Merge pull request #14925 from ashcrow/e2e-latency

Extract latency test so it can be run separately from density E2E
Eric Tune 2015-10-15 12:24:25 -07:00
commit 8fcb0dfb75
3 changed files with 311 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -69,12 +69,6 @@ func extractLatencyMetrics(latencies []podLatencyData) LatencyMetric {
return LatencyMetric{Perc50: perc50, Perc90: perc90, Perc99: perc99}
func printLatencies(latencies []podLatencyData, header string) {
metrics := extractLatencyMetrics(latencies)
Logf("10%% %s: %v", header, latencies[(len(latencies)*9)/10:len(latencies)])
Logf("perc50: %v, perc90: %v, perc99: %v", metrics.Perc50, metrics.Perc90, metrics.Perc99)
// This test suite can take a long time to run, so by default it is added to
// the ginkgo.skip list (see driver.go).
// To run this suite you must explicitly ask for it by setting the
@ -328,7 +322,10 @@ var _ = Describe("Density", func() {
Logf("Waiting for all Pods begin observed by the watch...")
for start := time.Now(); len(watchTimes) < nodeCount && time.Since(start) < timeout; time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) {
for start := time.Now(); len(watchTimes) < nodeCount; time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) {
if time.Since(start) < timeout {
Failf("Timeout reached waiting for all Pods being observed by the watch.")

test/e2e/latency.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package e2e
import (
unversioned ""
client ""
. ""
. ""
var _ = Describe("[Performance Suite] Latency", func() {
var c *client.Client
var nodeCount int
var additionalPodsPrefix string
var ns string
var uuid string
framework := Framework{BaseName: "latency", NamespaceDeletionTimeout: time.Hour}
BeforeEach(func() {
c = framework.Client
ns = framework.Namespace.Name
var err error
nodes, err := c.Nodes().List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
nodeCount = len(nodes.Items)
// Terminating a namespace (deleting the remaining objects from it - which
// generally means events) can affect the current run. Thus we wait for all
// terminating namespace to be finally deleted before starting this test.
expectNoError(checkTestingNSDeletedExcept(c, ns))
uuid = string(util.NewUUID())
expectNoError(os.Mkdir(fmt.Sprintf(testContext.OutputDir+"/%s", uuid), 0777))
expectNoError(writePerfData(c, fmt.Sprintf(testContext.OutputDir+"/%s", uuid), "before"))
Logf("Listing nodes for easy debugging:\n")
for _, node := range nodes.Items {
for _, address := range node.Status.Addresses {
if address.Type == api.NodeInternalIP {
Logf("Name: %v IP: %v", node.ObjectMeta.Name, address.Address)
AfterEach(func() {
By("Removing additional pods if any")
for i := 1; i <= nodeCount; i++ {
name := additionalPodsPrefix + "-" + strconv.Itoa(i)
c.Pods(ns).Delete(name, nil)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Destroying namespace for this suite %v", ns))
if err := c.Namespaces().Delete(ns); err != nil {
Failf("Couldn't delete ns %s", err)
expectNoError(writePerfData(c, fmt.Sprintf(testContext.OutputDir+"/%s", uuid), "after"))
// Verify latency metrics
highLatencyRequests, err := HighLatencyRequests(c, 3*time.Second)
Expect(highLatencyRequests).NotTo(BeNumerically(">", 0), "There should be no high-latency requests")
// Skipped to avoid running in e2e
It("[Skipped] pod start latency should be acceptable", func() {
runLatencyTest(nodeCount, c, ns)
func runLatencyTest(nodeCount int, c *client.Client, ns string) {
var (
nodes = make(map[string]string, 0) // pod name -> node name
createTimestamps = make(map[string]unversioned.Time, 0) // pod name -> create time
scheduleTimestamps = make(map[string]unversioned.Time, 0) // pod name -> schedule time
startTimestamps = make(map[string]unversioned.Time, 0) // pod name -> time to run
watchTimestamps = make(map[string]unversioned.Time, 0) // pod name -> time to read from informer
additionalPodsPrefix = "latency-pod-" + string(util.NewUUID())
var mutex sync.Mutex
readPodInfo := func(p *api.Pod) {
defer mutex.Unlock()
defer GinkgoRecover()
if p.Status.Phase == api.PodRunning {
if _, found := watchTimestamps[p.Name]; !found {
watchTimestamps[p.Name] = unversioned.Now()
createTimestamps[p.Name] = p.CreationTimestamp
nodes[p.Name] = p.Spec.NodeName
var startTimestamp unversioned.Time
for _, cs := range p.Status.ContainerStatuses {
if cs.State.Running != nil {
if startTimestamp.Before(cs.State.Running.StartedAt) {
startTimestamp = cs.State.Running.StartedAt
if startTimestamp != unversioned.NewTime(time.Time{}) {
startTimestamps[p.Name] = startTimestamp
} else {
Failf("Pod %v is reported to be running, but none of its containers are", p.Name)
// Create a informer to read timestamps for each pod
stopCh := make(chan struct{})
_, informer := framework.NewInformer(
ListFunc: func() (runtime.Object, error) {
return c.Pods(ns).List(labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set{"name": additionalPodsPrefix}), fields.Everything())
WatchFunc: func(rv string) (watch.Interface, error) {
return c.Pods(ns).Watch(labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set{"name": additionalPodsPrefix}), fields.Everything(), rv)
AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
p, ok := obj.(*api.Pod)
go readPodInfo(p)
UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
p, ok := newObj.(*api.Pod)
go readPodInfo(p)
go informer.Run(stopCh)
// Create additional pods with throughput ~5 pods/sec.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
podLabels := map[string]string{
"name": additionalPodsPrefix,
for i := 1; i <= nodeCount; i++ {
name := additionalPodsPrefix + "-" + strconv.Itoa(i)
go createRunningPod(&wg, c, name, ns, "", podLabels)
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
Logf("Waiting for all Pods begin observed by the watch...")
for start := time.Now(); len(watchTimestamps) < nodeCount; time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) {
if time.Since(start) < timeout {
Failf("Timeout reached waiting for all Pods being observed by the watch.")
// Read the schedule timestamp by checking the scheduler event for each pod
schedEvents, err := c.Events(ns).List(
"involvedObject.kind": "Pod",
"involvedObject.namespace": ns,
"source": "scheduler",
for k := range createTimestamps {
for _, event := range schedEvents.Items {
if event.InvolvedObject.Name == k {
scheduleTimestamps[k] = event.FirstTimestamp
var (
scheduleLatencies = make([]podLatencyData, 0)
startLatencies = make([]podLatencyData, 0)
watchLatencies = make([]podLatencyData, 0)
scheduleToWatchLatencies = make([]podLatencyData, 0)
e2eLatencies = make([]podLatencyData, 0)
for name, podNode := range nodes {
createTs, ok := createTimestamps[name]
scheduleTs, ok := scheduleTimestamps[name]
runTs, ok := startTimestamps[name]
watchTs, ok := watchTimestamps[name]
var (
scheduleLatency = podLatencyData{name, podNode, scheduleTs.Time.Sub(createTs.Time)}
startLatency = podLatencyData{name, podNode, runTs.Time.Sub(scheduleTs.Time)}
watchLatency = podLatencyData{name, podNode, watchTs.Time.Sub(runTs.Time)}
scheduleToWatchLatency = podLatencyData{name, podNode, watchTs.Time.Sub(scheduleTs.Time)}
e2eLatency = podLatencyData{name, podNode, watchTs.Time.Sub(createTs.Time)}
scheduleLatencies = append(scheduleLatencies, scheduleLatency)
startLatencies = append(startLatencies, startLatency)
watchLatencies = append(watchLatencies, watchLatency)
scheduleToWatchLatencies = append(scheduleToWatchLatencies, scheduleToWatchLatency)
e2eLatencies = append(e2eLatencies, e2eLatency)
printLatencies(scheduleLatencies, "worst schedule latencies")
printLatencies(startLatencies, "worst run-after-schedule latencies")
printLatencies(watchLatencies, "worst watch latencies")
printLatencies(scheduleToWatchLatencies, "worst scheduled-to-end total latencies")
printLatencies(e2eLatencies, "worst e2e total latencies")
// Ensure all scheduleLatencies are under expected ceilings.
// These numbers were guessed based on numerous Jenkins e2e runs.
testMaximumLatencyValue(scheduleLatencies, 1*time.Second, "scheduleLatencies")
testMaximumLatencyValue(startLatencies, 15*time.Second, "startLatencies")
testMaximumLatencyValue(watchLatencies, 8*time.Second, "watchLatencies")
testMaximumLatencyValue(scheduleToWatchLatencies, 5*time.Second, "scheduleToWatchLatencies")
testMaximumLatencyValue(e2eLatencies, 5*time.Second, "e2eLatencies")
// Test whether e2e pod startup time is acceptable.
podStartupLatency := PodStartupLatency{Latency: extractLatencyMetrics(e2eLatencies)}
// TODO: Switch it to 5 seconds once we are sure our tests are passing.
podStartupThreshold := 8 * time.Second
expectNoError(VerifyPodStartupLatency(podStartupLatency, podStartupThreshold))
// Log suspicious latency metrics/docker errors from all nodes that had slow startup times
logSuspiciousLatency(startLatencies, nil, nodeCount, c)

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@ -301,3 +301,35 @@ func extractMetricSamples(metricsBlob string) ([]*model.Sample, error) {
samples = append(samples, v...)
// logSuspiciousLatency logs metrics/docker errors from all nodes that had slow startup times
// If latencyDataLag is nil then it will be populated from latencyData
func logSuspiciousLatency(latencyData []podLatencyData, latencyDataLag []podLatencyData, nodeCount int, c *client.Client) {
if latencyDataLag == nil {
latencyDataLag = latencyData
for _, l := range latencyData {
if l.Latency > NodeStartupThreshold {
HighLatencyKubeletOperations(c, 1*time.Second, l.Node)
Logf("Approx throughput: %v pods/min",
// testMaximumLatencyValue verifies the highest latency value is less than or equal to
// the given time.Duration. Since the arrays are sorted we are looking at the last
// element which will always be the highest. If the latency is higher than the max Failf
// is called.
func testMaximumLatencyValue(latencies []podLatencyData, max time.Duration, name string) {
highestLatency := latencies[len(latencies)-1]
if !(highestLatency.Latency <= max) {
Failf("%s were not all under %s: %#v", name, max.String(), latencies)
func printLatencies(latencies []podLatencyData, header string) {
metrics := extractLatencyMetrics(latencies)
Logf("10%% %s: %v", header, latencies[(len(latencies)*9)/10:])
Logf("perc50: %v, perc90: %v, perc99: %v", metrics.Perc50, metrics.Perc90, metrics.Perc99)