mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ while true; do
# Suppress errors from kubectl output because during cluster bootstrapping
# for clusters where the master node is registered, the apiserver will become
# available and then get restarted as the kubelet configures the docker bridge.
nodes_status=$("${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh" get nodes -o template --template='{{range .items}}{{range .status.conditions}}{{if eq .type "Ready"}}{{.type}}:{{.status}},{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}' --api-version=v1) || true
found=$(echo "${nodes_status}" | tr "," "\n" | grep -c 'Ready:') || true
ready=$(echo "${nodes_status}" | tr "," "\n" | grep -c 'Ready:True') || true
nodes=$("${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh" get nodes) || true
found=$(($(echo "${nodes}" | wc -l) - 1)) || true
ready=$(echo "${nodes}" | grep -c "Ready") || true
if (( "${found}" == "${EXPECTED_NUM_NODES}" )) && (( "${ready}" == "${EXPECTED_NUM_NODES}")); then
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ while true; do
echo -e "${color_red}Detected ${ready} ready nodes, found ${found} nodes out of expected ${EXPECTED_NUM_NODES}. Found more nodes than expected, your cluster may not behave correctly.${color_norm}"
# Set the timeout to ~10minutes (40 x 15 second) to avoid timeouts for 100-node clusters.
if (( attempt > 40 )); then
# Set the timeout to ~25minutes (100 x 15 second) to avoid timeouts for 1000-node clusters.
if (( attempt > 100 )); then
echo -e "${color_red}Detected ${ready} ready nodes, found ${found} nodes out of expected ${EXPECTED_NUM_NODES}. Your cluster may not be working.${color_norm}"
"${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh" get nodes
exit 2
Reference in New Issue