mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
fix kubeadm upgrade
@ -113,27 +113,55 @@ func New(endpoints []string, ca, cert, key string) (*Client, error) {
return &client, nil
// NewFromStaticPod creates a GenericClient from the given endpoints, manifestDir, and certificatesDir
func NewFromStaticPod(endpoints []string, manifestDir string, certificatesDir string) (*Client, error) {
hasTLS, err := PodManifestsHaveTLS(manifestDir)
// NewFromCluster creates an etcd client for the the etcd endpoints defined in the ClusterStatus value stored in
// the kubeadm-config ConfigMap in kube-system namespace.
// Once created, the client synchronizes client's endpoints with the known endpoints from the etcd membership API (reality check).
func NewFromCluster(client clientset.Interface, certificatesDir string) (*Client, error) {
// Kubeadm v1.13 should manage v1.12 clusters and v1.13 clusters
// v1.12 clusters can be have etcd listening on localhost only (if the cluster was created with kubeadm v1.12)
// or etcd listening on localhost and API server advertise address (if the cluster was created with kubeadm v1.13).
// The first case should be dropped in v1.14 when support for v1.12 clusters can be removed from the codebase.
// Detect which type of etcd we are dealing with
oldManifest := false
klog.V(1).Infoln("checking etcd manifest")
etcdManifestFile := constants.GetStaticPodFilepath(constants.Etcd, constants.GetStaticPodDirectory())
etcdPod, err := staticpod.ReadStaticPodFromDisk(etcdManifestFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not read manifests from: %s, error", manifestDir)
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error reading etcd manifest file")
if hasTLS {
return New(
etcdContainer := etcdPod.Spec.Containers[0]
for _, arg := range etcdContainer.Command {
if arg == "--listen-client-urls=" {
klog.V(1).Infoln("etcd manifest created by kubeadm v1.12")
oldManifest = true
// if etcd is listening on localhost only
if oldManifest == true {
// etcd cluster has a single member "by design"
endpoints := []string{fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", constants.EtcdListenClientPort)}
etcdClient, err := New(
filepath.Join(certificatesDir, constants.EtcdCACertName),
filepath.Join(certificatesDir, constants.EtcdHealthcheckClientCertName),
filepath.Join(certificatesDir, constants.EtcdHealthcheckClientKeyName),
return New(endpoints, "", "", "")
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating etcd client for %v endpoint", endpoints)
// NewFromCluster creates an etcd client for the the etcd endpoints defined in the ClusterStatus value stored in
// the kubeadm-config ConfigMap in kube-system namespace.
// Once created, the client synchronizes client's endpoints with the known endpoints from the etcd membership API (reality check).
func NewFromCluster(client clientset.Interface, certificatesDir string) (*Client, error) {
return etcdClient, nil
// etcd is listening on localhost and API server advertise address, and
// the etcd cluster can have more than one etcd members, so it is necessary to get the
// list of endpoints from kubeadm cluster status before connecting
// Gets the cluster status
clusterStatus, err := config.GetClusterStatus(client)
if err != nil {
@ -155,13 +183,13 @@ func NewFromCluster(client clientset.Interface, certificatesDir string) (*Client
filepath.Join(certificatesDir, constants.EtcdHealthcheckClientKeyName),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating etcd client for %v endpoints", endpoints)
// synchronizes client's endpoints with the known endpoints from the etcd membership.
err = etcdClient.Sync()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error syncing endpoints with etc")
return etcdClient, nil
Reference in New Issue