mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
add missing flag for kubeadm config images pull command
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ func uploadConfiguration(client clientset.Interface, cfgPath string, defaultcfg
return uploadconfig.UploadConfiguration(internalcfg, client)
// NewCmdConfigImages returns the "config images" command
// NewCmdConfigImages returns the "kubeadm config images" command
func NewCmdConfigImages(out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "images",
@ -286,12 +286,13 @@ func NewCmdConfigImages(out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
return cmd
// NewCmdConfigImagesPull returns the `config images pull` command
// NewCmdConfigImagesPull returns the `kubeadm config images pull` command
func NewCmdConfigImagesPull() *cobra.Command {
cfg := &kubeadmapiv1alpha2.MasterConfiguration{}
var cfgPath, featureGatesString string
var err error
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "pull",
Short: "Pull images used by kubeadm.",
@ -306,7 +307,9 @@ func NewCmdConfigImagesPull() *cobra.Command {
AddImagesCommonConfigFlags(cmd.PersistentFlags(), cfg, &featureGatesString)
AddImagesCommonConfigFlags(cmd.PersistentFlags(), cfg, &cfgPath, &featureGatesString)
AddImagesPullFlags(cmd.PersistentFlags(), cfg)
return cmd
@ -316,7 +319,7 @@ type ImagesPull struct {
images []string
// NewImagesPull initializes and returns the `config images pull` command
// NewImagesPull initializes and returns the `kubeadm config images pull` command
func NewImagesPull(puller images.Puller, images []string) *ImagesPull {
return &ImagesPull{
puller: puller,
@ -353,8 +356,7 @@ func NewCmdConfigImagesList(out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
AddImagesCommonConfigFlags(cmd.PersistentFlags(), cfg, &featureGatesString)
AddImagesListFlags(cmd.PersistentFlags(), &cfgPath)
AddImagesCommonConfigFlags(cmd.PersistentFlags(), cfg, &cfgPath, &featureGatesString)
return cmd
@ -387,21 +389,17 @@ func (i *ImagesList) Run(out io.Writer) error {
// AddImagesCommonConfigFlags adds the flags that configure kubeadm (and affect the images kubeadm will use)
func AddImagesCommonConfigFlags(flagSet *flag.FlagSet, cfg *kubeadmapiv1alpha2.MasterConfiguration, featureGatesString *string) {
func AddImagesCommonConfigFlags(flagSet *flag.FlagSet, cfg *kubeadmapiv1alpha2.MasterConfiguration, cfgPath *string, featureGatesString *string) {
&cfg.KubernetesVersion, "kubernetes-version", cfg.KubernetesVersion,
`Choose a specific Kubernetes version for the control plane.`,
flagSet.StringVar(featureGatesString, "feature-gates", *featureGatesString, "A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for various features. "+
"Options are:\n"+strings.Join(features.KnownFeatures(&features.InitFeatureGates), "\n"))
// AddImagesListFlags adds the flag that defines the location of the config file
func AddImagesListFlags(flagSet *flag.FlagSet, cfgPath *string) {
flagSet.StringVar(cfgPath, "config", *cfgPath, "Path to kubeadm config file.")
// AddImagesPullFlags adds flags related to the `config images pull` command
func AddImagesPullFlags(flagSet *flag.FlagSet, criSocketPath *string) {
flagSet.StringVar(criSocketPath, "cri-socket-path", *criSocketPath, "Path to the CRI socket.")
// AddImagesPullFlags adds flags related to the `kubeadm config images pull` command
func AddImagesPullFlags(flagSet *flag.FlagSet, cfg *kubeadmapiv1alpha2.MasterConfiguration) {
flagSet.StringVar(&cfg.CRISocket, "cri-socket-path", cfg.CRISocket, "Path to the CRI socket.")
Reference in New Issue