Merge pull request #23042 from gmarek/testing

Change scalability test configs
Marek Grabowski 2016-03-22 14:08:58 +01:00
commit 8a7d8c4f9d
3 changed files with 12 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
# FIXME: desnowflake this
- job-template:
name: 'kubernetes-e2e-gce-enormous-startup'
description: 'Starts and deletes empty 1000 node cluster. Does not allow Node failures. Test owner: gmarek'
daysToKeep: 7
- shell: |
# XXX Not a unique project
# TODO: increase a quota for networks in kubernetes-scale and move this test to its own network
export E2E_NAME="e2e-enormous-startup"
export E2E_TEST="false"
export PROJECT="kubernetes-scale"
# Override GCE defaults.
export NETWORK_PROVIDER="flannel"
# Temporarily switch of Heapster, as this will not schedule anywhere.
# TODO: Think of a solution to enable it.
export KUBE_GCE_ZONE="asia-east1-a"
export MASTER_SIZE="n1-standard-32"
export NODE_SIZE="n1-standard-1"
export NODE_DISK_SIZE="50GB"
export NUM_NODES="1000"
# Reduce logs verbosity
# Increase resync period to simulate production
export TEST_CLUSTER_RESYNC_PERIOD="--min-resync-period=12h"
export KUBE_GCE_NETWORK="e2e-enormous-cluster"
timeout -k {kill-timeout}m 480m {runner} && rc=$? || rc=$?
- mail-watcher
- claim-build
- gcs-uploader
- log-parser
- email-ext:
recipients: ""
- timed: 'H 20 * * *'
- ansicolor:
colormap: xterm
- timeout:
timeout: '{jenkins-timeout}'
fail: true
- timestamps
- workspace-cleanup
- project:
name: 'kubernetes-e2e-gce-enormous-startup'
- 'kubernetes-e2e-gce-enormous-startup'

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@ -111,6 +111,8 @@
- 'gce-scalability':
description: 'Run the performance/scalability tests on GCE. A larger cluster is used.'
timeout: 120
# TODO: Run this twice a day after we make kubemark-500 a blocking suite.
# cron-string: 'H H/12 * * *'
job-env: |
export E2E_NAME="e2e-scalability"
export GINKGO_TEST_ARGS="--ginkgo.focus=\[Feature:Performance\] \
@ -118,6 +120,7 @@
--gather-metrics-at-teardown=true \
--gather-logs-sizes=true \
# Create a project k8s-jenkins-scalability-head and move this test there
export PROJECT=""
# Override GCE defaults.
@ -256,6 +259,8 @@
- 'gce-scalability-release-1.2':
timeout: 120
description: 'Run scalability E2E tests on GCE from the release-1.2 branch.'
# Run on Saturday 8 am
cron-string: 'H 8 * * 6'
job-env: |
export E2E_NAME="e2e-scalability-1-2"
export GINKGO_TEST_ARGS="--ginkgo.focus=\[Feature:Performance\] \
@ -264,12 +269,13 @@
--gather-logs-sizes=true \
# Use the 1.1 project for now, since it has quota.
# TODO: create a project k8s-e2e-gce-scalability-release and move this test there
export PROJECT="k8s-e2e-gce-scalability-1-1"
# Override GCE defaults.
export KUBE_GCE_ZONE="us-east1-b"
export MASTER_SIZE="n1-standard-4"
export NODE_SIZE="n1-standard-2"
export NODE_SIZE="n1-standard-1"
export NODE_DISK_SIZE="50GB"
export NUM_NODES="100"
export REGISTER_MASTER="true"
@ -518,7 +524,8 @@
name: kubernetes-e2e-gce-enormous-cluster
test-owner: 'gmarek'
emails: ''
cron-string: 'H 8 * * *'
# Run only on Sunday and Wednesday at 8 am MTV time.
cron-string: 'H 8 * * 0,4'
trigger-job: ''
description: 'Starts and deletes empty 1000 node cluster and runs Density 30 test on it. Does allow few Nodes to fail during startup.'
timeout: 480

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@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
- 'high-density-100-gce':
description: 'Run Kubemark high-density (100 pods/node) test on a fake 100 node cluster.'
timeout: 160
cron-string: '@hourly'
cron-string: 'H 20 * * 6'
job-env: |
export E2E_NAME="kubemark-100pods"
export PROJECT="k8s-jenkins-kubemark"
@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
export KUBEMARK_MASTER_SIZE="n1-standard-16"
- 'gce-scale':
description: 'Run Density test on Kubemark in very large cluster. Currently only scheduled to run every 6 hours so as not to waste too many resources.'
description: 'Run Density test on Kubemark in very large cluster. Currently only scheduled to run every 12 hours so as not to waste too many resources.'
# 12h - load tests take really, really, really long time.
timeout: 720
cron-string: 'H H/8 * * *'
cron-string: 'H H/12 * * *'
job-env: |
# XXX Not a unique project
export E2E_NAME="kubemark-1000"