Merge pull request #21989 from justinsb/fix_21986

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k8s-merge-robot 2016-03-01 03:51:43 -08:00
commit 6e6550a105
1 changed files with 75 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -655,6 +655,10 @@ func newAWSCloud(config io.Reader, awsServices AWSServices) (*AWSCloud, error) {
if filterTags[TagNameKubernetesCluster] == "" {
glog.Errorf("Tag %q not found; Kuberentes may behave unexpectedly.", TagNameKubernetesCluster)
awsCloud.filterTags = filterTags
if len(filterTags) > 0 {
glog.Infof("AWS cloud filtering on tags: %v", filterTags)
@ -1496,6 +1500,7 @@ func (s *AWSCloud) findSecurityGroup(securityGroupId string) (*ec2.SecurityGroup
describeSecurityGroupsRequest := &ec2.DescribeSecurityGroupsInput{
GroupIds: []*string{&securityGroupId},
// We don't apply our tag filters because we are retrieving by ID
groups, err := s.ec2.DescribeSecurityGroups(describeSecurityGroupsRequest)
if err != nil {
@ -1731,7 +1736,8 @@ func (s *AWSCloud) ensureClusterTags(resourceID string, tags []*ec2.Tag) error {
return nil
// Makes sure the security group exists
// Makes sure the security group exists.
// For multi-cluster isolation, name must be globally unique, for example derived from the service UUID.
// Returns the security group id or error
func (s *AWSCloud) ensureSecurityGroup(name string, description string, vpcID string) (string, error) {
groupID := ""
@ -2107,30 +2113,64 @@ func toStatus(lb *elb.LoadBalancerDescription) *api.LoadBalancerStatus {
// Returns the first security group for an instance, or nil
// We only create instances with one security group, so we warn if there are multiple or none
func findSecurityGroupForInstance(instance *ec2.Instance) *string {
var securityGroupId *string
for _, securityGroup := range instance.SecurityGroups {
if securityGroup == nil || securityGroup.GroupId == nil {
// Not expected, but avoid panic
glog.Warning("Unexpected empty security group for instance: ", orEmpty(instance.InstanceId))
// We only create instances with one security group, so we don't expect multiple security groups.
// However, if there are multiple security groups, we will choose the one tagged with our cluster filter.
// Otherwise we will return an error.
func findSecurityGroupForInstance(instance *ec2.Instance, taggedSecurityGroups map[string]*ec2.SecurityGroup) (*ec2.GroupIdentifier, error) {
instanceID := aws.StringValue(instance.InstanceId)
var best *ec2.GroupIdentifier
for _, group := range instance.SecurityGroups {
groupID := aws.StringValue(group.GroupId)
if groupID == "" {
glog.Warningf("Ignoring security group without id for instance %q: %v", instanceID, group)
if best == nil {
best = group
if securityGroupId != nil {
// We create instances with one SG
glog.Warningf("Multiple security groups found for instance (%s); will use first group (%s)", orEmpty(instance.InstanceId), *securityGroupId)
_, bestIsTagged := taggedSecurityGroups[*best.GroupId]
_, groupIsTagged := taggedSecurityGroups[groupID]
if bestIsTagged && !groupIsTagged {
// best is still best
} else if groupIsTagged && !bestIsTagged {
best = group
} else {
securityGroupId = securityGroup.GroupId
// We create instances with one SG
// If users create multiple SGs, they must tag one of them as being k8s owned
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Multiple security groups found for instance (%s); ensure the k8s security group is tagged", instanceID)
if securityGroupId == nil {
glog.Warning("No security group found for instance ", orEmpty(instance.InstanceId))
if best == nil {
glog.Warning("No security group found for instance ", instanceID)
return securityGroupId
return best, nil
// Return all the security groups that are tagged as being part of our cluster
func (s *AWSCloud) getTaggedSecurityGroups() (map[string]*ec2.SecurityGroup, error) {
request := &ec2.DescribeSecurityGroupsInput{}
filters := []*ec2.Filter{}
request.Filters = s.addFilters(filters)
groups, err := s.ec2.DescribeSecurityGroups(request)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error querying security groups: %v", err)
m := make(map[string]*ec2.SecurityGroup)
for _, group := range groups {
id := aws.StringValue(group.GroupId)
if id == "" {
glog.Warningf("Ignoring group without id: %v", group)
m[id] = group
return m, nil
// Open security group ingress rules on the instances so that the load balancer can talk to them
@ -2166,6 +2206,11 @@ func (s *AWSCloud) updateInstanceSecurityGroupsForLoadBalancer(lb *elb.LoadBalan
return fmt.Errorf("error querying security groups: %v", err)
taggedSecurityGroups, err := s.getTaggedSecurityGroups()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error querying for tagged security groups: %v", err)
// Open the firewall from the load balancer to the instance
// We don't actually have a trivial way to know in advance which security group the instance is in
// (it is probably the minion security group, but we don't easily have that).
@ -2176,24 +2221,32 @@ func (s *AWSCloud) updateInstanceSecurityGroupsForLoadBalancer(lb *elb.LoadBalan
// Scan instances for groups we want open
for _, instance := range allInstances {
securityGroupId := findSecurityGroupForInstance(instance)
if isNilOrEmpty(securityGroupId) {
securityGroup, err := findSecurityGroupForInstance(instance, taggedSecurityGroups)
if err != nil {
return err
if securityGroup == nil {
glog.Warning("Ignoring instance without security group: ", orEmpty(instance.InstanceId))
id := aws.StringValue(securityGroup.GroupId)
if id == "" {
glog.Warningf("found security group without id: %v", securityGroup)
instanceSecurityGroupIds[*securityGroupId] = true
instanceSecurityGroupIds[id] = true
// Compare to actual groups
for _, actualGroup := range actualGroups {
if isNilOrEmpty(actualGroup.GroupId) {
actualGroupID := aws.StringValue(actualGroup.GroupId)
if actualGroupID == "" {
glog.Warning("Ignoring group without ID: ", actualGroup)
actualGroupID := *actualGroup.GroupId
adding, found := instanceSecurityGroupIds[actualGroupID]
if found && adding {
// We don't need to make a change; the permission is already in place