mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
Merge pull request #26629 from jsafrane/stabilize
Automatic merge from submit-queue Stabilize persistent volume integration tests - add more logs - wait both for volume and claim to get bound When binding volumes to claims the controller saves PV first and PVC right after that. In theory, this saved PV could cause waitForPersistentVolumePhase to finish and PVC could be checked in the test before the controller saves it. So, wait for both PVC and PV to get bound and check the results only after that. This is only a theory, there are no usable logs in integration tests. Fixes #26499 (at least I hope so...)pull/6/head
@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ func TestPersistentVolumeRecycler(t *testing.T) {
defer s.Close()
testClient, ctrl := createClients(s)
testClient, ctrl, watchPV, watchPVC := createClients(t, s)
defer watchPV.Stop()
defer watchPVC.Stop()
defer ctrl.Stop()
@ -59,13 +61,7 @@ func TestPersistentVolumeRecycler(t *testing.T) {
pvc := createPVC("fake-pvc", "5G", []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce})
w, err := testClient.PersistentVolumes().Watch(api.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to watch PersistentVolumes: %v", err)
defer w.Stop()
_, err = testClient.PersistentVolumes().Create(pv)
_, err := testClient.PersistentVolumes().Create(pv)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to create PersistentVolume: %v", err)
@ -76,15 +72,16 @@ func TestPersistentVolumeRecycler(t *testing.T) {
// wait until the controller pairs the volume and claim
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(w, api.VolumeBound)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(watchPV, api.VolumeBound)
waitForPersistentVolumeClaimPhase(watchPVC, api.ClaimBound)
// deleting a claim releases the volume, after which it can be recycled
if err := testClient.PersistentVolumeClaims(api.NamespaceDefault).Delete(pvc.Name, nil); err != nil {
t.Errorf("error deleting claim %s", pvc.Name)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(w, api.VolumeReleased)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(w, api.VolumeAvailable)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(watchPV, api.VolumeReleased)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(watchPV, api.VolumeAvailable)
// end of Recycler test.
// Deleter test begins now.
@ -95,12 +92,6 @@ func TestPersistentVolumeRecycler(t *testing.T) {
// change the reclamation policy of the PV for the next test
pv.Spec.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy = api.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete
w, err = testClient.PersistentVolumes().Watch(api.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to watch PersistentVolumes: %v", err)
defer w.Stop()
_, err = testClient.PersistentVolumes().Create(pv)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to create PersistentVolume: %v", err)
@ -110,17 +101,18 @@ func TestPersistentVolumeRecycler(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("Failed to create PersistentVolumeClaim: %v", err)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(w, api.VolumeBound)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(watchPV, api.VolumeBound)
waitForPersistentVolumeClaimPhase(watchPVC, api.ClaimBound)
// deleting a claim releases the volume, after which it can be recycled
if err := testClient.PersistentVolumeClaims(api.NamespaceDefault).Delete(pvc.Name, nil); err != nil {
t.Errorf("error deleting claim %s", pvc.Name)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(w, api.VolumeReleased)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(watchPV, api.VolumeReleased)
for {
event := <-w.ResultChan()
event := <-watchPV.ResultChan()
if event.Type == watch.Deleted {
@ -157,7 +149,8 @@ func TestPersistentVolumeRecycler(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error creating pv: %v", err)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(w, api.VolumeBound)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(watchPV, api.VolumeBound)
waitForPersistentVolumeClaimPhase(watchPVC, api.ClaimBound)
pv, err = testClient.PersistentVolumes().Get(pv.Name)
if err != nil {
@ -176,7 +169,10 @@ func TestPersistentVolumeMultiPVs(t *testing.T) {
defer s.Close()
testClient, controller := createClients(s)
testClient, controller, watchPV, watchPVC := createClients(t, s)
defer watchPV.Stop()
defer watchPVC.Stop()
defer controller.Stop()
@ -185,31 +181,30 @@ func TestPersistentVolumeMultiPVs(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < maxPVs; i++ {
// This PV will be claimed, released, and deleted
pvs[i] = createPV("pv-"+strconv.Itoa(i), "/tmp/foo"+strconv.Itoa(i), strconv.Itoa(i)+"G",
[]api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce}, api.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete)
[]api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce}, api.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain)
pvc := createPVC("pvc-2", strconv.Itoa(maxPVs/2)+"G", []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce})
w, err := testClient.PersistentVolumes().Watch(api.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to watch PersistentVolumes: %v", err)
defer w.Stop()
for i := 0; i < maxPVs; i++ {
_, err = testClient.PersistentVolumes().Create(pvs[i])
_, err := testClient.PersistentVolumes().Create(pvs[i])
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to create PersistentVolume %d: %v", i, err)
t.Log("volumes created")
_, err = testClient.PersistentVolumeClaims(api.NamespaceDefault).Create(pvc)
_, err := testClient.PersistentVolumeClaims(api.NamespaceDefault).Create(pvc)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to create PersistentVolumeClaim: %v", err)
t.Log("claim created")
// wait until the controller pairs the volume and claim
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(w, api.VolumeBound)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(watchPV, api.VolumeBound)
t.Log("volume bound")
waitForPersistentVolumeClaimPhase(watchPVC, api.ClaimBound)
t.Log("claim bound")
// only one PV is bound
bound := 0
@ -232,6 +227,7 @@ func TestPersistentVolumeMultiPVs(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("claim bounded to %s capacity %v", pv.Name, pv.Spec.Capacity[api.ResourceStorage])
bound += 1
t.Log("volumes checked")
if bound != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Only 1 PV should be bound but got %d", bound)
@ -241,8 +237,10 @@ func TestPersistentVolumeMultiPVs(t *testing.T) {
if err := testClient.PersistentVolumeClaims(api.NamespaceDefault).Delete(pvc.Name, nil); err != nil {
t.Errorf("error deleting claim %s", pvc.Name)
t.Log("claim deleted")
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(w, api.VolumeReleased)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(watchPV, api.VolumeReleased)
t.Log("volumes released")
@ -252,25 +250,22 @@ func TestPersistentVolumeMultiPVsDiffAccessModes(t *testing.T) {
defer s.Close()
testClient, controller := createClients(s)
testClient, controller, watchPV, watchPVC := createClients(t, s)
defer watchPV.Stop()
defer watchPVC.Stop()
defer controller.Stop()
// This PV will be claimed, released, and deleted
pv_rwo := createPV("pv-rwo", "/tmp/foo", "10G",
[]api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce}, api.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete)
[]api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce}, api.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain)
pv_rwm := createPV("pv-rwm", "/tmp/bar", "10G",
[]api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteMany}, api.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete)
[]api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteMany}, api.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain)
pvc := createPVC("pvc-rwm", "5G", []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteMany})
w, err := testClient.PersistentVolumes().Watch(api.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to watch PersistentVolumes: %v", err)
defer w.Stop()
_, err = testClient.PersistentVolumes().Create(pv_rwm)
_, err := testClient.PersistentVolumes().Create(pv_rwm)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to create PersistentVolume: %v", err)
@ -278,14 +273,19 @@ func TestPersistentVolumeMultiPVsDiffAccessModes(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to create PersistentVolume: %v", err)
t.Log("volumes created")
_, err = testClient.PersistentVolumeClaims(api.NamespaceDefault).Create(pvc)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to create PersistentVolumeClaim: %v", err)
t.Log("claim created")
// wait until the controller pairs the volume and claim
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(w, api.VolumeBound)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(watchPV, api.VolumeBound)
t.Log("volume bound")
waitForPersistentVolumeClaimPhase(watchPVC, api.ClaimBound)
t.Log("claim bound")
// only RWM PV is bound
pv, err := testClient.PersistentVolumes().Get("pv-rwo")
@ -310,8 +310,10 @@ func TestPersistentVolumeMultiPVsDiffAccessModes(t *testing.T) {
if err := testClient.PersistentVolumeClaims(api.NamespaceDefault).Delete(pvc.Name, nil); err != nil {
t.Errorf("error deleting claim %s", pvc.Name)
t.Log("claim deleted")
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(w, api.VolumeReleased)
waitForPersistentVolumePhase(watchPV, api.VolumeReleased)
t.Log("volume released")
@ -326,7 +328,17 @@ func waitForPersistentVolumePhase(w watch.Interface, phase api.PersistentVolumeP
func createClients(s *httptest.Server) (*clientset.Clientset, *persistentvolumecontroller.PersistentVolumeController) {
func waitForPersistentVolumeClaimPhase(w watch.Interface, phase api.PersistentVolumeClaimPhase) {
for {
event := <-w.ResultChan()
claim := event.Object.(*api.PersistentVolumeClaim)
if claim.Status.Phase == phase {
func createClients(t *testing.T, s *httptest.Server) (*clientset.Clientset, *persistentvolumecontroller.PersistentVolumeController, watch.Interface, watch.Interface) {
// Use higher QPS and Burst, there is a test for race condition below, which
// creates many claims and default values were too low.
testClient := clientset.NewForConfigOrDie(&restclient.Config{Host: s.URL, ContentConfig: restclient.ContentConfig{GroupVersion: testapi.Default.GroupVersion()}, QPS: 1000, Burst: 100000})
@ -345,7 +357,17 @@ func createClients(s *httptest.Server) (*clientset.Clientset, *persistentvolumec
cloud := &fake_cloud.FakeCloud{}
ctrl := persistentvolumecontroller.NewPersistentVolumeController(testClient, 10*time.Second, nil, plugins, cloud, "", nil, nil, nil)
return testClient, ctrl
watchPV, err := testClient.PersistentVolumes().Watch(api.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to watch PersistentVolumes: %v", err)
watchPVC, err := testClient.PersistentVolumeClaims(api.NamespaceDefault).Watch(api.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to watch PersistentVolumeClaimss: %v", err)
return testClient, ctrl, watchPV, watchPVC
func createPV(name, path, cap string, mode []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode, reclaim api.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy) *api.PersistentVolume {
Reference in New Issue