Merge pull request #9671 from marekbiskup/networkPartitionTestFix

stabilization of Network.should survive network partition.
Satnam Singh 2015-06-18 13:16:16 -07:00
commit 4a40eec3e4
2 changed files with 145 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ import (
. ""
var serveHostnameImage string = ""
func resizeNodeInstanceGroup(size int) error {
// TODO: make this hit the compute API directly instread of shelling out to gcloud.
output, err := exec.Command("gcloud", "preview", "managed-instance-groups", "--project="+testContext.CloudConfig.ProjectID, "--zone="+testContext.CloudConfig.Zone,
@ -124,6 +126,38 @@ func createServiceWithNameSelector(c *client.Client, ns, name string) error {
return err
func newPodOnNode(podName, nodeName string, image string) *api.Pod {
return &api.Pod{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Name: podName,
Labels: map[string]string{
"name": podName,
Spec: api.PodSpec{
Containers: []api.Container{
Name: podName,
Image: image,
Ports: []api.ContainerPort{{ContainerPort: 9376}},
NodeName: nodeName,
RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyNever,
func createServeHostnamePodOnNode(c *client.Client, namespace, podName, nodeName string) error {
pod, err := c.Pods(namespace).Create(newPodOnNode(podName, nodeName, serveHostnameImage))
if err == nil {
Logf("Created pod %s on node %s", pod.ObjectMeta.Name, nodeName)
} else {
Logf("Failed to create pod %s on node %s: %s", podName, nodeName, err)
return err
func newReplicationControllerWithNameSelector(name string, replicas int, image string) *api.ReplicationController {
return &api.ReplicationController{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
@ -154,7 +188,7 @@ func newReplicationControllerWithNameSelector(name string, replicas int, image s
func createServeHostnameReplicationController(c *client.Client, ns, name string, replicas int) (*api.ReplicationController, error) {
By(fmt.Sprintf("creating replication controller %s", name))
return c.ReplicationControllers(ns).Create(newReplicationControllerWithNameSelector(name, replicas, ""))
return c.ReplicationControllers(ns).Create(newReplicationControllerWithNameSelector(name, replicas, serveHostnameImage))
func resizeReplicationController(c *client.Client, ns, name string, replicas int) error {
@ -176,12 +210,12 @@ func waitForPodsCreated(c *client.Client, ns, name string, replicas int) (*api.P
return nil, err
Logf("Controller %s: Found %d pods out of %d", name, len(pods.Items), replicas)
Logf("Pod name %s: Found %d pods out of %d", name, len(pods.Items), replicas)
if len(pods.Items) == replicas {
return pods, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("controller %s: Gave up waiting for %d pods to come up", name, replicas)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Pod name %s: Gave up waiting for %d pods to come up", name, replicas)
func waitForPodsRunning(c *client.Client, pods *api.PodList) []error {
@ -223,6 +257,86 @@ func waitForPodsCreatedRunningResponding(c *client.Client, ns, name string, repl
return nil
// Blocks outgoing network traffic on 'node'. Then verifies that 'podNameToDisappear',
// that belongs to replication controller 'rcName', really disappeared.
// Finally, it checks that the replication controller recreates the
// pods on another node and that now the number of replicas is equal 'replicas'.
// At the end (even in case of errors), the network traffic is brought back to normal.
// This function executes commands on a node so it will work only for some
// environments.
func performTemporaryNetworkFailure(c *client.Client, ns, rcName string, replicas int, podNameToDisappear string, node *api.Node) {
Logf("Getting external IP address for %s", node.Name)
host := ""
for _, a := range node.Status.Addresses {
if a.Type == api.NodeExternalIP {
host = a.Address + ":22"
if host == "" {
Failf("Couldn't get the external IP of host %s with addresses %v", node.Name, node.Status.Addresses)
By(fmt.Sprintf("block network traffic from node %s to the master", node.Name))
// TODO: The use of MasterName will cause iptables to do a DNS lookup to
// resolve the name to an IP address, which will slow down the test
// and cause it to fail if DNS is absent or broken.
// Use the IP address instead.
iptablesRule := fmt.Sprintf("OUTPUT --destination %s --jump DROP", testContext.CloudConfig.MasterName)
defer func() {
// This code will execute even if setting the iptables rule failed.
// It is on purpose because we may have an error even if the new rule
// had been inserted. (yes, we could look at the error code and ssh error
// separately, but I prefer to stay on the safe side).
By(fmt.Sprintf("Unblock network traffic from node %s to the master", node.Name))
undropCmd := fmt.Sprintf("sudo iptables --delete %s", iptablesRule)
// Undrop command may fail if the rule has never been created.
// In such case we just lose 30 seconds, but the cluster is healthy.
// But if the rule had been created and removing it failed, the node is broken and
// not coming back. Subsequent tests will run or fewer nodes (some of the tests
// may fail). Manual intervention is required in such case (recreating the
// cluster solves the problem too).
err := wait.Poll(time.Millisecond*100, time.Second*30, func() (bool, error) {
_, _, code, err := SSH(undropCmd, host, testContext.Provider)
if code == 0 && err == nil {
return true, nil
} else {
Logf("Expected 0 exit code and nil error when running '%s' on %s, got %d and %v",
undropCmd, node.Name, code, err)
return false, nil
if err != nil {
Failf("Failed to remove the iptable DROP rule. Manual intervention is "+
"required on node %s: remove rule %s, if exists", node.Name, iptablesRule)
// The command will block all outgoing network traffic from the node to the master
// When multi-master is implemented, this test will have to be improved to block
// network traffic to all masters.
// We could also block network traffic from the master(s)s to this node,
// but blocking it one way is sufficient for this test.
dropCmd := fmt.Sprintf("sudo iptables --insert %s", iptablesRule)
if _, _, code, err := SSH(dropCmd, host, testContext.Provider); code != 0 || err != nil {
Failf("Expected 0 exit code and nil error when running %s on %s, got %d and %v",
dropCmd, node.Name, code, err)
Logf("Waiting for node %s to be not ready", node.Name)
waitForNodeToBe(c, node.Name, false, 2*time.Minute)
Logf("Waiting for pod %s to be removed", podNameToDisappear)
waitForRCPodToDisappear(c, ns, rcName, podNameToDisappear)
By("verifying whether the pod from the unreachable node is recreated")
err := waitForPodsCreatedRunningResponding(c, ns, rcName, replicas)
// network traffic is unblocked in a defered function
var _ = Describe("Nodes", func() {
supportedProviders := []string{"gce", "gke"}
var testName string
@ -342,7 +456,12 @@ var _ = Describe("Nodes", func() {
testName = "should survive network partition."
// TODO: this test has nothing to do with resizing nodes so it should be moved elsewhere.
// TODO: two things are tested here:
// 1. pods from a uncontactable nodes are rescheduled
// 2. when a node joins the cluster, it can host new pods.
// Factor out the cases into two separate tests.
testName = "Uncontactable nodes, have their pods recreated by a replication controller, and can host new pods after rejoining."
It(testName, func() {
if testContext.CloudConfig.NumNodes < 2 {
By(fmt.Sprintf("skipping %s test, which requires at least 2 nodes (not %d)",
@ -359,55 +478,37 @@ var _ = Describe("Nodes", func() {
err := waitForPodsCreatedRunningResponding(c, ns, name, replicas)
Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred(), "Each pod should start running and responding")
By("cause network partition on one node")
nodelist, err := c.Nodes().List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
By("choose a node with at least one pod - we will block some network traffic on this node")
label := labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set(map[string]string{"name": name}))
pods, err := c.Pods(ns).List(label, fields.Everything()) // list pods after all have been scheduled
node := nodelist.Items[0]
pod, err := waitForRCPodOnNode(c, ns, name, node.Name)
Logf("Getting external IP address for %s", name)
host := ""
for _, a := range node.Status.Addresses {
if a.Type == api.NodeExternalIP {
host = a.Address + ":22"
Logf("Setting network partition on %s", node.Name)
dropCmd := fmt.Sprintf("sudo iptables -I OUTPUT 1 -d %s -j DROP", testContext.CloudConfig.MasterName)
if _, _, code, err := SSH(dropCmd, host, testContext.Provider); code != 0 || err != nil {
Failf("Expected 0 exit code and nil error when running %s on %s, got %d and %v",
dropCmd, node, code, err)
nodeName := pods.Items[0].Spec.NodeName
Logf("Waiting for node %s to be not ready", node.Name)
waitForNodeToBe(c, node.Name, false, 2*time.Minute)
Logf("Waiting for pod %s to be removed", pod.Name)
waitForRCPodToDisappear(c, ns, name, pod.Name)
By("verifying whether the pod from the partitioned node is recreated")
err = waitForPodsCreatedRunningResponding(c, ns, name, replicas)
node, err := c.Nodes().Get(nodeName)
// TODO: We should do this cleanup even if one of the above fails
By("remove network partition")
undropCmd := "sudo iptables --delete OUTPUT 1"
if _, _, code, err := SSH(undropCmd, host, testContext.Provider); code != 0 || err != nil {
Failf("Expected 0 exit code and nil error when running %s on %s, got %d and %v",
undropCmd, node, code, err)
By(fmt.Sprintf("block network traffic from node %s", node.Name))
performTemporaryNetworkFailure(c, ns, name, replicas, pods.Items[0].Name, node)
Logf("Waiting for node %s to be ready", node.Name)
waitForNodeToBe(c, node.Name, true, 2*time.Minute)
By("verify wheter new pods can be created on the re-attached node")
err = resizeReplicationController(c, ns, name, replicas+1)
// increasing the RC size is not a valid way to test this
// since we have no guarantees the pod will be scheduled on our node.
additionalPod := "additionalpod"
err = createServeHostnamePodOnNode(c, ns, additionalPod, node.Name)
err = waitForPodsCreatedRunningResponding(c, ns, name, replicas+1)
_, err = waitForRCPodOnNode(c, ns, name, node.Name)
err = waitForPodsCreatedRunningResponding(c, ns, additionalPod, 1)
// verify that it is really on the requested node
pod, err := c.Pods(ns).Get(additionalPod)
if pod.Spec.NodeName != node.Name {
Logf("Pod %s found on invalid node: %s instead of %s", pod.Spec.NodeName, node.Name)

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@ -378,6 +378,7 @@ func createTestingNS(baseName string, c *client.Client) (*api.Namespace, error)
func waitForPodRunningInNamespace(c *client.Client, podName string, namespace string) error {
return waitForPodCondition(c, namespace, podName, "running", podStartTimeout, func(pod *api.Pod) (bool, error) {
if pod.Status.Phase == api.PodRunning {
Logf("Found pod '%s' on node '%s'", podName, pod.Spec.NodeName)
return true, nil
if pod.Status.Phase == api.PodFailed {