mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
E2E tests for kubectl commands (api-versions, cluster-info, describe)
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
@ -202,42 +204,126 @@ var _ = Describe("Kubectl client", func() {
Describe("Kubectl label", func() {
Describe("Kubectl api-versions", func() {
var podPath string
It("should check if v1 is in available api versions", func() {
var nsFlag string
By("validating api verions")
BeforeEach(func() {
output := runKubectl("api-versions")
podPath = filepath.Join(testContext.RepoRoot, "docs/user-guide/pod.yaml")
if !strings.Contains(output, "Available Server Api Versions:") {
By("creating the pod")
Failf("Missing caption in kubectl api-versions")
nsFlag = fmt.Sprintf("--namespace=%v", ns)
runKubectl("create", "-f", podPath, nsFlag)
checkPodsRunningReady(c, ns, []string{simplePodName}, podStartTimeout)
AfterEach(func() {
cleanup(podPath, ns, simplePodSelector)
It("should update the label on a resource", func() {
labelName := "testing-label"
labelValue := "testing-label-value"
By("adding the label " + labelName + " with value " + labelValue + " to a pod")
runKubectl("label", "pods", simplePodName, labelName+"="+labelValue, nsFlag)
By("verifying the pod has the label " + labelName + " with the value " + labelValue)
output := runKubectl("get", "pod", simplePodName, "-L", labelName, nsFlag)
if !strings.Contains(output, labelValue) {
Failf("Failed updating label " + labelName + " to the pod " + simplePodName)
if !strings.Contains(output, "v1") {
By("removing the label " + labelName + " of a pod")
Failf("No v1 in kubectl api-versions")
runKubectl("label", "pods", simplePodName, labelName+"-", nsFlag)
By("verifying the pod doesn't have the label " + labelName)
output = runKubectl("get", "pod", simplePodName, "-L", labelName, nsFlag)
if strings.Contains(output, labelValue) {
Failf("Failed removing label " + labelName + " of the pod " + simplePodName)
Describe("Kubectl cluster-info", func() {
It("should check if Kubernetes master services is included in cluster-info", func() {
By("validating cluster-info")
output := runKubectl("cluster-info")
// Can't check exact strings due to terminal controll commands (colors)
requiredItems := []string{"Kubernetes master", "is running at"}
if providerIs("gce", "gke") {
requiredItems = append(requiredItems, "KubeDNS", "Heapster")
for _, item := range requiredItems {
if !strings.Contains(output, item) {
Failf("Missing %s in kubectl cluster-info", item)
Describe("Kubectl describe", func() {
It("should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for rc and pods", func() {
mkpath := func(file string) string {
return filepath.Join(testContext.RepoRoot, "examples/guestbook-go", file)
controllerJson := mkpath("redis-master-controller.json")
serviceJson := mkpath("redis-master-service.json")
nsFlag := fmt.Sprintf("--namespace=%v", ns)
runKubectl("create", "-f", controllerJson, nsFlag)
runKubectl("create", "-f", serviceJson, nsFlag)
// Pod
forEachPod(c, ns, "app", "redis", func(pod api.Pod) {
output := runKubectl("describe", "pod", pod.Name, nsFlag)
requiredStrings := [][]string{
{"Name:", "redis-master-"},
{"Namespace:", ns},
{"Image(s):", "redis"},
{"Labels:", "app=redis", "role=master"},
{"Status:", "Running"},
{"Replication Controllers:", "redis-master"}}
checkOutput(output, requiredStrings)
// Rc
output := runKubectl("describe", "rc", "redis-master", nsFlag)
requiredStrings := [][]string{
{"Name:", "redis-master"},
{"Namespace:", ns},
{"Image(s):", "redis"},
{"Selector:", "app=redis,role=master"},
{"Labels:", "app=redis,role=master"},
{"Replicas:", "1 current", "1 desired"},
{"Pods Status:", "1 Running", "0 Waiting", "0 Succeeded", "0 Failed"},
checkOutput(output, requiredStrings)
// Service
output = runKubectl("describe", "service", "redis-master", nsFlag)
requiredStrings = [][]string{
{"Name:", "redis-master"},
{"Namespace:", ns},
{"Labels:", "app=redis", "role=master"},
{"Selector:", "app=redis", "role=master"},
{"Type:", "ClusterIP"},
{"Port:", "<unnamed>", "6379/TCP"},
{"Session Affinity:", "None"}}
checkOutput(output, requiredStrings)
// Node
minions, err := c.Nodes().List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
node := minions.Items[0]
output = runKubectl("describe", "node", node.Name)
requiredStrings = [][]string{
{"Name:", node.Name},
{"Type", "Status", "LastHeartbeatTime", "LastTransitionTime", "Reason", "Message"},
{"Kernel Version:"},
{"OS Image:"},
{"Container Runtime Version:"},
{"Kubelet Version:"},
{"Kube-Proxy Version:"},
checkOutput(output, requiredStrings)
// Namespace
output = runKubectl("describe", "namespace", ns)
requiredStrings = [][]string{
{"Name:", ns},
{"Status:", "Active"}}
checkOutput(output, requiredStrings)
// Quota and limitrange are skipped for now.
Describe("Kubectl expose", func() {
Describe("Kubectl expose", func() {
It("should create services for rc", func() {
It("should create services for rc", func() {
mkpath := func(file string) string {
mkpath := func(file string) string {
@ -303,6 +389,42 @@ var _ = Describe("Kubectl client", func() {
Describe("Kubectl label", func() {
var podPath string
var nsFlag string
BeforeEach(func() {
podPath = filepath.Join(testContext.RepoRoot, "docs/user-guide/pod.yaml")
By("creating the pod")
nsFlag = fmt.Sprintf("--namespace=%v", ns)
runKubectl("create", "-f", podPath, nsFlag)
checkPodsRunningReady(c, ns, []string{simplePodName}, podStartTimeout)
AfterEach(func() {
cleanup(podPath, ns, simplePodSelector)
It("should update the label on a resource", func() {
labelName := "testing-label"
labelValue := "testing-label-value"
By("adding the label " + labelName + " with value " + labelValue + " to a pod")
runKubectl("label", "pods", simplePodName, labelName+"="+labelValue, nsFlag)
By("verifying the pod has the label " + labelName + " with the value " + labelValue)
output := runKubectl("get", "pod", simplePodName, "-L", labelName, nsFlag)
if !strings.Contains(output, labelValue) {
Failf("Failed updating label " + labelName + " to the pod " + simplePodName)
By("removing the label " + labelName + " of a pod")
runKubectl("label", "pods", simplePodName, labelName+"-", nsFlag)
By("verifying the pod doesn't have the label " + labelName)
output = runKubectl("get", "pod", simplePodName, "-L", labelName, nsFlag)
if strings.Contains(output, labelValue) {
Failf("Failed removing label " + labelName + " of the pod " + simplePodName)
Describe("Kubectl logs", func() {
Describe("Kubectl logs", func() {
It("should find a string in pod logs", func() {
It("should find a string in pod logs", func() {
mkpath := func(file string) string {
mkpath := func(file string) string {
@ -362,6 +484,25 @@ var _ = Describe("Kubectl client", func() {
// Checks whether the output split by line contains the required elements.
func checkOutput(output string, required [][]string) {
outputLines := strings.Split(output, "\n")
currentLine := 0
for _, requirement := range required {
for currentLine < len(outputLines) && !strings.Contains(outputLines[currentLine], requirement[0]) {
if currentLine == len(outputLines) {
Failf("Failed to find %s in %s", requirement[0], output)
for _, item := range requirement[1:] {
if !strings.Contains(outputLines[currentLine], item) {
Failf("Failed to find %s in %s", item, outputLines[currentLine])
func curl(addr string) (string, error) {
func curl(addr string) (string, error) {
resp, err := http.Get(addr)
resp, err := http.Get(addr)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
Reference in New Issue