kubelet: Clean up computePodContainerChanges.

More `continue`, less `else` to make it less indent and more readable.
Yifan Gu 2015-04-14 15:59:24 -07:00
parent ce9c100cb3
commit 3b28c6262b
1 changed files with 43 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -1107,52 +1107,56 @@ func (kl *Kubelet) computePodContainerChanges(pod *api.Pod, runningPod kubeconta
expectedHash := dockertools.HashContainer(&container)
c := runningPod.FindContainerByName(container.Name)
if c != nil {
containerID := dockertools.DockerID(c.ID)
hash := c.Hash
glog.V(3).Infof("pod %q container %q exists as %v", podFullName, container.Name, containerID)
if !createPodInfraContainer {
// look for changes in the container.
containerChanged := hash != 0 && hash != expectedHash
if !containerChanged {
result, err := kl.probeContainer(pod, podStatus, container, string(c.ID), c.Created)
if err != nil {
// TODO(vmarmol): examine this logic.
glog.V(2).Infof("probe no-error: %q", container.Name)
containersToKeep[containerID] = index
if result == probe.Success {
glog.V(4).Infof("probe success: %q", container.Name)
containersToKeep[containerID] = index
glog.Infof("pod %q container %q is unhealthy (probe result: %v), it will be killed and re-created.", podFullName, container.Name, result)
} else {
glog.Infof("pod %q container %q hash changed (%d vs %d), it will be killed and re-created.", podFullName, container.Name, hash, expectedHash)
containersToStart[index] = empty{}
} else { // createPodInfraContainer == true and Container exists
// If we're creating infra containere everything will be killed anyway
// If RestartPolicy is Always or OnFailure we restart containers that were running before we
// killed them when restarting Infra Container.
if pod.Spec.RestartPolicy != api.RestartPolicyNever {
glog.V(1).Infof("Infra Container is being recreated. %q will be restarted.", container.Name)
containersToStart[index] = empty{}
} else {
if c == nil {
if kl.shouldContainerBeRestarted(&container, pod, &podStatus) {
// If we are here it means that the container is dead and sould be restarted, or never existed and should
// If we are here it means that the container is dead and should be restarted, or never existed and should
// be created. We may be inserting this ID again if the container has changed and it has
// RestartPolicy::Always, but it's not a big deal.
glog.V(3).Infof("Container %+v is dead, but RestartPolicy says that we should restart it.", container)
containersToStart[index] = empty{}
containerID := dockertools.DockerID(c.ID)
hash := c.Hash
glog.V(3).Infof("pod %q container %q exists as %v", podFullName, container.Name, containerID)
if createPodInfraContainer {
// createPodInfraContainer == true and Container exists
// If we're creating infra containere everything will be killed anyway
// If RestartPolicy is Always or OnFailure we restart containers that were running before we
// killed them when restarting Infra Container.
if pod.Spec.RestartPolicy != api.RestartPolicyNever {
glog.V(1).Infof("Infra Container is being recreated. %q will be restarted.", container.Name)
containersToStart[index] = empty{}
// At this point, the container is running and pod infra container is good.
// We will look for changes and check healthiness for the container.
containerChanged := hash != 0 && hash != expectedHash
if containerChanged {
glog.Infof("pod %q container %q hash changed (%d vs %d), it will be killed and re-created.", podFullName, container.Name, hash, expectedHash)
containersToStart[index] = empty{}
result, err := kl.probeContainer(pod, podStatus, container, string(c.ID), c.Created)
if err != nil {
// TODO(vmarmol): examine this logic.
glog.V(2).Infof("probe no-error: %q", container.Name)
containersToKeep[containerID] = index
if result == probe.Success {
glog.V(4).Infof("probe success: %q", container.Name)
containersToKeep[containerID] = index
glog.Infof("pod %q container %q is unhealthy (probe result: %v), it will be killed and re-created.", podFullName, container.Name, result)
containersToStart[index] = empty{}
// After the loop one of the following should be true: