diff --git a/docs/proposals/workflow.md b/docs/proposals/workflow.md
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PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to the HEAD of the source tree
-If you are using a released version of Kubernetes, you should
-refer to the docs that go with that version.
-The latest release of this document can be found
-Documentation for other releases can be found at
-## Abstract
-This proposal introduces [workflow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workflow_management_system)
-functionality in kubernetes.
-Workflows (aka [DAG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed_acyclic_graph) workflows
-since _tasks_ are organized in a Directed Acyclic Graph) are ubiquitous
-in modern [job schedulers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Job_scheduler), see for example:
-* [luigi](https://github.com/spotify/luigi)
-* [ozie](http://oozie.apache.org/)
-* [azkaban](https://azkaban.github.io/)
-Most of the [job schedulers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_job_scheduler_software) offer
-workflow functionality to some extent.
-## Use Cases
-* As a user, I want to create a _JobB_ which depends upon _JobA_ running to completion.
-* As a user, I want workflow composability. I want to create a _JobA_ which will be triggered
-as soon as an already running workflow runs to completion.
-* As a user, I want to delete a workflow (eventually cascading to running _tasks_).
-* As a user, I want to debug a workflow (ability to track failure): in case a _task_
-didn't run user should have a way to backtrack the reason of the failure, understanding which
-dependency has not been satisified.
-## Implementation
-In this proposal a new REST resource `Workflow` is introduced. A `Workflow` is represented as a
-[graph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_(mathematics)), more specifically as a DAG.
-Vertices of the graph represent steps of the workflow. The workflow steps are represented via a
-`WorkflowStep`1 resource.
-The edges of the graph represent _dependecies_. To represent edges there is no explicit resource
-- rather they are stored as predecessors in each `WorkflowStep` (i.e. each node).
-The basic idea of this proposal consists in creation of each step postponing execution
-until all predecessors' steps run to completion.
-### Workflow
-A new resource will be introduced in the API. A `Workflow` is a graph.
-In the simplest case it's a graph of `Job`s but it can also
-be a graph of other entities (for example cross-cluster objects or other `Workflow`s).
-// Workflow is a DAG workflow
-type Workflow struct {
- unversioned.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
- // Standard object's metadata.
- // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata.
- api.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
- // Spec defines the expected behavior of a Workflow. More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status.
- Spec WorkflowSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
- // Status represents the current status of the Workflow. More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status.
- Status WorkflowStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
-// WorkflowList implements list of Workflow.
-type WorkflowList struct {
- unversioned.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
- // Standard list metadata
- // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata
- unversioned.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
- // Items is the list of Workflow
- Items []Workflow `json:"items"`
-// WorkflowSpec contains Workflow specification
-type WorkflowSpec struct {
- // Standard object's metadata.
- // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata
- api.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
- //ActiveDealineSeconds contains
- ActiveDeadlineSeconds *int64 `json:"activeDeadlineSeconds,omitempty"`
- // Steps is a map containing the workflow steps. Key of the
- // map is a string which uniquely identifies the workflow step
- Steps map[string]WorkflowStep `json:"steps,omitempty"`
- // Selector for created jobs (if any)
- Selector *LabelSelector `json:"selector,omitempty"`
-// WorkflowStep contains necessary information to identifiy the node of the workflow graph
-type WorkflowStep struct {
- // JobTemplate contains the job specificaton that should be run in this Workflow.
- // Only one between externalRef and jobTemplate can be set.
- JobTemplate *JobTemplateSpec `json:"jobTemplate,omitempty"`
- // External contains a reference to another schedulable resource.
- // Only one between ExternalRef and JobTemplate can be set.
- ExternalRef *api.ObjectReference `json:"externalRef,omitempty"`
- // Dependecies represent dependecies of the current workflow step.
- // Irrilevant for ExteranlRef step
- Dependencies []string `json:"dependencies,omitempty"`
-type WorkflowConditionType string
-// These are valid conditions of a workflow.
-const (
- // WorkflowComplete means the workflow has completed its execution.
- WorkflowComplete WorkflowConditionType = "Complete"
-type WorkflowCondition struct {
- // Type of workflow condition, currently only Complete.
- Type WorkflowConditionType `json:"type"`
- // Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.
- Status api.ConditionStatus `json:"status"`
- // Last time the condition was checked.
- LastProbeTime unversioned.Time `json:"lastProbeTime,omitempty"`
- // Last time the condition transited from one status to another.
- LastTransitionTime unversioned.Time `json:"lastTransitionTime,omitempty"`
- // (brief) reason for the condition's last transition.
- Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
- // Human readable message indicating details about last transition.
- Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
-// WorkflowStatus represents the
-type WorkflowStatus struct {
- // Conditions represent the latest available observations of an object's current state.
- Conditions []WorkflowCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type"`
- // StartTime represents time when the job was acknowledged by the Workflow controller
- // It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations.
- // It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC.
- // StartTime doesn't consider startime of `ExternalReference`
- StartTime *unversioned.Time `json:"startTime,omitempty"`
- // CompletionTime represents time when the workflow was completed. It is not guaranteed to
- // be set in happens-before order across separate operations.
- // It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC.
- CompletionTime *unversioned.Time `json:"completionTime,omitempty"`
- // Statuses represent status of different steps
- Statuses map[string]WorkflowStepStatus `json:statuses`
-// WorkflowStepStatus contains necessary information for the step status
-type WorkflowStepStatus struct {
- //Complete is set to true when resource run to complete
- Complete bool `json:"complete"`
- // Reference of the step resource
- Reference api.ObjectReference `json:"reference"`
-`JobTemplateSpec` is already introduced by
-ScheduledJob controller proposal](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/11980).
-Reported for readability:
-type JobTemplateSpec struct {
- // Standard object's metadata.
- // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata
- api.ObjectMeta
- // Spec is a structure defining the expected behavior of a job.
- // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status
- Spec JobSpec
-## Controller
-Workflow controller will watch `Workflow` objects and any `Job` objects created by the workflow.
-the `Job`s objects created in each step.
-Each step can contain either another `Workflow` referenced via `workflowStep.ExternalRef`
-or a `Job` created via `workflowStep.jobTemplate`.
-For each non finished workflow (similarly to Job, Workflow completion is detected iterating
-over all the `status.conditions` condition) we check if deadline is not expired.
-If deadline expired the workfow is terminated.
-If deadline didn't expires the workflow controller iterates over all workflow steps:
- - If step has a status (retrieved via step name (map key) in the `status.statuses`
- map check whether the step is already completed.
- - If step is completed nothing is done.
- - If step is not completed two sub-cases should be analyzed:
- * Step containing workflow: check wether workflow terminated and eventually update
- the `status.statuses[name].complete` entry if applicable
- * Step containing job: check whether job needs to be started or is already started.
- - A step/job is started if it has no dependecies or all its dependencies are already
- terminated. Workflow controller adds some labels to the Job.
- This will permit to obtain the workflow each job belongs to (via `spec.Selector`).
- The step name is equally inserted as a label in each job.
- - If the job is already running, a completion check is performed. If the job terminated
- (checked via conditions `job.status`) the field `status.statusues[name].complete` is updated.
- - When all steps are complete: `complete` condition is added to `status.condition` and the
- `status.completionTime` is updated. At this point, workflow is finished.
-## Changing a Workflow
-### Updating
-User can modify a workflow only if the `step`s under modification are not already running.
-### Deleting
-Users can cancel a workflow by deleting it before it's completed. All running jobs will be deleted.
-Other workflows referenced in steps will not be deleted as they are not owned by the parent workflow.
-## Events
-The events associated to `Workflow`s will be:
-* WorkflowCreated
-* WorkflowStarted
-* WorkflowEnded
-* WorkflowDeleted
-## Kubectl
-Kubectl will be modified to display workflows. More particularly the `describe` command
-will display all the steps with their status. Steps will be topologically sorted and
-each dependency will be decorated with its status (wether or not step is waitin for
-## Future evolution
-In the future we may want to extend _Workflow_ with other kinds of resources, modifying `WorkflowStep` to
-support a more general template to create other resources.
-One of the major functionalities missing here is the ability to set a recurring `Workflow` (cron-like),
-similar to the `ScheduledJob` [#11980](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/11980) for `Job`.
-If the scheduled job is able to support
-[various resources](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/11980#discussion_r46729699)
-`Workflow` will benefit from the _schedule_ functionality of `Job`.
-### Relevant use cases out of scope of this proposal
-* As an admin I want to set quota on workflow resources
-* As an admin I want to re-assign a workflow resource to another namespace/user2.
-* As a user I want to set an action when a workflow ends/start
-1Something about naming: literature is full of different names, a commonly used
-name is _task_, but since we plan to compose `Workflow`s (i.e. a task can execute
-another whole `Workflow`) we have chosen the more generic word `Step`.
-2A very common feature in industrial strength workflow tools.