E2E test node upgrade (to same version)

Max Forbes 2015-05-21 14:43:42 -07:00
parent a8a3e9d0c7
commit a6c47a07de
4 changed files with 519 additions and 117 deletions

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ type WaitFunc func() <-chan struct{}
// placed on the channel and once more when the channel is closed. If c
// returns an error the loop ends and that error is returned, and if c returns
// true the loop ends and nil is returned. ErrWaitTimeout will be returned if
// the channel is closed without c every returning true.
// the channel is closed without c ever returning true.
func WaitFor(wait WaitFunc, c ConditionFunc) error {
w := wait()
for {

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@ -30,28 +30,17 @@ import (
const (
// How long to pause between polling node or pod status.
poll = 5 * time.Second
// How long nodes have to be "ready" before the reboot. They should already
// be "ready" before the test starts, so this is small.
nodeReadyInitialTimeout = 20 * time.Second
// How long pods have to be "ready" before the reboot. They should already
// be "ready" before the test starts, so this is small.
podReadyBeforeTimeout = 20 * time.Second
// How long a node is allowed to go from "Ready" to "NotReady" after a
// reboot is issued before the test is considered failed.
rebootNotReadyTimeout = 2 * time.Minute
rebootNodeNotReadyTimeout = 2 * time.Minute
// How long a node is allowed to go from "NotReady" to "Ready" after a
// reboot is issued and it is found to be "NotReady" before the test is
// considered failed.
rebootReadyAgainTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
rebootNodeReadyAgainTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
// How long pods have to be "ready" after the reboot.
podReadyAgainTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
rebootPodReadyAgainTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
var _ = Describe("Reboot", func() {
@ -105,7 +94,7 @@ func testReboot(c *client.Client, rebootCmd string) {
// Get all nodes, and kick off the test on each.
nodelist, err := c.Nodes().List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
nodelist, err := listNodes(c, labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
if err != nil {
Failf("Error getting nodes: %v", err)
@ -159,6 +148,10 @@ func issueSSHCommand(node *api.Node, provider, cmd string) error {
// It returns true through result only if all of the steps pass; at the first
// failed step, it will return false through result and not run the rest.
func rebootNode(c *client.Client, provider, name, rebootCmd string, result chan bool) {
// Setup
ps := newPodStore(c, api.NamespaceDefault, labels.Everything(), fields.OneTermEqualSelector(client.PodHost, name))
defer ps.Stop()
// Get the node initially.
Logf("Getting %s", name)
node, err := c.Nodes().Get(name)
@ -175,22 +168,16 @@ func rebootNode(c *client.Client, provider, name, rebootCmd string, result chan
// Get all the pods on the node.
podList, err := c.Pods(api.NamespaceDefault).List(
labels.Everything(), fields.OneTermEqualSelector(client.PodHost, name))
if err != nil {
Logf("Error getting pods for node %s: %v", name, err)
result <- false
podNames := make([]string, len(podList.Items))
for i, p := range podList.Items {
pods := ps.List()
podNames := make([]string, len(pods))
for i, p := range pods {
podNames[i] = p.ObjectMeta.Name
Logf("Node %s has %d pods: %v", name, len(podNames), podNames)
// For each pod, we do a sanity check to ensure it's running / healthy
// now, as that's what we'll be checking later.
if !checkPodsRunning(c, podNames, podReadyBeforeTimeout) {
if !checkPodsRunningReady(c, podNames, podReadyBeforeTimeout) {
result <- false
@ -202,20 +189,20 @@ func rebootNode(c *client.Client, provider, name, rebootCmd string, result chan
// Wait for some kind of "not ready" status.
if !waitForNodeToBeNotReady(c, name, rebootNotReadyTimeout) {
if !waitForNodeToBeNotReady(c, name, rebootNodeNotReadyTimeout) {
result <- false
// Wait for some kind of "ready" status.
if !waitForNodeToBeReady(c, name, rebootReadyAgainTimeout) {
if !waitForNodeToBeReady(c, name, rebootNodeReadyAgainTimeout) {
result <- false
// Ensure all of the pods that we found on this node before the reboot are
// running / healthy.
if !checkPodsRunning(c, podNames, podReadyAgainTimeout) {
if !checkPodsRunningReady(c, podNames, rebootPodReadyAgainTimeout) {
result <- false
@ -223,72 +210,3 @@ func rebootNode(c *client.Client, provider, name, rebootCmd string, result chan
Logf("Reboot successful on node %s", name)
result <- true
// checkPodsRunning returns whether all pods whose names are listed in podNames
// are running.
func checkPodsRunning(c *client.Client, podNames []string, timeout time.Duration) bool {
desc := "running and ready"
Logf("Waiting up to %v for the following pods to be %s: %s", timeout, desc, podNames)
result := make(chan bool, len(podNames))
for ix := range podNames {
// Launch off pod readiness checkers.
go func(name string) {
err := waitForPodCondition(c, api.NamespaceDefault, name, desc,
poll, timeout, podRunningReady)
result <- err == nil
// Wait for them all to finish.
success := true
// TODO(mbforbes): Change to `for range` syntax and remove logging once we
// support only Go >= 1.4.
for _, podName := range podNames {
if !<-result {
Logf("Pod %s failed to be %s.", podName, desc)
success = false
Logf("Wanted all pods to be %s. Result: %t. Pods: %v", desc, success, podNames)
return success
// waitForNodeToBeReady returns whether node name is ready within timeout.
func waitForNodeToBeReady(c *client.Client, name string, timeout time.Duration) bool {
return waitForNodeToBe(c, name, true, timeout)
// waitForNodeToBeNotReady returns whether node name is not ready (i.e. the
// readiness condition is anything but ready, e.g false or unknown) within
// timeout.
func waitForNodeToBeNotReady(c *client.Client, name string, timeout time.Duration) bool {
return waitForNodeToBe(c, name, false, timeout)
// waitForNodeToBe returns whether node name's readiness state matches wantReady
// within timeout. If wantReady is true, it will ensure the node is ready; if
// it's false, it ensures the node is in any state other than ready (e.g. not
// ready or unknown).
func waitForNodeToBe(c *client.Client, name string, wantReady bool, timeout time.Duration) bool {
Logf("Waiting up to %v for node %s readiness to be %t", timeout, name, wantReady)
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < timeout; time.Sleep(poll) {
node, err := c.Nodes().Get(name)
if err != nil {
Logf("Couldn't get node %s", name)
// Check the node readiness condition (logging all).
for i, cond := range node.Status.Conditions {
Logf("Node %s condition %d/%d: type: %v, status: %v",
name, i+1, len(node.Status.Conditions), cond.Type, cond.Status)
// Ensure that the condition type is readiness and the status
// matches as desired.
if cond.Type == api.NodeReady && (cond.Status == api.ConditionTrue) == wantReady {
Logf("Successfully found node %s readiness to be %t", name, wantReady)
return true
Logf("Node %s didn't reach desired readiness (%t) within %v", name, wantReady, timeout)
return false

test/e2e/restart.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package e2e
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
const (
// How long each node is given during a process that restarts all nodes
// before the test is considered failed. (Note that the total time to
// restart all nodes will be this number times the nubmer of nodes.)
restartPerNodeTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
// How often to poll the statues of a restart.
restartPoll = 20 * time.Second
// How long a node is allowed to become "Ready" after it is restarted before
// the test is considered failed.
restartNodeReadyAgainTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
// How long a pod is allowed to become "running" and "ready" after a node
// restart before test is considered failed.
restartPodReadyAgainTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
var _ = Describe("Restart", func() {
var c *client.Client
var ps *podStore
BeforeEach(func() {
var err error
c, err = loadClient()
ps = newPodStore(c, api.NamespaceDefault, labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
AfterEach(func() {
It("should restart all nodes and ensure all nodes and pods recover", func() {
// This test requires the ability to restart all nodes, so the provider
// check must be identical to that call.
provider := testContext.Provider
nn := testContext.CloudConfig.NumNodes
if !providerIs("gce") {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Skipping reboot test, which is not implemented for %s", provider))
By("ensuring all nodes are ready")
nodeNamesBefore, err := checkNodesReady(c, nodeReadyInitialTimeout, nn)
Logf("Got the following nodes before restart: %v", nodeNamesBefore)
By("ensuring all pods are running and ready")
pods := ps.List()
podNamesBefore := make([]string, len(pods))
for i, p := range pods {
podNamesBefore[i] = p.ObjectMeta.Name
if !checkPodsRunningReady(c, podNamesBefore, podReadyBeforeTimeout) {
Failf("At least one pod wasn't running and ready at test start.")
By("restarting all of the nodes")
err = restartNodes(provider, restartPerNodeTimeout)
By("ensuring all nodes are ready after the restart")
nodeNamesAfter, err := checkNodesReady(c, restartNodeReadyAgainTimeout, nn)
Logf("Got the following nodes after restart: %v", nodeNamesAfter)
// Make sure that we have the same number of nodes. We're not checking
// that the names match because that's implementation specific.
By("ensuring the same number of nodes exist after the restart")
if len(nodeNamesBefore) != len(nodeNamesAfter) {
Failf("Had %d nodes before nodes were restarted, but now only have %d",
len(nodeNamesBefore), len(nodeNamesAfter))
// Make sure that we have the same number of pods. We're not checking
// that the names match because they are recreated with different names
// across node restarts.
By("ensuring the same number of pods are running and ready after restart")
podCheckStart := time.Now()
podNamesAfter, err := waitForNPods(ps, len(podNamesBefore), restartPodReadyAgainTimeout)
remaining := restartPodReadyAgainTimeout - time.Since(podCheckStart)
if !checkPodsRunningReady(c, podNamesAfter, remaining) {
Failf("At least one pod wasn't running and ready after the restart.")
// waitForNPods tries to list pods using c until it finds expect of them,
// returning their names if it can do so before timeout.
func waitForNPods(ps *podStore, expect int, timeout time.Duration) ([]string, error) {
// Loop until we find expect pods or timeout is passed.
var pods []*api.Pod
var errLast error
found := wait.Poll(poll, timeout, func() (bool, error) {
pods = ps.List()
if len(pods) != expect {
errLast = fmt.Errorf("expected to find %d pods but found only %d", expect, len(pods))
Logf("Error getting pods: %v", errLast)
return false, nil
return true, nil
}) == nil
// Extract the names of all found pods.
podNames := make([]string, len(pods))
for i, p := range pods {
podNames[i] = p.ObjectMeta.Name
if !found {
return podNames, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find %d pods within %v; last error: %v",
expect, timeout, errLast)
return podNames, nil
// checkNodesReady waits up to nt for expect nodes accessed by c to be ready,
// returning an error if this doesn't happen in time. It returns the names of
// nodes it finds.
func checkNodesReady(c *client.Client, nt time.Duration, expect int) ([]string, error) {
// First, keep getting all of the nodes until we get the number we expect.
var nodeList *api.NodeList
var errLast error
start := time.Now()
found := wait.Poll(poll, nt, func() (bool, error) {
// Even though listNodes(...) has its own retries, a rolling-update
// (GCE/GKE implementation of restart) can complete before the apiserver
// knows about all of the nodes. Thus, we retry the list nodes call
// until we get the expected number of nodes.
nodeList, errLast = listNodes(c, labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
if errLast != nil {
return false, nil
if len(nodeList.Items) != expect {
errLast = fmt.Errorf("expected to find %d nodes but found only %d", expect, len(nodeList.Items))
Logf("%v", errLast)
return false, nil
return true, nil
}) == nil
nodeNames := make([]string, len(nodeList.Items))
for i, n := range nodeList.Items {
nodeNames[i] = n.ObjectMeta.Name
if !found {
return nodeNames, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find %d nodes within %v; last error: %v",
expect, nt, errLast)
// Next, ensure in parallel that all the nodes are ready. We subtract the
// time we spent waiting above.
timeout := nt - time.Since(start)
result := make(chan bool, len(nodeList.Items))
for _, n := range nodeNames {
n := n
go func() { result <- waitForNodeToBeReady(c, n, timeout) }()
failed := false
// TODO(mbforbes): Change to `for range` syntax once we support only Go
// >= 1.4.
for i := range nodeList.Items {
_ = i
if !<-result {
failed = true
if failed {
return nodeNames, fmt.Errorf("at least one node failed to be ready")
return nodeNames, nil
// restartNodes uses provider to do a restart of all nodes in the cluster,
// allowing up to nt per node.
func restartNodes(provider string, nt time.Duration) error {
switch provider {
case "gce":
return migRollingUpdate(nt)
return fmt.Errorf("restartNodes(...) not implemented for %s", provider)
// migRollingUpdate starts a MIG rolling update and waits up to nt times the
// nubmer of nodes for it to complete.
func migRollingUpdate(nt time.Duration) error {
By("getting the name of the template for the managed instance group")
templ, err := migTemplate()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get MIG template name: %v", err)
By("starting the managed instance group rolling update")
id, err := migRollingUpdateStart(templ, nt)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't start the MIG rolling update: %v", err)
By("polling the managed instance group rolling update until it completes")
if err := migRollingUpdatePoll(id, nt); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("err waiting until update completed: %v", err)
return nil
// migTemlate (GCE/GKE-only) returns the name of the MIG template that the
// nodes of the cluster use.
func migTemplate() (string, error) {
var errLast error
var templ string
key := "instanceTemplate"
if wait.Poll(poll, singleCallTimeout, func() (bool, error) {
// TODO(mbforbes): make this hit the compute API directly instead of
// shelling out to gcloud.
o, err := exec.Command("gcloud", "preview", "managed-instance-groups",
fmt.Sprintf("--project=%s", testContext.CloudConfig.ProjectID),
fmt.Sprintf("--zone=%s", testContext.CloudConfig.Zone),
if err != nil {
errLast = fmt.Errorf("gcloud preview managed-instance-groups describe call failed with err: %v", err)
return false, nil
output := string(o)
// The 'describe' call probably succeeded; parse the output and try to
// find the line that looks like "instanceTemplate: url/to/<templ>" and
// return <templ>.
if val := parseKVLines(output, key); len(val) > 0 {
url := strings.Split(val, "/")
templ = url[len(url)-1]
Logf("MIG group %s using template: %s", testContext.CloudConfig.NodeInstanceGroup, templ)
return true, nil
errLast = fmt.Errorf("couldn't find %s in output to get MIG template. Output: %s", key, output)
return false, nil
}) != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("migTemplate() failed with last error: %v", errLast)
return templ, nil
// migRollingUpdateStart (GCE/GKE-only) starts a MIG rolling update using templ
// as the new template, waiting up to nt per node, and returns the ID of that
// update.
func migRollingUpdateStart(templ string, nt time.Duration) (string, error) {
var errLast error
var id string
prefix, suffix := "Started [", "]."
if err := wait.Poll(poll, singleCallTimeout, func() (bool, error) {
// TODO(mbforbes): make this hit the compute API directly instead of
// shelling out to gcloud.
o, err := exec.Command("gcloud", "preview", "rolling-updates",
fmt.Sprintf("--project=%s", testContext.CloudConfig.ProjectID),
fmt.Sprintf("--zone=%s", testContext.CloudConfig.Zone),
// Required args.
fmt.Sprintf("--group=%s", testContext.CloudConfig.NodeInstanceGroup),
fmt.Sprintf("--template=%s", templ),
// Optional args to fine-tune behavior.
fmt.Sprintf("--instance-startup-timeout=%ds", int(nt.Seconds())),
// NOTE: We can speed up this process by increasing
// --max-num-concurrent-instances.
fmt.Sprintf("--max-num-concurrent-instances=%d", 1),
fmt.Sprintf("--max-num-failed-instances=%d", 0),
fmt.Sprintf("--min-instance-update-time=%ds", 0)).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
errLast = fmt.Errorf("gcloud preview rolling-updates call failed with err: %v", err)
return false, nil
output := string(o)
// The 'start' call probably succeeded; parse the output and try to find
// the line that looks like "Started [url/to/<id>]." and return <id>.
for _, line := range strings.Split(output, "\n") {
// As a sanity check, ensure the line starts with prefix and ends
// with suffix.
if strings.Index(line, prefix) != 0 || strings.Index(line, suffix) != len(line)-len(suffix) {
url := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(line, prefix), suffix), "/")
id = url[len(url)-1]
Logf("Started MIG rolling update; ID: %s", id)
return true, nil
errLast = fmt.Errorf("couldn't find line like '%s ... %s' in output to MIG rolling-update start. Output: %s",
prefix, suffix, output)
return false, nil
}); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("migRollingUpdateStart() failed with last error: %v", errLast)
return id, nil
// migRollingUpdatePoll (CKE/GKE-only) polls the progress of the MIG rolling
// update with ID id until it is complete. It returns an error if this takes
// longer than nt times the number of nodes.
func migRollingUpdatePoll(id string, nt time.Duration) error {
// Two keys and a val.
status, progress, done := "status", "statusMessage", "ROLLED_OUT"
start, timeout := time.Now(), nt*time.Duration(testContext.CloudConfig.NumNodes)
var errLast error
Logf("Waiting up to %v for MIG rolling update to complete.", timeout)
if wait.Poll(restartPoll, timeout, func() (bool, error) {
o, err := exec.Command("gcloud", "preview", "rolling-updates",
fmt.Sprintf("--project=%s", testContext.CloudConfig.ProjectID),
fmt.Sprintf("--zone=%s", testContext.CloudConfig.Zone),
if err != nil {
errLast = fmt.Errorf("Error calling rolling-updates describe %s: %v", id, err)
Logf("%v", errLast)
return false, nil
output := string(o)
// The 'describe' call probably succeeded; parse the output and try to
// find the line that looks like "status: <status>" and see whether it's
// done.
Logf("Waiting for MIG rolling update: %s (%v elapsed)",
parseKVLines(output, progress), time.Since(start))
if st := parseKVLines(output, status); st == done {
return true, nil
return false, nil
}) != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("timeout waiting %v for MIG rolling update to complete. Last error: %v", timeout, errLast)
return nil
// parseKVLines parses output that looks like lines containing "<key>: <val>"
// and returns <val> if <key> is found. Otherwise, it returns the empty string.
func parseKVLines(output, key string) string {
delim := ":"
key = key + delim
for _, line := range strings.Split(output, "\n") {
pieces := strings.SplitAfterN(line, delim, 2)
if len(pieces) != 2 {
k, v := pieces[0], pieces[1]
if k == key {
return strings.TrimSpace(v)
return ""

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import (
@ -60,15 +61,28 @@ const (
// String used to mark pod deletion
nonExist = "NonExist"
// How often to poll pods.
podPoll = 5 * time.Second
// How often to poll pods and nodes.
poll = 5 * time.Second
// service accounts are provisioned after namespace creation
// a service account is required to support pod creation in a namespace as part of admission control
serviceAccountProvisionTimeout = 2 * time.Minute
// How often to poll for service accounts
serviceAccountPoll = 5 * time.Second
// How long to try single API calls (like 'get' or 'list'). Used to prevent
// transient failures from failing tests.
singleCallTimeout = 30 * time.Second
// How long nodes have to be "ready" when a test begins. They should already
// be "ready" before the test starts, so this is small.
nodeReadyInitialTimeout = 20 * time.Second
// How long pods have to be "ready" when a test begins. They should already
// be "ready" before the test starts, so this is small.
podReadyBeforeTimeout = 20 * time.Second
// How wide to print pod names, by default. Useful for aligning printing to
// quickly scan through output.
podPrintWidth = 55
type CloudConfig struct {
@ -218,7 +232,6 @@ func podRunningReady(p *api.Pod) (bool, error) {
if !podReady(p) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("pod '%s' on '%s' didn't have condition {%v %v}; conditions: %v",
p.ObjectMeta.Name, p.Spec.NodeName, api.PodReady, api.ConditionTrue, p.Status.Conditions)
return true, nil
@ -233,15 +246,16 @@ func waitForPodsRunningReady(ns string, minPods int, timeout time.Duration) erro
if err != nil {
return err
start := time.Now()
Logf("Waiting up to %v for all pods (need at least %d) in namespace '%s' to be running and ready",
timeout, minPods, ns)
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < timeout; time.Sleep(podPoll) {
if wait.Poll(poll, timeout, func() (bool, error) {
// We get the new list of pods in every iteration beause more pods come
// online during startup and we want to ensure they are also checked.
podList, err := c.Pods(ns).List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
if err != nil {
Logf("Error getting pods in namespace '%s': %v", ns, err)
return false, nil
nOk, badPods := 0, []api.Pod{}
for _, pod := range podList.Items {
@ -254,14 +268,17 @@ func waitForPodsRunningReady(ns string, minPods int, timeout time.Duration) erro
Logf("%d / %d pods in namespace '%s' are running and ready (%d seconds elapsed)",
nOk, len(podList.Items), ns, int(time.Since(start).Seconds()))
if nOk == len(podList.Items) && nOk >= minPods {
return nil
return true, nil
return false, nil
}) != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Not all pods in namespace '%s' running and ready within %v", ns, timeout)
return fmt.Errorf("Not all pods in namespace '%s' running and ready within %v", ns, timeout)
return nil
func waitForServiceAccountInNamespace(c *client.Client, ns, serviceAccountName string, poll, timeout time.Duration) error {
func waitForServiceAccountInNamespace(c *client.Client, ns, serviceAccountName string, timeout time.Duration) error {
Logf("Waiting up to %v for service account %s to be provisioned in ns %s", timeout, serviceAccountName, ns)
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < timeout; time.Sleep(poll) {
_, err := c.ServiceAccounts(ns).Get(serviceAccountName)
@ -275,20 +292,23 @@ func waitForServiceAccountInNamespace(c *client.Client, ns, serviceAccountName s
return fmt.Errorf("Service account %s in namespace %s not ready within %v", serviceAccountName, ns, timeout)
func waitForPodCondition(c *client.Client, ns, podName, desc string, poll, timeout time.Duration, condition podCondition) error {
Logf("Waiting up to %v for pod %s status to be %s", timeout, podName, desc)
func waitForPodCondition(c *client.Client, ns, podName, desc string, timeout time.Duration, condition podCondition) error {
Logf("Waiting up to %[1]v for pod %-[2]*[3]s status to be %[4]s", timeout, podPrintWidth, podName, desc)
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < timeout; time.Sleep(poll) {
pod, err := c.Pods(ns).Get(podName)
if err != nil {
Logf("Get pod %s in ns %s failed, ignoring for %v: %v", podName, ns, poll, err)
// Aligning this text makes it much more readable
Logf("Get pod %-[1]*[2]s in namespace '%[3]s' failed, ignoring for %[4]v. Error: %[5]v",
podPrintWidth, podName, ns, poll, err)
done, err := condition(pod)
if done {
return err
Logf("Waiting for pod '%s' in namespace '%s' status to be '%q' (found phase: '%q', readiness: %t) (%v)",
podName, ns, desc, pod.Status.Phase, podReady(pod), time.Since(start))
Logf("Waiting for pod %-[1]*[2]s in namespace '%[3]s' status to be '%[4]s'"+
"(found phase: %[5]q, readiness: %[6]t) (%[7]v elapsed)",
podPrintWidth, podName, ns, desc, pod.Status.Phase, podReady(pod), time.Since(start))
return fmt.Errorf("gave up waiting for pod '%s' to be '%s' after %v", podName, desc, timeout)
@ -297,7 +317,7 @@ func waitForPodCondition(c *client.Client, ns, podName, desc string, poll, timeo
// the default service account is what is associated with pods when they do not specify a service account
// as a result, pods are not able to be provisioned in a namespace until the service account is provisioned
func waitForDefaultServiceAccountInNamespace(c *client.Client, namespace string) error {
return waitForServiceAccountInNamespace(c, namespace, "default", serviceAccountPoll, serviceAccountProvisionTimeout)
return waitForServiceAccountInNamespace(c, namespace, "default", serviceAccountProvisionTimeout)
// createNS should be used by every test, note that we append a common prefix to the provided test name.
@ -315,7 +335,7 @@ func createTestingNS(baseName string, c *client.Client) (*api.Namespace, error)
func waitForPodRunningInNamespace(c *client.Client, podName string, namespace string) error {
return waitForPodCondition(c, namespace, podName, "running", podPoll, podStartTimeout, func(pod *api.Pod) (bool, error) {
return waitForPodCondition(c, namespace, podName, "running", podStartTimeout, func(pod *api.Pod) (bool, error) {
if pod.Status.Phase == api.PodRunning {
return true, nil
@ -332,7 +352,7 @@ func waitForPodRunning(c *client.Client, podName string) error {
// waitForPodNotPending returns an error if it took too long for the pod to go out of pending state.
func waitForPodNotPending(c *client.Client, ns, podName string) error {
return waitForPodCondition(c, ns, podName, "!pending", podPoll, podStartTimeout, func(pod *api.Pod) (bool, error) {
return waitForPodCondition(c, ns, podName, "!pending", podStartTimeout, func(pod *api.Pod) (bool, error) {
if pod.Status.Phase != api.PodPending {
Logf("Saw pod '%s' in namespace '%s' out of pending state (found '%q')", podName, ns, pod.Status.Phase)
return true, nil
@ -343,7 +363,7 @@ func waitForPodNotPending(c *client.Client, ns, podName string) error {
// waitForPodSuccessInNamespace returns nil if the pod reached state success, or an error if it reached failure or ran too long.
func waitForPodSuccessInNamespace(c *client.Client, podName string, contName string, namespace string) error {
return waitForPodCondition(c, namespace, podName, "success or failure", podPoll, podStartTimeout, func(pod *api.Pod) (bool, error) {
return waitForPodCondition(c, namespace, podName, "success or failure", podStartTimeout, func(pod *api.Pod) (bool, error) {
// Cannot use pod.Status.Phase == api.PodSucceeded/api.PodFailed due to #2632
ci, ok := api.GetContainerStatus(pod.Status.ContainerStatuses, contName)
if !ok {
@ -986,6 +1006,19 @@ func DeleteRC(c *client.Client, ns, name string) error {
return err
// Convenient wrapper around listing nodes supporting retries.
func listNodes(c *client.Client, label labels.Selector, field fields.Selector) (*api.NodeList, error) {
var nodes *api.NodeList
var errLast error
if wait.Poll(poll, singleCallTimeout, func() (bool, error) {
nodes, errLast = c.Nodes().List(label, field)
return errLast == nil, nil
}) != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("listNodes() failed with last error: %v", errLast)
return nodes, nil
// FailedContainers inspects all containers in a pod and returns failure
// information for containers that have failed or been restarted.
// A map is returned where the key is the containerID and the value is a
@ -1111,6 +1144,74 @@ func getSigner(provider string) (ssh.Signer, error) {
return util.MakePrivateKeySigner(key)
// checkPodsRunning returns whether all pods whose names are listed in podNames
// are running and ready.
func checkPodsRunningReady(c *client.Client, podNames []string, timeout time.Duration) bool {
np, desc := len(podNames), "running and ready"
Logf("Waiting up to %v for the following %d pods to be %s: %s", timeout, np, desc, podNames)
result := make(chan bool, len(podNames))
for ix := range podNames {
// Launch off pod readiness checkers.
go func(name string) {
err := waitForPodCondition(c, api.NamespaceDefault, name, desc, timeout, podRunningReady)
result <- err == nil
// Wait for them all to finish.
success := true
// TODO(mbforbes): Change to `for range` syntax and remove logging once we
// support only Go >= 1.4.
for _, podName := range podNames {
if !<-result {
Logf("Pod %-[1]*[2]s failed to be %[3]s.", podPrintWidth, podName, desc)
success = false
Logf("Wanted all %d pods to be %s. Result: %t. Pods: %v", np, desc, success, podNames)
return success
// waitForNodeToBeReady returns whether node name is ready within timeout.
func waitForNodeToBeReady(c *client.Client, name string, timeout time.Duration) bool {
return waitForNodeToBe(c, name, true, timeout)
// waitForNodeToBeNotReady returns whether node name is not ready (i.e. the
// readiness condition is anything but ready, e.g false or unknown) within
// timeout.
func waitForNodeToBeNotReady(c *client.Client, name string, timeout time.Duration) bool {
return waitForNodeToBe(c, name, false, timeout)
// waitForNodeToBe returns whether node name's readiness state matches wantReady
// within timeout. If wantReady is true, it will ensure the node is ready; if
// it's false, it ensures the node is in any state other than ready (e.g. not
// ready or unknown).
func waitForNodeToBe(c *client.Client, name string, wantReady bool, timeout time.Duration) bool {
Logf("Waiting up to %v for node %s readiness to be %t", timeout, name, wantReady)
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < timeout; time.Sleep(poll) {
node, err := c.Nodes().Get(name)
if err != nil {
Logf("Couldn't get node %s", name)
// Check the node readiness condition (logging all).
for i, cond := range node.Status.Conditions {
Logf("Node %s condition %d/%d: type: %v, status: %v",
name, i+1, len(node.Status.Conditions), cond.Type, cond.Status)
// Ensure that the condition type is readiness and the status
// matches as desired.
if cond.Type == api.NodeReady && (cond.Status == api.ConditionTrue) == wantReady {
Logf("Successfully found node %s readiness to be %t", name, wantReady)
return true
Logf("Node %s didn't reach desired readiness (%t) within %v", name, wantReady, timeout)
return false
// LatencyMetrics stores data about request latency at a given quantile
// broken down by verb (e.g. GET, PUT, LIST) and resource (e.g. pods, services).
type LatencyMetric struct {