add disruptive tests to verify host clean up. Issues: #31272, #37657.

Jeff Vance 2017-02-16 20:05:39 -08:00
parent c9014b1029
commit 5e6004c70c
1 changed files with 114 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -145,6 +145,26 @@ func createNfsServerPod(c clientset.Interface, config framework.VolumeTestConfig
return pod, ip
// Restart the passed-in nfs-server by issuing a `/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd 1` command in the
// pod's (only) container. This command changes the number of nfs server threads from
// (presumably) zero back to 1, and therefore allows nfs to open connections again.
func restartNfsServer(serverPod *v1.Pod) {
const startcmd = "/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd 1"
ns := fmt.Sprintf("--namespace=%v", serverPod.Namespace)
framework.RunKubectlOrDie("exec", ns, serverPod.Name, "--", "/bin/sh", "-c", startcmd)
// Stop the passed-in nfs-server by issuing a `/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd 0` command in the
// pod's (only) container. This command changes the number of nfs server threads to 0,
// thus closing all open nfs connections.
func stopNfsServer(serverPod *v1.Pod) {
const stopcmd = "/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd 0"
ns := fmt.Sprintf("--namespace=%v", serverPod.Namespace)
framework.RunKubectlOrDie("exec", ns, serverPod.Name, "--", "/bin/sh", "-c", stopcmd)
// Creates a pod that mounts an nfs volume that is served by the nfs-server pod. The container
// will execute the passed in shell cmd. Waits for the pod to start.
// Note: the nfs plugin is defined inline, no PV or PVC.
@ -208,6 +228,23 @@ func createPodUsingNfs(f *framework.Framework, c clientset.Interface, ns, nfsIP,
return rtnPod
// move the passed-in pod's UID directory to /tmp.
func movePodUidDir(c clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod) {
dest := "/tmp"
podDir := filepath.Join("/var/lib/kubelet/pods", string(pod.UID))
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("mv %v %v", podDir, dest)
// use ip rather than hostname in GCE
nodeIP, err := framework.GetHostExternalAddress(c, pod)
// excute cmd over ssh
result, _ := nodeExec(nodeIP, cmd)
// Checks for a lingering nfs mount and/or uid directory on the pod's host. The host IP is used
// so that this test runs in GCE, where it appears that SSH cannot resolve the hostname.
// If expectClean is true then we expect the node to be cleaned up and thus commands like
@ -218,42 +255,48 @@ func checkPodCleanup(c clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod, expectClean bool) {
timeout := 5 * time.Minute
poll := 20 * time.Second
podUID := string(pod.UID)
podDir := filepath.Join("/var/lib/kubelet/pods", podUID)
podDir := filepath.Join("/var/lib/kubelet/pods", string(pod.UID))
mountDir := filepath.Join(podDir, "volumes", "")
// use ip rather than hostname in GCE
nodeIP, err := framework.GetHostExternalAddress(c, pod)
condMsg := map[bool]string{
true: "deleted",
false: "present",
condMsg := "deleted"
if !expectClean {
condMsg = "present"
// table of host tests to perform
tests := map[string]string{ //["what-to-test"] "remote-command"
"pod UID directory": fmt.Sprintf("sudo ls %v", podDir),
"pod nfs mount": fmt.Sprintf("sudo mount | grep %v", mountDir),
// table of host tests to perform (order may matter so not using a map)
type testT struct {
feature string // feature to test
cmd string // remote command to execute on node
tests := []testT{
feature: "pod UID directory",
cmd: fmt.Sprintf("sudo ls %v", podDir),
feature: "pod nfs mount",
cmd: fmt.Sprintf("sudo mount | grep %v", mountDir),
for test, cmd := range tests {
framework.Logf("Wait up to %v for host's (%v) %q to be %v", timeout, nodeIP, test, condMsg[expectClean])
for _, test := range tests {
framework.Logf("Wait up to %v for host's (%v) %q to be %v", timeout, nodeIP, test.feature, condMsg)
err = wait.Poll(poll, timeout, func() (bool, error) {
result, _ := nodeExec(nodeIP, cmd)
result, _ := nodeExec(nodeIP, test.cmd)
sawFiles := result.Code == 0
if expectClean && sawFiles { // keep trying
ok := (result.Code == 0 && len(result.Stdout) > 0 && len(result.Stderr) == 0)
if expectClean && ok { // keep trying
return false, nil
if !expectClean && !sawFiles { // stop wait loop
return true, fmt.Errorf("%v is gone but expected to exist", test)
if !expectClean && !ok { // stop wait loop
return true, fmt.Errorf("%v is gone but expected to exist", test.feature)
return true, nil // done, host is as expected
if err != nil {
framework.Logf("Host (%v) cleanup error: %v. Expected %q to be %v", nodeIP, err, test, condMsg[expectClean])
Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred(), fmt.Sprintf("Host (%v) cleanup error: %v. Expected %q to be %v", nodeIP, err, test.feature, condMsg))
if expectClean {
@ -375,14 +418,20 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("kubelet", func() {
// Delete nfs server pod after another pods accesses the mounted nfs volume.
framework.KubeDescribe("host cleanup with volume mounts [HostCleanup][Flaky]", func() {
// Test host cleanup when disrupting the volume environment.
framework.KubeDescribe("host cleanup with volume mounts [Disruptive][Volume][HostCleanup]", func() {
type hostCleanupTest struct {
itDescr string
podCmd string
Context("Host cleanup after pod using NFS mount is deleted [Volume][NFS]", func() {
// Disrupt the nfs-server pod after a client pod accesses the nfs volume.
// Note: the nfs-server is stopped NOT deleted. This is done to preserve its ip addr.
// If the nfs-server pod is deleted the client pod's mount can not be unmounted.
// If the nfs-server pod is deleted and re-created, due to having a different ip
// addr, the client pod's mount still cannot be unmounted.
Context("Host cleanup after disrupting NFS volume [NFS]", func() {
// issue #31272
var (
nfsServerPod *v1.Pod
@ -395,21 +444,34 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("kubelet", func() {
testTbl := []hostCleanupTest{
itDescr: "after deleting the nfs-server, the host should be cleaned-up when deleting sleeping pod which mounts an NFS vol",
podCmd: "sleep 6000",
podCmd: "sleep 6000", // keep pod running
itDescr: "after deleting the nfs-server, the host should be cleaned-up when deleting a pod accessing the NFS vol",
podCmd: "while true; do echo FeFieFoFum >>/mnt/SUCCESS; cat /mnt/SUCCESS; done",
podCmd: "while true; do echo FeFieFoFum >>/mnt/SUCCESS; sleep 1; cat /mnt/SUCCESS; done",
BeforeEach(func() {
<<<<<<< HEAD
NFSconfig = framework.VolumeTestConfig{
Namespace: ns,
Prefix: "nfs",
ServerImage: framework.NfsServerImage,
ServerPorts: []int{2049},
ServerArgs: []string{"-G", "777", "/exports"},
// TODO: delete after pr #33447 is merged
NFSconfig = VolumeTestConfig{
namespace: ns,
prefix: "nfs",
serverImage: NfsServerImage,
serverPorts: []int{2049},
serverArgs: []string{"-G", "777", "/exports"},
>>>>>>> add disruptive tests to verify host clean up. Issues: #31272, #37657.
nfsServerPod, nfsIP = createNfsServerPod(c, NFSconfig)
@ -420,31 +482,46 @@ var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("kubelet", func() {
// execute It blocks from above table of tests
for _, test := range testTbl {
t := test // local copy for closure
It(fmt.Sprintf("%v [Serial]", t.itDescr), func() {
// create a pod which uses the nfs server's volume
for _, t := range testTbl {
It(t.itDescr, func() {
pod = createPodUsingNfs(f, c, ns, nfsIP, t.podCmd)
By("Delete the NFS server pod")
framework.DeletePodWithWait(f, c, nfsServerPod)
nfsServerPod = nil
By("Stop the NFS server")
By("Delete the pod mounted to the NFS volume")
framework.DeletePodWithWait(f, c, pod)
// pod object is now stale, but is intentionally not nil
By("Check if host running deleted pod has been cleaned up -- expect not")
// expect the pod's host *not* to be cleaned up
By("Check if pod's host has been cleaned up -- expect not")
checkPodCleanup(c, pod, false)
By("Recreate the nfs server pod")
nfsServerPod, nfsIP = createNfsServerPod(c, NFSconfig)
By("Restart the nfs server")
By("Verify host running the deleted pod is now cleaned up")
// expect the pod's host to be cleaned up
checkPodCleanup(c, pod, true)
// Move a pod's uid dir to /tmp and delete the pod.
// Addresses issue #37657.
// Note: the pod's vol mount (as a side effect) ends up being moved to /tmp
// and can be unmounted via `umount -f`.
It("move pod's uid dir and delete pod", func() {
pod = createPodUsingNfs(f, c, ns, nfsIP, "sleep 6000")
By("Move pod's uid dir to /tmp")
movePodUidDir(c, pod)
By("Delete the pod mounted to the NFS volume")
deletePodWithWait(f, c, pod)
// pod object is now stale, but is intentionally not nil
// Note: the pod's nfs mount, now in /tmp, will not be unmounted
By("Verify host running the deleted pod is cleaned up")
checkPodCleanup(c, pod, true)