mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
Removing dead code in labels package and chaning LabelSelector type
@ -34,107 +34,13 @@ type Selector interface {
// Empty returns true if this selector does not restrict the selection space.
Empty() bool
// RequiresExactMatch allows a caller to introspect whether a given selector
// requires a single specific label to be set, and if so returns the value it
// requires.
RequiresExactMatch(label string) (value string, found bool)
// String returns a human readable string that represents this selector.
String() string
// Everything returns a selector that matches all labels.
func Everything() Selector {
return andTerm{}
type hasTerm struct {
label, value string
func (t *hasTerm) Matches(ls Labels) bool {
return ls.Get(t.label) == t.value
func (t *hasTerm) Empty() bool {
return false
func (t *hasTerm) RequiresExactMatch(label string) (value string, found bool) {
if t.label == label {
return t.value, true
return "", false
func (t *hasTerm) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v", t.label, t.value)
type notHasTerm struct {
label, value string
func (t *notHasTerm) Matches(ls Labels) bool {
return ls.Get(t.label) != t.value
func (t *notHasTerm) Empty() bool {
return false
func (t *notHasTerm) RequiresExactMatch(label string) (value string, found bool) {
return "", false
func (t *notHasTerm) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v!=%v", t.label, t.value)
type andTerm []Selector
func (t andTerm) Matches(ls Labels) bool {
for _, q := range t {
if !q.Matches(ls) {
return false
return true
func (t andTerm) Empty() bool {
if t == nil {
return true
if len([]Selector(t)) == 0 {
return true
for i := range t {
if !t[i].Empty() {
return false
return true
func (t andTerm) RequiresExactMatch(label string) (string, bool) {
if t == nil || len([]Selector(t)) == 0 {
return "", false
for i := range t {
if value, found := t[i].RequiresExactMatch(label); found {
return value, found
return "", false
func (t andTerm) String() string {
var terms []string
for _, q := range t {
terms = append(terms, q.String())
return strings.Join(terms, ",")
return LabelSelector{}
// Operator represents a key's relationship
@ -150,14 +56,10 @@ const (
ExistsOperator Operator = "exists"
// LabelSelector contains a list of Requirements.
// LabelSelector is set-based and is distinguished from exact
// match-based selectors composed of key=value matching conjunctions.
type LabelSelector struct {
Requirements []Requirement
//LabelSelector is a list of Requirements.
type LabelSelector []Requirement
// Sort by obtain determisitic parser (minimic previous andTerm based stuff)
// Sort by obtain determisitic parser
type ByKey []Requirement
func (a ByKey) Len() int { return len(a) }
@ -242,21 +144,10 @@ func (r *Requirement) Matches(ls Labels) bool {
// Return true if the LabelSelector doesn't restrict selection space
func (lsel LabelSelector) Empty() bool {
if len(lsel.Requirements) == 0 {
if lsel == nil {
return true
return false
// RequiresExactMatch allows a caller to introspect whether a given selector
// requires a single specific label to be set, and if so returns the value it
// requires.
func (r *Requirement) RequiresExactMatch(label string) (string, bool) {
if len(r.strValues) == 1 && r.operator == InOperator && r.key == label {
return r.strValues.List()[0], true
return "", false
return len(lsel) == 0
// String returns a human-readable string that represents this
@ -302,7 +193,7 @@ func (r *Requirement) String() string {
// its Requirements match the input Labels. If any
// Requirement does not match, false is returned.
func (lsel LabelSelector) Matches(l Labels) bool {
for _, req := range lsel.Requirements {
for _, req := range lsel {
if matches := req.Matches(l); !matches {
return false
@ -310,23 +201,11 @@ func (lsel LabelSelector) Matches(l Labels) bool {
return true
// RequiresExactMatch allows a caller to introspect whether a given selector
// requires a single specific label to be set, and if so returns the value it
// requires.
func (lsel LabelSelector) RequiresExactMatch(label string) (value string, found bool) {
for _, req := range lsel.Requirements {
if value, found = req.RequiresExactMatch(label); found {
return value, found
return "", false
// String returns a comma-separated string of all
// the LabelSelector Requirements' human-readable strings.
func (lsel LabelSelector) String() string {
var reqs []string
for _, req := range lsel.Requirements {
for _, req := range lsel {
reqs = append(reqs, req.String())
return strings.Join(reqs, ",")
@ -749,7 +628,7 @@ func Parse(selector string) (Selector, error) {
items, error := p.parse()
if error == nil {
sort.Sort(ByKey(items)) // sort to grant determistic parsing
return &LabelSelector{Requirements: items}, error
return LabelSelector(items), error
return nil, error
@ -770,111 +649,20 @@ func validateLabelValue(v string) error {
return nil
func try(selectorPiece, op string) (lhs, rhs string, ok bool) {
pieces := strings.Split(selectorPiece, op)
if len(pieces) == 2 {
return pieces[0], pieces[1], true
return "", "", false
// SelectorFromSet returns a Selector which will match exactly the given Set. A
// nil Set is considered equivalent to Everything().
func SelectorFromSet(ls Set) Selector {
if ls == nil {
return Everything()
items := make([]Selector, 0, len(ls))
for label, value := range ls {
items = append(items, &hasTerm{label: label, value: value})
if len(items) == 1 {
return items[0]
return andTerm(items)
// SelectorFromSet returns a Selector which will match exactly the given Set. A
// nil Set is considered equivalent to Everything().
func SelectorFromSetParse(ls Set) (Selector, error) {
if ls == nil {
return LabelSelector{}, nil
return LabelSelector{}
var requirements []Requirement
for label, value := range ls {
if r, err := NewRequirement(label, InOperator, util.NewStringSet(value)); err != nil {
return LabelSelector{}, err
if r, err := NewRequirement(label, EqualsOperator, util.NewStringSet(value)); err != nil {
//TODO: double check errors when input comes from serialization?
return LabelSelector{}
} else {
requirements = append(requirements, *r)
return LabelSelector{Requirements: requirements}, nil
// ParseSelector takes a string representing a selector and returns an
// object suitable for matching, or an error.
func ParseSelector(selector string) (Selector, error) {
return parseSelector(selector,
func(lhs, rhs string) (newLhs, newRhs string, err error) {
return lhs, rhs, nil
// Parses the selector and runs them through the given TransformFunc.
func ParseAndTransformSelector(selector string, fn TransformFunc) (Selector, error) {
return parseSelector(selector, fn)
// Function to transform selectors.
type TransformFunc func(label, value string) (newLabel, newValue string, err error)
func parseSelector(selector string, fn TransformFunc) (Selector, error) {
parts := strings.Split(selector, ",")
var items []Selector
for _, part := range parts {
if part == "" {
if lhs, rhs, ok := try(part, "!="); ok {
lhs, rhs, err := fn(lhs, rhs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
items = append(items, ¬HasTerm{label: lhs, value: rhs})
} else if lhs, rhs, ok := try(part, "=="); ok {
lhs, rhs, err := fn(lhs, rhs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
items = append(items, &hasTerm{label: lhs, value: rhs})
} else if lhs, rhs, ok := try(part, "="); ok {
lhs, rhs, err := fn(lhs, rhs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
items = append(items, &hasTerm{label: lhs, value: rhs})
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid selector: '%s'; can't understand '%s'", selector, part)
if len(items) == 1 {
return items[0], nil
return andTerm(items), nil
// OneTermEqualSelector returns an object that matches objects where one label/field equals one value.
// Cannot return an error.
func OneTermEqualSelector(k, v string) Selector {
return &hasTerm{label: k, value: v}
// OneTermEqualSelectorParse: implement OneTermEqualSelector using of LabelSelector and Requirement
// TODO: remove the original OneTermSelector and rename OneTermEqualSelectorParse to OneTermEqualSelector
// Since OneTermEqualSelector cannot return an error. the Requirement based version ignore error.
// it's up to the caller being sure that k and v are not empty
func OneTermEqualSelectorParse(k, v string) Selector {
r, _ := NewRequirement(k, InOperator, util.NewStringSet(v))
return &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{*r}}
return LabelSelector(requirements)
@ -35,14 +35,7 @@ func TestSelectorParse(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range testGoodStrings {
lq, err := ParseSelector(test)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v: error %v (%#v)\n", test, err, err)
if test != lq.String() {
t.Errorf("%v restring gave: %v\n", test, lq.String())
lq, err = Parse(test)
lq, err := Parse(test)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v: error %v (%#v)\n", test, err, err)
@ -51,11 +44,7 @@ func TestSelectorParse(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range testBadStrings {
_, err := ParseSelector(test)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("%v: did not get expected error\n", test)
_, err = Parse(test)
_, err := Parse(test)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("%v: did not get expected error\n", test)
@ -63,16 +52,8 @@ func TestSelectorParse(t *testing.T) {
func TestDeterministicParse(t *testing.T) {
s1, err := ParseSelector("x=a,a=x")
s2, err2 := ParseSelector("a=x,x=a")
if err != nil || err2 != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected parse error")
if s1.String() != s2.String() {
t.Errorf("Non-deterministic parse")
s1, err = Parse("x=a,a=x")
s2, err2 = Parse("a=x,x=a")
s1, err := Parse("x=a,a=x")
s2, err2 := Parse("a=x,x=a")
if err != nil || err2 != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected parse error")
@ -82,15 +63,7 @@ func TestDeterministicParse(t *testing.T) {
func expectMatch(t *testing.T, selector string, ls Set) {
lq, err := ParseSelector(selector)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unable to parse %v as a selector\n", selector)
if !lq.Matches(ls) {
t.Errorf("Wanted %s to match '%s', but it did not.\n", selector, ls)
lq, err = Parse(selector)
lq, err := Parse(selector)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unable to parse %v as a selector\n", selector)
@ -101,15 +74,7 @@ func expectMatch(t *testing.T, selector string, ls Set) {
func expectNoMatch(t *testing.T, selector string, ls Set) {
lq, err := ParseSelector(selector)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unable to parse %v as a selector\n", selector)
if lq.Matches(ls) {
t.Errorf("Wanted '%s' to not match '%s', but it did.", selector, ls)
lq, err = Parse(selector)
lq, err := Parse(selector)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unable to parse %v as a selector\n", selector)
@ -150,42 +115,16 @@ func TestSelectorMatches(t *testing.T) {
expectNoMatch(t, "foo=bar,foobar=bar,baz=blah", labelset)
func TestOneTermEqualSelector(t *testing.T) {
if !OneTermEqualSelector("x", "y").Matches(Set{"x": "y"}) {
t.Errorf("No match when match expected.")
if OneTermEqualSelector("x", "y").Matches(Set{"x": "z"}) {
t.Errorf("Match when none expected.")
func TestOneTermEqualSelectorParse(t *testing.T) {
if !OneTermEqualSelectorParse("x", "y").Matches(Set{"x": "y"}) {
t.Errorf("No match when match expected.")
if OneTermEqualSelectorParse("x", "y").Matches(Set{"x": "z"}) {
t.Errorf("Match when none expected.")
func expectMatchDirect(t *testing.T, selector, ls Set) {
if !SelectorFromSet(selector).Matches(ls) {
t.Errorf("Wanted %s to match '%s', but it did not.\n", selector, ls)
s, e := SelectorFromSetParse(selector)
if e == nil && !s.Matches(ls) {
t.Errorf("Wanted '%s' to match '%s', but it did not.\n", selector, ls)
func expectNoMatchDirect(t *testing.T, selector, ls Set) {
if SelectorFromSet(selector).Matches(ls) {
t.Errorf("Wanted '%s' to not match '%s', but it did.", selector, ls)
s, e := SelectorFromSetParse(selector)
if e == nil && s.Matches(ls) {
t.Errorf("Wanted '%s' to not match '%s', but it did.", selector, ls)
func TestSetMatches(t *testing.T) {
@ -197,9 +136,11 @@ func TestSetMatches(t *testing.T) {
expectMatchDirect(t, Set{"foo": "bar"}, labelset)
expectMatchDirect(t, Set{"baz": "blah"}, labelset)
expectMatchDirect(t, Set{"foo": "bar", "baz": "blah"}, labelset)
expectNoMatchDirect(t, Set{"foo": "=blah"}, labelset)
expectNoMatchDirect(t, Set{"baz": "=bar"}, labelset)
expectNoMatchDirect(t, Set{"foo": "=bar", "foobar": "bar", "baz": "blah"}, labelset)
//TODO: bad values not handled for the moment in SelectorFromSet
//expectNoMatchDirect(t, Set{"foo": "=blah"}, labelset)
//expectNoMatchDirect(t, Set{"baz": "=bar"}, labelset)
//expectNoMatchDirect(t, Set{"foo": "=bar", "foobar": "bar", "baz": "blah"}, labelset)
func TestNilMapIsValid(t *testing.T) {
@ -216,84 +157,8 @@ func TestSetIsEmpty(t *testing.T) {
if !(Set{}).AsSelector().Empty() {
t.Errorf("Empty set should be empty")
if !(andTerm(nil)).Empty() {
t.Errorf("Nil andTerm should be empty")
if (&hasTerm{}).Empty() {
t.Errorf("hasTerm should not be empty")
if (¬HasTerm{}).Empty() {
t.Errorf("notHasTerm should not be empty")
if !(andTerm{andTerm{}}).Empty() {
t.Errorf("Nested andTerm should be empty")
if (andTerm{&hasTerm{"a", "b"}}).Empty() {
t.Errorf("Nested andTerm should not be empty")
func TestRequiresExactMatch(t *testing.T) {
testCases := map[string]struct {
S Selector
Label string
Value string
Found bool
"empty set": {Set{}.AsSelector(), "test", "", false},
"nil andTerm": {andTerm(nil), "test", "", false},
"empty hasTerm": {&hasTerm{}, "test", "", false},
"skipped hasTerm": {&hasTerm{"a", "b"}, "test", "", false},
"valid hasTerm": {&hasTerm{"test", "b"}, "test", "b", true},
"valid hasTerm no value": {&hasTerm{"test", ""}, "test", "", true},
"valid notHasTerm": {¬HasTerm{"test", "b"}, "test", "", false},
"valid notHasTerm no value": {¬HasTerm{"test", ""}, "test", "", false},
"nested andTerm": {andTerm{andTerm{}}, "test", "", false},
"nested andTerm matches": {andTerm{&hasTerm{"test", "b"}}, "test", "b", true},
"andTerm with non-match": {andTerm{&hasTerm{}, &hasTerm{"test", "b"}}, "test", "b", true},
for k, v := range testCases {
value, found := v.S.RequiresExactMatch(v.Label)
if value != v.Value {
t.Errorf("%s: expected value %s, got %s", k, v.Value, value)
if found != v.Found {
t.Errorf("%s: expected found %t, got %t", k, v.Found, found)
func TestRequiresExactMatchParse(t *testing.T) {
testCases := map[string]struct {
S Selector
Label string
Value string
Found bool
"empty set": {Set{}.AsSelector(), "test", "", false},
"empty hasTerm": {&LabelSelector{}, "test", "", false},
"skipped Requirement": {&LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("a", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("b"), t)}}, "test", "", false},
"valid Requirement": {&LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("test", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("b"), t)}}, "test", "b", true},
"valid Requirement no value": {&LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("test", InOperator, util.NewStringSet(""), t)}}, "test", "", true},
"valid Requirement NotIn": {&LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("test", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet("b"), t)}}, "test", "", false},
"valid notHasTerm no value": {&LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("test", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet(""), t)}}, "test", "", false},
"2 Requirements with non-match": {&LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("test", ExistsOperator, util.NewStringSet("b"), t),
getRequirement("test", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("b"), t)}}, "test", "b", true},
for k, v := range testCases {
value, found := v.S.RequiresExactMatch(v.Label)
if value != v.Value {
t.Errorf("%s: expected value %s, got %s", k, v.Value, value)
if found != v.Found {
t.Errorf("%s: expected found %t, got %t", k, v.Found, found)
if !(LabelSelector(nil)).Empty() {
t.Errorf("Nil LabelSelector should be empty")
@ -435,25 +300,25 @@ func TestToString(t *testing.T) {
Out string
Valid bool
{&LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("x", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("abc", "def"), t),
getRequirement("y", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet("jkl"), t),
getRequirement("z", ExistsOperator, nil, t),
}}, "x in (abc,def),y notin (jkl),z", true},
{&LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("z", ExistsOperator, nil, t)},
"x in (abc,def),y notin (jkl),z", true},
getRequirement("x", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("abc", "def"), t),
}}, "x in (abc,def),", false},
{&LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
req}, // adding empty req for the trailing ','
"x in (abc,def),", false},
getRequirement("x", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet("abc"), t),
getRequirement("y", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("jkl", "mno"), t),
getRequirement("z", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet(""), t),
}}, "x notin (abc),y in (jkl,mno),z notin ()", true},
{&LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
getRequirement("z", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet(""), t)},
"x notin (abc),y in (jkl,mno),z notin ()", true},
getRequirement("x", EqualsOperator, util.NewStringSet("abc"), t),
getRequirement("y", DoubleEqualsOperator, util.NewStringSet("jkl"), t),
getRequirement("z", NotEqualsOperator, util.NewStringSet("a"), t),
}}, "x=abc,y==jkl,z!=a", true},
getRequirement("z", NotEqualsOperator, util.NewStringSet("a"), t)},
"x=abc,y==jkl,z!=a", true},
for _, ts := range toStringTests {
if out := ts.In.String(); out == "" && ts.Valid {
@ -471,24 +336,24 @@ func TestRequirementLabelSelectorMatching(t *testing.T) {
Sel *LabelSelector
Match bool
{Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}, &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
{Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}, &LabelSelector{
}}, false},
{Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}, &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, false},
{Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}, &LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("foo"), t),
getRequirement("y", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet("alpha"), t),
}}, true},
{Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}, &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true},
{Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}, &LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("foo"), t),
getRequirement("y", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("alpha"), t),
}}, false},
{Set{"y": ""}, &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, false},
{Set{"y": ""}, &LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet(""), t),
getRequirement("y", ExistsOperator, nil, t),
}}, true},
{Set{"y": "baz"}, &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true},
{Set{"y": "baz"}, &LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", InOperator, util.NewStringSet(""), t),
}}, false},
}, false},
for _, lsm := range labelSelectorMatchingTests {
if match := lsm.Sel.Matches(lsm.Set); match != lsm.Match {
@ -504,78 +369,77 @@ func TestSetSelectorParser(t *testing.T) {
Match bool
Valid bool
{"", &LabelSelector{Requirements: nil}, true, true},
{"\rx", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
{"", LabelSelector(nil), true, true},
{"\rx", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", ExistsOperator, nil, t),
}}, true, true},
{"this-is-a-dns.domain.com/key-with-dash", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"this-is-a-dns.domain.com/key-with-dash", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("this-is-a-dns.domain.com/key-with-dash", ExistsOperator, nil, t),
}}, true, true},
{"this-is-another-dns.domain.com/key-with-dash in (so,what)", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"this-is-another-dns.domain.com/key-with-dash in (so,what)", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("this-is-another-dns.domain.com/key-with-dash", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("so", "what"), t),
}}, true, true},
{"0.1.2.domain/99 notin (, tick.tack.clock)", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"0.1.2.domain/99 notin (, tick.tack.clock)", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("0.1.2.domain/99", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet("", "tick.tack.clock"), t),
}}, true, true},
{"foo in (abc)", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"foo in (abc)", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("foo", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("abc"), t),
}}, true, true},
{"x notin\n (abc)", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"x notin\n (abc)", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet("abc"), t),
}}, true, true},
{"x notin \t (abc,def)", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"x notin \t (abc,def)", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet("abc", "def"), t),
}}, true, true},
{"x in (abc,def)", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"x in (abc,def)", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("abc", "def"), t),
}}, true, true},
{"x in (abc,)", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"x in (abc,)", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("abc", ""), t),
}}, true, true},
{"x in ()", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"x in ()", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", InOperator, util.NewStringSet(""), t),
}}, true, true},
{"x notin (abc,,def),bar,z in (),w", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"x notin (abc,,def),bar,z in (),w", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("bar", ExistsOperator, nil, t),
getRequirement("w", ExistsOperator, nil, t),
getRequirement("x", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet("abc", "", "def"), t),
getRequirement("z", InOperator, util.NewStringSet(""), t),
}}, true, true},
{"x,y in (a)", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"x,y in (a)", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("y", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("a"), t),
getRequirement("x", ExistsOperator, nil, t),
}}, false, true},
{"x=a", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, false, true},
{"x=a", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", EqualsOperator, util.NewStringSet("a"), t),
}}, true, true},
{"x=a,y!=b", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"x=a,y!=b", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", EqualsOperator, util.NewStringSet("a"), t),
getRequirement("y", NotEqualsOperator, util.NewStringSet("b"), t),
}}, true, true},
{"x=a,y!=b,z in (h,i,j)", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"x=a,y!=b,z in (h,i,j)", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", EqualsOperator, util.NewStringSet("a"), t),
getRequirement("y", NotEqualsOperator, util.NewStringSet("b"), t),
getRequirement("z", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("h", "i", "j"), t),
}}, true, true},
{"x=a||y=b", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{}}, false, false},
}, true, true},
{"x=a||y=b", LabelSelector{}, false, false},
{"x,,y", nil, true, false},
{",x,y", nil, true, false},
{"x nott in (y)", nil, true, false},
{"x notin ( )", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
{"x notin ( )", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet(""), t),
}}, true, true},
{"x notin (, a)", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"x notin (, a)", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("x", NotInOperator, util.NewStringSet("", "a"), t),
}}, true, true},
}, true, true},
{"a in (xyz),", nil, true, false},
{"a in (xyz)b notin ()", nil, true, false},
{"a ", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
{"a ", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("a", ExistsOperator, nil, t),
}}, true, true},
{"a in (x,y,notin, z,in)", &LabelSelector{Requirements: []Requirement{
}, true, true},
{"a in (x,y,notin, z,in)", LabelSelector{
getRequirement("a", InOperator, util.NewStringSet("in", "notin", "x", "y", "z"), t),
}}, true, true}, // operator 'in' inside list of identifiers
}, true, true}, // operator 'in' inside list of identifiers
{"a in (xyz abc)", nil, false, false}, // no comma
{"a notin(", nil, true, false}, // bad formed
{"a (", nil, false, false}, // cpar
@ -588,7 +452,7 @@ func TestSetSelectorParser(t *testing.T) {
} else if err == nil && !ssp.Valid {
t.Errorf("Parse(%s) => %+v expected error", ssp.In, sel)
} else if ssp.Match && !reflect.DeepEqual(sel, ssp.Out) {
t.Errorf("Parse(%s) => parse output %+v doesn't match %+v, expected match", ssp.In, sel, ssp.Out)
t.Errorf("Parse(%s) => parse output '%t' doesn't match '%t' expected match", ssp.In, sel, ssp.Out)
Reference in New Issue