extend selector with EXISTS, new tests/some old tests use table-driven style; add Has to Labels interface; enforce Requirement restrictions in constructor

Meir Fischer 2014-08-18 23:41:20 -04:00
parent eb24c997e4
commit 89a9e5e672
4 changed files with 243 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ import (
// Labels allows you to present labels independently from their storage.
type Labels interface {
// Has returns whether the provided label exists.
Has(label string) (exists bool)
// Get returns the value for the provided label.
Get(label string) (value string)
@ -42,6 +45,12 @@ func (ls Set) String() string {
return strings.Join(selector, ",")
// Has returns whether the provided label exists in the map.
func (ls Set) Has(label string) bool {
_, exists := ls[label]
return exists
// Get returns the value in the map for the provided label.
func (ls Set) Get(label string) string {
return ls[label]

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@ -35,6 +35,23 @@ func TestSetString(t *testing.T) {
// with ",=!" characters in their names.
func TestLabelHas(t *testing.T) {
labelHasTests := []struct {
Ls Labels
Key string
Has bool
{Set{"x": "y"}, "x", true},
{Set{"x": ""}, "x", true},
{Set{"x": "y"}, "foo", false},
for _, lh := range labelHasTests {
if has := lh.Ls.Has(lh.Key); has != lh.Has {
t.Errorf("%#v.Has(%#v) => %v, expected %v", lh.Ls, lh.Key, has, lh.Has)
func TestLabelGet(t *testing.T) {
ls := Set{"x": "y"}
if ls.Get("x") != "y" {

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ limitations under the License.
package labels
import (
@ -138,46 +139,159 @@ func (t andTerm) String() string {
// Operator represents a key's relationship
// to a set of values in a Requirement.
// TODO: Should also represent key's existence.
type Operator int
const (
IN Operator = iota + 1
In Operator = iota + 1
// LabelSelector only not named 'Selector' due
// to name conflict until Selector is deprecated.
// LabelSelector contains a list of Requirements.
// LabelSelector is set-based and is distinguished from exact
// match-based selectors composed of key=value matching conjunctions.
// TODO: Remove previous sentence when exact match-based
// selectors are removed.
type LabelSelector struct {
Requirements []Requirement
// Requirement is a selector that contains values, a key
// and an operator that relates the key and values. The zero
// value of Requirement is invalid. See the NewRequirement
// constructor for creating a valid Requirement.
// Requirement is set-based and is distinguished from exact
// match-based selectors composed of key=value matching.
// TODO: Remove previous sentence when exact match-based
// selectors are removed.
type Requirement struct {
key string
operator Operator
strValues util.StringSet
func (r *Requirement) Matches(ls Labels) bool {
switch r.operator {
case IN:
return r.strValues.Has(ls.Get(r.key))
case NOT_IN:
return !r.strValues.Has(ls.Get(r.key))
// NewRequirement is the constructor for a Requirement.
// If either of these rules is violated, an error is returned:
// (1) The operator can only be In, NotIn or Exists.
// (2) If the operator is In or NotIn, the values set must
// be non-empty.
// The empty string is a valid value in the input values set.
func NewRequirement(key string, op Operator, vals util.StringSet) (*Requirement, error) {
switch op {
case In, NotIn:
if len(vals) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("for In,NotIn operators, values set can't be empty")
case Exists:
return false
return nil, fmt.Errorf("operator '%v' is not recognized", op)
return &Requirement{key: key, operator: op, strValues: vals}, nil
// Matches returns true if the Requirement matches the input Labels.
// There is a match in the following cases:
// (1) The operator is Exists and Labels has the Requirement's key.
// (2) The operator is In, Labels has the Requirement's key and Labels'
// value for that key is in Requirement's value set.
// (3) The operator is NotIn, Labels has the Requirement's key and
// Labels' value for that key is not in Requirement's value set.
// (4) The operator is NotIn and Labels does not have the
// Requirement's key.
// If called on an invalid Requirement, an error is returned. See
// NewRequirement for creating a valid Requirement.
func (r *Requirement) Matches(ls Labels) (bool, error) {
switch r.operator {
case In:
if !ls.Has(r.key) {
return false, nil
return r.strValues.Has(ls.Get(r.key)), nil
case NotIn:
if !ls.Has(r.key) {
return true, nil
return !r.strValues.Has(ls.Get(r.key)), nil
case Exists:
return ls.Has(r.key), nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("requirement is not set: %+v", r)
func (sg *LabelSelector) Matches(ls Labels) bool {
for _, req := range sg.Requirements {
if !req.Matches(ls) {
return false
// String returns a human-readable string that represents this
// Requirement. If called on an invalid Requirement, an error is
// returned. See NewRequirement for creating a valid Requirement.
func (r *Requirement) String() (string, error) {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
switch r.operator {
case In:
buffer.WriteString(" in ")
case NotIn:
buffer.WriteString(" not in ")
case Exists:
return buffer.String(), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("requirement is not set: %+v", r)
if len(r.strValues) == 1 {
} else { // only > 1 since == 0 prohibited by NewRequirement
buffer.WriteString(strings.Join(r.strValues.List(), ","))
return buffer.String(), nil
// Matches for a LabelSelector returns true if all
// its Requirements match the input Labels. If any
// Requirement does not match, false is returned.
// An error is returned if any match attempt between
// a Requirement and the input Labels returns an error.
func (lsel *LabelSelector) Matches(l Labels) (bool, error) {
for _, req := range lsel.Requirements {
if matches, err := req.Matches(l); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if !matches {
return false, nil
return true
return true, nil
// String returns a comma-separated string of all
// the LabelSelector Requirements' human-readable strings.
// An error is returned if any attempt to get a
// Requirement's human-readable string returns an error.
func (lsel *LabelSelector) String() (string, error) {
var reqs []string
for _, req := range lsel.Requirements {
if str, err := req.String(); err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
reqs = append(reqs, str)
return strings.Join(reqs, ","), nil
// TODO: Parse takes a string representing a selector and returns
// a selector, or an error. A well-formed input string follows
// the syntax of that which is returned by LabelSelector.String
// and therefore is largely controlled by that which is returned
// by Requirement.String. The returned selector object's type
// should be an interface implemented by LabelSelector. Note that
// this parsing function is different than ParseSelector since
// they parse different selectors with different syntaxes.
// See comments above for LabelSelector and Requirement struct
// definition for more details.
func try(selectorPiece, op string) (lhs, rhs string, ok bool) {
pieces := strings.Split(selectorPiece, op)
if len(pieces) == 2 {

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@ -199,56 +199,100 @@ func TestRequiresExactMatch(t *testing.T) {
func expectMatchRequirement(t *testing.T, req Requirement, ls Set) {
if !req.Matches(ls) {
t.Errorf("Wanted '%+v' to match '%s', but it did not.\n", req, ls)
func TestRequirementConstructor(t *testing.T) {
requirementConstructorTests := []struct {
Key string
Op Operator
Vals util.StringSet
Success bool
{"x", 8, util.NewStringSet("foo"), false},
{"x", In, nil, false},
{"x", NotIn, util.NewStringSet(), false},
{"x", In, util.NewStringSet("foo"), true},
{"x", NotIn, util.NewStringSet("foo"), true},
{"x", Exists, nil, true},
for _, rc := range requirementConstructorTests {
if _, err := NewRequirement(rc.Key, rc.Op, rc.Vals); err == nil && !rc.Success {
t.Errorf("expected error with key:%#v op:%v vals:%v, got no error", rc.Key, rc.Op, rc.Vals)
} else if err != nil && rc.Success {
t.Errorf("expected no error with key:%#v op:%v vals:%v, got:%v", rc.Key, rc.Op, rc.Vals, err)
func expectNoMatchRequirement(t *testing.T, req Requirement, ls Set) {
if req.Matches(ls) {
t.Errorf("Wanted '%+v' to not match '%s', but it did.", req, ls)
func TestToString(t *testing.T) {
var req Requirement
toStringTests := []struct {
In *LabelSelector
Out string
Valid bool
{&LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("x", In, util.NewStringSet("abc", "def"), t),
getRequirement("y", NotIn, util.NewStringSet("jkl"), t),
getRequirement("z", Exists, nil, t),
}}, "x in (abc,def),y not in (jkl),z", true},
{&LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("x", In, util.NewStringSet("abc", "def"), t),
}}, "", false},
{&LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("x", NotIn, util.NewStringSet("abc"), t),
getRequirement("y", In, util.NewStringSet("jkl", "mno"), t),
getRequirement("z", NotIn, util.NewStringSet(""), t),
}}, "x not in (abc),y in (jkl,mno),z not in ()", true},
for _, ts := range toStringTests {
if out, err := ts.In.String(); err != nil && ts.Valid {
t.Errorf("%+v.String() => %v, expected no error", ts.In, err)
} else if out != ts.Out {
t.Errorf("%+v.String() => %v, want %v", ts.In, out, ts.Out)
func TestRequirementMatches(t *testing.T) {
s := Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}
a := Requirement{key: "x", operator: IN, strValues: util.NewStringSet("foo")}
b := Requirement{key: "x", operator: NOT_IN, strValues: util.NewStringSet("beta")}
c := Requirement{key: "y", operator: IN, strValues: nil}
d := Requirement{key: "y", strValues: util.NewStringSet("foo")}
expectMatchRequirement(t, a, s)
expectMatchRequirement(t, b, s)
expectNoMatchRequirement(t, c, s)
expectNoMatchRequirement(t, d, s)
func expectMatchLabSelector(t *testing.T, lsel LabelSelector, s Set) {
if !lsel.Matches(s) {
t.Errorf("Wanted '%+v' to match '%s', but it did not.\n", lsel, s)
func TestRequirementLabelSelectorMatching(t *testing.T) {
var req Requirement
labelSelectorMatchingTests := []struct {
Set Set
Sel *LabelSelector
Match bool
Valid bool
{Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}, &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}}, false, false},
{Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}, &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("x", In, util.NewStringSet("foo"), t),
getRequirement("y", NotIn, util.NewStringSet("alpha"), t),
}}, true, true},
{Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}, &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("x", In, util.NewStringSet("foo"), t),
getRequirement("y", In, util.NewStringSet("alpha"), t),
}}, false, true},
{Set{"y": ""}, &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("x", NotIn, util.NewStringSet(""), t),
getRequirement("y", Exists, nil, t),
}}, true, true},
{Set{"y": "baz"}, &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("x", In, util.NewStringSet(""), t),
}}, false, true},
for _, lsm := range labelSelectorMatchingTests {
if match, err := lsm.Sel.Matches(lsm.Set); err != nil && lsm.Valid {
t.Errorf("%+v.Matches(%#v) => %v, expected no error", lsm.Sel, lsm.Set, err)
} else if match != lsm.Match {
t.Errorf("%+v.Matches(%#v) => %v, want %v", lsm.Sel, lsm.Set, match, lsm.Match)
func expectNoMatchLabSelector(t *testing.T, lsel LabelSelector, s Set) {
if lsel.Matches(s) {
t.Errorf("Wanted '%+v' to not match '%s', but it did.\n", lsel, s)
func getRequirement(key string, op Operator, vals util.StringSet, t *testing.T) Requirement {
req, err := NewRequirement(key, op, vals)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("NewRequirement(%v, %v, %v) resulted in error:%v", key, op, vals, err)
func TestLabelSelectorMatches(t *testing.T) {
s := Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}
allMatch := LabelSelector{
Requirements: []Requirement{
{key: "x", operator: IN, strValues: util.NewStringSet("foo")},
{key: "y", operator: NOT_IN, strValues: util.NewStringSet("alpha")},
singleNonMatch := LabelSelector{
Requirements: []Requirement{
{key: "x", operator: IN, strValues: util.NewStringSet("foo")},
{key: "y", operator: IN, strValues: util.NewStringSet("alpha")},
expectMatchLabSelector(t, allMatch, s)
expectNoMatchLabSelector(t, singleNonMatch, s)
return *req