mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
Random unrelated vendor
@ -467,6 +467,7 @@ filegroup(
@ -481,6 +482,11 @@ filegroup(
@ -34,21 +34,27 @@ type Fuzzer struct {
nilChance float64
minElements int
maxElements int
maxDepth int
// New returns a new Fuzzer. Customize your Fuzzer further by calling Funcs,
// RandSource, NilChance, or NumElements in any order.
func New() *Fuzzer {
return NewWithSeed(time.Now().UnixNano())
func NewWithSeed(seed int64) *Fuzzer {
f := &Fuzzer{
defaultFuzzFuncs: fuzzFuncMap{
reflect.TypeOf(&time.Time{}): reflect.ValueOf(fuzzTime),
fuzzFuncs: fuzzFuncMap{},
r: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),
r: rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed)),
nilChance: .2,
minElements: 1,
maxElements: 10,
maxDepth: 100,
return f
@ -136,6 +142,14 @@ func (f *Fuzzer) genShouldFill() bool {
return f.r.Float64() > f.nilChance
// MaxDepth sets the maximum number of recursive fuzz calls that will be made
// before stopping. This includes struct members, pointers, and map and slice
// elements.
func (f *Fuzzer) MaxDepth(d int) *Fuzzer {
f.maxDepth = d
return f
// Fuzz recursively fills all of obj's fields with something random. First
// this tries to find a custom fuzz function (see Funcs). If there is no
// custom function this tests whether the object implements fuzz.Interface and,
@ -144,17 +158,19 @@ func (f *Fuzzer) genShouldFill() bool {
// fails, this will generate random values for all primitive fields and then
// recurse for all non-primitives.
// Not safe for cyclic or tree-like structs!
// This is safe for cyclic or tree-like structs, up to a limit. Use the
// MaxDepth method to adjust how deep you need it to recurse.
// obj must be a pointer. Only exported (public) fields can be set (thanks, golang :/ )
// Intended for tests, so will panic on bad input or unimplemented fields.
// obj must be a pointer. Only exported (public) fields can be set (thanks,
// golang :/ ) Intended for tests, so will panic on bad input or unimplemented
// fields.
func (f *Fuzzer) Fuzz(obj interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(obj)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic("needed ptr!")
v = v.Elem()
f.doFuzz(v, 0)
f.fuzzWithContext(v, 0)
// FuzzNoCustom is just like Fuzz, except that any custom fuzz function for
@ -170,7 +186,7 @@ func (f *Fuzzer) FuzzNoCustom(obj interface{}) {
panic("needed ptr!")
v = v.Elem()
f.doFuzz(v, flagNoCustomFuzz)
f.fuzzWithContext(v, flagNoCustomFuzz)
const (
@ -178,69 +194,87 @@ const (
flagNoCustomFuzz uint64 = 1 << iota
func (f *Fuzzer) doFuzz(v reflect.Value, flags uint64) {
func (f *Fuzzer) fuzzWithContext(v reflect.Value, flags uint64) {
fc := &fuzzerContext{fuzzer: f}
fc.doFuzz(v, flags)
// fuzzerContext carries context about a single fuzzing run, which lets Fuzzer
// be thread-safe.
type fuzzerContext struct {
fuzzer *Fuzzer
curDepth int
func (fc *fuzzerContext) doFuzz(v reflect.Value, flags uint64) {
if fc.curDepth >= fc.fuzzer.maxDepth {
defer func() { fc.curDepth-- }()
if !v.CanSet() {
if flags&flagNoCustomFuzz == 0 {
// Check for both pointer and non-pointer custom functions.
if v.CanAddr() && f.tryCustom(v.Addr()) {
if v.CanAddr() && fc.tryCustom(v.Addr()) {
if f.tryCustom(v) {
if fc.tryCustom(v) {
if fn, ok := fillFuncMap[v.Kind()]; ok {
fn(v, f.r)
fn(v, fc.fuzzer.r)
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
if f.genShouldFill() {
if fc.fuzzer.genShouldFill() {
n := f.genElementCount()
n := fc.fuzzer.genElementCount()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
key := reflect.New(v.Type().Key()).Elem()
f.doFuzz(key, 0)
fc.doFuzz(key, 0)
val := reflect.New(v.Type().Elem()).Elem()
f.doFuzz(val, 0)
fc.doFuzz(val, 0)
v.SetMapIndex(key, val)
case reflect.Ptr:
if f.genShouldFill() {
if fc.fuzzer.genShouldFill() {
f.doFuzz(v.Elem(), 0)
fc.doFuzz(v.Elem(), 0)
case reflect.Slice:
if f.genShouldFill() {
n := f.genElementCount()
if fc.fuzzer.genShouldFill() {
n := fc.fuzzer.genElementCount()
v.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(v.Type(), n, n))
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
f.doFuzz(v.Index(i), 0)
fc.doFuzz(v.Index(i), 0)
case reflect.Array:
if f.genShouldFill() {
if fc.fuzzer.genShouldFill() {
n := v.Len()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
f.doFuzz(v.Index(i), 0)
fc.doFuzz(v.Index(i), 0)
case reflect.Struct:
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
f.doFuzz(v.Field(i), 0)
fc.doFuzz(v.Field(i), 0)
case reflect.Chan:
@ -255,20 +289,20 @@ func (f *Fuzzer) doFuzz(v reflect.Value, flags uint64) {
// tryCustom searches for custom handlers, and returns true iff it finds a match
// and successfully randomizes v.
func (f *Fuzzer) tryCustom(v reflect.Value) bool {
func (fc *fuzzerContext) tryCustom(v reflect.Value) bool {
// First: see if we have a fuzz function for it.
doCustom, ok := f.fuzzFuncs[v.Type()]
doCustom, ok := fc.fuzzer.fuzzFuncs[v.Type()]
if !ok {
// Second: see if it can fuzz itself.
if v.CanInterface() {
intf := v.Interface()
if fuzzable, ok := intf.(Interface); ok {
fuzzable.Fuzz(Continue{f: f, Rand: f.r})
fuzzable.Fuzz(Continue{fc: fc, Rand: fc.fuzzer.r})
return true
// Finally: see if there is a default fuzz function.
doCustom, ok = f.defaultFuzzFuncs[v.Type()]
doCustom, ok = fc.fuzzer.defaultFuzzFuncs[v.Type()]
if !ok {
return false
@ -294,8 +328,8 @@ func (f *Fuzzer) tryCustom(v reflect.Value) bool {
doCustom.Call([]reflect.Value{v, reflect.ValueOf(Continue{
f: f,
Rand: f.r,
fc: fc,
Rand: fc.fuzzer.r,
return true
@ -310,7 +344,7 @@ type Interface interface {
// Continue can be passed to custom fuzzing functions to allow them to use
// the correct source of randomness and to continue fuzzing their members.
type Continue struct {
f *Fuzzer
fc *fuzzerContext
// For convenience, Continue implements rand.Rand via embedding.
// Use this for generating any randomness if you want your fuzzing
@ -325,7 +359,7 @@ func (c Continue) Fuzz(obj interface{}) {
panic("needed ptr!")
v = v.Elem()
c.f.doFuzz(v, 0)
c.fc.doFuzz(v, 0)
// FuzzNoCustom continues fuzzing obj, except that any custom fuzz function for
@ -338,7 +372,7 @@ func (c Continue) FuzzNoCustom(obj interface{}) {
panic("needed ptr!")
v = v.Elem()
c.f.doFuzz(v, flagNoCustomFuzz)
c.fc.doFuzz(v, flagNoCustomFuzz)
// RandString makes a random string up to 20 characters long. The returned string
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library")
name = "go_default_library",
srcs = ["smd.go"],
importmap = "k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor/k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/schemaconv",
importpath = "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/schemaconv",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
name = "package-srcs",
srcs = glob(["**"]),
tags = ["automanaged"],
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
name = "all-srcs",
srcs = [":package-srcs"],
tags = ["automanaged"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package schemaconv
import (
// ToSchema converts openapi definitions into a schema suitable for structured
// merge (i.e. kubectl apply v2).
func ToSchema(models proto.Models) (*schema.Schema, error) {
c := convert{
input: models,
output: &schema.Schema{},
if err := c.convertAll(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.output, nil
type convert struct {
input proto.Models
output *schema.Schema
currentName string
current *schema.Atom
errorMessages []string
func (c *convert) push(name string, a *schema.Atom) *convert {
return &convert{
input: c.input,
output: c.output,
currentName: name,
current: a,
func (c *convert) top() *schema.Atom { return c.current }
func (c *convert) pop(c2 *convert) {
c.errorMessages = append(c.errorMessages, c2.errorMessages...)
func (c *convert) convertAll() error {
for _, name := range c.input.ListModels() {
model := c.input.LookupModel(name)
c.insertTypeDef(name, model)
if len(c.errorMessages) > 0 {
return errors.New(strings.Join(c.errorMessages, "\n"))
return nil
func (c *convert) reportError(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.errorMessages = append(c.errorMessages,
c.currentName+": "+fmt.Sprintf(format, args...),
func (c *convert) insertTypeDef(name string, model proto.Schema) {
def := schema.TypeDef{
Name: name,
c2 := c.push(name, &def.Atom)
if def.Atom == (schema.Atom{}) {
// This could happen if there were a top-level reference.
c.output.Types = append(c.output.Types, def)
func (c *convert) makeRef(model proto.Schema) schema.TypeRef {
var tr schema.TypeRef
if r, ok := model.(*proto.Ref); ok {
// reference a named type
_, n := path.Split(r.Reference())
tr.NamedType = &n
} else {
// compute the type inline
c2 := c.push("inlined in "+c.currentName, &tr.Inlined)
if tr == (schema.TypeRef{}) {
// emit warning?
tr.Inlined.Untyped = &schema.Untyped{}
return tr
func (c *convert) VisitKind(k *proto.Kind) {
a := c.top()
a.Struct = &schema.Struct{}
for _, name := range k.FieldOrder {
member := k.Fields[name]
tr := c.makeRef(member)
a.Struct.Fields = append(a.Struct.Fields, schema.StructField{
Name: name,
Type: tr,
// TODO: Get element relationship when we start adding it to the spec.
func toStringSlice(o interface{}) (out []string, ok bool) {
switch t := o.(type) {
case []interface{}:
for _, v := range t {
switch vt := v.(type) {
case string:
out = append(out, vt)
return out, true
return nil, false
func (c *convert) VisitArray(a *proto.Array) {
atom := c.top()
atom.List = &schema.List{
ElementRelationship: schema.Atomic,
l := atom.List
l.ElementType = c.makeRef(a.SubType)
ext := a.GetExtensions()
if val, ok := ext["x-kubernetes-list-type"]; ok {
if val == "atomic" {
l.ElementRelationship = schema.Atomic
} else if val == "set" {
l.ElementRelationship = schema.Associative
} else if val == "map" {
l.ElementRelationship = schema.Associative
if keys, ok := ext["x-kubernetes-list-map-keys"]; ok {
if keyNames, ok := toStringSlice(keys); ok {
l.Keys = keyNames
} else {
c.reportError("uninterpreted map keys: %#v", keys)
} else {
c.reportError("missing map keys")
} else {
c.reportError("unknown list type %v", val)
l.ElementRelationship = schema.Atomic
} else if val, ok := ext["x-kubernetes-patch-strategy"]; ok {
if val == "merge" || val == "merge,retainKeys" {
l.ElementRelationship = schema.Associative
if key, ok := ext["x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key"]; ok {
if keyName, ok := key.(string); ok {
l.Keys = []string{keyName}
} else {
c.reportError("uninterpreted merge key: %#v", key)
} else {
// It's not an error for this to be absent, it
// means it's a set.
} else if val == "retainKeys" {
} else {
c.reportError("unknown patch strategy %v", val)
l.ElementRelationship = schema.Atomic
func (c *convert) VisitMap(m *proto.Map) {
a := c.top()
a.Map = &schema.Map{}
a.Map.ElementType = c.makeRef(m.SubType)
// TODO: Get element relationship when we start putting it into the
// spec.
func (c *convert) VisitPrimitive(p *proto.Primitive) {
a := c.top()
ptr := func(s schema.Scalar) *schema.Scalar { return &s }
switch p.Type {
case proto.Integer:
a.Scalar = ptr(schema.Numeric)
case proto.Number:
a.Scalar = ptr(schema.Numeric)
case proto.String:
switch p.Format {
case "":
a.Scalar = ptr(schema.String)
case "byte":
// byte really means []byte and is encoded as a string.
a.Scalar = ptr(schema.String)
case "int-or-string":
a.Untyped = &schema.Untyped{}
case "date-time":
a.Untyped = &schema.Untyped{}
a.Untyped = &schema.Untyped{}
case proto.Boolean:
a.Scalar = ptr(schema.Boolean)
a.Untyped = &schema.Untyped{}
func (c *convert) VisitArbitrary(a *proto.Arbitrary) {
c.top().Untyped = &schema.Untyped{}
func (c *convert) VisitReference(proto.Reference) {
// Do nothing, we handle references specially
Reference in New Issue