Use public conversion methods to avoid reflection

Replace many of the remaining s.Convert() invocations with direct
execution, and make generated methods public. Removes 10% of the
allocations during decode of a pod and ~20-40% of the total CPU time.
Clayton Coleman 2015-12-23 01:53:03 -05:00
parent b1e2bed4ce
commit 3c1451af91
4 changed files with 176 additions and 105 deletions

View File

@ -118,7 +118,10 @@ func main() {
b, err := imports.Process("", data.Bytes(), nil)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Error while update imports: %v", err)
for i, s := range bytes.Split(data.Bytes(), []byte("\n")) {
glog.Infof("%d:\t%s", i, s)
glog.Fatalf("Error while update imports: %v\n", err)
if _, err := funcOut.Write(b); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Error while writing out the resulting file: %v", err)

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import (
// Codec is the identity codec for this package - it can only convert itself
@ -41,45 +42,75 @@ func init() {
func(in *unversioned.Time, out *unversioned.Time, s conversion.Scope) error {
// Cannot deep copy these, because time.Time has unexported fields.
*out = *in
return nil
func(in *string, out *labels.Selector, s conversion.Scope) error {
selector, err := labels.Parse(*in)
if err != nil {
return err
*out = selector
return nil
func(in *string, out *fields.Selector, s conversion.Scope) error {
selector, err := fields.ParseSelector(*in)
if err != nil {
return err
*out = selector
return nil
func(in *labels.Selector, out *string, s conversion.Scope) error {
if *in == nil {
return nil
*out = (*in).String()
return nil
func(in *fields.Selector, out *string, s conversion.Scope) error {
if *in == nil {
return nil
*out = (*in).String()
return nil
func(in *resource.Quantity, out *resource.Quantity, s conversion.Scope) error {
// Cannot deep copy these, because inf.Dec has unexported fields.
*out = *in.Copy()
return nil
func Convert_unversioned_TypeMeta_To_unversioned_TypeMeta(in, out *unversioned.TypeMeta, s conversion.Scope) error {
// These values are explicitly not copied
//out.APIVersion = in.APIVersion
//out.Kind = in.Kind
return nil
func Convert_unversioned_ListMeta_To_unversioned_ListMeta(in, out *unversioned.ListMeta, s conversion.Scope) error {
out.ResourceVersion = in.ResourceVersion
out.SelfLink = in.SelfLink
return nil
func Convert_intstr_IntOrString_To_intstr_IntOrString(in, out *intstr.IntOrString, s conversion.Scope) error {
out.Type = in.Type
out.IntVal = in.IntVal
out.StrVal = in.StrVal
return nil
func Convert_unversioned_Time_To_unversioned_Time(in *unversioned.Time, out *unversioned.Time, s conversion.Scope) error {
// Cannot deep copy these, because time.Time has unexported fields.
*out = *in
return nil
func Convert_string_To_labels_Selector(in *string, out *labels.Selector, s conversion.Scope) error {
selector, err := labels.Parse(*in)
if err != nil {
return err
*out = selector
return nil
func Convert_string_To_fields_Selector(in *string, out *fields.Selector, s conversion.Scope) error {
selector, err := fields.ParseSelector(*in)
if err != nil {
return err
*out = selector
return nil
func Convert_labels_Selector_To_string(in *labels.Selector, out *string, s conversion.Scope) error {
if *in == nil {
return nil
*out = (*in).String()
return nil
func Convert_fields_Selector_To_string(in *fields.Selector, out *string, s conversion.Scope) error {
if *in == nil {
return nil
*out = (*in).String()
return nil
func Convert_resource_Quantity_To_resource_Quantity(in *resource.Quantity, out *resource.Quantity, s conversion.Scope) error {
// Cannot deep copy these, because inf.Dec has unexported fields.
*out = *in.Copy()
return nil

View File

@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ func NewConverter() *Converter {
inputFieldMappingFuncs: map[reflect.Type]FieldMappingFunc{},
inputDefaultFlags: map[reflect.Type]FieldMatchingFlags{},
return c
// Prevent recursing into every byte...
func byteSliceCopy(in *[]byte, out *[]byte, s Scope) error {
// ByteSliceCopy prevents recursing into every byte
func ByteSliceCopy(in *[]byte, out *[]byte, s Scope) error {
*out = make([]byte, len(*in))
copy(*out, *in)
return nil
@ -322,6 +322,11 @@ func (c *Converter) HasConversionFunc(inType, outType reflect.Type) bool {
return found
func (c *Converter) ConversionFuncValue(inType, outType reflect.Type) (reflect.Value, bool) {
value, found := c.conversionFuncs[typePair{inType, outType}]
return value, found
// SetStructFieldCopy registers a correspondence. Whenever a struct field is encountered
// which has a type and name matching srcFieldType and srcFieldName, it wil be copied
// into the field in the destination struct matching destFieldType & Name, if such a

View File

@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ package runtime
import (
goruntime "runtime"
@ -42,8 +44,13 @@ type ConversionGenerator interface {
func NewConversionGenerator(scheme *conversion.Scheme, targetPkg string) ConversionGenerator {
g := &conversionGenerator{
scheme: scheme,
targetPkg: targetPkg,
scheme: scheme,
nameFormat: "Convert_%s_%s_To_%s_%s",
generatedNamePrefix: "auto",
targetPkg: targetPkg,
publicFuncs: make(map[typePair]string),
convertibles: make(map[reflect.Type]reflect.Type),
overridden: make(map[reflect.Type]bool),
pkgOverwrites: make(map[string]string),
@ -59,8 +66,13 @@ func NewConversionGenerator(scheme *conversion.Scheme, targetPkg string) Convers
var complexTypes []reflect.Kind = []reflect.Kind{reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice, reflect.Interface, reflect.Struct}
type conversionGenerator struct {
scheme *conversion.Scheme
targetPkg string
scheme *conversion.Scheme
nameFormat string
generatedNamePrefix string
targetPkg string
publicFuncs map[typePair]string
convertibles map[reflect.Type]reflect.Type
overridden map[reflect.Type]bool
// If pkgOverwrites is set for a given package name, that package name
@ -138,6 +150,14 @@ func (g *conversionGenerator) generateConversionsBetween(inType, outType reflect
return nil
if inType == outType {
switch inType.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
return g.generateConversionsBetween(inType.Elem(), inType.Elem())
case reflect.Struct:
// pointers to structs invoke new(inType)
g.rememberConversionFunction(inType, inType, false)
// Don't generate conversion methods for the same type.
return nil
@ -148,6 +168,8 @@ func (g *conversionGenerator) generateConversionsBetween(inType, outType reflect
if inType.Kind() != outType.Kind() {
if existingConversion {
g.rememberConversionFunction(inType, outType, false)
g.rememberConversionFunction(outType, inType, false)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert types of different kinds: %v %v", inType, outType)
@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ func (g *conversionGenerator) generateConversionsBetween(inType, outType reflect
if !existingConversion && (inErr != nil || outErr != nil) {
return inErr
g.rememberConversionFunction(inType, outType, true)
if existingConversion {
g.overridden[inType] = true
@ -214,6 +237,42 @@ func isComplexType(reflection reflect.Type) bool {
return false
func (g *conversionGenerator) rememberConversionFunction(inType, outType reflect.Type, willGenerate bool) {
if _, ok := g.publicFuncs[typePair{inType, outType}]; ok {
if v, ok := g.scheme.Converter().ConversionFuncValue(inType, outType); ok {
if fn := goruntime.FuncForPC(v.Pointer()); fn != nil {
name := fn.Name()
var p, n string
if last := strings.LastIndex(name, "."); last != -1 {
p = name[:last]
n = name[last+1:]
p = g.imports[p]
if len(p) > 0 {
p = p + "."
} else {
n = name
if isPublic(n) {
g.publicFuncs[typePair{inType, outType}] = p + n
} else {
log.Printf("WARNING: Cannot generate conversion %v -> %v, method %q is private", inType, outType, fn.Name())
} else {
log.Printf("WARNING: Cannot generate conversion %v -> %v, method is not accessible", inType, outType)
} else if willGenerate {
g.publicFuncs[typePair{inType, outType}] = g.conversionFunctionName(inType, outType)
func isPublic(name string) bool {
return strings.ToUpper(name[:1]) == name[:1]
func (g *conversionGenerator) generateConversionsForMap(inType, outType reflect.Type) error {
inKey := inType.Key()
outKey := outType.Key()
@ -507,15 +566,24 @@ func packageForName(inType reflect.Type) string {
func (g *conversionGenerator) conversionFunctionName(inType, outType reflect.Type) string {
funcNameFormat := "convert_%s_%s_To_%s_%s"
funcNameFormat := g.nameFormat
inPkg := packageForName(inType)
outPkg := packageForName(outType)
funcName := fmt.Sprintf(funcNameFormat, inPkg, inType.Name(), outPkg, outType.Name())
return funcName
func (g *conversionGenerator) conversionFunctionCall(inType, outType reflect.Type, scopeName string, args ...string) string {
if named, ok := g.publicFuncs[typePair{inType, outType}]; ok {
args[len(args)-1] = scopeName
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", named, strings.Join(args, ", "))
log.Printf("WARNING: Using reflection to convert %v -> %v (no public conversion)", inType, outType)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.Convert(%s)", scopeName, strings.Join(args, ", "))
func (g *conversionGenerator) generatedFunctionName(inType, outType reflect.Type) string {
return "auto" + g.conversionFunctionName(inType, outType)
return g.generatedNamePrefix + g.conversionFunctionName(inType, outType)
func (g *conversionGenerator) writeHeader(b *buffer, name, inType, outType string, indent int) {
@ -547,7 +615,8 @@ func (g *conversionGenerator) writeConversionForMap(b *buffer, inField, outField
newFormat := "newVal := %s{}\n"
newStmt := fmt.Sprintf(newFormat, g.typeName(outField.Type.Elem()))
b.addLine(newStmt, indent+2)
convertStmt := "if err := s.Convert(&val, &newVal, 0); err != nil {\n"
call := g.conversionFunctionCall(inField.Type.Elem(), outField.Type.Elem(), "s", "&val", "&newVal", "0")
convertStmt := fmt.Sprintf("if err := %s; err != nil {\n", call)
b.addLine(convertStmt, indent+2)
b.addLine("return err\n", indent+3)
b.addLine("}\n", indent+2)
@ -607,15 +676,8 @@ func (g *conversionGenerator) writeConversionForSlice(b *buffer, inField, outFie
if !assigned {
assignStmt := ""
if g.existsDedicatedConversionFunction(inField.Type.Elem(), outField.Type.Elem()) {
assignFormat := "if err := %s(&in.%s[i], &out.%s[i], s); err != nil {\n"
funcName := g.conversionFunctionName(inField.Type.Elem(), outField.Type.Elem())
assignStmt = fmt.Sprintf(assignFormat, funcName, inField.Name, outField.Name)
} else {
assignFormat := "if err := s.Convert(&in.%s[i], &out.%s[i], 0); err != nil {\n"
assignStmt = fmt.Sprintf(assignFormat, inField.Name, outField.Name)
call := g.conversionFunctionCall(inField.Type.Elem(), outField.Type.Elem(), "s", "&in."+inField.Name+"[i]", "&out."+outField.Name+"[i]", "0")
assignStmt := fmt.Sprintf("if err := %s; err != nil {\n", call)
b.addLine(assignStmt, indent+2)
b.addLine("return err\n", indent+3)
b.addLine("}\n", indent+2)
@ -664,20 +726,20 @@ func (g *conversionGenerator) writeConversionForPtr(b *buffer, inField, outField
b.addLine(fmt.Sprintf("// unable to generate simple pointer conversion for %v -> %v\n", inField.Type.Elem(), outField.Type.Elem()), indent)
ifFormat := "if in.%s != nil {\n"
ifStmt := fmt.Sprintf(ifFormat, inField.Name)
b.addLine(ifStmt, indent)
assignStmt := ""
if g.existsDedicatedConversionFunction(inField.Type.Elem(), outField.Type.Elem()) {
if _, ok := g.publicFuncs[typePair{inField.Type.Elem(), outField.Type.Elem()}]; ok {
newFormat := "out.%s = new(%s)\n"
newStmt := fmt.Sprintf(newFormat, outField.Name, g.typeName(outField.Type.Elem()))
b.addLine(newStmt, indent+1)
assignFormat := "if err := %s(in.%s, out.%s, s); err != nil {\n"
funcName := g.conversionFunctionName(inField.Type.Elem(), outField.Type.Elem())
assignStmt = fmt.Sprintf(assignFormat, funcName, inField.Name, outField.Name)
call := g.conversionFunctionCall(inField.Type.Elem(), outField.Type.Elem(), "s", "in."+inField.Name, "out."+outField.Name, "0")
assignStmt = fmt.Sprintf("if err := %s; err != nil {\n", call)
} else {
assignFormat := "if err := s.Convert(&in.%s, &out.%s, 0); err != nil {\n"
assignStmt = fmt.Sprintf(assignFormat, inField.Name, outField.Name)
call := g.conversionFunctionCall(inField.Type.Elem(), outField.Type.Elem(), "s", "&in."+inField.Name, "&out."+outField.Name, "0")
assignStmt = fmt.Sprintf("if err := %s; err != nil {\n", call)
b.addLine(assignStmt, indent+1)
b.addLine("return err\n", indent+2)
@ -714,10 +776,14 @@ func (g *conversionGenerator) writeConversionForStruct(b *buffer, inType, outTyp
existsConversion := g.scheme.Converter().HasConversionFunc(inField.Type, outField.Type)
if existsConversion && !g.existsDedicatedConversionFunction(inField.Type, outField.Type) {
_, hasPublicConversion := g.publicFuncs[typePair{inField.Type, outField.Type}]
// TODO: This allows a private conversion for a slice to take precedence over a public
// conversion for the field, even though that is technically slower. We should report when
// we generate an inefficient conversion.
if existsConversion || hasPublicConversion {
// Use the conversion method that is already defined.
assignFormat := "if err := s.Convert(&in.%s, &out.%s, 0); err != nil {\n"
assignStmt := fmt.Sprintf(assignFormat, inField.Name, outField.Name)
call := g.conversionFunctionCall(inField.Type, outField.Type, "s", "&in."+inField.Name, "&out."+outField.Name, "0")
assignStmt := fmt.Sprintf("if err := %s; err != nil {\n", call)
b.addLine(assignStmt, indent)
b.addLine("return err\n", indent+1)
b.addLine("}\n", indent)
@ -773,15 +839,8 @@ func (g *conversionGenerator) writeConversionForStruct(b *buffer, inType, outTyp
assignStmt := ""
if g.existsDedicatedConversionFunction(inField.Type, outField.Type) {
assignFormat := "if err := %s(&in.%s, &out.%s, s); err != nil {\n"
funcName := g.conversionFunctionName(inField.Type, outField.Type)
assignStmt = fmt.Sprintf(assignFormat, funcName, inField.Name, outField.Name)
} else {
assignFormat := "if err := s.Convert(&in.%s, &out.%s, 0); err != nil {\n"
assignStmt = fmt.Sprintf(assignFormat, inField.Name, outField.Name)
call := g.conversionFunctionCall(inField.Type, outField.Type, "s", "&in."+inField.Name, "&out."+outField.Name, "0")
assignStmt := fmt.Sprintf("if err := %s; err != nil {\n", call)
b.addLine(assignStmt, indent)
b.addLine("return err\n", indent+1)
b.addLine("}\n", indent)
@ -843,33 +902,6 @@ var defaultConversions []typePair = []typePair{
{reflect.TypeOf(EmbeddedObject{}), reflect.TypeOf(RawExtension{})},
func (g *conversionGenerator) existsDedicatedConversionFunction(inType, outType reflect.Type) bool {
if inType == outType {
// Assume that conversion are not defined for "deep copies".
return false
if g.existsConversionFunction(inType, outType) {
return true
for _, conv := range defaultConversions {
if conv.inType == inType && conv.outType == outType {
return false
if inType.Kind() != outType.Kind() {
// TODO(wojtek-t): Currently all conversions between types of different kinds are
// unnamed. Thus we return false here.
return false
// TODO: no way to handle private conversions in different packages
if g.assumePrivateConversions {
return false
return g.scheme.Converter().HasConversionFunc(inType, outType)
func (g *conversionGenerator) OverwritePackage(pkg, overwrite string) {
g.pkgOverwrites[pkg] = overwrite