Merge pull request #15657 from agonzalezro/patch-1

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k8s-merge-robot 2015-11-23 10:42:28 -08:00
commit 4eabda835d
1 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -109,8 +109,9 @@ Here are the recommended steps to configuring your nodes to use a private regist
example, run these on your desktop/laptop:
1. run `docker login [server]` for each set of credentials you want to use.
1. view `$HOME/.dockercfg` in an editor to ensure it contains just the credentials you want to use.
1. get a list of your nodes
- for example: `nodes=$(kubectl get nodes -o template --template='{{range.items}}{{}} {{end}}')`
1. get a list of your nodes, for example:
- if you want the names: `nodes=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{range.items[*].metadata}{.name} {end}')`
- if you want to get the IPs: `nodes=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{range .items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")]}{.address} {end}')`
1. copy your local `.dockercfg` to the home directory of root on each node.
- for example: `for n in $nodes; do scp ~/.dockercfg root@$n:/root/.dockercfg; done`