mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
Merge pull request #20688 from ArtfulCoder/podhostname
Specify Pod hostname by Annotationpull/6/head
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
## Version 1.14 (Mar 4 2016 Abhishek Shah <abshah@google.com>)
- If Endpoint has hostnames-map annotation (endpoints.net.beta.kubernetes.io/hostnames-map),
the hostnames supplied via the annotation will be used to generate A Records for Headless Service.
## Version 1.13 (Mar 1 2016 Prashanth.B <beeps@google.com>)
- Synchronously wait for the Kubernetes service at startup.
- Add a SIGTERM/SIGINT handler.
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
.PHONY: all kube2sky container push clean test
TAG = 1.13
TAG = 1.14
PREFIX = gcr.io/google_containers
all: container
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import (
skymsg "github.com/skynetservices/skydns/msg"
flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"
kapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
kcache "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache"
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ import (
kselector "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/fields"
etcdutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/storage/etcd/util"
@ -159,14 +161,28 @@ func getSkyMsg(ip string, port int) *skymsg.Service {
func (ks *kube2sky) generateRecordsForHeadlessService(subdomain string, e *kapi.Endpoints, svc *kapi.Service) error {
glog.V(4).Infof("Endpoints Annotations: %v", e.Annotations)
for idx := range e.Subsets {
for subIdx := range e.Subsets[idx].Addresses {
b, err := json.Marshal(getSkyMsg(e.Subsets[idx].Addresses[subIdx].IP, 0))
endpointIP := e.Subsets[idx].Addresses[subIdx].IP
b, err := json.Marshal(getSkyMsg(endpointIP, 0))
if err != nil {
return err
recordValue := string(b)
recordLabel := getHash(recordValue)
if serializedPodHostnames := e.Annotations[endpoints.PodHostnamesAnnotation]; len(serializedPodHostnames) > 0 {
podHostnames := map[string]endpoints.HostRecord{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(serializedPodHostnames), &podHostnames)
if err != nil {
return err
if hostRecord, exists := podHostnames[string(endpointIP)]; exists {
if validation.IsDNS1123Label(hostRecord.HostName) {
recordLabel = hostRecord.HostName
recordKey := buildDNSNameString(subdomain, recordLabel)
glog.V(2).Infof("Setting DNS record: %v -> %q\n", recordKey, recordValue)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ spec:
- name: etcd-storage
mountPath: /var/etcd/data
- name: kube2sky
image: gcr.io/google_containers/kube2sky:1.13
image: gcr.io/google_containers/kube2sky:1.14
# TODO: Set memory limits when we've profiled the container for large
# clusters, then set request = limit to keep this container in
@ -28,6 +28,16 @@ import (
hashutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/hash"
const (
// Its value is the json representation of map[string(IP)][HostRecord]
// example: '{"":{"HostName":"my-webserver"}}'
PodHostnamesAnnotation = "endpoints.beta.kubernetes.io/hostnames-map"
type HostRecord struct {
HostName string
// RepackSubsets takes a slice of EndpointSubset objects, expands it to the full
// representation, and then repacks that into the canonical layout. This
// ensures that code which operates on these objects can rely on the common
@ -23,6 +23,18 @@ import (
const (
// The annotation value is a string specifying the hostname to be used for the pod e.g 'my-webserver-1'
PodHostnameAnnotation = "pod.beta.kubernetes.io/hostname"
// The annotation value is a string specifying the subdomain e.g. "my-web-service"
// If specified, on the the pod itself, "<hostname>.my-web-service.<namespace>.svc.<cluster domain>" would resolve to
// the pod's IP.
// If there is a headless service named "my-web-service" in the same namespace as the pod, then,
// <hostname>.my-web-service.<namespace>.svc.<cluster domain>" would be resolved by the cluster DNS Server.
PodSubdomainAnnotation = "pod.beta.kubernetes.io/subdomain"
// FindPort locates the container port for the given pod and portName. If the
// targetPort is a number, use that. If the targetPort is a string, look that
// string up in all named ports in all containers in the target pod. If no
@ -27,7 +27,10 @@ import (
utilpod "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/pod"
apiservice "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/service"
@ -36,8 +39,6 @@ import (
// TODO: delete this global variable when we enable the validation of common
@ -113,10 +114,34 @@ func ValidateAnnotations(annotations map[string]string, fldPath *field.Path) fie
if totalSize > (int64)(totalAnnotationSizeLimitB) {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.TooLong(fldPath, "", totalAnnotationSizeLimitB))
return allErrs
func ValidatePodSpecificAnnotations(annotations map[string]string, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
allErrs := field.ErrorList{}
if annotations[api.AffinityAnnotationKey] != "" {
allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateAffinityInPodAnnotations(annotations, fldPath)...)
if hostname, exists := annotations[utilpod.PodHostnameAnnotation]; exists && !validation.IsDNS1123Label(hostname) {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, utilpod.PodHostnameAnnotation, DNS1123LabelErrorMsg))
if subdomain, exists := annotations[utilpod.PodSubdomainAnnotation]; exists && !validation.IsDNS1123Label(subdomain) {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, utilpod.PodSubdomainAnnotation, DNS1123LabelErrorMsg))
return allErrs
func ValidateEndpointsSpecificAnnotations(annotations map[string]string, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
allErrs := field.ErrorList{}
hostnamesMap, exists := annotations[endpoints.PodHostnamesAnnotation]
if exists && !isValidHostnamesMap(hostnamesMap) {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, endpoints.PodHostnamesAnnotation,
`must be a valid json representation of map[string(IP)][HostRecord] e.g. "{"":{"HostName":"my-webserver"}}"`))
return allErrs
@ -1356,7 +1381,9 @@ func validateImagePullSecrets(imagePullSecrets []api.LocalObjectReference, fldPa
// ValidatePod tests if required fields in the pod are set.
func ValidatePod(pod *api.Pod) field.ErrorList {
allErrs := ValidateObjectMeta(&pod.ObjectMeta, true, ValidatePodName, field.NewPath("metadata"))
fldPath := field.NewPath("metadata")
allErrs := ValidateObjectMeta(&pod.ObjectMeta, true, ValidatePodName, fldPath)
allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidatePodSpecificAnnotations(pod.ObjectMeta.Annotations, fldPath.Child("annotations"))...)
allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidatePodSpec(&pod.Spec, field.NewPath("spec"))...)
return allErrs
@ -1520,8 +1547,9 @@ func ValidatePodSecurityContext(securityContext *api.PodSecurityContext, spec *a
// ValidatePodUpdate tests to see if the update is legal for an end user to make. newPod is updated with fields
// that cannot be changed.
func ValidatePodUpdate(newPod, oldPod *api.Pod) field.ErrorList {
allErrs := ValidateObjectMetaUpdate(&newPod.ObjectMeta, &oldPod.ObjectMeta, field.NewPath("metadata"))
fldPath := field.NewPath("metadata")
allErrs := ValidateObjectMetaUpdate(&newPod.ObjectMeta, &oldPod.ObjectMeta, fldPath)
allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidatePodSpecificAnnotations(newPod.ObjectMeta.Annotations, fldPath.Child("annotations"))...)
specPath := field.NewPath("spec")
if len(newPod.Spec.Containers) != len(oldPod.Spec.Containers) {
//TODO: Pinpoint the specific container that causes the invalid error after we have strategic merge diff
@ -1884,6 +1912,7 @@ func ValidatePodTemplateSpec(spec *api.PodTemplateSpec, fldPath *field.Path) fie
allErrs := field.ErrorList{}
allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateLabels(spec.Labels, fldPath.Child("labels"))...)
allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateAnnotations(spec.Annotations, fldPath.Child("annotations"))...)
allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidatePodSpecificAnnotations(spec.Annotations, fldPath.Child("annotations"))...)
allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidatePodSpec(&spec.Spec, fldPath.Child("spec"))...)
return allErrs
@ -2503,6 +2532,7 @@ func ValidateNamespaceFinalizeUpdate(newNamespace, oldNamespace *api.Namespace)
// ValidateEndpoints tests if required fields are set.
func ValidateEndpoints(endpoints *api.Endpoints) field.ErrorList {
allErrs := ValidateObjectMeta(&endpoints.ObjectMeta, true, ValidateEndpointsName, field.NewPath("metadata"))
allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateEndpointsSpecificAnnotations(endpoints.Annotations, field.NewPath("annotations"))...)
allErrs = append(allErrs, validateEndpointSubsets(endpoints.Subsets, field.NewPath("subsets"))...)
return allErrs
@ -2586,6 +2616,7 @@ func validateEndpointPort(port *api.EndpointPort, requireName bool, fldPath *fie
func ValidateEndpointsUpdate(newEndpoints, oldEndpoints *api.Endpoints) field.ErrorList {
allErrs := ValidateObjectMetaUpdate(&newEndpoints.ObjectMeta, &oldEndpoints.ObjectMeta, field.NewPath("metadata"))
allErrs = append(allErrs, validateEndpointSubsets(newEndpoints.Subsets, field.NewPath("subsets"))...)
allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateEndpointsSpecificAnnotations(newEndpoints.Annotations, field.NewPath("annotations"))...)
return allErrs
@ -2651,3 +2682,24 @@ func ValidateLoadBalancerStatus(status *api.LoadBalancerStatus, fldPath *field.P
return allErrs
func isValidHostnamesMap(serializedPodHostNames string) bool {
if len(serializedPodHostNames) == 0 {
return false
podHostNames := map[string]endpoints.HostRecord{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(serializedPodHostNames), &podHostNames)
if err != nil {
return false
for ip, hostRecord := range podHostNames {
if !validation.IsDNS1123Label(hostRecord.HostName) {
return false
if net.ParseIP(ip) == nil {
return false
return true
@ -22,10 +22,13 @@ import (
podutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/pod"
utilpod "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/pod"
clientset "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/clientset_generated/internalclientset"
@ -37,8 +40,6 @@ import (
const (
@ -187,7 +188,8 @@ func (e *EndpointController) updatePod(old, cur interface{}) {
oldPod := cur.(*api.Pod)
// Only need to get the old services if the labels changed.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(newPod.Labels, oldPod.Labels) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(newPod.Labels, oldPod.Labels) ||
!hostNameAndDomainAnnotationsAreEqual(newPod.Annotations, oldPod.Annotations) {
oldServices, err := e.getPodServiceMemberships(oldPod)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Unable to get pod %v/%v's service memberships: %v", oldPod.Namespace, oldPod.Name, err)
@ -200,6 +202,17 @@ func (e *EndpointController) updatePod(old, cur interface{}) {
func hostNameAndDomainAnnotationsAreEqual(annotation1, annotation2 map[string]string) bool {
if annotation1 == nil {
annotation1 = map[string]string{}
if annotation2 == nil {
annotation2 = map[string]string{}
return annotation1[utilpod.PodHostnameAnnotation] == annotation2[utilpod.PodHostnameAnnotation] &&
annotation1[utilpod.PodSubdomainAnnotation] == annotation2[utilpod.PodSubdomainAnnotation]
// When a pod is deleted, enqueue the services the pod used to be a member of.
// obj could be an *api.Pod, or a DeletionFinalStateUnknown marker item.
func (e *EndpointController) deletePod(obj interface{}) {
@ -294,6 +307,8 @@ func (e *EndpointController) syncService(key string) {
subsets := []api.EndpointSubset{}
podHostNames := map[string]endpoints.HostRecord{}
for i := range pods.Items {
pod := &pods.Items[i]
@ -316,14 +331,26 @@ func (e *EndpointController) syncService(key string) {
hostname := pod.Annotations[utilpod.PodHostnameAnnotation]
if len(hostname) > 0 &&
pod.Annotations[utilpod.PodSubdomainAnnotation] == service.Name &&
service.Namespace == pod.Namespace {
hostRecord := endpoints.HostRecord{
HostName: hostname,
podHostNames[string(pod.Status.PodIP)] = hostRecord
epp := api.EndpointPort{Name: portName, Port: portNum, Protocol: portProto}
epa := api.EndpointAddress{IP: pod.Status.PodIP, TargetRef: &api.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: pod.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
Name: pod.ObjectMeta.Name,
UID: pod.ObjectMeta.UID,
ResourceVersion: pod.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion,
epa := api.EndpointAddress{
IP: pod.Status.PodIP,
TargetRef: &api.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: pod.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
Name: pod.ObjectMeta.Name,
UID: pod.ObjectMeta.UID,
ResourceVersion: pod.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion,
if api.IsPodReady(pod) {
subsets = append(subsets, api.EndpointSubset{
Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{epa},
@ -356,14 +383,38 @@ func (e *EndpointController) syncService(key string) {
if reflect.DeepEqual(currentEndpoints.Subsets, subsets) && reflect.DeepEqual(currentEndpoints.Labels, service.Labels) {
serializedPodHostNames := ""
if len(podHostNames) > 0 {
b, err := json.Marshal(podHostNames)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error updating endpoints. Marshalling of hostnames failed.: %v", err)
e.queue.Add(key) // Retry
serializedPodHostNames = string(b)
podHostNamesAreEqual := verifyPodHostNamesAreEqual(serializedPodHostNames, currentEndpoints.Annotations)
newAnnotations := make(map[string]string)
newAnnotations[endpoints.PodHostnamesAnnotation] = serializedPodHostNames
if reflect.DeepEqual(currentEndpoints.Subsets, subsets) &&
reflect.DeepEqual(currentEndpoints.Labels, service.Labels) && podHostNamesAreEqual {
glog.V(5).Infof("endpoints are equal for %s/%s, skipping update", service.Namespace, service.Name)
newEndpoints := currentEndpoints
newEndpoints.Subsets = subsets
newEndpoints.Labels = service.Labels
if newEndpoints.Annotations == nil {
newEndpoints.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
if len(serializedPodHostNames) == 0 {
delete(newEndpoints.Annotations, endpoints.PodHostnamesAnnotation)
} else {
newEndpoints.Annotations[endpoints.PodHostnamesAnnotation] = serializedPodHostNames
if len(currentEndpoints.ResourceVersion) == 0 {
// No previous endpoints, create them
_, err = e.client.Endpoints(service.Namespace).Create(newEndpoints)
@ -377,6 +428,14 @@ func (e *EndpointController) syncService(key string) {
func verifyPodHostNamesAreEqual(newPodHostNames string, oldAnnotations map[string]string) bool {
oldPodHostNames := ""
if oldAnnotations != nil {
oldPodHostNames = oldAnnotations[endpoints.PodHostnamesAnnotation]
return oldPodHostNames == newPodHostNames
// checkLeftoverEndpoints lists all currently existing endpoints and adds their
// service to the queue. This will detect endpoints that exist with no
// corresponding service; these endpoints need to be deleted. We only need to
@ -356,6 +356,8 @@ type RunContainerOptions struct {
CgroupParent string
// The type of container rootfs
ReadOnly bool
// hostname for pod containers
Hostname string
// VolumeInfo contains information about the volume.
@ -539,7 +539,6 @@ func (dm *DockerManager) runContainer(
// of CPU shares.
cpuShares = milliCPUToShares(cpuRequest.MilliValue())
podHasSELinuxLabel := pod.Spec.SecurityContext != nil && pod.Spec.SecurityContext.SELinuxOptions != nil
binds := makeMountBindings(opts.Mounts, podHasSELinuxLabel)
// The reason we create and mount the log file in here (not in kubelet) is because
@ -646,14 +645,7 @@ func setInfraContainerNetworkConfig(pod *api.Pod, netMode string, opts *kubecont
dockerOpts.HostConfig.PortBindings = portBindings
if netMode != namespaceModeHost {
// TODO(vmarmol): Handle better.
// Cap hostname at 63 chars (specification is 64bytes which is 63 chars and the null terminating char).
const hostnameMaxLen = 63
containerHostname := pod.Name
if len(containerHostname) > hostnameMaxLen {
containerHostname = containerHostname[:hostnameMaxLen]
dockerOpts.Config.Hostname = containerHostname
dockerOpts.Config.Hostname = opts.Hostname
if len(opts.DNS) > 0 {
dockerOpts.HostConfig.DNS = opts.DNS
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import (
cadvisorapiv2 "github.com/google/cadvisor/info/v2"
apierrors "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/errors"
utilpod "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/pod"
@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ import (
utilruntime "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/runtime"
utilvalidation "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/validation"
@ -1215,7 +1217,7 @@ func (kl *Kubelet) relabelVolumes(pod *api.Pod, volumes kubecontainer.VolumeMap)
return nil
func makeMounts(pod *api.Pod, podDir string, container *api.Container, podVolumes kubecontainer.VolumeMap) ([]kubecontainer.Mount, error) {
func makeMounts(pod *api.Pod, podDir string, container *api.Container, hostName, hostDomain string, podVolumes kubecontainer.VolumeMap) ([]kubecontainer.Mount, error) {
// Kubernetes only mounts on /etc/hosts if :
// - container does not use hostNetwork and
// - container is not a infrastructure(pause) container
@ -1249,7 +1251,7 @@ func makeMounts(pod *api.Pod, podDir string, container *api.Container, podVolume
if mountEtcHostsFile {
hostsMount, err := makeHostsMount(podDir, pod.Status.PodIP, pod.Name)
hostsMount, err := makeHostsMount(podDir, pod.Status.PodIP, hostName, hostDomain)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -1258,9 +1260,9 @@ func makeMounts(pod *api.Pod, podDir string, container *api.Container, podVolume
return mounts, nil
func makeHostsMount(podDir, podIP, podName string) (*kubecontainer.Mount, error) {
func makeHostsMount(podDir, podIP, hostName, hostDomainName string) (*kubecontainer.Mount, error) {
hostsFilePath := path.Join(podDir, "etc-hosts")
if err := ensureHostsFile(hostsFilePath, podIP, podName); err != nil {
if err := ensureHostsFile(hostsFilePath, podIP, hostName, hostDomainName); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &kubecontainer.Mount{
@ -1271,7 +1273,7 @@ func makeHostsMount(podDir, podIP, podName string) (*kubecontainer.Mount, error)
}, nil
func ensureHostsFile(fileName string, hostIP, hostName string) error {
func ensureHostsFile(fileName, hostIP, hostName, hostDomainName string) error {
if _, err := os.Stat(fileName); os.IsExist(err) {
glog.V(4).Infof("kubernetes-managed etc-hosts file exits. Will not be recreated: %q", fileName)
return nil
@ -1284,7 +1286,11 @@ func ensureHostsFile(fileName string, hostIP, hostName string) error {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s\n", hostIP, hostName))
if len(hostDomainName) > 0 {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s.%s\t%s\n", hostIP, hostName, hostDomainName, hostName))
} else {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s\n", hostIP, hostName))
return ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, buffer.Bytes(), 0644)
@ -1318,12 +1324,40 @@ func makePortMappings(container *api.Container) (ports []kubecontainer.PortMappi
func generatePodHostNameAndDomain(pod *api.Pod, clusterDomain string) (string, string) {
// TODO(vmarmol): Handle better.
// Cap hostname at 63 chars (specification is 64bytes which is 63 chars and the null terminating char).
const hostnameMaxLen = 63
podAnnotations := pod.Annotations
if podAnnotations == nil {
podAnnotations = make(map[string]string)
hostname := pod.Name
hostnameCandidate := podAnnotations[utilpod.PodHostnameAnnotation]
if utilvalidation.IsDNS1123Label(hostnameCandidate) {
// use hostname annotation, if specified.
hostname = hostnameCandidate
if len(hostname) > hostnameMaxLen {
hostname = hostname[:hostnameMaxLen]
glog.Errorf("hostname for pod:%q was longer than %d. Truncated hostname to :%q", pod.Name, hostnameMaxLen, hostname)
hostDomain := ""
subdomainCandidate := pod.Annotations[utilpod.PodSubdomainAnnotation]
if utilvalidation.IsDNS1123Label(subdomainCandidate) {
hostDomain = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.svc.%s", subdomainCandidate, pod.Namespace, clusterDomain)
return hostname, hostDomain
// GenerateRunContainerOptions generates the RunContainerOptions, which can be used by
// the container runtime to set parameters for launching a container.
func (kl *Kubelet) GenerateRunContainerOptions(pod *api.Pod, container *api.Container) (*kubecontainer.RunContainerOptions, error) {
var err error
opts := &kubecontainer.RunContainerOptions{CgroupParent: kl.cgroupRoot}
hostname, hostDomainName := generatePodHostNameAndDomain(pod, kl.clusterDomain)
opts.Hostname = hostname
vol, ok := kl.volumeManager.GetVolumes(pod.UID)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("impossible: cannot find the mounted volumes for pod %q", format.Pod(pod))
@ -1340,7 +1374,7 @@ func (kl *Kubelet) GenerateRunContainerOptions(pod *api.Pod, container *api.Cont
opts.Mounts, err = makeMounts(pod, kl.getPodDir(pod.UID), container, vol)
opts.Mounts, err = makeMounts(pod, kl.getPodDir(pod.UID), container, hostname, hostDomainName, vol)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ func TestMakeVolumeMounts(t *testing.T) {
mounts, _ := makeMounts(&pod, "/pod", &container, podVolumes)
mounts, _ := makeMounts(&pod, "/pod", &container, "fakepodname", "", podVolumes)
expectedMounts := []kubecontainer.Mount{
@ -21,19 +21,22 @@ import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
client "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var dnsServiceLableSelector = labels.Set{
const dnsTestPodHostName = "dns-querier-1"
const dnsTestServiceName = "dns-test-service"
var dnsServiceLabelSelector = labels.Set{
"k8s-app": "kube-dns",
"kubernetes.io/cluster-service": "true",
@ -47,6 +50,10 @@ func createDNSPod(namespace, wheezyProbeCmd, jessieProbeCmd string) *api.Pod {
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Name: "dns-test-" + string(util.NewUUID()),
Namespace: namespace,
Annotations: map[string]string{
pod.PodHostnameAnnotation: dnsTestPodHostName,
pod.PodSubdomainAnnotation: dnsTestServiceName,
Spec: api.PodSpec{
Volumes: []api.Volume{
@ -103,7 +110,7 @@ func createDNSPod(namespace, wheezyProbeCmd, jessieProbeCmd string) *api.Pod {
return pod
func createProbeCommand(namesToResolve []string, fileNamePrefix string) (string, []string) {
func createProbeCommand(namesToResolve []string, hostEntries []string, fileNamePrefix, namespace string) (string, []string) {
fileNames := make([]string, 0, len(namesToResolve)*2)
probeCmd := "for i in `seq 1 600`; do "
for _, name := range namesToResolve {
@ -121,6 +128,21 @@ func createProbeCommand(namesToResolve []string, fileNamePrefix string) (string,
fileNames = append(fileNames, fileName)
probeCmd += fmt.Sprintf(`test -n "$$(dig +tcp +noall +answer +search %s %s)" && echo OK > /results/%s;`, name, lookup, fileName)
for _, name := range hostEntries {
fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_hosts@%s", fileNamePrefix, name)
fileNames = append(fileNames, fileName)
probeCmd += fmt.Sprintf(`test -n "$$(getent hosts %s)" && echo OK > /results/%s;`, name, fileName)
podARecByUDPFileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_udp@PodARecord", fileNamePrefix)
podARecByTCPFileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_tcp@PodARecord", fileNamePrefix)
probeCmd += fmt.Sprintf(`podARec=$$(hostname -i| awk -F. '{print $$1"-"$$2"-"$$3"-"$$4".%s.pod.cluster.local"}');`, namespace)
probeCmd += fmt.Sprintf(`test -n "$$(dig +notcp +noall +answer +search $${podARec} A)" && echo OK > /results/%s;`, podARecByUDPFileName)
probeCmd += fmt.Sprintf(`test -n "$$(dig +tcp +noall +answer +search $${podARec} A)" && echo OK > /results/%s;`, podARecByTCPFileName)
fileNames = append(fileNames, podARecByUDPFileName)
fileNames = append(fileNames, podARecByTCPFileName)
probeCmd += "sleep 1; done"
return probeCmd, fileNames
@ -186,7 +208,6 @@ func validateDNSResults(f *Framework, pod *api.Pod, fileNames []string) {
if err != nil {
Failf("Failed to get pod %s: %v", pod.Name, err)
// Try to find results for each expected name.
By("looking for the results for each expected name from probiers")
assertFilesExist(fileNames, "results", pod, f.Client)
@ -202,16 +223,15 @@ var _ = Describe("DNS", func() {
It("should provide DNS for the cluster", func() {
// TODO: support DNS on vagrant #3580
systemClient := f.Client.Pods(api.NamespaceSystem)
By("Waiting for DNS Service to be Running")
options := api.ListOptions{LabelSelector: dnsServiceLableSelector}
options := api.ListOptions{LabelSelector: dnsServiceLabelSelector}
dnsPods, err := systemClient.List(options)
if err != nil {
Failf("Failed to list all dns service pods")
if len(dnsPods.Items) != 1 {
Failf("Unexpected number of pods (%d) matches the label selector %v", len(dnsPods.Items), dnsServiceLableSelector.String())
Failf("Unexpected number of pods (%d) matches the label selector %v", len(dnsPods.Items), dnsServiceLabelSelector.String())
expectNoError(waitForPodRunningInNamespace(f.Client, dnsPods.Items[0].Name, api.NamespaceSystem))
@ -228,8 +248,10 @@ var _ = Describe("DNS", func() {
namesToResolve = append(namesToResolve, "metadata")
wheezyProbeCmd, wheezyFileNames := createProbeCommand(namesToResolve, "wheezy")
jessieProbeCmd, jessieFileNames := createProbeCommand(namesToResolve, "jessie")
wheezyProbeCmd, wheezyFileNames := createProbeCommand(namesToResolve, []string{dnsTestPodHostName}, "wheezy", f.Namespace.Name)
jessieProbeCmd, jessieFileNames := createProbeCommand(namesToResolve, []string{dnsTestPodHostName}, "jessie", f.Namespace.Name)
By("Running these commands on wheezy:" + wheezyProbeCmd + "\n")
By("Running these commands on jessie:" + jessieProbeCmd + "\n")
// Run a pod which probes DNS and exposes the results by HTTP.
By("creating a pod to probe DNS")
@ -244,13 +266,13 @@ var _ = Describe("DNS", func() {
systemClient := f.Client.Pods(api.NamespaceSystem)
By("Waiting for DNS Service to be Running")
options := api.ListOptions{LabelSelector: dnsServiceLableSelector}
options := api.ListOptions{LabelSelector: dnsServiceLabelSelector}
dnsPods, err := systemClient.List(options)
if err != nil {
Failf("Failed to list all dns service pods")
if len(dnsPods.Items) != 1 {
Failf("Unexpected number of pods (%d) matches the label selector %v", len(dnsPods.Items), dnsServiceLableSelector.String())
Failf("Unexpected number of pods (%d) matches the label selector %v", len(dnsPods.Items), dnsServiceLabelSelector.String())
expectNoError(waitForPodRunningInNamespace(f.Client, dnsPods.Items[0].Name, api.NamespaceSystem))
@ -261,7 +283,7 @@ var _ = Describe("DNS", func() {
headlessService := &api.Service{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test-service",
Name: dnsTestServiceName,
Spec: api.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "None",
@ -303,16 +325,20 @@ var _ = Describe("DNS", func() {
// All the names we need to be able to resolve.
// TODO: Create more endpoints and ensure that multiple A records are returned
// for headless service.
hostFQDN := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s.svc.cluster.local", dnsTestPodHostName, dnsTestServiceName, f.Namespace.Name)
namesToResolve := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s", headlessService.Name),
fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", headlessService.Name, f.Namespace.Name),
fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.svc", headlessService.Name, f.Namespace.Name),
fmt.Sprintf("_http._tcp.%s.%s.svc", headlessService.Name, f.Namespace.Name),
fmt.Sprintf("_http._tcp.%s.%s.svc", regularService.Name, f.Namespace.Name),
wheezyProbeCmd, wheezyFileNames := createProbeCommand(namesToResolve, "wheezy")
jessieProbeCmd, jessieFileNames := createProbeCommand(namesToResolve, "jessie")
wheezyProbeCmd, wheezyFileNames := createProbeCommand(namesToResolve, []string{hostFQDN, dnsTestPodHostName}, "wheezy", f.Namespace.Name)
jessieProbeCmd, jessieFileNames := createProbeCommand(namesToResolve, []string{hostFQDN, dnsTestPodHostName}, "jessie", f.Namespace.Name)
By("Running these commands on wheezy:" + wheezyProbeCmd + "\n")
By("Running these commands on jessie:" + jessieProbeCmd + "\n")
// Run a pod which probes DNS and exposes the results by HTTP.
By("creating a pod to probe DNS")
Reference in New Issue