Refactor table based tests into individual tests

Mayank Gaikwad 2019-02-27 12:45:04 +05:30
parent 38a325250f
commit 5c96bb6be7
1 changed files with 207 additions and 239 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ package common
import (
@ -124,120 +123,127 @@ while true; do sleep 1; done
Eventually(terminateContainer.Present, ContainerStatusRetryTimeout, ContainerStatusPollInterval).Should(BeFalse())
Context("on terminated container", func() {
rootUser := int64(0)
nonRootUser := int64(10000)
for _, testCase := range []struct {
name string
container v1.Container
phase v1.PodPhase
message gomegatypes.GomegaMatcher
name: "if TerminationMessagePath is set [NodeConformance]",
container: v1.Container{
Image: framework.BusyBoxImage,
Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"},
Args: []string{"/bin/echo -n DONE > /dev/termination-log"},
TerminationMessagePath: "/dev/termination-log",
SecurityContext: &v1.SecurityContext{
RunAsUser: &rootUser,
phase: v1.PodSucceeded,
message: Equal("DONE"),
name: "if TerminationMessagePath is set as non-root user and at a non-default path [NodeConformance]",
container: v1.Container{
Image: framework.BusyBoxImage,
Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"},
Args: []string{"/bin/echo -n DONE > /dev/termination-custom-log"},
TerminationMessagePath: "/dev/termination-custom-log",
SecurityContext: &v1.SecurityContext{
RunAsUser: &nonRootUser,
phase: v1.PodSucceeded,
message: Equal("DONE"),
// Create and then terminate the container under defined PodPhase to verify if termination message matches the expected output. Lastly delete the created container.
matchTerminationMessage := func(container v1.Container, expectedPhase v1.PodPhase, expectedMsg gomegatypes.GomegaMatcher) {
container.Name = "termination-message-container"
c := ConformanceContainer{
PodClient: f.PodClient(),
Container: container,
RestartPolicy: v1.RestartPolicyNever,
name: "from log output if TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogOnError is set [NodeConformance]",
container: v1.Container{
Image: framework.BusyBoxImage,
Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"},
Args: []string{"/bin/echo -n DONE; /bin/false"},
TerminationMessagePath: "/dev/termination-log",
TerminationMessagePolicy: v1.TerminationMessageFallbackToLogsOnError,
phase: v1.PodFailed,
message: Equal("DONE"),
By("create the container")
defer c.Delete()
name: "as empty when pod succeeds and TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogOnError is set [NodeConformance]",
container: v1.Container{
Image: framework.BusyBoxImage,
Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"},
Args: []string{"/bin/echo DONE; /bin/true"},
TerminationMessagePath: "/dev/termination-log",
TerminationMessagePolicy: v1.TerminationMessageFallbackToLogsOnError,
phase: v1.PodSucceeded,
message: Equal(""),
By(fmt.Sprintf("wait for the container to reach %s", expectedPhase))
Eventually(c.GetPhase, ContainerStatusRetryTimeout, ContainerStatusPollInterval).Should(Equal(expectedPhase))
name: "from file when pod succeeds and TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogOnError is set [NodeConformance]",
container: v1.Container{
Image: framework.BusyBoxImage,
Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"},
Args: []string{"/bin/echo -n OK > /dev/termination-log; /bin/echo DONE; /bin/true"},
TerminationMessagePath: "/dev/termination-log",
TerminationMessagePolicy: v1.TerminationMessageFallbackToLogsOnError,
phase: v1.PodSucceeded,
message: Equal("OK"),
} {
testCase := testCase
It(fmt.Sprintf("should report termination message %s [LinuxOnly]",, func() {
// Cannot mount files in Windows Containers.
testCase.container.Name = "termination-message-container"
c := ConformanceContainer{
PodClient: f.PodClient(),
Container: testCase.container,
RestartPolicy: v1.RestartPolicyNever,
By("get the container status")
status, err := c.GetStatus()
By("create the container")
defer c.Delete()
By("the container should be terminated")
By(fmt.Sprintf("wait for the container to reach %s", testCase.phase))
Eventually(c.GetPhase, ContainerStatusRetryTimeout, ContainerStatusPollInterval).Should(Equal(testCase.phase))
By("the termination message should be set")
framework.Logf("Expected: %v to match Container's Termination Message: %v --", expectedMsg, status.State.Terminated.Message)
By("get the container status")
status, err := c.GetStatus()
By("the container should be terminated")
By("the termination message should be set")
By("delete the container")
By("delete the container")
It("should report termination message [LinuxOnly] if TerminationMessagePath is set [NodeConformance]", func() {
// Cannot mount files in Windows Containers.
container := v1.Container{
Image: framework.BusyBoxImage,
Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"},
Args: []string{"/bin/echo -n DONE > /dev/termination-log"},
TerminationMessagePath: "/dev/termination-log",
SecurityContext: &v1.SecurityContext{
RunAsUser: &rootUser,
matchTerminationMessage(container, v1.PodSucceeded, Equal("DONE"))
It("should report termination message [LinuxOnly] if TerminationMessagePath is set as non-root user and at a non-default path [NodeConformance]", func() {
// Cannot mount files in Windows Containers.
container := v1.Container{
Image: framework.BusyBoxImage,
Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"},
Args: []string{"/bin/echo -n DONE > /dev/termination-custom-log"},
TerminationMessagePath: "/dev/termination-custom-log",
SecurityContext: &v1.SecurityContext{
RunAsUser: &nonRootUser,
matchTerminationMessage(container, v1.PodSucceeded, Equal("DONE"))
It("should report termination message [LinuxOnly] from log output if TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogsOnError is set [NodeConformance]", func() {
// Cannot mount files in Windows Containers.
container := v1.Container{
Image: framework.BusyBoxImage,
Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"},
Args: []string{"/bin/echo -n DONE; /bin/false"},
TerminationMessagePath: "/dev/termination-log",
TerminationMessagePolicy: v1.TerminationMessageFallbackToLogsOnError,
matchTerminationMessage(container, v1.PodFailed, Equal("DONE"))
It("should report termination message [LinuxOnly] as empty when pod succeeds and TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogsOnError is set [NodeConformance]", func() {
// Cannot mount files in Windows Containers.
container := v1.Container{
Image: framework.BusyBoxImage,
Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"},
Args: []string{"/bin/echo DONE; /bin/true"},
TerminationMessagePath: "/dev/termination-log",
TerminationMessagePolicy: v1.TerminationMessageFallbackToLogsOnError,
matchTerminationMessage(container, v1.PodSucceeded, Equal(""))
It("should report termination message [LinuxOnly] from file when pod succeeds and TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogsOnError is set [NodeConformance]", func() {
// Cannot mount files in Windows Containers.
container := v1.Container{
Image: framework.BusyBoxImage,
Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"},
Args: []string{"/bin/echo -n OK > /dev/termination-log; /bin/echo DONE; /bin/true"},
TerminationMessagePath: "/dev/termination-log",
TerminationMessagePolicy: v1.TerminationMessageFallbackToLogsOnError,
matchTerminationMessage(container, v1.PodSucceeded, Equal("OK"))
Context("when running a container with a new image", func() {
// The service account only has pull permission
auth := `
// Images used for ConformanceContainer are not added into NodeImageWhiteList, because this test is
// testing image pulling, these images don't need to be prepulled. The ImagePullPolicy
// is v1.PullAlways, so it won't be blocked by framework image white list check.
imagePullTest := func(image string, hasSecret bool, expectedPhase v1.PodPhase, expectedPullStatus bool) {
container := ConformanceContainer{
PodClient: f.PodClient(),
Container: v1.Container{
Name: "image-pull-test",
Image: image,
Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c", "while true; do sleep 1; done"},
ImagePullPolicy: v1.PullAlways,
RestartPolicy: v1.RestartPolicyNever,
if hasSecret {
// The service account only has pull permission
auth := `
"auths": {
"": {
@ -246,154 +252,116 @@ while true; do sleep 1; done
secret := &v1.Secret{
Data: map[string][]byte{v1.DockerConfigJsonKey: []byte(auth)},
Type: v1.SecretTypeDockerConfigJson,
// The following images are not added into NodeImageWhiteList, because this test is
// testing image pulling, these images don't need to be prepulled. The ImagePullPolicy
// is v1.PullAlways, so it won't be blocked by framework image white list check.
for _, testCase := range []struct {
description string
image string
secret bool
phase v1.PodPhase
waiting bool
description: "should not be able to pull image from invalid registry",
image: "",
phase: v1.PodPending,
waiting: true,
description: "should not be able to pull non-existing image from",
image: "",
phase: v1.PodPending,
waiting: true,
// TODO(claudiub): Add a Windows equivalent test.
description: "should be able to pull image from [LinuxOnly]",
image: "",
phase: v1.PodRunning,
waiting: false,
description: "should be able to pull image from docker hub [LinuxOnly]",
image: "alpine:3.7",
phase: v1.PodRunning,
waiting: false,
description: "should be able to pull image from docker hub [WindowsOnly]",
image: "e2eteam/busybox:1.29",
phase: v1.PodRunning,
waiting: false,
description: "should not be able to pull from private registry without secret",
image: "",
phase: v1.PodPending,
waiting: true,
description: "should be able to pull from private registry with secret [LinuxOnly]",
image: "",
secret: true,
phase: v1.PodRunning,
waiting: false,
} {
testCase := testCase
It(testCase.description+" [NodeConformance]", func() {
if strings.Contains(testCase.description, "[WindowsOnly]") {
secret := &v1.Secret{
Data: map[string][]byte{v1.DockerConfigJsonKey: []byte(auth)},
Type: v1.SecretTypeDockerConfigJson,
name := "image-pull-test"
command := []string{"/bin/sh", "-c", "while true; do sleep 1; done"}
container := ConformanceContainer{
PodClient: f.PodClient(),
Container: v1.Container{
Name: name,
Image: testCase.image,
Command: command,
// PullAlways makes sure that the image will always be pulled even if it is present before the test.
ImagePullPolicy: v1.PullAlways,
RestartPolicy: v1.RestartPolicyNever,
secret.Name = "image-pull-secret-" + string(uuid.NewUUID())
By("create image pull secret")
_, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Secrets(f.Namespace.Name).Create(secret)
defer f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Secrets(f.Namespace.Name).Delete(secret.Name, nil)
container.ImagePullSecrets = []string{secret.Name}
// checkContainerStatus checks whether the container status matches expectation.
checkContainerStatus := func() error {
status, err := container.GetStatus()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get container status: %v", err)
if testCase.secret {
secret.Name = "image-pull-secret-" + string(uuid.NewUUID())
By("create image pull secret")
_, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Secrets(f.Namespace.Name).Create(secret)
defer f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Secrets(f.Namespace.Name).Delete(secret.Name, nil)
container.ImagePullSecrets = []string{secret.Name}
// We need to check container state first. The default pod status is pending, If we check pod phase first,
// and the expected pod phase is Pending, the container status may not even show up when we check it.
// Check container state
if !expectedPullStatus {
if status.State.Running == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("expected container state: Running, got: %q",
// checkContainerStatus checks whether the container status matches expectation.
checkContainerStatus := func() error {
status, err := container.GetStatus()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get container status: %v", err)
if expectedPullStatus {
if status.State.Waiting == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("expected container state: Waiting, got: %q",
// We need to check container state first. The default pod status is pending, If we check
// pod phase first, and the expected pod phase is Pending, the container status may not
// even show up when we check it.
// Check container state
if !testCase.waiting {
if status.State.Running == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("expected container state: Running, got: %q",
reason := status.State.Waiting.Reason
if reason != images.ErrImagePull.Error() &&
reason != images.ErrImagePullBackOff.Error() {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected waiting reason: %q", reason)
if testCase.waiting {
if status.State.Waiting == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("expected container state: Waiting, got: %q",
reason := status.State.Waiting.Reason
if reason != images.ErrImagePull.Error() &&
reason != images.ErrImagePullBackOff.Error() {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected waiting reason: %q", reason)
// Check pod phase
phase, err := container.GetPhase()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get pod phase: %v", err)
if phase != testCase.phase {
return fmt.Errorf("expected pod phase: %q, got: %q", testCase.phase, phase)
return nil
// The image registry is not stable, which sometimes causes the test to fail. Add retry mechanism to make this
// less flaky.
const flakeRetry = 3
for i := 1; i <= flakeRetry; i++ {
var err error
By("create the container")
By("check the container status")
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < ContainerStatusRetryTimeout; time.Sleep(ContainerStatusPollInterval) {
if err = checkContainerStatus(); err == nil {
By("delete the container")
if err == nil {
// Check pod phase
phase, err := container.GetPhase()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get pod phase: %v", err)
if phase != expectedPhase {
return fmt.Errorf("expected pod phase: %q, got: %q", expectedPhase, phase)
return nil
// The image registry is not stable, which sometimes causes the test to fail. Add retry mechanism to make this less flaky.
const flakeRetry = 3
for i := 1; i <= flakeRetry; i++ {
var err error
By("create the container")
By("check the container status")
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < ContainerStatusRetryTimeout; time.Sleep(ContainerStatusPollInterval) {
if err = checkContainerStatus(); err == nil {
if i < flakeRetry {
framework.Logf("No.%d attempt failed: %v, retrying...", i, err)
} else {
framework.Failf("All %d attempts failed: %v", flakeRetry, err)
By("delete the container")
if err == nil {
if i < flakeRetry {
framework.Logf("No.%d attempt failed: %v, retrying...", i, err)
} else {
framework.Failf("All %d attempts failed: %v", flakeRetry, err)
It("should not be able to pull image from invalid registry [NodeConformance]", func() {
image := ""
imagePullTest(image, false, v1.PodPending, true)
It("should not be able to pull non-existing image from [NodeConformance]", func() {
image := ""
imagePullTest(image, false, v1.PodPending, true)
// TODO(claudiub): Add a Windows equivalent test.
It("should be able to pull image from [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance]", func() {
image := ""
imagePullTest(image, false, v1.PodRunning, false)
It("should be able to pull image from docker hub [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance]", func() {
image := "alpine:3.7"
imagePullTest(image, false, v1.PodRunning, false)
It("should be able to pull image from docker hub [WindowsOnly] [NodeConformance]", func() {
image := "e2eteam/busybox:1.29"
imagePullTest(image, false, v1.PodRunning, false)
It("should not be able to pull from private registry without secret [NodeConformance]", func() {
image := ""
imagePullTest(image, false, v1.PodPending, true)
It("should be able to pull from private registry with secret [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance]", func() {
image := ""
imagePullTest(image, true, v1.PodRunning, false)