Clearing out the client-ca-file option in case it exists on the snap from long ago.

Mike Wilson 2018-03-21 09:52:38 -04:00
parent e8388e035b
commit 69e264fce6
1 changed files with 9 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1076,6 +1076,7 @@ def configure_kubernetes_service(service, base_args, extra_args_key):
args = {}
for arg in prev_args:
# remove previous args by setting to null
# note this is so we remove them from the snap's config
args[arg] = 'null'
for k, v in base_args.items():
args[k] = v
@ -1099,6 +1100,14 @@ def configure_apiserver(etcd_connection_string, leader_etcd_version):
server_cert_path = layer_options.get('server_certificate_path')
server_key_path = layer_options.get('server_key_path')
# at one point in time, this code would set ca-client-cert,
# but this was removed. This was before configure_kubernetes_service
# kept track of old arguments and removed them, so client-ca-cert
# was able to hang around forever stored in the snap configuration.
# This removes that stale configuration from the snap if it still
# exists.
api_opts['client-ca-file'] = 'null'
if is_privileged():
api_opts['allow-privileged'] = 'true'