Install tests are a collection of tests defined under the [tests/install](./tests/install). These tests are used to validate the installation and operation of K3s on a variety of operating systems. The test themselves are Vagrantfiles describing single-node installations that are easily spun up with Vagrant for the `libvirt` and `virtualbox` providers:
- [Install Script](install) :arrow_right: scheduled nightly and on an install script change
- [CentOS 7](install/centos-7) (stand-in for RHEL 7)
- [CentOS 9 Stream](install/centos-stream)
- [Rocky Linux 8](install/rocky-8) (stand-in for RHEL 8)
- [Rocky Linux 9](install/rocky-9) (stand-in for RHEL 9)
- [Fedora 37](install/fedora)
- [Leap 15.5](install/opensuse-leap) (stand-in for SLES)
- [Ubuntu 22.04](install/ubuntu-2204)
- [Fedora 40](install/fedora)
- [Leap 15.6](install/opensuse-leap) (stand-in for SLES)
- [Ubuntu 24.04](install/ubuntu-2404)
## Format
When adding new installer test(s) please copy the prevalent style for the `Vagrantfile`.