Merge pull request #2800 from zmerlynn/e2e.times

Add --times to e2e.go
Brendan Burns 2014-12-11 15:15:13 -08:00
commit 7857299727
1 changed files with 126 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ var (
orderseed = flag.Int64("orderseed", 0, "If non-zero, seed of random test shuffle order. (Otherwise random.)")
test = flag.Bool("test", false, "Run all tests in hack/e2e-suite.")
tests = flag.String("tests", "", "Run only tests in hack/e2e-suite matching this glob. Ignored if -test is set.")
times = flag.Int("times", 1, "Number of times each test is eligible to be run. Individual order is determined by shuffling --times instances of each test using --orderseed (like a multi-deck shoe of cards).")
root = flag.String("root", absOrDie(filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(path.Base(os.Args[0]), ".."))), "Root directory of kubernetes repository.")
tap = flag.Bool("tap", false, "Enable Test Anything Protocol (TAP) output (disables --verbose, only failure output recorded)")
verbose = flag.Bool("v", false, "If true, print all command output.")
trace_bash = flag.Bool("trace-bash", false, "If true, pass -x to bash to trace all bash commands")
checkVersionSkew = flag.Bool("check_version_skew", true, ""+
@ -65,10 +67,28 @@ func absOrDie(path string) string {
return out
type TestResult struct {
Pass int
Fail int
type ResultsByTest map[string]TestResult
func main() {
signal.Notify(signals, os.Interrupt)
if *tap {
fmt.Printf("TAP version 13\n")
log.SetPrefix("# ")
// TODO: this limitation is fixable by moving runBash to
// outputing to temp files, which still lets people check on
// stuck things interactively. The current stdout/stderr
// approach isn't really going to work with TAP, though.
*verbose = false
if *test {
*tests = "*"
@ -118,10 +138,7 @@ func main() {
case *ctlCmd != "":
failure = !runBash("'kubectl "+*ctlCmd+"'", "$KUBECTL "+*ctlCmd)
case *tests != "":
failed, passed := Test()
log.Printf("Passed tests: %v", passed)
log.Printf("Failed tests: %v", failed)
failure = len(failed) > 0
failure = PrintResults(Test())
if *down {
@ -163,7 +180,7 @@ func shuffleStrings(strings []string, r *rand.Rand) {
func Test() (failed, passed []string) {
func Test() (results ResultsByTest) {
defer runBashUntil("watchEvents", "$KUBECTL --watch-only get events")()
if !IsUp() {
@ -203,28 +220,86 @@ func Test() (failed, passed []string) {
*orderseed = time.Now().UnixNano() & (1<<32 - 1)
if *times != 1 {
if *times <= 0 {
log.Fatal("Invalid --times (negative or no testing requested)!")
newToRun := make([]string, 0, *times*len(toRun))
for i := 0; i < *times; i++ {
newToRun = append(newToRun, toRun...)
toRun = newToRun
shuffleStrings(toRun, rand.New(rand.NewSource(*orderseed)))
log.Printf("Running tests matching %v shuffled with seed %#x: %v", *tests, *orderseed, toRun)
for _, name := range toRun {
absName := filepath.Join(*root, "hack", "e2e-suite", name)
log.Printf("Starting test %v.", name)
if runBash(name, absName) {
log.Printf("%v passed", name)
passed = append(passed, name)
} else {
log.Printf("%v failed", name)
failed = append(failed, name)
results = ResultsByTest{}
if *tap {
fmt.Printf("1..%v\n", len(toRun))
for i, name := range toRun {
absName := filepath.Join(*root, "hack", "e2e-suite", name)
log.Printf("Starting test [%v/%v]: %v", i+1, len(toRun), name)
testResult := results[name]
res, stdout, stderr := runBashWithOutputs(name, absName)
if res {
fmt.Printf("ok %v - %v\n", i+1, name)
} else {
fmt.Printf("not ok %v - %v\n", i+1, name)
printBashOutputs(" ", " ", stdout, stderr)
results[name] = testResult
func PrintResults(results ResultsByTest) bool {
failures := 0
passed := []string{}
flaky := []string{}
failed := []string{}
for test, result := range results {
if result.Pass > 0 && result.Fail == 0 {
passed = append(passed, test)
} else if result.Pass > 0 && result.Fail > 0 {
flaky = append(flaky, test)
failures += result.Fail
} else {
failed = append(failed, test)
failures += result.Fail
printSubreport("Passed", passed, results)
printSubreport("Flaky", flaky, results)
printSubreport("Failed", failed, results)
if failures > 0 {
log.Printf("%v test(s) failed.", failures)
} else {
return failures > 0
func printSubreport(title string, tests []string, results ResultsByTest) {
report := title + " tests:"
for _, test := range tests {
result := results[test]
report += fmt.Sprintf(" %v[%v/%v]", test, result.Pass, result.Pass+result.Fail)
// All nonsense below is temporary until we have go versions of these things.
func runBash(stepName, bashFragment string) bool {
func runBashWithOutputs(stepName, bashFragment string) (bool, string, string) {
cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-s")
if *trace_bash {
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-x")
@ -233,6 +308,11 @@ func runBash(stepName, bashFragment string) bool {
return finishRunning(stepName, cmd)
func runBash(stepName, bashFragment string) bool {
result, _, _ := runBashWithOutputs(stepName, bashFragment)
return result
// call the returned anonymous function to stop.
func runBashUntil(stepName, bashFragment string) func() {
cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-s")
@ -246,16 +326,17 @@ func runBashUntil(stepName, bashFragment string) func() {
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v stdout:\n------\n%v\n------\n", stepName, string(stdout.Bytes()))
fmt.Printf("%v stderr:\n------\n%v\n------\n", stepName, string(stderr.Bytes()))
headerprefix := stepName + " "
lineprefix := " "
if *tap {
headerprefix = "# " + headerprefix
lineprefix = "# " + lineprefix
printBashOutputs(headerprefix, lineprefix, string(stdout.Bytes()), string(stderr.Bytes()))
func run(stepName, cmdPath string) bool {
return finishRunning(stepName, exec.Command(filepath.Join(*root, cmdPath)))
func finishRunning(stepName string, cmd *exec.Cmd) bool {
func finishRunning(stepName string, cmd *exec.Cmd) (bool, string, string) {
log.Printf("Running: %v", stepName)
stdout, stderr := bytes.NewBuffer(nil), bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if *verbose {
@ -282,12 +363,31 @@ func finishRunning(stepName string, cmd *exec.Cmd) bool {
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error running %v: %v", stepName, err)
if !*verbose {
fmt.Printf("stdout:\n------\n%v\n------\n", string(stdout.Bytes()))
fmt.Printf("stderr:\n------\n%v\n------\n", string(stderr.Bytes()))
return false, string(stdout.Bytes()), string(stderr.Bytes())
} else {
return false, "", ""
return false
return true
return true, "", ""
func printBashOutputs(headerprefix, lineprefix, stdout, stderr string) {
// The |'s (plus appropriate prefixing) are to make this look
// "YAMLish" to the Jenkins TAP plugin
if stdout != "" {
fmt.Printf("%vstdout: |\n", headerprefix)
printPrefixedLines(lineprefix, stdout)
if stderr != "" {
fmt.Printf("%vstderr: |\n", headerprefix)
printPrefixedLines(lineprefix, stderr)
func printPrefixedLines(prefix, s string) {
for _, line := range strings.Split(s, "\n") {
fmt.Printf("%v%v\n", prefix, line)
// returns either "", or a list of args intended for appending with the