mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
Merge pull request #70039 from liggitt/deployment-rollback
Switch kubectl rollout to directly rolling back deploymentspull/58/head
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ go_test(
@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ go_library(
@ -19,14 +19,11 @@ package kubectl
import (
import (
appsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
appsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
extensionsv1beta1 "k8s.io/api/extensions/v1beta1"
apiequality "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/equality"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
@ -34,12 +31,10 @@ import (
kapps "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubectl/apps"
kapps "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubectl/apps"
deploymentutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubectl/util/deployment"
deploymentutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubectl/util/deployment"
sliceutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubectl/util/slice"
const (
const (
@ -119,124 +114,140 @@ func (r *DeploymentRollbacker) Rollback(obj runtime.Object, updatedAnnotations m
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve Deployment %s: %v", name, err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve Deployment %s: %v", name, err)
rsForRevision, err := deploymentRevision(deployment, r.c, toRevision)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if dryRun {
if dryRun {
return simpleDryRun(deployment, r.c, toRevision)
return printTemplate(&rsForRevision.Spec.Template)
if deployment.Spec.Paused {
if deployment.Spec.Paused {
return "", fmt.Errorf("you cannot rollback a paused deployment; resume it first with 'kubectl rollout resume deployment/%s' and try again", name)
return "", fmt.Errorf("you cannot rollback a paused deployment; resume it first with 'kubectl rollout resume deployment/%s' and try again", name)
deploymentRollback := &extensionsv1beta1.DeploymentRollback{
Name: name,
// Skip if the revision already matches current Deployment
UpdatedAnnotations: updatedAnnotations,
if equalIgnoreHash(&rsForRevision.Spec.Template, &deployment.Spec.Template) {
RollbackTo: extensionsv1beta1.RollbackConfig{
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (current template already matches revision %d)", rollbackSkipped, toRevision), nil
Revision: toRevision,
// remove hash label before patching back into the deployment
delete(rsForRevision.Spec.Template.Labels, appsv1.DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey)
// compute deployment annotations
annotations := map[string]string{}
for k := range annotationsToSkip {
if v, ok := deployment.Annotations[k]; ok {
annotations[k] = v
for k, v := range rsForRevision.Annotations {
if !annotationsToSkip[k] {
annotations[k] = v
// make patch to restore
patchType, patch, err := getDeploymentPatch(&rsForRevision.Spec.Template, annotations)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed restoring revision %d: %v", toRevision, err)
// Restore revision
if _, err = r.c.AppsV1().Deployments(namespace).Patch(name, patchType, patch); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed restoring revision %d: %v", toRevision, err)
return rollbackSuccess, nil
// equalIgnoreHash returns true if two given podTemplateSpec are equal, ignoring the diff in value of Labels[pod-template-hash]
// We ignore pod-template-hash because:
// 1. The hash result would be different upon podTemplateSpec API changes
// (e.g. the addition of a new field will cause the hash code to change)
// 2. The deployment template won't have hash labels
func equalIgnoreHash(template1, template2 *corev1.PodTemplateSpec) bool {
t1Copy := template1.DeepCopy()
t2Copy := template2.DeepCopy()
// Remove hash labels from template.Labels before comparing
delete(t1Copy.Labels, appsv1.DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey)
delete(t2Copy.Labels, appsv1.DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey)
return apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(t1Copy, t2Copy)
// annotationsToSkip lists the annotations that should be preserved from the deployment and not
// copied from the replicaset when rolling a deployment back
var annotationsToSkip = map[string]bool{
corev1.LastAppliedConfigAnnotation: true,
deploymentutil.RevisionAnnotation: true,
deploymentutil.RevisionHistoryAnnotation: true,
deploymentutil.DesiredReplicasAnnotation: true,
deploymentutil.MaxReplicasAnnotation: true,
appsv1.DeprecatedRollbackTo: true,
// getPatch returns a patch that can be applied to restore a Deployment to a
// previous version. If the returned error is nil the patch is valid.
func getDeploymentPatch(podTemplate *corev1.PodTemplateSpec, annotations map[string]string) (types.PatchType, []byte, error) {
// Create a patch of the Deployment that replaces spec.template
patch, err := json.Marshal([]interface{}{
"op": "replace",
"path": "/spec/template",
"value": podTemplate,
result := ""
"op": "replace",
"path": "/metadata/annotations",
// Get current events
"value": annotations,
events, err := r.c.CoreV1().Events(namespace).List(metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
return result, err
return types.JSONPatchType, patch, err
// Do the rollback
// TODO: This is DEPRECATED. It should be updated. DaemonSets and StatefulSets implement rollback by
// patching using history (ControllerRevision data). Deployments should probably also implement
// rollback using a patch.
if err := r.c.ExtensionsV1beta1().Deployments(namespace).Rollback(deploymentRollback); err != nil {
return result, err
// Watch for the changes of events
watch, err := r.c.CoreV1().Events(namespace).Watch(metav1.ListOptions{Watch: true, ResourceVersion: events.ResourceVersion})
if err != nil {
return result, err
result = watchRollbackEvent(watch)
return result, err
// watchRollbackEvent watches for rollback events and returns rollback result
func deploymentRevision(deployment *appsv1.Deployment, c kubernetes.Interface, toRevision int64) (revision *appsv1.ReplicaSet, err error) {
func watchRollbackEvent(w watch.Interface) string {
signals := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(signals, os.Interrupt, os.Kill, syscall.SIGTERM)
for {
select {
case event, ok := <-w.ResultChan():
if !ok {
return ""
obj, ok := event.Object.(*corev1.Event)
if !ok {
return ""
isRollback, result := isRollbackEvent(obj)
if isRollback {
return result
case <-signals:
// isRollbackEvent checks if the input event is about rollback, and returns true and
// related result string back if it is.
func isRollbackEvent(e *corev1.Event) (bool, string) {
rollbackEventReasons := []string{deploymentutil.RollbackRevisionNotFound, deploymentutil.RollbackTemplateUnchanged, deploymentutil.RollbackDone}
for _, reason := range rollbackEventReasons {
if e.Reason == reason {
if reason == deploymentutil.RollbackDone {
return true, rollbackSuccess
return true, fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s: %s)", rollbackSkipped, e.Reason, e.Message)
return false, ""
func simpleDryRun(deployment *appsv1.Deployment, c kubernetes.Interface, toRevision int64) (string, error) {
_, allOldRSs, newRS, err := deploymentutil.GetAllReplicaSets(deployment, c.AppsV1())
_, allOldRSs, newRS, err := deploymentutil.GetAllReplicaSets(deployment, c.AppsV1())
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve replica sets from deployment %s: %v", deployment.Name, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve replica sets from deployment %s: %v", deployment.Name, err)
allRSs := allOldRSs
allRSs := allOldRSs
if newRS != nil {
if newRS != nil {
allRSs = append(allRSs, newRS)
allRSs = append(allRSs, newRS)
revisionToSpec := make(map[int64]*corev1.PodTemplateSpec)
var (
latestReplicaSet *appsv1.ReplicaSet
latestRevision = int64(-1)
previousReplicaSet *appsv1.ReplicaSet
previousRevision = int64(-1)
for _, rs := range allRSs {
for _, rs := range allRSs {
v, err := deploymentutil.Revision(rs)
if v, err := deploymentutil.Revision(rs); err == nil {
if err != nil {
if toRevision == 0 {
if latestRevision < v {
// newest one we've seen so far
previousRevision = latestRevision
previousReplicaSet = latestReplicaSet
latestRevision = v
latestReplicaSet = rs
} else if previousRevision < v {
// second newest one we've seen so far
previousRevision = v
previousReplicaSet = rs
} else if toRevision == v {
return rs, nil
revisionToSpec[v] = &rs.Spec.Template
if len(revisionToSpec) < 2 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("no rollout history found for deployment %q", deployment.Name)
if toRevision > 0 {
if toRevision > 0 {
template, ok := revisionToSpec[toRevision]
return nil, revisionNotFoundErr(toRevision)
if !ok {
return "", revisionNotFoundErr(toRevision)
return printTemplate(template)
// Sort the revisionToSpec map by revision
if previousReplicaSet == nil {
revisions := make([]int64, 0, len(revisionToSpec))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no rollout history found for deployment %q", deployment.Name)
for r := range revisionToSpec {
revisions = append(revisions, r)
return previousReplicaSet, nil
template, _ := revisionToSpec[revisions[len(revisions)-2]]
return printTemplate(template)
type DaemonSetRollbacker struct {
type DaemonSetRollbacker struct {
@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
@ -44,3 +46,22 @@ func TestRollbackerFor(t *testing.T) {
func TestGetDeploymentPatch(t *testing.T) {
patchType, patchBytes, err := getDeploymentPatch(&corev1.PodTemplateSpec{
Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
Containers: []corev1.Container{{Image: "foo"}}}}, map[string]string{"a": "true"})
if err != nil {
if patchType != types.JSONPatchType {
t.Errorf("expected strategic merge patch, got %v", patchType)
expectedPatch := `[` +
`{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/template","value":{"metadata":{"creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"","image":"foo","resources":{}}]}}},` +
`{"op":"replace","path":"/metadata/annotations","value":{"a":"true"}}` +
if string(patchBytes) != expectedPatch {
t.Errorf("expected:\n%s\ngot\n%s", expectedPatch, string(patchBytes))
@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ import (
const (
const (
// RevisionAnnotation is the revision annotation of a deployment's replica sets which records its rollout sequence
// RevisionAnnotation is the revision annotation of a deployment's replica sets which records its rollout sequence
RevisionAnnotation = "deployment.kubernetes.io/revision"
RevisionAnnotation = "deployment.kubernetes.io/revision"
// RevisionHistoryAnnotation maintains the history of all old revisions that a replica set has served for a deployment.
RevisionHistoryAnnotation = "deployment.kubernetes.io/revision-history"
// DesiredReplicasAnnotation is the desired replicas for a deployment recorded as an annotation
// in its replica sets. Helps in separating scaling events from the rollout process and for
// determining if the new replica set for a deployment is really saturated.
DesiredReplicasAnnotation = "deployment.kubernetes.io/desired-replicas"
// MaxReplicasAnnotation is the maximum replicas a deployment can have at a given point, which
// is deployment.spec.replicas + maxSurge. Used by the underlying replica sets to estimate their
// proportions in case the deployment has surge replicas.
MaxReplicasAnnotation = "deployment.kubernetes.io/max-replicas"
// RollbackRevisionNotFound is not found rollback event reason
// RollbackRevisionNotFound is not found rollback event reason
RollbackRevisionNotFound = "DeploymentRollbackRevisionNotFound"
RollbackRevisionNotFound = "DeploymentRollbackRevisionNotFound"
// RollbackTemplateUnchanged is the template unchanged rollback event reason
// RollbackTemplateUnchanged is the template unchanged rollback event reason
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ run_deployment_tests() {
sleep 1
sleep 1
kube::test::get_object_assert deployment "{{range.items}}{{$image_field0}}:{{end}}" "${IMAGE_DEPLOYMENT_R1}:"
kube::test::get_object_assert deployment "{{range.items}}{{$image_field0}}:{{end}}" "${IMAGE_DEPLOYMENT_R1}:"
# Rollback to revision 1000000 - should be no-op
# Rollback to revision 1000000 - should be no-op
kubectl rollout undo deployment nginx --to-revision=1000000 "${kube_flags[@]}"
! kubectl rollout undo deployment nginx --to-revision=1000000 "${kube_flags[@]}"
kube::test::get_object_assert deployment "{{range.items}}{{$image_field0}}:{{end}}" "${IMAGE_DEPLOYMENT_R1}:"
kube::test::get_object_assert deployment "{{range.items}}{{$image_field0}}:{{end}}" "${IMAGE_DEPLOYMENT_R1}:"
# Rollback to last revision
# Rollback to last revision
kubectl rollout undo deployment nginx "${kube_flags[@]}"
kubectl rollout undo deployment nginx "${kube_flags[@]}"
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ EOF
kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'deploy:'
kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'deploy:'
# check that "rollout undo" supports --template output
# check that "rollout undo" supports --template output
output_message=$(kubectl "${kube_flags[@]}" rollout undo deploy/deploy --template="{{ .metadata.name }}:")
output_message=$(kubectl "${kube_flags[@]}" rollout undo deploy/deploy --to-revision=1 --template="{{ .metadata.name }}:")
kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'deploy:'
kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'deploy:'
# check that "config view" command supports --template output
# check that "config view" command supports --template output
Reference in New Issue