx context.Context, client kubernetes.Interface, apply apply.Apply, addons controllersv1.AddonController, disables map[string]bool, bases ...string) error {
w := &watcher{
apply: apply,
addonCache: addons.Cache(),
@ -49,7 +54,7 @@ func WatchFiles(ctx context.Context, apply apply.Apply, addons controllersv1.Add
addons.Enqueue(metav1.NamespaceNone, startKey)
addons.OnChange(ctx, "addon-start", func(key string, _ *apisv1.Addon) (*apisv1.Addon, error) {
if key == startKey {
go w.start(ctx)
go w.start(ctx, client)
return nil, nil
@ -64,10 +69,17 @@ type watcher struct {
bases []string
disables map[string]bool
modTime map[string]time.Time
recorder record.EventRecorder
// start calls listFiles at regular intervals to trigger application of manifests that have changed on disk.
func (w *watcher) start(ctx context.Context) {
func (w *watcher) start(ctx context.Context, client kubernetes.Interface) {
nodeName := os.Getenv("NODE_NAME")
broadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
broadcaster.StartRecordingToSink(&typedcorev1.EventSinkImpl{Interface: client.CoreV1().Events(metav1.NamespaceSystem)})
w.recorder = broadcaster.NewRecorder(schemes.All, corev1.EventSource{Component: ControllerName, Host: nodeName})
force := true
for {
if err := w.listFiles(force); err == nil {
@ -153,14 +165,28 @@ func (w *watcher) listFilesIn(base string, force bool) error {
// deploy loads yaml from a manifest on disk, creates an AddOn resource to track its application, and then applies
// all resources contained within to the cluster.
func (w *watcher) deploy(path string, compareChecksum bool) error {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
name := basename(path)
addon, err := w.getOrCreateAddon(name)
if err != nil {
return err
name := basename(path)
addon, err := w.getOrCreateAddon(name)
addon.Spec.Source = path
addon.Status.GVKs = nil
// Create the new Addon now so that we can use it to report Events when parsing/applying the manifest
// Events need the UID and ObjectRevision set to function properly
if addon.UID == "" {
newAddon, err := w.addons.Create(&addon)
if err != nil {
return err
addon = *newAddon
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
w.recorder.Eventf(&addon, corev1.EventTypeWarning, "ReadManifestFailed", "Read manifest at %q failed: %v", path, err)
return err
@ -170,26 +196,24 @@ func (w *watcher) deploy(path string, compareChecksum bool) error {
return nil
// Attempt to parse the YAML/JSON into objects. Failure at this point would be due to bad file content - not YAML/JSON,
// YAML/JSON that can't be converted to Kubernetes objects, etc.
objectSet, err := objectSet(content)
if err != nil {
w.recorder.Eventf(&addon, corev1.EventTypeWarning, "ParseManifestFailed", "Parse manifest at %q failed: %v", path, err)
return err
// Attempt to apply the changes. Failure at this point would be due to more complicated issues - invalid changes to
// existing objects, rejected by validating webhooks, etc.
w.recorder.Eventf(&addon, corev1.EventTypeNormal, "ApplyingManifest", "Applying manifest at %q", path)
if err := w.apply.WithOwner(&addon).Apply(objectSet); err != nil {
w.recorder.Eventf(&addon, corev1.EventTypeWarning, "ApplyManifestFailed", "Applying manifest at %q failed: %v", path, err)
return err
addon.Spec.Source = path
addon.Spec.Checksum = checksum
addon.Status.GVKs = nil
// Create the new Addon now so that we can use it to report Events when parsing/applying the manifest
// Events need the UID and ObjectRevision set to function properly
if addon.UID == "" {
_, err := w.addons.Create(&addon)
return err
// Emit event, Update Addon checksum and modtime only if apply was successful
w.recorder.Eventf(&addon, corev1.EventTypeNormal, "AppliedManifest", "Applied manifest at %q", path)
_, err = w.addons.Update(&addon)
return err
@ -203,24 +227,29 @@ func (w *watcher) delete(path string) error {
return err
// ensure that the addon is completely removed before deleting the objectSet,
// so return when err == nil, otherwise pods may get stuck terminating
if err := w.addons.Delete(addon.Namespace, addon.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{}); err == nil || !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
w.recorder.Eventf(&addon, corev1.EventTypeWarning, "ReadManifestFailed", "Read manifest at %q failed: %v", path, err)
return err
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
objectSet, err := objectSet(content)
if err != nil {
w.recorder.Eventf(&addon, corev1.EventTypeWarning, "ParseManifestFailed", "Parse manifest at %q failed: %v", path, err)
return err
var gvk []schema.GroupVersionKind
for k := range objectSet.ObjectsByGVK() {
gvk = append(gvk, k)
// ensure that the addon is completely removed before deleting the objectSet,
// so return when err == nil, otherwise pods may get stuck terminating
w.recorder.Eventf(&addon, corev1.EventTypeNormal, "DeletingManifest", "Deleting manifest at %q", path)
if err := w.addons.Delete(addon.Namespace, addon.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{}); err == nil || !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return err
// apply an empty set with owner & gvk data to delete
if err := w.apply.WithOwner(&addon).WithGVK(gvk...).Apply(nil); err != nil {
return err

View File

@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ func stageFiles(ctx context.Context, sc *Context, controlConfig *config.Control)
return deploy.WatchFiles(ctx,