mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
[WIP] v1.18.9-k3s1
Signed-off-by: MonzElmasry <menna.elmasry@rancher.com>pull/2268/head
@ -33,31 +33,31 @@ replace (
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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
language: go
language: go
- 1.8
- 1.14
- 1.7
- 1.13
- if ! go get code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/cover; then go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover; fi
- if ! go get code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/cover; then go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover; fi
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ install:
- go get
- go get
- go test -cover ./...
- go test -cover ./...
- cd ./v5
- go get
- go test -cover ./...
email: false
email: false
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the Evan Phoenix nor the names of its contributors
* Neither the name of the Evan Phoenix nor the names of its contributors
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# JSON-Patch
# JSON-Patch
`jsonpatch` is a library which provides functionallity for both applying
`jsonpatch` is a library which provides functionality for both applying
[RFC6902 JSON patches](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902) against documents, as
[RFC6902 JSON patches](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902) against documents, as
well as for calculating & applying [RFC7396 JSON merge patches](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7396).
well as for calculating & applying [RFC7396 JSON merge patches](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7396).
@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ well as for calculating & applying [RFC7396 JSON merge patches](https://tools.ie
**Latest and greatest**:
**Latest and greatest**:
go get -u github.com/evanphx/json-patch
go get -u github.com/evanphx/json-patch/v5
**Stable Versions**:
**Stable Versions**:
* Version 5: `go get -u gopkg.in/evanphx/json-patch.v5`
* Version 4: `go get -u gopkg.in/evanphx/json-patch.v4`
* Version 4: `go get -u gopkg.in/evanphx/json-patch.v4`
(previous versions below `v3` are unavailable)
(previous versions below `v3` are unavailable)
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ When ran, you get the following output:
$ go run main.go
$ go run main.go
patch document: {"height":null,"name":"Jane"}
patch document: {"height":null,"name":"Jane"}
updated tina doc: {"age":28,"name":"Jane"}
updated alternative doc: {"age":28,"name":"Jane"}
## Create and apply a JSON Patch
## Create and apply a JSON Patch
@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ func main() {
if !jsonpatch.Equal(original, different) {
if !jsonpatch.Equal(original, different) {
fmt.Println(`"original" is _not_ structurally equal to "similar"`)
fmt.Println(`"original" is _not_ structurally equal to "different"`)
@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ When ran, you get the following output:
$ go run main.go
$ go run main.go
"original" is structurally equal to "similar"
"original" is structurally equal to "similar"
"original" is _not_ structurally equal to "similar"
"original" is _not_ structurally equal to "different"
## Combine merge patches
## Combine merge patches
@ -307,13 +307,16 @@ func matchesValue(av, bv interface{}) bool {
return true
return true
case map[string]interface{}:
case map[string]interface{}:
bt := bv.(map[string]interface{})
bt := bv.(map[string]interface{})
for key := range at {
if len(bt) != len(at) {
if !matchesValue(at[key], bt[key]) {
return false
return false
for key := range bt {
for key := range bt {
if !matchesValue(at[key], bt[key]) {
av, aOK := at[key]
bv, bOK := bt[key]
if aOK != bOK {
return false
if !matchesValue(av, bv) {
return false
return false
@ -202,6 +202,10 @@ func (n *lazyNode) equal(o *lazyNode) bool {
return false
return false
if len(n.doc) != len(o.doc) {
return false
for k, v := range n.doc {
for k, v := range n.doc {
ov, ok := o.doc[k]
ov, ok := o.doc[k]
@ -209,6 +213,10 @@ func (n *lazyNode) equal(o *lazyNode) bool {
return false
return false
if (v == nil) != (ov == nil) {
return false
if v == nil && ov == nil {
if v == nil && ov == nil {
@ -429,15 +437,15 @@ func (d *partialArray) add(key string, val *lazyNode) error {
return errors.Wrapf(ErrInvalidIndex, "Unable to access invalid index: %d", idx)
return errors.Wrapf(ErrInvalidIndex, "Unable to access invalid index: %d", idx)
if SupportNegativeIndices {
if idx < 0 {
if !SupportNegativeIndices {
return errors.Wrapf(ErrInvalidIndex, "Unable to access invalid index: %d", idx)
if idx < -len(ary) {
if idx < -len(ary) {
return errors.Wrapf(ErrInvalidIndex, "Unable to access invalid index: %d", idx)
return errors.Wrapf(ErrInvalidIndex, "Unable to access invalid index: %d", idx)
if idx < 0 {
idx += len(ary)
idx += len(ary)
copy(ary[0:idx], cur[0:idx])
copy(ary[0:idx], cur[0:idx])
ary[idx] = val
ary[idx] = val
@ -473,15 +481,15 @@ func (d *partialArray) remove(key string) error {
return errors.Wrapf(ErrInvalidIndex, "Unable to access invalid index: %d", idx)
return errors.Wrapf(ErrInvalidIndex, "Unable to access invalid index: %d", idx)
if SupportNegativeIndices {
if idx < 0 {
if !SupportNegativeIndices {
return errors.Wrapf(ErrInvalidIndex, "Unable to access invalid index: %d", idx)
if idx < -len(cur) {
if idx < -len(cur) {
return errors.Wrapf(ErrInvalidIndex, "Unable to access invalid index: %d", idx)
return errors.Wrapf(ErrInvalidIndex, "Unable to access invalid index: %d", idx)
if idx < 0 {
idx += len(cur)
idx += len(cur)
ary := make([]*lazyNode, len(cur)-1)
ary := make([]*lazyNode, len(cur)-1)
@ -117,11 +117,38 @@ func WithImpersonation(handler http.Handler, a authorizer.Authorizer, s runtime.
if !groupsSpecified && username != user.Anonymous {
if username != user.Anonymous {
// When impersonating a non-anonymous user, if no groups were specified
// When impersonating a non-anonymous user, include the 'system:authenticated' group
// include the system:authenticated group in the impersonated user info
// in the impersonated user info:
// - if no groups were specified
// - if a group has been specified other than 'system:authenticated'
// If 'system:unauthenticated' group has been specified we should not include
// the 'system:authenticated' group.
addAuthenticated := true
for _, group := range groups {
if group == user.AllAuthenticated || group == user.AllUnauthenticated {
addAuthenticated = false
if addAuthenticated {
groups = append(groups, user.AllAuthenticated)
groups = append(groups, user.AllAuthenticated)
} else {
addUnauthenticated := true
for _, group := range groups {
if group == user.AllUnauthenticated {
addUnauthenticated = false
if addUnauthenticated {
groups = append(groups, user.AllUnauthenticated)
newUser := &user.DefaultInfo{
newUser := &user.DefaultInfo{
Name: username,
Name: username,
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ func (s *store) List(ctx context.Context, key, resourceVersion string, pred stor
newItemFunc := getNewItemFunc(listObj, v)
newItemFunc := getNewItemFunc(listObj, v)
var returnedRV, continueRV int64
var returnedRV, continueRV, withRev int64
var continueKey string
var continueKey string
switch {
switch {
case s.pagingEnabled && len(pred.Continue) > 0:
case s.pagingEnabled && len(pred.Continue) > 0:
@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ func (s *store) List(ctx context.Context, key, resourceVersion string, pred stor
// continueRV==0 is invalid.
// continueRV==0 is invalid.
// If continueRV < 0, the request is for the latest resource version.
// If continueRV < 0, the request is for the latest resource version.
if continueRV > 0 {
if continueRV > 0 {
options = append(options, clientv3.WithRev(continueRV))
withRev = continueRV
returnedRV = continueRV
returnedRV = continueRV
case s.pagingEnabled && pred.Limit > 0:
case s.pagingEnabled && pred.Limit > 0:
@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ func (s *store) List(ctx context.Context, key, resourceVersion string, pred stor
return apierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("invalid resource version: %v", err))
return apierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("invalid resource version: %v", err))
if fromRV > 0 {
if fromRV > 0 {
options = append(options, clientv3.WithRev(int64(fromRV)))
withRev = int64(fromRV)
returnedRV = int64(fromRV)
returnedRV = int64(fromRV)
@ -589,6 +589,9 @@ func (s *store) List(ctx context.Context, key, resourceVersion string, pred stor
options = append(options, clientv3.WithPrefix())
options = append(options, clientv3.WithPrefix())
if withRev != 0 {
options = append(options, clientv3.WithRev(withRev))
// loop until we have filled the requested limit from etcd or there are no more results
// loop until we have filled the requested limit from etcd or there are no more results
var lastKey []byte
var lastKey []byte
@ -654,6 +657,10 @@ func (s *store) List(ctx context.Context, key, resourceVersion string, pred stor
key = string(lastKey) + "\x00"
key = string(lastKey) + "\x00"
if withRev == 0 {
withRev = returnedRV
options = append(options, clientv3.WithRev(withRev))
// instruct the client to begin querying from immediately after the last key we returned
// instruct the client to begin querying from immediately after the last key we returned
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package version
var (
var (
gitMajor = "1"
gitMajor = "1"
gitMinor = "18"
gitMinor = "18"
gitVersion = "v1.18.8-k3s1"
gitVersion = "v1.18.9-k3s1"
gitCommit = "b86d0e4a07fd882c2f9718f4e82b06dfd4b55195"
gitCommit = "f1d9dca4e9681e74faee7359af3cc2df01a4b6d6"
gitTreeState = "clean"
gitTreeState = "clean"
buildDate = "2020-08-13T18:53:34Z"
buildDate = "2020-09-16T22:20:24Z"
@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ func (c *controller) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
var wg wait.Group
var wg wait.Group
defer wg.Wait()
wg.StartWithChannel(stopCh, r.Run)
wg.StartWithChannel(stopCh, r.Run)
wait.Until(c.processLoop, time.Second, stopCh)
wait.Until(c.processLoop, time.Second, stopCh)
// Returns true once this controller has completed an initial resource listing
// Returns true once this controller has completed an initial resource listing
@ -551,5 +551,26 @@ func isExpiredError(err error) bool {
func isTooLargeResourceVersionError(err error) bool {
func isTooLargeResourceVersionError(err error) bool {
return apierrors.HasStatusCause(err, metav1.CauseTypeResourceVersionTooLarge)
if apierrors.HasStatusCause(err, metav1.CauseTypeResourceVersionTooLarge) {
return true
// In Kubernetes 1.17.0-1.18.5, the api server doesn't set the error status cause to
// metav1.CauseTypeResourceVersionTooLarge to indicate that the requested minimum resource
// version is larger than the largest currently available resource version. To ensure backward
// compatibility with these server versions we also need to detect the error based on the content
// of the error message field.
if !apierrors.IsTimeout(err) {
return false
apierr, ok := err.(apierrors.APIStatus)
if !ok || apierr == nil || apierr.Status().Details == nil {
return false
for _, cause := range apierr.Status().Details.Causes {
// Matches the message returned by api server 1.17.0-1.18.5 for this error condition
if cause.Message == "Too large resource version" {
return true
return false
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github.com/hpcloud/tail v1.0.0/go.mod h1:ab1qPbhIpdTxEkNHXyeSf5vhxWSCs/tWer42PpOxQnU=
github.com/imdario/mergo v0.3.5/go.mod h1:2EnlNZ0deacrJVfApfmtdGgDfMuh/nq6Ok1EcJh5FfA=
github.com/imdario/mergo v0.3.5/go.mod h1:2EnlNZ0deacrJVfApfmtdGgDfMuh/nq6Ok1EcJh5FfA=
github.com/jessevdk/go-flags v1.4.0/go.mod h1:4FA24M0QyGHXBuZZK/XkWh8h0e1EYbRYJSGM75WSRxI=
github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.6/go.mod h1:+SdeFBvtyEkXs7REEP0seUULqWtbJapLOCVDaaPEHmU=
github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.6/go.mod h1:+SdeFBvtyEkXs7REEP0seUULqWtbJapLOCVDaaPEHmU=
github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.8 h1:QiWkFLKq0T7mpzwOTu6BzNDbfTE8OLrYhVKYMLF46Ok=
github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.8 h1:QiWkFLKq0T7mpzwOTu6BzNDbfTE8OLrYhVKYMLF46Ok=
github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.8/go.mod h1:KdQUCv79m/52Kvf8AW2vK1V8akMuk1QjK/uOdHXbAo4=
github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.8/go.mod h1:KdQUCv79m/52Kvf8AW2vK1V8akMuk1QjK/uOdHXbAo4=
@ -3640,12 +3640,19 @@ func DescribeEvents(el *corev1.EventList, w PrefixWriter) {
interval = fmt.Sprintf("%s (x%d over %s)", translateTimestampSince(e.LastTimestamp), e.Count, translateTimestampSince(e.FirstTimestamp))
interval = fmt.Sprintf("%s (x%d over %s)", translateTimestampSince(e.LastTimestamp), e.Count, translateTimestampSince(e.FirstTimestamp))
} else {
} else {
interval = translateTimestampSince(e.FirstTimestamp)
interval = translateTimestampSince(e.FirstTimestamp)
if e.FirstTimestamp.IsZero() {
interval = translateMicroTimestampSince(e.EventTime)
source := e.Source.Component
if source == "" {
source = e.ReportingController
w.Write(LEVEL_1, "%v\t%v\t%s\t%v\t%v\n",
w.Write(LEVEL_1, "%v\t%v\t%s\t%v\t%v\n",
@ -4739,6 +4746,16 @@ func shorten(s string, maxLength int) string {
return s
return s
// translateMicroTimestampSince returns the elapsed time since timestamp in
// human-readable approximation.
func translateMicroTimestampSince(timestamp metav1.MicroTime) string {
if timestamp.IsZero() {
return "<unknown>"
return duration.HumanDuration(time.Since(timestamp.Time))
// translateTimestampSince returns the elapsed time since timestamp in
// translateTimestampSince returns the elapsed time since timestamp in
// human-readable approximation.
// human-readable approximation.
func translateTimestampSince(timestamp metav1.Time) string {
func translateTimestampSince(timestamp metav1.Time) string {
@ -4749,15 +4766,6 @@ func translateTimestampSince(timestamp metav1.Time) string {
return duration.HumanDuration(time.Since(timestamp.Time))
return duration.HumanDuration(time.Since(timestamp.Time))
// formatEventSource formats EventSource as a comma separated string excluding Host when empty
func formatEventSource(es corev1.EventSource) string {
EventSourceString := []string{es.Component}
if len(es.Host) > 0 {
EventSourceString = append(EventSourceString, es.Host)
return strings.Join(EventSourceString, ", ")
// Pass ports=nil for all ports.
// Pass ports=nil for all ports.
func formatEndpoints(endpoints *corev1.Endpoints, ports sets.String) string {
func formatEndpoints(endpoints *corev1.Endpoints, ports sets.String) string {
if len(endpoints.Subsets) == 0 {
if len(endpoints.Subsets) == 0 {
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ go_test(
@ -602,7 +602,11 @@ func (r RealPodControl) DeletePod(namespace string, podID string, object runtime
return fmt.Errorf("object does not have ObjectMeta, %v", err)
return fmt.Errorf("object does not have ObjectMeta, %v", err)
klog.V(2).Infof("Controller %v deleting pod %v/%v", accessor.GetName(), namespace, podID)
klog.V(2).Infof("Controller %v deleting pod %v/%v", accessor.GetName(), namespace, podID)
if err := r.KubeClient.CoreV1().Pods(namespace).Delete(context.TODO(), podID, metav1.DeleteOptions{}); err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
if err := r.KubeClient.CoreV1().Pods(namespace).Delete(context.TODO(), podID, metav1.DeleteOptions{}); err != nil {
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
klog.V(4).Infof("pod %v/%v has already been deleted.", namespace, podID)
return err
r.Recorder.Eventf(object, v1.EventTypeWarning, FailedDeletePodReason, "Error deleting: %v", err)
r.Recorder.Eventf(object, v1.EventTypeWarning, FailedDeletePodReason, "Error deleting: %v", err)
return fmt.Errorf("unable to delete pods: %v", err)
return fmt.Errorf("unable to delete pods: %v", err)
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import (
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
apiequality "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/equality"
apiequality "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/equality"
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
@ -1005,11 +1006,13 @@ func (dsc *DaemonSetsController) syncNodes(ds *apps.DaemonSet, podsToDelete, nod
go func(ix int) {
go func(ix int) {
defer deleteWait.Done()
defer deleteWait.Done()
if err := dsc.podControl.DeletePod(ds.Namespace, podsToDelete[ix], ds); err != nil {
if err := dsc.podControl.DeletePod(ds.Namespace, podsToDelete[ix], ds); err != nil {
klog.V(2).Infof("Failed deletion, decrementing expectations for set %q/%q", ds.Namespace, ds.Name)
if !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
klog.V(2).Infof("Failed deletion, decremented expectations for set %q/%q", ds.Namespace, ds.Name)
errCh <- err
errCh <- err
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ go_test(
@ -65,6 +64,7 @@ go_test(
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ package endpoint
import (
import (
@ -213,39 +212,27 @@ func (e *EndpointController) addPod(obj interface{}) {
func podToEndpointAddressForService(svc *v1.Service, pod *v1.Pod) (*v1.EndpointAddress, error) {
func podToEndpointAddressForService(svc *v1.Service, pod *v1.Pod) (*v1.EndpointAddress, error) {
var endpointIP string
if !utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.IPv6DualStack) {
if !utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.IPv6DualStack) {
return podToEndpointAddress(pod), nil
// In a legacy cluster, the pod IP is guaranteed to be usable
endpointIP = pod.Status.PodIP
} else {
// api-server service controller ensured that the service got the correct IP Family
ipv6Service := endpointutil.IsIPv6Service(svc)
// according to user setup, here we only need to match EndPoint IPs' family to service
// actual IP family. as in, we don't need to check service.IPFamily
ipv6ClusterIP := utilnet.IsIPv6String(svc.Spec.ClusterIP)
for _, podIP := range pod.Status.PodIPs {
for _, podIP := range pod.Status.PodIPs {
ipv6PodIP := utilnet.IsIPv6String(podIP.IP)
ipv6PodIP := utilnet.IsIPv6String(podIP.IP)
// same family?
if ipv6Service == ipv6PodIP {
// TODO (khenidak) when we remove the max of 2 PodIP limit from pods
endpointIP = podIP.IP
// we will have to return multiple endpoint addresses
if ipv6ClusterIP == ipv6PodIP {
return &v1.EndpointAddress{
IP: podIP.IP,
NodeName: &pod.Spec.NodeName,
TargetRef: &v1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: pod.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
Name: pod.ObjectMeta.Name,
UID: pod.ObjectMeta.UID,
ResourceVersion: pod.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion,
}}, nil
if endpointIP == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find a matching endpoint for service %v", svc.Name)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find a matching endpoint for service %v", svc.Name)
func podToEndpointAddress(pod *v1.Pod) *v1.EndpointAddress {
return &v1.EndpointAddress{
return &v1.EndpointAddress{
IP: pod.Status.PodIP,
IP: endpointIP,
NodeName: &pod.Spec.NodeName,
NodeName: &pod.Spec.NodeName,
TargetRef: &v1.ObjectReference{
TargetRef: &v1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Kind: "Pod",
@ -253,24 +240,15 @@ func podToEndpointAddress(pod *v1.Pod) *v1.EndpointAddress {
Name: pod.ObjectMeta.Name,
Name: pod.ObjectMeta.Name,
UID: pod.ObjectMeta.UID,
UID: pod.ObjectMeta.UID,
ResourceVersion: pod.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion,
ResourceVersion: pod.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion,
}, nil
func endpointChanged(pod1, pod2 *v1.Pod) bool {
endpointAddress1 := podToEndpointAddress(pod1)
endpointAddress2 := podToEndpointAddress(pod2)
endpointAddress1.TargetRef.ResourceVersion = ""
endpointAddress2.TargetRef.ResourceVersion = ""
return !reflect.DeepEqual(endpointAddress1, endpointAddress2)
// When a pod is updated, figure out what services it used to be a member of
// When a pod is updated, figure out what services it used to be a member of
// and what services it will be a member of, and enqueue the union of these.
// and what services it will be a member of, and enqueue the union of these.
// old and cur must be *v1.Pod types.
// old and cur must be *v1.Pod types.
func (e *EndpointController) updatePod(old, cur interface{}) {
func (e *EndpointController) updatePod(old, cur interface{}) {
services := endpointutil.GetServicesToUpdateOnPodChange(e.serviceLister, e.serviceSelectorCache, old, cur, endpointChanged)
services := endpointutil.GetServicesToUpdateOnPodChange(e.serviceLister, e.serviceSelectorCache, old, cur)
for key := range services {
for key := range services {
e.queue.AddAfter(key, e.endpointUpdatesBatchPeriod)
e.queue.AddAfter(key, e.endpointUpdatesBatchPeriod)
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ go_library(
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ func (c *Controller) Run(workers int, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
klog.Infof("Starting endpoint slice controller")
klog.Infof("Starting endpoint slice controller")
defer klog.Infof("Shutting down endpoint slice controller")
defer klog.Infof("Shutting down endpoint slice controller")
if !cache.WaitForNamedCacheSync("endpoint_slice", stopCh, c.podsSynced, c.servicesSynced) {
if !cache.WaitForNamedCacheSync("endpoint_slice", stopCh, c.podsSynced, c.servicesSynced, c.endpointSlicesSynced, c.nodesSynced) {
@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ func (c *Controller) addPod(obj interface{}) {
func (c *Controller) updatePod(old, cur interface{}) {
func (c *Controller) updatePod(old, cur interface{}) {
services := endpointutil.GetServicesToUpdateOnPodChange(c.serviceLister, c.serviceSelectorCache, old, cur, podEndpointChanged)
services := endpointutil.GetServicesToUpdateOnPodChange(c.serviceLister, c.serviceSelectorCache, old, cur)
for key := range services {
for key := range services {
c.queue.AddAfter(key, c.endpointUpdatesBatchPeriod)
c.queue.AddAfter(key, c.endpointUpdatesBatchPeriod)
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
corelisters "k8s.io/client-go/listers/core/v1"
corelisters "k8s.io/client-go/listers/core/v1"
@ -59,7 +58,7 @@ type endpointMeta struct {
func (r *reconciler) reconcile(service *corev1.Service, pods []*corev1.Pod, existingSlices []*discovery.EndpointSlice, triggerTime time.Time) error {
func (r *reconciler) reconcile(service *corev1.Service, pods []*corev1.Pod, existingSlices []*discovery.EndpointSlice, triggerTime time.Time) error {
addressType := discovery.AddressTypeIPv4
addressType := discovery.AddressTypeIPv4
if isIPv6Service(service) {
if endpointutil.IsIPv6Service(service) {
addressType = discovery.AddressTypeIPv6
addressType = discovery.AddressTypeIPv6
@ -180,8 +179,6 @@ func (r *reconciler) finalize(
slicesToDelete []*discovery.EndpointSlice,
slicesToDelete []*discovery.EndpointSlice,
triggerTime time.Time,
triggerTime time.Time,
) error {
) error {
errs := []error{}
// If there are slices to create and delete, change the creates to updates
// If there are slices to create and delete, change the creates to updates
// of the slices that would otherwise be deleted.
// of the slices that would otherwise be deleted.
for i := 0; i < len(slicesToDelete); {
for i := 0; i < len(slicesToDelete); {
@ -206,6 +203,10 @@ func (r *reconciler) finalize(
// Don't create new EndpointSlices if the Service is pending deletion. This
// is to avoid a potential race condition with the garbage collector where
// it tries to delete EndpointSlices as this controller replaces them.
if service.DeletionTimestamp == nil {
for _, endpointSlice := range slicesToCreate {
for _, endpointSlice := range slicesToCreate {
addTriggerTimeAnnotation(endpointSlice, triggerTime)
addTriggerTimeAnnotation(endpointSlice, triggerTime)
createdSlice, err := r.client.DiscoveryV1beta1().EndpointSlices(service.Namespace).Create(context.TODO(), endpointSlice, metav1.CreateOptions{})
createdSlice, err := r.client.DiscoveryV1beta1().EndpointSlices(service.Namespace).Create(context.TODO(), endpointSlice, metav1.CreateOptions{})
@ -214,8 +215,8 @@ func (r *reconciler) finalize(
if errors.HasStatusCause(err, corev1.NamespaceTerminatingCause) {
if errors.HasStatusCause(err, corev1.NamespaceTerminatingCause) {
return nil
return nil
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Error creating EndpointSlice for Service %s/%s: %v", service.Namespace, service.Name, err))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create EndpointSlice for Service %s/%s: %v", service.Namespace, service.Name, err)
} else {
@ -225,24 +226,22 @@ func (r *reconciler) finalize(
addTriggerTimeAnnotation(endpointSlice, triggerTime)
addTriggerTimeAnnotation(endpointSlice, triggerTime)
updatedSlice, err := r.client.DiscoveryV1beta1().EndpointSlices(service.Namespace).Update(context.TODO(), endpointSlice, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
updatedSlice, err := r.client.DiscoveryV1beta1().EndpointSlices(service.Namespace).Update(context.TODO(), endpointSlice, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Error updating %s EndpointSlice for Service %s/%s: %v", endpointSlice.Name, service.Namespace, service.Name, err))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to update %s EndpointSlice for Service %s/%s: %v", endpointSlice.Name, service.Namespace, service.Name, err)
} else {
for _, endpointSlice := range slicesToDelete {
for _, endpointSlice := range slicesToDelete {
err := r.client.DiscoveryV1beta1().EndpointSlices(service.Namespace).Delete(context.TODO(), endpointSlice.Name, metav1.DeleteOptions{})
err := r.client.DiscoveryV1beta1().EndpointSlices(service.Namespace).Delete(context.TODO(), endpointSlice.Name, metav1.DeleteOptions{})
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Error deleting %s EndpointSlice for Service %s/%s: %v", endpointSlice.Name, service.Namespace, service.Name, err))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete %s EndpointSlice for Service %s/%s: %v", endpointSlice.Name, service.Namespace, service.Name, err)
} else {
return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs)
return nil
// reconcileByPortMapping compares the endpoints found in existing slices with
// reconcileByPortMapping compares the endpoints found in existing slices with
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ package endpointslice
import (
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
@ -36,19 +35,7 @@ import (
utilnet "k8s.io/utils/net"
utilnet "k8s.io/utils/net"
// podEndpointChanged returns true if the results of podToEndpoint are different
// podToEndpoint returns an Endpoint object generated from pod, node, and service.
// for the pods passed to this function.
func podEndpointChanged(pod1, pod2 *corev1.Pod) bool {
endpoint1 := podToEndpoint(pod1, &corev1.Node{}, &corev1.Service{Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{}})
endpoint2 := podToEndpoint(pod2, &corev1.Node{}, &corev1.Service{Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{}})
endpoint1.TargetRef.ResourceVersion = ""
endpoint2.TargetRef.ResourceVersion = ""
return !reflect.DeepEqual(endpoint1, endpoint2)
// podToEndpoint returns an Endpoint object generated from a Pod and Node.
func podToEndpoint(pod *corev1.Pod, node *corev1.Node, service *corev1.Service) discovery.Endpoint {
func podToEndpoint(pod *corev1.Pod, node *corev1.Node, service *corev1.Service) discovery.Endpoint {
// Build out topology information. This is currently limited to hostname,
// Build out topology information. This is currently limited to hostname,
// zone, and region, but this will be expanded in the future.
// zone, and region, but this will be expanded in the future.
@ -133,7 +120,7 @@ func getEndpointAddresses(podStatus corev1.PodStatus, service *corev1.Service) [
for _, podIP := range podStatus.PodIPs {
for _, podIP := range podStatus.PodIPs {
isIPv6PodIP := utilnet.IsIPv6String(podIP.IP)
isIPv6PodIP := utilnet.IsIPv6String(podIP.IP)
if isIPv6PodIP == isIPv6Service(service) {
if isIPv6PodIP == endpointutil.IsIPv6Service(service) {
addresses = append(addresses, podIP.IP)
addresses = append(addresses, podIP.IP)
@ -141,12 +128,6 @@ func getEndpointAddresses(podStatus corev1.PodStatus, service *corev1.Service) [
return addresses
return addresses
// isIPv6Service returns true if the Service uses IPv6 addresses.
func isIPv6Service(service *corev1.Service) bool {
// IPFamily is not guaranteed to be set, even in an IPv6 only cluster.
return (service.Spec.IPFamily != nil && *service.Spec.IPFamily == corev1.IPv6Protocol) || utilnet.IsIPv6String(service.Spec.ClusterIP)
// endpointsEqualBeyondHash returns true if endpoints have equal attributes
// endpointsEqualBeyondHash returns true if endpoints have equal attributes
// but excludes equality checks that would have already been covered with
// but excludes equality checks that would have already been covered with
// endpoint hashing (see hashEndpoint func for more info).
// endpoint hashing (see hashEndpoint func for more info).
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import (
batch "k8s.io/api/batch/v1"
batch "k8s.io/api/batch/v1"
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
utilruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime"
utilruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime"
@ -614,7 +615,7 @@ func (jm *JobController) deleteJobPods(job *batch.Job, pods []*v1.Pod, errCh cha
for i := int32(0); i < int32(nbPods); i++ {
for i := int32(0); i < int32(nbPods); i++ {
go func(ix int32) {
go func(ix int32) {
defer wait.Done()
defer wait.Done()
if err := jm.podControl.DeletePod(job.Namespace, pods[ix].Name, job); err != nil {
if err := jm.podControl.DeletePod(job.Namespace, pods[ix].Name, job); err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
defer utilruntime.HandleError(err)
defer utilruntime.HandleError(err)
klog.V(2).Infof("Failed to delete %v, job %q/%q deadline exceeded", pods[ix].Name, job.Namespace, job.Name)
klog.V(2).Infof("Failed to delete %v, job %q/%q deadline exceeded", pods[ix].Name, job.Namespace, job.Name)
errCh <- err
errCh <- err
@ -711,14 +712,17 @@ func (jm *JobController) manageJob(activePods []*v1.Pod, succeeded int32, job *b
go func(ix int32) {
go func(ix int32) {
defer wait.Done()
defer wait.Done()
if err := jm.podControl.DeletePod(job.Namespace, activePods[ix].Name, job); err != nil {
if err := jm.podControl.DeletePod(job.Namespace, activePods[ix].Name, job); err != nil {
defer utilruntime.HandleError(err)
// Decrement the expected number of deletes because the informer won't observe this deletion
// Decrement the expected number of deletes because the informer won't observe this deletion
klog.V(2).Infof("Failed to delete %v, decrementing expectations for job %q/%q", activePods[ix].Name, job.Namespace, job.Name)
if !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
klog.V(2).Infof("Failed to delete %v, decremented expectations for job %q/%q", activePods[ix].Name, job.Namespace, job.Name)
errCh <- err
errCh <- err
@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ go_test(
@ -265,11 +265,9 @@ func (d *namespacedResourcesDeleter) updateNamespaceStatusFunc(namespace *v1.Nam
if namespace.DeletionTimestamp.IsZero() || namespace.Status.Phase == v1.NamespaceTerminating {
if namespace.DeletionTimestamp.IsZero() || namespace.Status.Phase == v1.NamespaceTerminating {
return namespace, nil
return namespace, nil
newNamespace := v1.Namespace{}
newNamespace := namespace.DeepCopy()
newNamespace.ObjectMeta = namespace.ObjectMeta
newNamespace.Status = *namespace.Status.DeepCopy()
newNamespace.Status.Phase = v1.NamespaceTerminating
newNamespace.Status.Phase = v1.NamespaceTerminating
return d.nsClient.UpdateStatus(context.TODO(), &newNamespace, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
return d.nsClient.UpdateStatus(context.TODO(), newNamespace, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
// finalized returns true if the namespace.Spec.Finalizers is an empty list
// finalized returns true if the namespace.Spec.Finalizers is an empty list
@ -330,10 +328,8 @@ func (d *namespacedResourcesDeleter) deleteCollection(gvr schema.GroupVersionRes
// we have a resource returned in the discovery API that supports no top-level verbs:
// we have a resource returned in the discovery API that supports no top-level verbs:
// /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers
// /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers
// when working with this resource type, we will get a literal not found error rather than expected method not supported
// when working with this resource type, we will get a literal not found error rather than expected method not supported
// remember next time that this resource does not support delete collection...
if errors.IsMethodNotSupported(err) || errors.IsNotFound(err) {
if errors.IsMethodNotSupported(err) || errors.IsNotFound(err) {
klog.V(5).Infof("namespace controller - deleteCollection not supported - namespace: %s, gvr: %v", namespace, gvr)
klog.V(5).Infof("namespace controller - deleteCollection not supported - namespace: %s, gvr: %v", namespace, gvr)
return false, nil
return false, nil
@ -365,10 +361,8 @@ func (d *namespacedResourcesDeleter) listCollection(gvr schema.GroupVersionResou
// we have a resource returned in the discovery API that supports no top-level verbs:
// we have a resource returned in the discovery API that supports no top-level verbs:
// /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers
// /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers
// when working with this resource type, we will get a literal not found error rather than expected method not supported
// when working with this resource type, we will get a literal not found error rather than expected method not supported
// remember next time that this resource does not support delete collection...
if errors.IsMethodNotSupported(err) || errors.IsNotFound(err) {
if errors.IsMethodNotSupported(err) || errors.IsNotFound(err) {
klog.V(5).Infof("namespace controller - listCollection not supported - namespace: %s, gvr: %v", namespace, gvr)
klog.V(5).Infof("namespace controller - listCollection not supported - namespace: %s, gvr: %v", namespace, gvr)
return nil, false, nil
return nil, false, nil
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ go_test(
@ -358,7 +358,8 @@ func (tc *NoExecuteTaintManager) processPodOnNode(
minTolerationTime := getMinTolerationTime(usedTolerations)
minTolerationTime := getMinTolerationTime(usedTolerations)
// getMinTolerationTime returns negative value to denote infinite toleration.
// getMinTolerationTime returns negative value to denote infinite toleration.
if minTolerationTime < 0 {
if minTolerationTime < 0 {
klog.V(4).Infof("New tolerations for %v tolerate forever. Scheduled deletion won't be cancelled if already scheduled.", podNamespacedName.String())
klog.V(4).Infof("Current tolerations for %v tolerate forever, cancelling any scheduled deletion.", podNamespacedName.String())
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import (
apps "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
apps "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
@ -620,10 +621,12 @@ func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) manageReplicas(filteredPods []*v1.Pod, rs *apps
if err := rsc.podControl.DeletePod(rs.Namespace, targetPod.Name, rs); err != nil {
if err := rsc.podControl.DeletePod(rs.Namespace, targetPod.Name, rs); err != nil {
// Decrement the expected number of deletes because the informer won't observe this deletion
// Decrement the expected number of deletes because the informer won't observe this deletion
podKey := controller.PodKey(targetPod)
podKey := controller.PodKey(targetPod)
klog.V(2).Infof("Failed to delete %v, decrementing expectations for %v %s/%s", podKey, rsc.Kind, rs.Namespace, rs.Name)
rsc.expectations.DeletionObserved(rsKey, podKey)
rsc.expectations.DeletionObserved(rsKey, podKey)
if !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
klog.V(2).Infof("Failed to delete %v, decremented expectations for %v %s/%s", podKey, rsc.Kind, rs.Namespace, rs.Name)
errCh <- err
errCh <- err
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ go_library(
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
deps = [
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ go_library(
@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ import (
v1listers "k8s.io/client-go/listers/core/v1"
v1listers "k8s.io/client-go/listers/core/v1"
podutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/v1/pod"
podutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/v1/pod"
utilnet "k8s.io/utils/net"
// ServiceSelectorCache is a cache of service selectors to avoid high CPU consumption caused by frequent calls to AsSelectorPreValidated (see #73527)
// ServiceSelectorCache is a cache of service selectors to avoid high CPU consumption caused by frequent calls to AsSelectorPreValidated (see #73527)
@ -106,9 +108,6 @@ func (sc *ServiceSelectorCache) GetPodServiceMemberships(serviceLister v1listers
return set, nil
return set, nil
// EndpointsMatch is a type of function that returns true if pod endpoints match.
type EndpointsMatch func(*v1.Pod, *v1.Pod) bool
// PortMapKey is used to uniquely identify groups of endpoint ports.
// PortMapKey is used to uniquely identify groups of endpoint ports.
type PortMapKey string
type PortMapKey string
@ -153,9 +152,10 @@ func ShouldSetHostname(pod *v1.Pod, svc *v1.Service) bool {
return len(pod.Spec.Hostname) > 0 && pod.Spec.Subdomain == svc.Name && svc.Namespace == pod.Namespace
return len(pod.Spec.Hostname) > 0 && pod.Spec.Subdomain == svc.Name && svc.Namespace == pod.Namespace
// PodChanged returns two boolean values, the first returns true if the pod.
// podEndpointsChanged returns two boolean values. The first is true if the pod has
// has changed, the second value returns true if the pod labels have changed.
// changed in a way that may change existing endpoints. The second value is true if the
func PodChanged(oldPod, newPod *v1.Pod, endpointChanged EndpointsMatch) (bool, bool) {
// pod has changed in a way that may affect which Services it matches.
func podEndpointsChanged(oldPod, newPod *v1.Pod) (bool, bool) {
// Check if the pod labels have changed, indicating a possible
// Check if the pod labels have changed, indicating a possible
// change in the service membership
// change in the service membership
labelsChanged := false
labelsChanged := false
@ -175,16 +175,27 @@ func PodChanged(oldPod, newPod *v1.Pod, endpointChanged EndpointsMatch) (bool, b
if podutil.IsPodReady(oldPod) != podutil.IsPodReady(newPod) {
if podutil.IsPodReady(oldPod) != podutil.IsPodReady(newPod) {
return true, labelsChanged
return true, labelsChanged
// Convert the pod to an Endpoint, clear inert fields,
// and see if they are the same.
// Check if the pod IPs have changed
// TODO: Add a watcher for node changes separate from this
if len(oldPod.Status.PodIPs) != len(newPod.Status.PodIPs) {
// We don't want to trigger multiple syncs at a pod level when a node changes
return true, labelsChanged
return endpointChanged(newPod, oldPod), labelsChanged
for i := range oldPod.Status.PodIPs {
if oldPod.Status.PodIPs[i].IP != newPod.Status.PodIPs[i].IP {
return true, labelsChanged
// Endpoints may also reference a pod's Name, Namespace, UID, and NodeName, but
// the first three are immutable, and NodeName is immutable once initially set,
// which happens before the pod gets an IP.
return false, labelsChanged
// GetServicesToUpdateOnPodChange returns a set of Service keys for Services
// GetServicesToUpdateOnPodChange returns a set of Service keys for Services
// that have potentially been affected by a change to this pod.
// that have potentially been affected by a change to this pod.
func GetServicesToUpdateOnPodChange(serviceLister v1listers.ServiceLister, selectorCache *ServiceSelectorCache, old, cur interface{}, endpointChanged EndpointsMatch) sets.String {
func GetServicesToUpdateOnPodChange(serviceLister v1listers.ServiceLister, selectorCache *ServiceSelectorCache, old, cur interface{}) sets.String {
newPod := cur.(*v1.Pod)
newPod := cur.(*v1.Pod)
oldPod := old.(*v1.Pod)
oldPod := old.(*v1.Pod)
if newPod.ResourceVersion == oldPod.ResourceVersion {
if newPod.ResourceVersion == oldPod.ResourceVersion {
@ -193,7 +204,7 @@ func GetServicesToUpdateOnPodChange(serviceLister v1listers.ServiceLister, selec
return sets.String{}
return sets.String{}
podChanged, labelsChanged := PodChanged(oldPod, newPod, endpointChanged)
podChanged, labelsChanged := podEndpointsChanged(oldPod, newPod)
// If both the pod and labels are unchanged, no update is needed
// If both the pod and labels are unchanged, no update is needed
if !podChanged && !labelsChanged {
if !podChanged && !labelsChanged {
@ -266,3 +277,18 @@ func (sl portsInOrder) Less(i, j int) bool {
h2 := DeepHashObjectToString(sl[j])
h2 := DeepHashObjectToString(sl[j])
return h1 < h2
return h1 < h2
// IsIPv6Service checks if svc should have IPv6 endpoints
func IsIPv6Service(svc *v1.Service) bool {
if helper.IsServiceIPSet(svc) {
return utilnet.IsIPv6String(svc.Spec.ClusterIP)
} else if svc.Spec.IPFamily != nil {
return *svc.Spec.IPFamily == v1.IPv6Protocol
} else {
// FIXME: for legacy headless Services with no IPFamily, the current
// thinking is that we should use the cluster default. Unfortunately
// the endpoint controller doesn't know the cluster default. For now,
// assume it's IPv4.
return false
@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ const (
ErrReasonBindConflict ConflictReason = "node(s) didn't find available persistent volumes to bind"
ErrReasonBindConflict ConflictReason = "node(s) didn't find available persistent volumes to bind"
// ErrReasonNodeConflict is used for VolumeNodeAffinityConflict predicate error.
// ErrReasonNodeConflict is used for VolumeNodeAffinityConflict predicate error.
ErrReasonNodeConflict ConflictReason = "node(s) had volume node affinity conflict"
ErrReasonNodeConflict ConflictReason = "node(s) had volume node affinity conflict"
// ErrUnboundImmediatePVC is used when the pod has an unbound PVC in immedate binding mode.
ErrUnboundImmediatePVC ConflictReason = "pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims"
// InTreeToCSITranslator contains methods required to check migratable status
// InTreeToCSITranslator contains methods required to check migratable status
@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ func (b *volumeBinder) FindPodVolumes(pod *v1.Pod, node *v1.Node) (reasons Confl
// Immediate claims should be bound
// Immediate claims should be bound
if len(unboundClaimsImmediate) > 0 {
if len(unboundClaimsImmediate) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims")
return ConflictReasons{ErrUnboundImmediatePVC}, nil
// Check PV node affinity on bound volumes
// Check PV node affinity on bound volumes
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ approvers:
- vishh
- vishh
- yujuhong
- yujuhong
- dashpole
- dashpole
- sjenning
- sig-node-reviewers
- sig-node-reviewers
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# See the OWNERS docs at https://go.k8s.io/owners
- sjenning
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ approvers:
- vishh
- vishh
- yujuhong
- yujuhong
- ConnorDoyle
- ConnorDoyle
- sjenning
- klueska
- klueska
- sig-node-reviewers
- sig-node-reviewers
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ approvers:
- derekwaynecarr
- derekwaynecarr
- vishh
- vishh
- ConnorDoyle
- ConnorDoyle
- sjenning
- balajismaniam
- balajismaniam
- klueska
- klueska
@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ approvers:
- derekwaynecarr
- derekwaynecarr
- vishh
- vishh
- ConnorDoyle
- ConnorDoyle
- sjenning
@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ type OSInterface interface {
Pipe() (r *os.File, w *os.File, err error)
Pipe() (r *os.File, w *os.File, err error)
ReadDir(dirname string) ([]os.FileInfo, error)
ReadDir(dirname string) ([]os.FileInfo, error)
Glob(pattern string) ([]string, error)
Glob(pattern string) ([]string, error)
Open(name string) (*os.File, error)
OpenFile(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error)
Rename(oldpath, newpath string) error
// RealOS is used to dispatch the real system level operations.
// RealOS is used to dispatch the real system level operations.
@ -105,3 +108,18 @@ func (RealOS) ReadDir(dirname string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
func (RealOS) Glob(pattern string) ([]string, error) {
func (RealOS) Glob(pattern string) ([]string, error) {
return filepath.Glob(pattern)
return filepath.Glob(pattern)
// Open will call os.Open to return the file.
func (RealOS) Open(name string) (*os.File, error) {
return os.Open(name)
// OpenFile will call os.OpenFile to return the file.
func (RealOS) OpenFile(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error) {
return os.OpenFile(name, flag, perm)
// Rename will call os.Rename to rename a file.
func (RealOS) Rename(oldpath, newpath string) error {
return os.Rename(oldpath, newpath)
@ -81,6 +81,25 @@ func (ds *dockerService) ListContainers(_ context.Context, r *runtimeapi.ListCon
return &runtimeapi.ListContainersResponse{Containers: result}, nil
return &runtimeapi.ListContainersResponse{Containers: result}, nil
func (ds *dockerService) getContainerCleanupInfo(containerID string) (*containerCleanupInfo, bool) {
defer ds.cleanupInfosLock.RUnlock()
info, ok := ds.containerCleanupInfos[containerID]
return info, ok
func (ds *dockerService) setContainerCleanupInfo(containerID string, info *containerCleanupInfo) {
defer ds.cleanupInfosLock.Unlock()
ds.containerCleanupInfos[containerID] = info
func (ds *dockerService) clearContainerCleanupInfo(containerID string) {
defer ds.cleanupInfosLock.Unlock()
delete(ds.containerCleanupInfos, containerID)
// CreateContainer creates a new container in the given PodSandbox
// CreateContainer creates a new container in the given PodSandbox
// Docker cannot store the log to an arbitrary location (yet), so we create an
// Docker cannot store the log to an arbitrary location (yet), so we create an
// symlink at LogPath, linking to the actual path of the log.
// symlink at LogPath, linking to the actual path of the log.
@ -183,7 +202,7 @@ func (ds *dockerService) CreateContainer(_ context.Context, r *runtimeapi.Create
// we don't perform the clean up just yet at that could destroy information
// we don't perform the clean up just yet at that could destroy information
// needed for the container to start (e.g. Windows credentials stored in
// needed for the container to start (e.g. Windows credentials stored in
// registry keys); instead, we'll clean up when the container gets removed
// registry keys); instead, we'll clean up when the container gets removed
ds.containerCleanupInfos[containerID] = cleanupInfo
ds.setContainerCleanupInfo(containerID, cleanupInfo)
return &runtimeapi.CreateContainerResponse{ContainerId: containerID}, nil
return &runtimeapi.CreateContainerResponse{ContainerId: containerID}, nil
@ -459,11 +478,11 @@ func (ds *dockerService) UpdateContainerResources(_ context.Context, r *runtimea
func (ds *dockerService) performPlatformSpecificContainerForContainer(containerID string) (errors []error) {
func (ds *dockerService) performPlatformSpecificContainerForContainer(containerID string) (errors []error) {
if cleanupInfo, present := ds.containerCleanupInfos[containerID]; present {
if cleanupInfo, present := ds.getContainerCleanupInfo(containerID); present {
errors = ds.performPlatformSpecificContainerCleanupAndLogErrors(containerID, cleanupInfo)
errors = ds.performPlatformSpecificContainerCleanupAndLogErrors(containerID, cleanupInfo)
if len(errors) == 0 {
if len(errors) == 0 {
delete(ds.containerCleanupInfos, containerID)
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import (
dockertypes "github.com/docker/docker/api/types"
dockertypes "github.com/docker/docker/api/types"
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
runtimeapi "k8s.io/cri-api/pkg/apis/runtime/v1alpha2"
runtimeapi "k8s.io/cri-api/pkg/apis/runtime/v1alpha2"
kubeletconfig "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/apis/config"
kubeletconfig "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/apis/config"
@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ type dockerService struct {
// (see `applyPlatformSpecificDockerConfig` and `performPlatformSpecificContainerCleanup`
// (see `applyPlatformSpecificDockerConfig` and `performPlatformSpecificContainerCleanup`
// methods for more info).
// methods for more info).
containerCleanupInfos map[string]*containerCleanupInfo
containerCleanupInfos map[string]*containerCleanupInfo
cleanupInfosLock sync.RWMutex
// TODO: handle context.
// TODO: handle context.
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# See the OWNERS docs at https://go.k8s.io/owners
- sjenning
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# See the OWNERS docs at https://go.k8s.io/owners
- sjenning
@ -680,6 +680,22 @@ func NewMainKubelet(kubeCfg *kubeletconfiginternal.KubeletConfiguration,
klet.runtimeClassManager = runtimeclass.NewManager(kubeDeps.KubeClient)
klet.runtimeClassManager = runtimeclass.NewManager(kubeDeps.KubeClient)
if containerRuntime == kubetypes.RemoteContainerRuntime && utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.CRIContainerLogRotation) {
// setup containerLogManager for CRI container runtime
containerLogManager, err := logs.NewContainerLogManager(
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize container log manager: %v", err)
klet.containerLogManager = containerLogManager
} else {
klet.containerLogManager = logs.NewStubContainerLogManager()
runtime, err := kuberuntime.NewKubeGenericRuntimeManager(
runtime, err := kuberuntime.NewKubeGenericRuntimeManager(
@ -701,6 +717,7 @@ func NewMainKubelet(kubeCfg *kubeletconfiginternal.KubeletConfiguration,
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
@ -758,21 +775,6 @@ func NewMainKubelet(kubeCfg *kubeletconfiginternal.KubeletConfiguration,
klet.imageManager = imageManager
klet.imageManager = imageManager
if containerRuntime == kubetypes.RemoteContainerRuntime && utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.CRIContainerLogRotation) {
// setup containerLogManager for CRI container runtime
containerLogManager, err := logs.NewContainerLogManager(
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize container log manager: %v", err)
klet.containerLogManager = containerLogManager
} else {
klet.containerLogManager = logs.NewStubContainerLogManager()
if kubeCfg.ServerTLSBootstrap && kubeDeps.TLSOptions != nil && utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.RotateKubeletServerCertificate) {
if kubeCfg.ServerTLSBootstrap && kubeDeps.TLSOptions != nil && utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.RotateKubeletServerCertificate) {
klet.serverCertificateManager, err = kubeletcertificate.NewKubeletServerCertificateManager(klet.kubeClient, kubeCfg, klet.nodeName, klet.getLastObservedNodeAddresses, certDirectory)
klet.serverCertificateManager, err = kubeletcertificate.NewKubeletServerCertificateManager(klet.kubeClient, kubeCfg, klet.nodeName, klet.getLastObservedNodeAddresses, certDirectory)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ go_library(
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import (
kubecontainer "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/container"
kubecontainer "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/container"
proberesults "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/prober/results"
proberesults "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/prober/results"
@ -73,6 +74,10 @@ func (f *fakePodStateProvider) IsPodTerminated(uid types.UID) bool {
func newFakeKubeRuntimeManager(runtimeService internalapi.RuntimeService, imageService internalapi.ImageManagerService, machineInfo *cadvisorapi.MachineInfo, osInterface kubecontainer.OSInterface, runtimeHelper kubecontainer.RuntimeHelper, keyring credentialprovider.DockerKeyring) (*kubeGenericRuntimeManager, error) {
func newFakeKubeRuntimeManager(runtimeService internalapi.RuntimeService, imageService internalapi.ImageManagerService, machineInfo *cadvisorapi.MachineInfo, osInterface kubecontainer.OSInterface, runtimeHelper kubecontainer.RuntimeHelper, keyring credentialprovider.DockerKeyring) (*kubeGenericRuntimeManager, error) {
recorder := &record.FakeRecorder{}
recorder := &record.FakeRecorder{}
logManager, err := logs.NewContainerLogManager(runtimeService, osInterface, "1", 2)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kubeRuntimeManager := &kubeGenericRuntimeManager{
kubeRuntimeManager := &kubeGenericRuntimeManager{
recorder: recorder,
recorder: recorder,
cpuCFSQuota: false,
cpuCFSQuota: false,
@ -89,6 +94,7 @@ func newFakeKubeRuntimeManager(runtimeService internalapi.RuntimeService, imageS
seccompProfileRoot: fakeSeccompProfileRoot,
seccompProfileRoot: fakeSeccompProfileRoot,
internalLifecycle: cm.NewFakeInternalContainerLifecycle(),
internalLifecycle: cm.NewFakeInternalContainerLifecycle(),
logReduction: logreduction.NewLogReduction(identicalErrorDelay),
logReduction: logreduction.NewLogReduction(identicalErrorDelay),
logManager: logManager,
typedVersion, err := runtimeService.Version(kubeRuntimeAPIVersion)
typedVersion, err := runtimeService.Version(kubeRuntimeAPIVersion)
@ -883,19 +883,19 @@ func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) removeContainer(containerID string) error {
// removeContainerLog removes the container log.
// removeContainerLog removes the container log.
func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) removeContainerLog(containerID string) error {
func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) removeContainerLog(containerID string) error {
// Remove the container log.
// Use log manager to remove rotated logs.
err := m.logManager.Clean(containerID)
if err != nil {
return err
status, err := m.runtimeService.ContainerStatus(containerID)
status, err := m.runtimeService.ContainerStatus(containerID)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get container status %q: %v", containerID, err)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get container status %q: %v", containerID, err)
labeledInfo := getContainerInfoFromLabels(status.Labels)
path := status.GetLogPath()
if err := m.osInterface.Remove(path); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove container %q log %q: %v", containerID, path, err)
// Remove the legacy container log symlink.
// Remove the legacy container log symlink.
// TODO(random-liu): Remove this after cluster logging supports CRI container log path.
// TODO(random-liu): Remove this after cluster logging supports CRI container log path.
labeledInfo := getContainerInfoFromLabels(status.Labels)
legacySymlink := legacyLogSymlink(containerID, labeledInfo.ContainerName, labeledInfo.PodName,
legacySymlink := legacyLogSymlink(containerID, labeledInfo.ContainerName, labeledInfo.PodName,
if err := m.osInterface.Remove(legacySymlink); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err := m.osInterface.Remove(legacySymlink); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import (
proberesults "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/prober/results"
proberesults "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/prober/results"
@ -128,6 +129,9 @@ type kubeGenericRuntimeManager struct {
// A shim to legacy functions for backward compatibility.
// A shim to legacy functions for backward compatibility.
legacyLogProvider LegacyLogProvider
legacyLogProvider LegacyLogProvider
// Manage container logs.
logManager logs.ContainerLogManager
// Manage RuntimeClass resources.
// Manage RuntimeClass resources.
runtimeClassManager *runtimeclass.Manager
runtimeClassManager *runtimeclass.Manager
@ -170,6 +174,7 @@ func NewKubeGenericRuntimeManager(
imageService internalapi.ImageManagerService,
imageService internalapi.ImageManagerService,
internalLifecycle cm.InternalContainerLifecycle,
internalLifecycle cm.InternalContainerLifecycle,
legacyLogProvider LegacyLogProvider,
legacyLogProvider LegacyLogProvider,
logManager logs.ContainerLogManager,
runtimeClassManager *runtimeclass.Manager,
runtimeClassManager *runtimeclass.Manager,
) (KubeGenericRuntime, error) {
) (KubeGenericRuntime, error) {
kubeRuntimeManager := &kubeGenericRuntimeManager{
kubeRuntimeManager := &kubeGenericRuntimeManager{
@ -188,6 +193,7 @@ func NewKubeGenericRuntimeManager(
keyring: credentialprovider.NewDockerKeyring(),
keyring: credentialprovider.NewDockerKeyring(),
internalLifecycle: internalLifecycle,
internalLifecycle: internalLifecycle,
legacyLogProvider: legacyLogProvider,
legacyLogProvider: legacyLogProvider,
logManager: logManager,
runtimeClassManager: runtimeClassManager,
runtimeClassManager: runtimeClassManager,
logReduction: logreduction.NewLogReduction(identicalErrorDelay),
logReduction: logreduction.NewLogReduction(identicalErrorDelay),
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ go_library(
importpath = "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/logs",
importpath = "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/logs",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
deps = [
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ go_test(
srcs = ["container_log_manager_test.go"],
srcs = ["container_log_manager_test.go"],
embed = [":go_default_library"],
embed = [":go_default_library"],
deps = [
deps = [
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import (
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import (
internalapi "k8s.io/cri-api/pkg/apis"
internalapi "k8s.io/cri-api/pkg/apis"
runtimeapi "k8s.io/cri-api/pkg/apis/runtime/v1alpha2"
runtimeapi "k8s.io/cri-api/pkg/apis/runtime/v1alpha2"
kubecontainer "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/container"
const (
const (
@ -55,6 +57,8 @@ type ContainerLogManager interface {
// TODO(random-liu): Add RotateLogs function and call it under disk pressure.
// TODO(random-liu): Add RotateLogs function and call it under disk pressure.
// Start container log manager.
// Start container log manager.
// Clean removes all logs of specified container.
Clean(containerID string) error
// LogRotatePolicy is a policy for container log rotation. The policy applies to all
// LogRotatePolicy is a policy for container log rotation. The policy applies to all
@ -142,12 +146,14 @@ func parseMaxSize(size string) (int64, error) {
type containerLogManager struct {
type containerLogManager struct {
runtimeService internalapi.RuntimeService
runtimeService internalapi.RuntimeService
osInterface kubecontainer.OSInterface
policy LogRotatePolicy
policy LogRotatePolicy
clock clock.Clock
clock clock.Clock
mutex sync.Mutex
// NewContainerLogManager creates a new container log manager.
// NewContainerLogManager creates a new container log manager.
func NewContainerLogManager(runtimeService internalapi.RuntimeService, maxSize string, maxFiles int) (ContainerLogManager, error) {
func NewContainerLogManager(runtimeService internalapi.RuntimeService, osInterface kubecontainer.OSInterface, maxSize string, maxFiles int) (ContainerLogManager, error) {
if maxFiles <= 1 {
if maxFiles <= 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid MaxFiles %d, must be > 1", maxFiles)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid MaxFiles %d, must be > 1", maxFiles)
@ -157,12 +163,14 @@ func NewContainerLogManager(runtimeService internalapi.RuntimeService, maxSize s
// policy LogRotatePolicy
// policy LogRotatePolicy
return &containerLogManager{
return &containerLogManager{
osInterface: osInterface,
runtimeService: runtimeService,
runtimeService: runtimeService,
policy: LogRotatePolicy{
policy: LogRotatePolicy{
MaxSize: parsedMaxSize,
MaxSize: parsedMaxSize,
MaxFiles: maxFiles,
MaxFiles: maxFiles,
clock: clock.RealClock{},
clock: clock.RealClock{},
mutex: sync.Mutex{},
}, nil
}, nil
@ -176,7 +184,32 @@ func (c *containerLogManager) Start() {
}, logMonitorPeriod)
}, logMonitorPeriod)
// Clean removes all logs of specified container (including rotated one).
func (c *containerLogManager) Clean(containerID string) error {
defer c.mutex.Unlock()
status, err := c.runtimeService.ContainerStatus(containerID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get container status %q: %v", containerID, err)
pattern := fmt.Sprintf("%s*", status.GetLogPath())
logs, err := c.osInterface.Glob(pattern)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to list all log files with pattern %q: %v", pattern, err)
for _, l := range logs {
if err := c.osInterface.Remove(l); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove container %q log %q: %v", containerID, l, err)
return nil
func (c *containerLogManager) rotateLogs() error {
func (c *containerLogManager) rotateLogs() error {
defer c.mutex.Unlock()
// TODO(#59998): Use kubelet pod cache.
// TODO(#59998): Use kubelet pod cache.
containers, err := c.runtimeService.ListContainers(&runtimeapi.ContainerFilter{})
containers, err := c.runtimeService.ListContainers(&runtimeapi.ContainerFilter{})
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
@ -197,7 +230,7 @@ func (c *containerLogManager) rotateLogs() error {
path := status.GetLogPath()
path := status.GetLogPath()
info, err := os.Stat(path)
info, err := c.osInterface.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
klog.Errorf("Failed to stat container log %q: %v", path, err)
klog.Errorf("Failed to stat container log %q: %v", path, err)
@ -211,7 +244,7 @@ func (c *containerLogManager) rotateLogs() error {
// The container log should be recovered.
// The container log should be recovered.
info, err = os.Stat(path)
info, err = c.osInterface.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Failed to stat container log %q after reopen: %v", path, err)
klog.Errorf("Failed to stat container log %q after reopen: %v", path, err)
@ -269,7 +302,7 @@ func (c *containerLogManager) rotateLog(id, log string) error {
func (c *containerLogManager) cleanupUnusedLogs(logs []string) ([]string, error) {
func (c *containerLogManager) cleanupUnusedLogs(logs []string) ([]string, error) {
inuse, unused := filterUnusedLogs(logs)
inuse, unused := filterUnusedLogs(logs)
for _, l := range unused {
for _, l := range unused {
if err := os.Remove(l); err != nil {
if err := c.osInterface.Remove(l); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to remove unused log %q: %v", l, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to remove unused log %q: %v", l, err)
@ -322,7 +355,7 @@ func (c *containerLogManager) removeExcessLogs(logs []string) ([]string, error)
i := 0
i := 0
for ; i < len(logs)-maxRotatedFiles; i++ {
for ; i < len(logs)-maxRotatedFiles; i++ {
if err := os.Remove(logs[i]); err != nil {
if err := c.osInterface.Remove(logs[i]); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to remove old log %q: %v", logs[i], err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to remove old log %q: %v", logs[i], err)
@ -332,19 +365,19 @@ func (c *containerLogManager) removeExcessLogs(logs []string) ([]string, error)
// compressLog compresses a log to log.gz with gzip.
// compressLog compresses a log to log.gz with gzip.
func (c *containerLogManager) compressLog(log string) error {
func (c *containerLogManager) compressLog(log string) error {
r, err := os.Open(log)
r, err := c.osInterface.Open(log)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open log %q: %v", log, err)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open log %q: %v", log, err)
defer r.Close()
defer r.Close()
tmpLog := log + tmpSuffix
tmpLog := log + tmpSuffix
f, err := os.OpenFile(tmpLog, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
f, err := c.osInterface.OpenFile(tmpLog, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create temporary log %q: %v", tmpLog, err)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create temporary log %q: %v", tmpLog, err)
defer func() {
defer func() {
// Best effort cleanup of tmpLog.
// Best effort cleanup of tmpLog.
defer f.Close()
defer f.Close()
w := gzip.NewWriter(f)
w := gzip.NewWriter(f)
@ -353,11 +386,11 @@ func (c *containerLogManager) compressLog(log string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to compress %q to %q: %v", log, tmpLog, err)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to compress %q to %q: %v", log, tmpLog, err)
compressedLog := log + compressSuffix
compressedLog := log + compressSuffix
if err := os.Rename(tmpLog, compressedLog); err != nil {
if err := c.osInterface.Rename(tmpLog, compressedLog); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to rename %q to %q: %v", tmpLog, compressedLog, err)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to rename %q to %q: %v", tmpLog, compressedLog, err)
// Remove old log file.
// Remove old log file.
if err := os.Remove(log); err != nil {
if err := c.osInterface.Remove(log); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove log %q after compress: %v", log, err)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove log %q after compress: %v", log, err)
return nil
return nil
@ -368,14 +401,14 @@ func (c *containerLogManager) compressLog(log string) error {
func (c *containerLogManager) rotateLatestLog(id, log string) error {
func (c *containerLogManager) rotateLatestLog(id, log string) error {
timestamp := c.clock.Now().Format(timestampFormat)
timestamp := c.clock.Now().Format(timestampFormat)
rotated := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", log, timestamp)
rotated := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", log, timestamp)
if err := os.Rename(log, rotated); err != nil {
if err := c.osInterface.Rename(log, rotated); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to rotate log %q to %q: %v", log, rotated, err)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to rotate log %q to %q: %v", log, rotated, err)
if err := c.runtimeService.ReopenContainerLog(id); err != nil {
if err := c.runtimeService.ReopenContainerLog(id); err != nil {
// Rename the rotated log back, so that we can try rotating it again
// Rename the rotated log back, so that we can try rotating it again
// next round.
// next round.
// If kubelet gets restarted at this point, we'll lose original log.
// If kubelet gets restarted at this point, we'll lose original log.
if renameErr := os.Rename(rotated, log); renameErr != nil {
if renameErr := c.osInterface.Rename(rotated, log); renameErr != nil {
// This shouldn't happen.
// This shouldn't happen.
// Report an error if this happens, because we will lose original
// Report an error if this happens, because we will lose original
// log.
// log.
@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ type containerLogManagerStub struct{}
func (*containerLogManagerStub) Start() {}
func (*containerLogManagerStub) Start() {}
func (*containerLogManagerStub) Clean(containerID string) error {
return nil
// NewStubContainerLogManager returns an empty ContainerLogManager which does nothing.
// NewStubContainerLogManager returns an empty ContainerLogManager which does nothing.
func NewStubContainerLogManager() ContainerLogManager {
func NewStubContainerLogManager() ContainerLogManager {
return &containerLogManagerStub{}
return &containerLogManagerStub{}
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# See the OWNERS docs at https://go.k8s.io/owners
- sjenning
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# See the OWNERS docs at https://go.k8s.io/owners
- sjenning
@ -655,6 +655,16 @@ func listWithMoreString(list []string, more bool, count, max int) string {
return ret
return ret
// translateMicroTimestampSince returns the elapsed time since timestamp in
// human-readable approximation.
func translateMicroTimestampSince(timestamp metav1.MicroTime) string {
if timestamp.IsZero() {
return "<unknown>"
return duration.HumanDuration(time.Since(timestamp.Time))
// translateTimestampSince returns the elapsed time since timestamp in
// translateTimestampSince returns the elapsed time since timestamp in
// human-readable approximation.
// human-readable approximation.
func translateTimestampSince(timestamp metav1.Time) string {
func translateTimestampSince(timestamp metav1.Time) string {
@ -1660,6 +1670,9 @@ func printEvent(obj *api.Event, options printers.GenerateOptions) ([]metav1.Tabl
firstTimestamp := translateTimestampSince(obj.FirstTimestamp)
firstTimestamp := translateTimestampSince(obj.FirstTimestamp)
if obj.FirstTimestamp.IsZero() {
firstTimestamp = translateMicroTimestampSince(obj.EventTime)
lastTimestamp := translateTimestampSince(obj.LastTimestamp)
lastTimestamp := translateTimestampSince(obj.LastTimestamp)
if obj.LastTimestamp.IsZero() {
if obj.LastTimestamp.IsZero() {
lastTimestamp = firstTimestamp
lastTimestamp = firstTimestamp
@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ go_test(
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ func (pl *InterPodAffinity) PreFilter(ctx context.Context, cycleState *framework
// incomingPodAntiAffinityMap will be used later for efficient check on incoming pod's anti-affinity
// incomingPodAntiAffinityMap will be used later for efficient check on incoming pod's anti-affinity
incomingPodAffinityMap, incomingPodAntiAffinityMap, err := getTPMapMatchingIncomingAffinityAntiAffinity(pod, allNodes)
incomingPodAffinityMap, incomingPodAntiAffinityMap, err := getTPMapMatchingIncomingAffinityAntiAffinity(pod, allNodes)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return framework.NewStatus(framework.Error, fmt.Sprintf("calculating preFilterState: %v", err))
return framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, fmt.Sprintf("calculating preFilterState: %v", err))
s := &preFilterState{
s := &preFilterState{
@ -203,14 +203,12 @@ func (pl *InterPodAffinity) PreScore(
var antiAffinityTerms []*weightedAffinityTerm
var antiAffinityTerms []*weightedAffinityTerm
if hasAffinityConstraints {
if hasAffinityConstraints {
if affinityTerms, err = getWeightedAffinityTerms(pod, affinity.PodAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution); err != nil {
if affinityTerms, err = getWeightedAffinityTerms(pod, affinity.PodAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution); err != nil {
return framework.NewStatus(framework.Error, fmt.Sprintf("processing affinity terms: %+v", err))
return nil
if hasAntiAffinityConstraints {
if hasAntiAffinityConstraints {
if antiAffinityTerms, err = getWeightedAffinityTerms(pod, affinity.PodAntiAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution); err != nil {
if antiAffinityTerms, err = getWeightedAffinityTerms(pod, affinity.PodAntiAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution); err != nil {
return framework.NewStatus(framework.Error, fmt.Sprintf("processing affinity terms: %+v", err))
return nil
@ -22,13 +22,11 @@ import (
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
schedulerlisters "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/listers"
schedulernodeinfo "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/nodeinfo"
schedulernodeinfo "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/nodeinfo"
@ -316,12 +314,9 @@ func (cache *schedulerCache) removeDeletedNodesFromSnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot)
func (cache *schedulerCache) List(selector labels.Selector) ([]*v1.Pod, error) {
// PodCount returns the number of pods in the cache (including those from deleted nodes).
alwaysTrue := func(p *v1.Pod) bool { return true }
// DO NOT use outside of tests.
return cache.FilteredList(alwaysTrue, selector)
func (cache *schedulerCache) PodCount() (int, error) {
func (cache *schedulerCache) FilteredList(podFilter schedulerlisters.PodFilter, selector labels.Selector) ([]*v1.Pod, error) {
defer cache.mu.RUnlock()
defer cache.mu.RUnlock()
// podFilter is expected to return true for most or all of the pods. We
// podFilter is expected to return true for most or all of the pods. We
@ -331,15 +326,11 @@ func (cache *schedulerCache) FilteredList(podFilter schedulerlisters.PodFilter,
for _, n := range cache.nodes {
for _, n := range cache.nodes {
maxSize += len(n.info.Pods())
maxSize += len(n.info.Pods())
pods := make([]*v1.Pod, 0, maxSize)
count := 0
for _, n := range cache.nodes {
for _, n := range cache.nodes {
for _, pod := range n.info.Pods() {
count += len(n.info.Pods())
if podFilter(pod) && selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
pods = append(pods, pod)
return count, nil
return pods, nil
func (cache *schedulerCache) AssumePod(pod *v1.Pod) error {
func (cache *schedulerCache) AssumePod(pod *v1.Pod) error {
@ -429,13 +420,6 @@ func (cache *schedulerCache) addPod(pod *v1.Pod) {
// Assumes that lock is already acquired.
// Assumes that lock is already acquired.
func (cache *schedulerCache) updatePod(oldPod, newPod *v1.Pod) error {
func (cache *schedulerCache) updatePod(oldPod, newPod *v1.Pod) error {
if _, ok := cache.nodes[newPod.Spec.NodeName]; !ok {
// The node might have been deleted already.
// This is not a problem in the case where a pod update arrives before the
// node creation, because we will always have a create pod event before
// that, which will create the placeholder node item.
return nil
if err := cache.removePod(oldPod); err != nil {
if err := cache.removePod(oldPod); err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -444,18 +428,23 @@ func (cache *schedulerCache) updatePod(oldPod, newPod *v1.Pod) error {
// Assumes that lock is already acquired.
// Assumes that lock is already acquired.
// Removes a pod from the cached node info. When a node is removed, some pod
// Removes a pod from the cached node info. If the node information was already
// deletion events might arrive later. This is not a problem, as the pods in
// removed and there are no more pods left in the node, cleans up the node from
// the node are assumed to be removed already.
// the cache.
func (cache *schedulerCache) removePod(pod *v1.Pod) error {
func (cache *schedulerCache) removePod(pod *v1.Pod) error {
n, ok := cache.nodes[pod.Spec.NodeName]
n, ok := cache.nodes[pod.Spec.NodeName]
if !ok {
if !ok {
klog.Errorf("node %v not found when trying to remove pod %v", pod.Spec.NodeName, pod.Name)
return nil
return nil
if err := n.info.RemovePod(pod); err != nil {
if err := n.info.RemovePod(pod); err != nil {
return err
return err
if len(n.info.Pods()) == 0 && n.info.Node() == nil {
} else {
return nil
return nil
@ -625,21 +614,30 @@ func (cache *schedulerCache) UpdateNode(oldNode, newNode *v1.Node) error {
return n.info.SetNode(newNode)
return n.info.SetNode(newNode)
// RemoveNode removes a node from the cache.
// RemoveNode removes a node from the cache's tree.
// Some nodes might still have pods because their deletion events didn't arrive
// The node might still have pods because their deletion events didn't arrive
// yet. For most intents and purposes, those pods are removed from the cache,
// yet. Those pods are considered removed from the cache, being the node tree
// having it's source of truth in the cached nodes.
// the source of truth.
// However, some information on pods (assumedPods, podStates) persist. These
// However, we keep a ghost node with the list of pods until all pod deletion
// caches will be eventually consistent as pod deletion events arrive.
// events have arrived. A ghost node is skipped from snapshots.
func (cache *schedulerCache) RemoveNode(node *v1.Node) error {
func (cache *schedulerCache) RemoveNode(node *v1.Node) error {
defer cache.mu.Unlock()
defer cache.mu.Unlock()
_, ok := cache.nodes[node.Name]
n, ok := cache.nodes[node.Name]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("node %v is not found", node.Name)
return fmt.Errorf("node %v is not found", node.Name)
// We remove NodeInfo for this node only if there aren't any pods on this node.
// We can't do it unconditionally, because notifications about pods are delivered
// in a different watch, and thus can potentially be observed later, even though
// they happened before node removal.
if len(n.info.Pods()) == 0 {
} else {
if err := cache.nodeTree.removeNode(node); err != nil {
if err := cache.nodeTree.removeNode(node); err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -742,19 +740,6 @@ func (cache *schedulerCache) expirePod(key string, ps *podState) error {
return nil
return nil
// GetNodeInfo returns cached data for the node name.
func (cache *schedulerCache) GetNodeInfo(nodeName string) (*v1.Node, error) {
defer cache.mu.RUnlock()
n, ok := cache.nodes[nodeName]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("node %q not found in cache", nodeName)
return n.info.Node(), nil
// updateMetrics updates cache size metric values for pods, assumed pods, and nodes
// updateMetrics updates cache size metric values for pods, assumed pods, and nodes
func (cache *schedulerCache) updateMetrics() {
func (cache *schedulerCache) updateMetrics() {
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ func (d *CacheDumper) DumpAll() {
func (d *CacheDumper) dumpNodes() {
func (d *CacheDumper) dumpNodes() {
dump := d.cache.Dump()
dump := d.cache.Dump()
klog.Info("Dump of cached NodeInfo")
klog.Info("Dump of cached NodeInfo")
for _, nodeInfo := range dump.Nodes {
for name, nodeInfo := range dump.Nodes {
klog.Info(d.printNodeInfo(name, nodeInfo))
@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ func (d *CacheDumper) dumpSchedulingQueue() {
// printNodeInfo writes parts of NodeInfo to a string.
// printNodeInfo writes parts of NodeInfo to a string.
func (d *CacheDumper) printNodeInfo(n *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) string {
func (d *CacheDumper) printNodeInfo(name string, n *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) string {
var nodeData strings.Builder
var nodeData strings.Builder
nodeData.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\nNode name: %+v\nRequested Resources: %+v\nAllocatable Resources:%+v\nScheduled Pods(number: %v):\n",
nodeData.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\nNode name: %s\nDeleted: %t\nRequested Resources: %+v\nAllocatable Resources:%+v\nScheduled Pods(number: %v):\n",
n.Node().Name, n.RequestedResource(), n.AllocatableResource(), len(n.Pods())))
name, n.Node() == nil, n.RequestedResource(), n.AllocatableResource(), len(n.Pods())))
// Dumping Pod Info
// Dumping Pod Info
for _, p := range n.Pods() {
for _, p := range n.Pods() {
// Dumping nominated pods info on the node
// Dumping nominated pods info on the node
nominatedPods := d.podQueue.NominatedPodsForNode(n.Node().Name)
nominatedPods := d.podQueue.NominatedPodsForNode(name)
if len(nominatedPods) != 0 {
if len(nominatedPods) != 0 {
nodeData.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Nominated Pods(number: %v):\n", len(nominatedPods)))
nodeData.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Nominated Pods(number: %v):\n", len(nominatedPods)))
for _, p := range nominatedPods {
for _, p := range nominatedPods {
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ package cache
import (
import (
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
schedulerlisters "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/listers"
schedulernodeinfo "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/nodeinfo"
schedulernodeinfo "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/nodeinfo"
@ -57,7 +56,8 @@ import (
// - Both "Expired" and "Deleted" are valid end states. In case of some problems, e.g. network issue,
// - Both "Expired" and "Deleted" are valid end states. In case of some problems, e.g. network issue,
// a pod might have changed its state (e.g. added and deleted) without delivering notification to the cache.
// a pod might have changed its state (e.g. added and deleted) without delivering notification to the cache.
type Cache interface {
type Cache interface {
// PodCount returns the number of pods in the cache (including those from deleted nodes).
PodCount() (int, error)
// AssumePod assumes a pod scheduled and aggregates the pod's information into its node.
// AssumePod assumes a pod scheduled and aggregates the pod's information into its node.
// The implementation also decides the policy to expire pod before being confirmed (receiving Add event).
// The implementation also decides the policy to expire pod before being confirmed (receiving Add event).
@ -646,6 +646,12 @@ func (n *NodeInfo) SetNode(node *v1.Node) error {
return nil
return nil
// RemoveNode removes the node object, leaving all other tracking information.
func (n *NodeInfo) RemoveNode() {
n.node = nil
n.generation = nextGeneration()
// FilterOutPods receives a list of pods and filters out those whose node names
// FilterOutPods receives a list of pods and filters out those whose node names
// are equal to the node of this NodeInfo, but are not found in the pods of this NodeInfo.
// are equal to the node of this NodeInfo, but are not found in the pods of this NodeInfo.
@ -71,12 +71,16 @@ var maxDataDiskCountMap = map[string]int64{
"STANDARD_D15_V2": 64,
"STANDARD_D15_V2": 64,
"STANDARD_D16AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D16AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D16A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D16A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D16DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D16D_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D16S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D16S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D16_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D16_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D1_V2": 4,
"STANDARD_D1_V2": 4,
"STANDARD_D2_V2": 8,
"STANDARD_D2_V2": 8,
@ -84,6 +88,8 @@ var maxDataDiskCountMap = map[string]int64{
"STANDARD_D3": 16,
"STANDARD_D3": 16,
"STANDARD_D32AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D32AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D32A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D32A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D32DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D32D_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D32S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D32S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D32_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D32_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D3_V2": 16,
"STANDARD_D3_V2": 16,
@ -91,10 +97,14 @@ var maxDataDiskCountMap = map[string]int64{
"STANDARD_D4": 32,
"STANDARD_D4": 32,
"STANDARD_D48AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D48AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D48A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D48A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D48DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D48D_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D48S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D48S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D48_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D48_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D4_V2": 32,
"STANDARD_D4_V2": 32,
@ -103,10 +113,14 @@ var maxDataDiskCountMap = map[string]int64{
"STANDARD_D64AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D64AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D64A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D64A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D64DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D64D_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D64S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D64S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D64_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D64_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_D8A_V4": 16,
"STANDARD_D8A_V4": 16,
"STANDARD_D8D_V4": 16,
"STANDARD_D8S_V3": 16,
"STANDARD_D8S_V3": 16,
"STANDARD_D8_V3": 16,
"STANDARD_D8_V3": 16,
"STANDARD_D96AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_D96AS_V4": 32,
@ -150,47 +164,71 @@ var maxDataDiskCountMap = map[string]int64{
"STANDARD_DS5_V2": 64,
"STANDARD_DS5_V2": 64,
"STANDARD_E16-4DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E16-4S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E16-4S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E16-8DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E16-8S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E16-8S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E16AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E16AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E16A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E16A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E16DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E16D_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E16S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E16S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E16_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E16_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E20AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E20AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E20A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E20A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E20DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E20D_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E20S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E20S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E20_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E20_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E2_V3": 4,
"STANDARD_E2_V3": 4,
"STANDARD_E32-16DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E32-16S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E32-16S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E32-8DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E32-8S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E32-8S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E32AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E32AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E32A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E32A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E32DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E32D_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E32S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E32S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E32_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E32_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E4-2DS_V4": 8,
"STANDARD_E4-2S_V3": 8,
"STANDARD_E4-2S_V3": 8,
"STANDARD_E48AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E48AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E48A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E48A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E48DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E48D_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E48S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E48S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E48_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E48_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E4_V3": 8,
"STANDARD_E4_V3": 8,
"STANDARD_E64-16DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E64-16S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E64-16S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E64-32S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E64-32S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E64AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E64AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E64A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E64A_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E64DS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E64D_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E64IS_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E64IS_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E64I_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E64I_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E64S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E64S_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E64_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E64_V3": 32,
"STANDARD_E8-2DS_V4": 16,
"STANDARD_E8-2S_V3": 16,
"STANDARD_E8-2S_V3": 16,
"STANDARD_E8-4DS_V4": 16,
"STANDARD_E8-4S_V3": 16,
"STANDARD_E8-4S_V3": 16,
"STANDARD_E8A_V4": 16,
"STANDARD_E8A_V4": 16,
"STANDARD_E8D_V4": 16,
"STANDARD_E8S_V3": 16,
"STANDARD_E8S_V3": 16,
"STANDARD_E8_V3": 16,
"STANDARD_E8_V3": 16,
"STANDARD_E96AS_V4": 32,
"STANDARD_E96AS_V4": 32,
@ -268,6 +306,8 @@ var maxDataDiskCountMap = map[string]int64{
"STANDARD_M416-208MS_V2": 64,
"STANDARD_M416-208S_V2": 64,
"STANDARD_M416MS_V2": 64,
"STANDARD_M416MS_V2": 64,
"STANDARD_M416S_V2": 64,
"STANDARD_M416S_V2": 64,
"STANDARD_M64-16MS": 64,
"STANDARD_M64-16MS": 64,
@ -69,7 +69,11 @@ func getPageSize(path string, mounter mount.Interface) (*resource.Quantity, erro
// NOTE: Adding suffix 'i' as result should be comparable with a medium size.
// NOTE: Adding suffix 'i' as result should be comparable with a medium size.
// pagesize mount option is specified without a suffix,
// pagesize mount option is specified without a suffix,
// e.g. pagesize=2M or pagesize=1024M for x86 CPUs
// e.g. pagesize=2M or pagesize=1024M for x86 CPUs
pageSize, err := resource.ParseQuantity(strings.TrimPrefix(opt, prefix) + "i")
trimmedOpt := strings.TrimPrefix(opt, prefix)
if !strings.HasSuffix(trimmedOpt, "i") {
trimmedOpt = trimmedOpt + "i"
pageSize, err := resource.ParseQuantity(trimmedOpt)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting page size from '%s' mount option: %v", opt, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting page size from '%s' mount option: %v", opt, err)
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import (
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
@ -46,7 +47,10 @@ func SetVolumeOwnership(mounter Mounter, fsGroup *int64, fsGroupChangePolicy *v1
fsGroupPolicyEnabled := utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ConfigurableFSGroupPolicy)
fsGroupPolicyEnabled := utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ConfigurableFSGroupPolicy)
timer := time.AfterFunc(30*time.Second, func() {
klog.Warningf("Setting volume ownership for %s and fsGroup set. If the volume has a lot of files then setting volume ownership could be slow, see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/69699", mounter.GetPath())
klog.Warningf("Setting volume ownership for %s and fsGroup set. If the volume has a lot of files then setting volume ownership could be slow, see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/69699", mounter.GetPath())
defer timer.Stop()
// This code exists for legacy purposes, so as old behaviour is entirely preserved when feature gate is disabled
// This code exists for legacy purposes, so as old behaviour is entirely preserved when feature gate is disabled
// TODO: remove this when ConfigurableFSGroupPolicy turns GA.
// TODO: remove this when ConfigurableFSGroupPolicy turns GA.
@ -251,6 +251,14 @@ const (
filterNodeLimit = 150
filterNodeLimit = 150
const (
// represents expected attachment status of a volume after attach
volumeAttachedStatus = "attached"
// represents expected attachment status of a volume after detach
volumeDetachedStatus = "detached"
// awsTagNameMasterRoles is a set of well-known AWS tag names that indicate the instance is a master
// awsTagNameMasterRoles is a set of well-known AWS tag names that indicate the instance is a master
// The major consequence is that it is then not considered for AWS zone discovery for dynamic volume creation.
// The major consequence is that it is then not considered for AWS zone discovery for dynamic volume creation.
var awsTagNameMasterRoles = sets.NewString("kubernetes.io/role/master", "k8s.io/role/master")
var awsTagNameMasterRoles = sets.NewString("kubernetes.io/role/master", "k8s.io/role/master")
@ -1929,7 +1937,6 @@ func (c *Cloud) getMountDevice(
// AWS API returns consistent result next time (i.e. the volume is detached).
// AWS API returns consistent result next time (i.e. the volume is detached).
status := volumeStatus[mappingVolumeID]
status := volumeStatus[mappingVolumeID]
klog.Warningf("Got assignment call for already-assigned volume: %s@%s, volume status: %s", mountDevice, mappingVolumeID, status)
klog.Warningf("Got assignment call for already-assigned volume: %s@%s, volume status: %s", mountDevice, mappingVolumeID, status)
return mountDevice, false, fmt.Errorf("volume is still being detached from the node")
return mountDevice, true, nil
return mountDevice, true, nil
@ -2130,7 +2137,7 @@ func (c *Cloud) applyUnSchedulableTaint(nodeName types.NodeName, reason string)
// waitForAttachmentStatus polls until the attachment status is the expected value
// waitForAttachmentStatus polls until the attachment status is the expected value
// On success, it returns the last attachment state.
// On success, it returns the last attachment state.
func (d *awsDisk) waitForAttachmentStatus(status string, expectedInstance, expectedDevice string) (*ec2.VolumeAttachment, error) {
func (d *awsDisk) waitForAttachmentStatus(status string, expectedInstance, expectedDevice string, alreadyAttached bool) (*ec2.VolumeAttachment, error) {
backoff := wait.Backoff{
backoff := wait.Backoff{
Duration: volumeAttachmentStatusPollDelay,
Duration: volumeAttachmentStatusPollDelay,
Factor: volumeAttachmentStatusFactor,
Factor: volumeAttachmentStatusFactor,
@ -2155,7 +2162,7 @@ func (d *awsDisk) waitForAttachmentStatus(status string, expectedInstance, expec
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
// The VolumeNotFound error is special -- we don't need to wait for it to repeat
// The VolumeNotFound error is special -- we don't need to wait for it to repeat
if isAWSErrorVolumeNotFound(err) {
if isAWSErrorVolumeNotFound(err) {
if status == "detached" {
if status == volumeDetachedStatus {
// The disk doesn't exist, assume it's detached, log warning and stop waiting
// The disk doesn't exist, assume it's detached, log warning and stop waiting
klog.Warningf("Waiting for volume %q to be detached but the volume does not exist", d.awsID)
klog.Warningf("Waiting for volume %q to be detached but the volume does not exist", d.awsID)
stateStr := "detached"
stateStr := "detached"
@ -2164,7 +2171,7 @@ func (d *awsDisk) waitForAttachmentStatus(status string, expectedInstance, expec
return true, nil
return true, nil
if status == "attached" {
if status == volumeAttachedStatus {
// The disk doesn't exist, complain, give up waiting and report error
// The disk doesn't exist, complain, give up waiting and report error
klog.Warningf("Waiting for volume %q to be attached but the volume does not exist", d.awsID)
klog.Warningf("Waiting for volume %q to be attached but the volume does not exist", d.awsID)
return false, err
return false, err
@ -2199,7 +2206,7 @@ func (d *awsDisk) waitForAttachmentStatus(status string, expectedInstance, expec
if attachmentStatus == "" {
if attachmentStatus == "" {
attachmentStatus = "detached"
attachmentStatus = volumeDetachedStatus
if attachment != nil {
if attachment != nil {
// AWS eventual consistency can go back in time.
// AWS eventual consistency can go back in time.
@ -2228,6 +2235,13 @@ func (d *awsDisk) waitForAttachmentStatus(status string, expectedInstance, expec
// if we expected volume to be attached and it was reported as already attached via DescribeInstance call
// but DescribeVolume told us volume is detached, we will short-circuit this long wait loop and return error
// so as AttachDisk can be retried without waiting for 20 minutes.
if (status == volumeAttachedStatus) && alreadyAttached && (attachmentStatus != status) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("attachment of disk %q failed, expected device to be attached but was %s", d.name, attachmentStatus)
if attachmentStatus == status {
if attachmentStatus == status {
// Attachment is in requested state, finish waiting
// Attachment is in requested state, finish waiting
return true, nil
return true, nil
@ -2373,7 +2387,7 @@ func (c *Cloud) AttachDisk(diskName KubernetesVolumeID, nodeName types.NodeName)
klog.V(2).Infof("AttachVolume volume=%q instance=%q request returned %v", disk.awsID, awsInstance.awsID, attachResponse)
klog.V(2).Infof("AttachVolume volume=%q instance=%q request returned %v", disk.awsID, awsInstance.awsID, attachResponse)
attachment, err := disk.waitForAttachmentStatus("attached", awsInstance.awsID, ec2Device)
attachment, err := disk.waitForAttachmentStatus("attached", awsInstance.awsID, ec2Device, alreadyAttached)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
if err == wait.ErrWaitTimeout {
if err == wait.ErrWaitTimeout {
@ -2451,7 +2465,7 @@ func (c *Cloud) DetachDisk(diskName KubernetesVolumeID, nodeName types.NodeName)
return "", errors.New("no response from DetachVolume")
return "", errors.New("no response from DetachVolume")
attachment, err := diskInfo.disk.waitForAttachmentStatus("detached", awsInstance.awsID, "")
attachment, err := diskInfo.disk.waitForAttachmentStatus("detached", awsInstance.awsID, "", false)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "", err
@ -3603,6 +3617,27 @@ func buildListener(port v1.ServicePort, annotations map[string]string, sslPorts
return listener, nil
return listener, nil
func (c *Cloud) getSubnetCidrs(subnetIDs []string) ([]string, error) {
request := &ec2.DescribeSubnetsInput{}
for _, subnetID := range subnetIDs {
request.SubnetIds = append(request.SubnetIds, aws.String(subnetID))
subnets, err := c.ec2.DescribeSubnets(request)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error querying Subnet for ELB: %q", err)
if len(subnets) != len(subnetIDs) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error querying Subnet for ELB, got %d subnets for %v", len(subnets), subnetIDs)
cidrs := make([]string, 0, len(subnets))
for _, subnet := range subnets {
cidrs = append(cidrs, aws.StringValue(subnet.CidrBlock))
return cidrs, nil
// EnsureLoadBalancer implements LoadBalancer.EnsureLoadBalancer
// EnsureLoadBalancer implements LoadBalancer.EnsureLoadBalancer
func (c *Cloud) EnsureLoadBalancer(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, apiService *v1.Service, nodes []*v1.Node) (*v1.LoadBalancerStatus, error) {
func (c *Cloud) EnsureLoadBalancer(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, apiService *v1.Service, nodes []*v1.Node) (*v1.LoadBalancerStatus, error) {
annotations := apiService.Annotations
annotations := apiService.Annotations
@ -3730,6 +3765,12 @@ func (c *Cloud) EnsureLoadBalancer(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, apiS
return nil, err
return nil, err
subnetCidrs, err := c.getSubnetCidrs(subnetIDs)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Error getting subnet cidrs: %q", err)
return nil, err
sourceRangeCidrs := []string{}
sourceRangeCidrs := []string{}
for cidr := range sourceRanges {
for cidr := range sourceRanges {
sourceRangeCidrs = append(sourceRangeCidrs, cidr)
sourceRangeCidrs = append(sourceRangeCidrs, cidr)
@ -3738,7 +3779,7 @@ func (c *Cloud) EnsureLoadBalancer(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, apiS
sourceRangeCidrs = append(sourceRangeCidrs, "")
sourceRangeCidrs = append(sourceRangeCidrs, "")
err = c.updateInstanceSecurityGroupsForNLB(loadBalancerName, instances, sourceRangeCidrs, v2Mappings)
err = c.updateInstanceSecurityGroupsForNLB(loadBalancerName, instances, subnetCidrs, sourceRangeCidrs, v2Mappings)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
klog.Warningf("Error opening ingress rules for the load balancer to the instances: %q", err)
klog.Warningf("Error opening ingress rules for the load balancer to the instances: %q", err)
return nil, err
return nil, err
@ -4317,7 +4358,7 @@ func (c *Cloud) EnsureLoadBalancerDeleted(ctx context.Context, clusterName strin
return c.updateInstanceSecurityGroupsForNLB(loadBalancerName, nil, nil, nil)
return c.updateInstanceSecurityGroupsForNLB(loadBalancerName, nil, nil, nil, nil)
lb, err := c.describeLoadBalancer(loadBalancerName)
lb, err := c.describeLoadBalancer(loadBalancerName)
@ -4719,7 +4760,7 @@ func setNodeDisk(
func getInitialAttachDetachDelay(status string) time.Duration {
func getInitialAttachDetachDelay(status string) time.Duration {
if status == "detached" {
if status == volumeDetachedStatus {
return volumeDetachmentStatusInitialDelay
return volumeDetachmentStatusInitialDelay
return volumeAttachmentStatusInitialDelay
return volumeAttachmentStatusInitialDelay
@ -706,27 +706,9 @@ func (c *Cloud) ensureTargetGroup(targetGroup *elbv2.TargetGroup, serviceName ty
return targetGroup, nil
return targetGroup, nil
func (c *Cloud) getVpcCidrBlocks() ([]string, error) {
vpcs, err := c.ec2.DescribeVpcs(&ec2.DescribeVpcsInput{
VpcIds: []*string{aws.String(c.vpcID)},
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error querying VPC for ELB: %q", err)
if len(vpcs.Vpcs) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error querying VPC for ELB, got %d vpcs for %s", len(vpcs.Vpcs), c.vpcID)
cidrBlocks := make([]string, 0, len(vpcs.Vpcs[0].CidrBlockAssociationSet))
for _, cidr := range vpcs.Vpcs[0].CidrBlockAssociationSet {
cidrBlocks = append(cidrBlocks, aws.StringValue(cidr.CidrBlock))
return cidrBlocks, nil
// updateInstanceSecurityGroupsForNLB will adjust securityGroup's settings to allow inbound traffic into instances from clientCIDRs and portMappings.
// updateInstanceSecurityGroupsForNLB will adjust securityGroup's settings to allow inbound traffic into instances from clientCIDRs and portMappings.
// TIP: if either instances or clientCIDRs or portMappings are nil, then the securityGroup rules for lbName are cleared.
// TIP: if either instances or clientCIDRs or portMappings are nil, then the securityGroup rules for lbName are cleared.
func (c *Cloud) updateInstanceSecurityGroupsForNLB(lbName string, instances map[InstanceID]*ec2.Instance, clientCIDRs []string, portMappings []nlbPortMapping) error {
func (c *Cloud) updateInstanceSecurityGroupsForNLB(lbName string, instances map[InstanceID]*ec2.Instance, subnetCIDRs []string, clientCIDRs []string, portMappings []nlbPortMapping) error {
if c.cfg.Global.DisableSecurityGroupIngress {
if c.cfg.Global.DisableSecurityGroupIngress {
return nil
return nil
@ -770,14 +752,10 @@ func (c *Cloud) updateInstanceSecurityGroupsForNLB(lbName string, instances map[
clientRuleAnnotation := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", NLBClientRuleDescription, lbName)
clientRuleAnnotation := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", NLBClientRuleDescription, lbName)
healthRuleAnnotation := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", NLBHealthCheckRuleDescription, lbName)
healthRuleAnnotation := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", NLBHealthCheckRuleDescription, lbName)
vpcCIDRs, err := c.getVpcCidrBlocks()
if err != nil {
return err
for sgID, sg := range clusterSGs {
for sgID, sg := range clusterSGs {
sgPerms := NewIPPermissionSet(sg.IpPermissions...).Ungroup()
sgPerms := NewIPPermissionSet(sg.IpPermissions...).Ungroup()
if desiredSGIDs.Has(sgID) {
if desiredSGIDs.Has(sgID) {
if err := c.updateInstanceSecurityGroupForNLBTraffic(sgID, sgPerms, healthRuleAnnotation, "tcp", healthCheckPorts, vpcCIDRs); err != nil {
if err := c.updateInstanceSecurityGroupForNLBTraffic(sgID, sgPerms, healthRuleAnnotation, "tcp", healthCheckPorts, subnetCIDRs); err != nil {
return err
return err
if err := c.updateInstanceSecurityGroupForNLBTraffic(sgID, sgPerms, clientRuleAnnotation, "tcp", clientPorts, clientCIDRs); err != nil {
if err := c.updateInstanceSecurityGroupForNLBTraffic(sgID, sgPerms, clientRuleAnnotation, "tcp", clientPorts, clientCIDRs); err != nil {
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ func (az *Cloud) InitializeCloudFromConfig(config *Config, fromSecret bool) erro
// No credentials provided, useInstanceMetadata should be enabled for Kubelet.
// No credentials provided, useInstanceMetadata should be enabled for Kubelet.
// TODO(feiskyer): print different error message for Kubelet and controller-manager, as they're
// TODO(feiskyer): print different error message for Kubelet and controller-manager, as they're
// requiring different credential settings.
// requiring different credential settings.
if !config.UseInstanceMetadata && az.Config.CloudConfigType == cloudConfigTypeFile {
if !config.UseInstanceMetadata && config.CloudConfigType == cloudConfigTypeFile {
return fmt.Errorf("useInstanceMetadata must be enabled without Azure credentials")
return fmt.Errorf("useInstanceMetadata must be enabled without Azure credentials")
@ -1358,6 +1358,9 @@ func (ss *scaleSet) ensureBackendPoolDeletedFromVMSS(service *v1.Service, backen
for vmssName := range vmssNamesMap {
for vmssName := range vmssNamesMap {
vmss, err := ss.getVMSS(vmssName, azcache.CacheReadTypeDefault)
vmss, err := ss.getVMSS(vmssName, azcache.CacheReadTypeDefault)
if err != nil {
return err
// When vmss is being deleted, CreateOrUpdate API would report "the vmss is being deleted" error.
// When vmss is being deleted, CreateOrUpdate API would report "the vmss is being deleted" error.
// Since it is being deleted, we shouldn't send more CreateOrUpdate requests for it.
// Since it is being deleted, we shouldn't send more CreateOrUpdate requests for it.
@ -1365,10 +1368,6 @@ func (ss *scaleSet) ensureBackendPoolDeletedFromVMSS(service *v1.Service, backen
klog.V(3).Infof("ensureVMSSInPool: found vmss %s being deleted, skipping", vmssName)
klog.V(3).Infof("ensureVMSSInPool: found vmss %s being deleted, skipping", vmssName)
if err != nil {
return err
if vmss.VirtualMachineProfile.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaceConfigurations == nil {
if vmss.VirtualMachineProfile.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaceConfigurations == nil {
klog.V(4).Infof("EnsureHostInPool: cannot obtain the primary network interface configuration, of vmss %s", vmssName)
klog.V(4).Infof("EnsureHostInPool: cannot obtain the primary network interface configuration, of vmss %s", vmssName)
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ github.com/emicklei/go-restful
# github.com/euank/go-kmsg-parser v2.0.0+incompatible
# github.com/euank/go-kmsg-parser v2.0.0+incompatible
# github.com/evanphx/json-patch v4.5.0+incompatible
# github.com/evanphx/json-patch v4.9.0+incompatible
# github.com/exponent-io/jsonpath v0.0.0-20151013193312-d6023ce2651d
# github.com/exponent-io/jsonpath v0.0.0-20151013193312-d6023ce2651d
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2/jwt
# gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8
# gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8
# k8s.io/api v0.18.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/api v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/api v0.18.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/api v1.18.9-k3s1
@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ k8s.io/api/settings/v1alpha1
# k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver v0.18.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver v0.18.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver v1.18.9-k3s1
@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@ k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/generated/openapi
# k8s.io/apimachinery v0.18.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apimachinery v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/apimachinery v0.18.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apimachinery v1.18.9-k3s1
@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/watch
# k8s.io/apiserver v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/apiserver v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver v1.18.9-k3s1
@ -1416,7 +1416,7 @@ k8s.io/apiserver/plugin/pkg/authenticator/request/basicauth
# k8s.io/cli-runtime v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/cli-runtime v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/cli-runtime v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/cli-runtime v1.18.9-k3s1
@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/kustomize/k8sdeps/transformer/patch
# k8s.io/client-go v11.0.1-0.20190409021438-1a26190bd76a+incompatible => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/client-go v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/client-go v11.0.1-0.20190409021438-1a26190bd76a+incompatible => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/client-go v1.18.9-k3s1
@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath
# k8s.io/cloud-provider v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/cloud-provider v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/cloud-provider v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/cloud-provider v1.18.9-k3s1
@ -1671,13 +1671,13 @@ k8s.io/cloud-provider/service/helpers
# k8s.io/cluster-bootstrap v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/cluster-bootstrap v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/cluster-bootstrap v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/cluster-bootstrap v1.18.9-k3s1
# k8s.io/code-generator v0.18.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/code-generator v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/code-generator v0.18.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/code-generator v1.18.9-k3s1
@ -1692,7 +1692,7 @@ k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/lister-gen/args
# k8s.io/component-base v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/component-base v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/component-base v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/component-base v1.18.9-k3s1
@ -1710,10 +1710,10 @@ k8s.io/component-base/metrics/prometheus/workqueue
# k8s.io/cri-api v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/cri-api v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/cri-api v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/cri-api v1.18.9-k3s1
# k8s.io/csi-translation-lib v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/csi-translation-lib v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/csi-translation-lib v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/csi-translation-lib v1.18.9-k3s1
# k8s.io/gengo v0.0.0-20200114144118-36b2048a9120
# k8s.io/gengo v0.0.0-20200114144118-36b2048a9120
@ -1728,7 +1728,7 @@ k8s.io/gengo/types
# k8s.io/klog v1.0.0
# k8s.io/klog v1.0.0
# k8s.io/kube-aggregator v0.18.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kube-aggregator v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/kube-aggregator v0.18.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kube-aggregator v1.18.9-k3s1
@ -1756,7 +1756,7 @@ k8s.io/kube-aggregator/pkg/controllers/status
# k8s.io/kube-controller-manager v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kube-controller-manager v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/kube-controller-manager v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kube-controller-manager v1.18.9-k3s1
# k8s.io/kube-openapi v0.0.0-20200410145947-61e04a5be9a6
# k8s.io/kube-openapi v0.0.0-20200410145947-61e04a5be9a6
@ -1767,14 +1767,14 @@ k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/schemaconv
# k8s.io/kube-proxy v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kube-proxy v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/kube-proxy v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kube-proxy v1.18.9-k3s1
# k8s.io/kube-scheduler v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kube-scheduler v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/kube-scheduler v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kube-scheduler v1.18.9-k3s1
# k8s.io/kubectl v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kubectl v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/kubectl v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kubectl v1.18.9-k3s1
@ -1849,11 +1849,11 @@ k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/util/storage
# k8s.io/kubelet v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kubelet v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/kubelet v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kubelet v1.18.9-k3s1
# k8s.io/kubernetes v1.18.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/kubernetes v1.18.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes v1.18.9-k3s1
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ k8s.io/kubernetes/third_party/forked/gonum/graph/internal/linear
# k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers v1.18.9-k3s1
@ -2628,7 +2628,7 @@ k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers/openstack
# k8s.io/metrics v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/metrics v1.18.8-k3s1
# k8s.io/metrics v0.0.0 => github.com/rancher/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/metrics v1.18.9-k3s1
Reference in New Issue