mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
Support collecting log for alternative container runtime in e2e test.
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ readonly gce_logfiles="startupscript"
readonly kern_logfile="kern"
readonly initd_logfiles="docker"
readonly supervisord_logfiles="kubelet supervisor/supervisord supervisor/kubelet-stdout supervisor/kubelet-stderr supervisor/docker-stdout supervisor/docker-stderr"
readonly systemd_services="kubelet docker"
readonly systemd_services="kubelet ${SYSTEMD_SERVICES:-docker}"
# Limit the number of concurrent node connections so that we don't run out of
# file descriptors for large clusters.
@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ type TestContextType struct {
GCEUpgradeScript string
ContainerRuntime string
ContainerRuntimeEndpoint string
// SystemdServices are comma separated list of systemd services the test framework
// will dump logs for.
SystemdServices string
ImageServiceEndpoint string
MasterOSDistro string
NodeOSDistro string
@ -199,6 +202,7 @@ func RegisterCommonFlags() {
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.Viper, "viper-config", "e2e", "The name of the viper config i.e. 'e2e' will read values from 'e2e.json' locally. All e2e parameters are meant to be configurable by viper.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.ContainerRuntime, "container-runtime", "docker", "The container runtime of cluster VM instances (docker/rkt/remote).")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.ContainerRuntimeEndpoint, "container-runtime-endpoint", "", "The container runtime endpoint of cluster VM instances.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.SystemdServices, "systemd-services", "docker", "The comma separated list of systemd services the framework will dump logs for.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.ImageServiceEndpoint, "image-service-endpoint", "", "The image service endpoint of cluster VM instances.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.DockershimCheckpointDir, "dockershim-checkpoint-dir", "/var/lib/dockershim/sandbox", "The directory for dockershim to store sandbox checkpoints.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.KubernetesAnywherePath, "kubernetes-anywhere-path", "/workspace/kubernetes-anywhere", "Which directory kubernetes-anywhere is installed to.")
@ -4517,6 +4517,7 @@ func CoreDump(dir string) {
Logf("Dumping logs locally to: %s", dir)
cmd = exec.Command(path.Join(TestContext.RepoRoot, "cluster", "log-dump", "log-dump.sh"), dir)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), fmt.Sprintf("SYSTEMD_SERVICES=%s", parseSystemdServices(TestContext.SystemdServices)))
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
@ -4524,6 +4525,11 @@ func CoreDump(dir string) {
// parseSystemdServices converts services separator from comma to space.
func parseSystemdServices(services string) string {
return strings.TrimSpace(strings.Replace(services, ",", " ", -1))
func UpdatePodWithRetries(client clientset.Interface, ns, name string, update func(*v1.Pod)) (*v1.Pod, error) {
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
pod, err := client.CoreV1().Pods(ns).Get(name, metav1.GetOptions{})
Reference in New Issue