Fixes and improvements to Photon Controller backend for kube-up

- Improve reliability of network address detection by using MAC
  address. VMware has a MAC OUI that reliably distinguishes the VM's
  NICs from the other NICs (like the CBR). This doesn't rely on the
  unreliable reporting of the portgroup.
- Persist route changes. We configure routes on the master and nodes,
  but previously we didn't persist them so they didn't last across
  reboots. This persists them in /etc/network/interfaces
- Fix regression that didn't configure auth for kube-apiserver with
  Photon Controller.
- Reliably run apt-get update: Not doing this can cause apt to fail.
- Remove unused nginx config in salt
Alain Roy 2016-06-13 16:14:18 -07:00
parent 8bcecac12f
commit 5740ceb7f6
7 changed files with 43 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -125,6 +125,3 @@ cluster_cidr: "$NODE_IP_RANGES"
allocate_node_cidrs: "${ALLOCATE_NODE_CIDRS:-true}"
admission_control: NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,SecurityContextDeny,ServiceAccount,ResourceQuota
mkdir -p /srv/salt-overlay/salt/nginx
echo ${MASTER_HTPASSWD} > /srv/salt-overlay/salt/nginx/htpasswd

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ grains:
cbr-cidr: $MASTER_IP_RANGE
cloud: photon-controller
master_extra_sans: $MASTER_EXTRA_SANS
api_servers: $MASTER_NAME
# Auto accept all keys from minions that try to join

View File

@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ function detect-master {
if [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_IP-}" ]]; then
# Make sure to ignore lines where it's not attached to a portgroup
# Pick out the NICs that have a MAC address owned VMware (with OUI 00:0C:29)
# Make sure to ignore lines that have a network interface but no address
KUBE_MASTER_IP=$(${PHOTON} vm networks "${KUBE_MASTER_ID}" | grep -v "^-" | grep -E '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | head -1 | awk -F'\t' '{print $3}')
KUBE_MASTER_IP=$(${PHOTON} vm networks "${KUBE_MASTER_ID}" | grep -i $'\t'"00:0C:29" | grep -E '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | head -1 | awk -F'\t' '{print $3}')
if [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_IP-}" ]]; then
kube::log::error "Could not find Kubernetes master node IP. Make sure you've launched a cluster with ''" >&2
@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ function detect-nodes {
# Make sure to ignore lines where it's not attached to a portgroup
# Pick out the NICs that have a MAC address owned VMware (with OUI 00:0C:29)
# Make sure to ignore lines that have a network interface but no address
node_ip=$(${PHOTON} vm networks "${node_id}" | grep -v "^-" | grep -E '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | head -1 | awk -F'\t' '{print $3}')
node_ip=$(${PHOTON} vm networks "${node_id}" | grep -i $'\t'"00:0C:29" | grep -E '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | head -1 | awk -F'\t' '{print $3}')
if [[ -z ${silent} ]]; then
@ -323,7 +323,11 @@ function pc-delete-vm {
local rc=0
kube::log::status "Deleting VM ${vm_name}"
# In some cases, head exits before photon, so the pipline exits with
# SIGPIPE. We disable the pipefile option to hide that failure.
set +o pipefail
${PHOTON} vm show "${vm_id}" | head -1 | grep STARTED > /dev/null 2>&1 || rc=$?
set +o pipefail
if [[ ${rc} -eq 0 ]]; then
${PHOTON} vm stop "${vm_id}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || rc=$?
if [[ ${rc} -ne 0 ]]; then
@ -536,6 +540,28 @@ function gen-salt {
) > "${KUBE_TEMP}/${node_name}"
# Generate a script to add a route to a host (master or node)
# The script will do two things:
# 1. Add the route immediately with the route command
# 2. Persist the route by saving it in /etc/network/interfaces
# This was done with a script because it was easier to get the quoting right
# and make it clear.
function gen-add-route {
echo '#!/bin/bash'
echo ''
echo '# Immediately add route'
echo "sudo route add -net ${route} gw ${gateway}"
echo ''
echo '# Persist route so it lasts over restarts'
echo 'sed -in "s|^iface eth0.*|&\n post-up route add -net' "${route} gw ${gateway}|"'" /etc/network/interfaces'
) > "${KUBE_TEMP}/"
# Create the Kubernetes master VM
# Sets global variables:
@ -721,10 +747,13 @@ function setup-pod-routes {
local j
for (( i=0; i<${#NODE_NAMES[@]}; i++)); do
kube::log::status "Configuring pod routes on ${NODE_NAMES[${i}]}..."
run-ssh-cmd "${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" "sudo route add -net ${KUBE_NODE_BRIDGE_NETWORK[${i}]} gw ${KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES[${i}]}"
gen-add-route "${KUBE_NODE_BRIDGE_NETWORK[${i}]}" "${KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES[${i}]}"
run-script-remotely "${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" "${KUBE_TEMP}/"
for (( j=0; j<${#NODE_NAMES[@]}; j++)); do
if [[ "${i}" != "${j}" ]]; then
run-ssh-cmd "${KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES[${i}]}" "sudo route add -net ${KUBE_NODE_BRIDGE_NETWORK[${j}]} gw ${KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES[${j}]}"
gen-add-route "${KUBE_NODE_BRIDGE_NETWORK[${j}]}" "${KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES[${j}]}"
run-script-remotely "${KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES[${i}]}" "${KUBE_TEMP}/"

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@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ fix-service-docker:
- require:
- pkg: docker-engine
- name: 'apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D'
- unless: 'apt-key finger | grep "5811 8E89"'
- name: '/usr/bin/apt-get update -y'
- require:
- cmd : 'apt-key'

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{% if grains['cloud'] is defined and in ['aws', 'gce', 'vagrant', 'vsphere', 'openstack'] %}
{% if grains['cloud'] is defined and in ['aws', 'gce', 'vagrant', 'vsphere', 'photon-controller', 'openstack'] %}
# TODO: generate and distribute tokens on other cloud providers.

View File

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
{% set basic_auth_file = "" -%}
{% set authz_mode = "" -%}
{% set abac_policy_file = "" -%}
{% if grains['cloud'] is defined and in [ 'aws', 'gce', 'vagrant', 'vsphere', 'openstack'] %}
{% if grains['cloud'] is defined and in [ 'aws', 'gce', 'vagrant', 'vsphere', 'photon-controller', 'openstack'] %}
{% set token_auth_file = " --token-auth-file=/srv/kubernetes/known_tokens.csv" -%}
{% set basic_auth_file = " --basic-auth-file=/srv/kubernetes/basic_auth.csv" -%}
{% set authz_mode = " --authorization-mode=ABAC" -%}

View File

@ -29,8 +29,9 @@ cluster/ for node_name in "${NODE_NAMES[@]}"; do
cluster/ local -r node_name="${1}"
cluster/ report_dir="${1:-_artifacts}"
cluster/mesos/docker/km/ km_path=$(find-binary km darwin/amd64)
cluster/photon-controller/templates/ api_servers: $MASTER_NAME
cluster/photon-controller/templates/ hostname_override: $(ip route get | awk '{print $7}')
cluster/photon-controller/ node_ip=$(${PHOTON} vm networks "${node_id}" | grep -v "^-" | grep -E '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | head -1 | awk -F'\t' '{print $3}')
cluster/photon-controller/ node_ip=$(${PHOTON} vm networks "${node_id}" | grep -i $'\t'"00:0C:29" | grep -E '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | head -1 | awk -F'\t' '{print $3}')
cluster/photon-controller/ local cert_dir="/srv/kubernetes"
cluster/photon-controller/ node_name=${1}
cluster/rackspace/ local node_ip=$(nova show --minimal ${NODE_NAMES[$i]} \