Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/util.go - part3

This is a part of a series for fixing golint failures for util.go.
- fixes golint failures from line 2354 to line 3685 at original util.go

This fixes golint failures of the following file:
- test/e2e/framework/util.go
Akihito INOH 2019-04-12 23:41:59 +09:00
parent b359b6bfe7
commit 31046bbf52
1 changed files with 33 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -2351,8 +2351,10 @@ func (f *Framework) MatchContainerOutput(
return nil
// EventsLister is a func that lists events.
type EventsLister func(opts metav1.ListOptions, ns string) (*v1.EventList, error)
// DumpEventsInNamespace dumps events in the given namespace.
func DumpEventsInNamespace(eventsLister EventsLister, namespace string) {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Collecting events from namespace %q.", namespace))
events, err := eventsLister(metav1.ListOptions{}, namespace)
@ -2372,6 +2374,7 @@ func DumpEventsInNamespace(eventsLister EventsLister, namespace string) {
// you may or may not see the killing/deletion/Cleanup events.
// DumpAllNamespaceInfo dumps events, pods and nodes information in the given namespace.
func DumpAllNamespaceInfo(c clientset.Interface, namespace string) {
DumpEventsInNamespace(func(opts metav1.ListOptions, ns string) (*v1.EventList, error) {
return c.CoreV1().Events(ns).List(opts)
@ -2429,6 +2432,7 @@ func dumpAllNodeInfo(c clientset.Interface) {
DumpNodeDebugInfo(c, names, Logf)
// DumpNodeDebugInfo dumps debug information of the given nodes.
func DumpNodeDebugInfo(c clientset.Interface, nodeNames []string, logFunc func(fmt string, args ...interface{})) {
for _, n := range nodeNames {
logFunc("\nLogging node info for node %v", n)
@ -2640,6 +2644,7 @@ func WaitForAllNodesSchedulable(c clientset.Interface, timeout time.Duration) er
// GetPodSecretUpdateTimeout reuturns the timeout duration for updating pod secret.
func GetPodSecretUpdateTimeout(c clientset.Interface) time.Duration {
// With SecretManager(ConfigMapManager), we may have to wait up to full sync period +
// TTL of secret(configmap) to elapse before the Kubelet projects the update into the
@ -2676,10 +2681,12 @@ func getNodeTTLAnnotationValue(c clientset.Interface) (time.Duration, error) {
return time.Duration(intValue) * time.Second, nil
// AddOrUpdateLabelOnNode adds the given label key and value to the given node or updates value.
func AddOrUpdateLabelOnNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, labelKey, labelValue string) {
ExpectNoError(testutils.AddLabelsToNode(c, nodeName, map[string]string{labelKey: labelValue}))
// AddOrUpdateLabelOnNodeAndReturnOldValue adds the given label key and value to the given node or updates value and returns the old label value.
func AddOrUpdateLabelOnNodeAndReturnOldValue(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, labelKey, labelValue string) string {
var oldValue string
node, err := c.CoreV1().Nodes().Get(nodeName, metav1.GetOptions{})
@ -2689,6 +2696,7 @@ func AddOrUpdateLabelOnNodeAndReturnOldValue(c clientset.Interface, nodeName str
return oldValue
// ExpectNodeHasLabel expects that the given node has the given label pair.
func ExpectNodeHasLabel(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, labelKey string, labelValue string) {
By("verifying the node has the label " + labelKey + " " + labelValue)
node, err := c.CoreV1().Nodes().Get(nodeName, metav1.GetOptions{})
@ -2696,11 +2704,13 @@ func ExpectNodeHasLabel(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, labelKey string,
// RemoveTaintOffNode removes the given taint from the given node.
func RemoveTaintOffNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taint v1.Taint) {
ExpectNoError(controller.RemoveTaintOffNode(c, nodeName, nil, &taint))
verifyThatTaintIsGone(c, nodeName, &taint)
// AddOrUpdateTaintOnNode adds the given taint to the given node or updates taint.
func AddOrUpdateTaintOnNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taint v1.Taint) {
ExpectNoError(controller.AddOrUpdateTaintOnNode(c, nodeName, &taint))
@ -2724,6 +2734,7 @@ func verifyThatTaintIsGone(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taint *v1.Tai
// ExpectNodeHasTaint expects that the node has the given taint.
func ExpectNodeHasTaint(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taint *v1.Taint) {
By("verifying the node has the taint " + taint.ToString())
if has, err := NodeHasTaint(c, nodeName, taint); !has {
@ -2732,6 +2743,7 @@ func ExpectNodeHasTaint(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taint *v1.Taint)
// NodeHasTaint returns true if the node has the given taint, else returns false.
func NodeHasTaint(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taint *v1.Taint) (bool, error) {
node, err := c.CoreV1().Nodes().Get(nodeName, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
@ -2746,7 +2758,7 @@ func NodeHasTaint(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taint *v1.Taint) (bool
return true, nil
//AddOrUpdateAvoidPodOnNode adds avoidPods annotations to node, will override if it exists
// AddOrUpdateAvoidPodOnNode adds avoidPods annotations to node, will override if it exists
func AddOrUpdateAvoidPodOnNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, avoidPods v1.AvoidPods) {
err := wait.PollImmediate(Poll, SingleCallTimeout, func() (bool, error) {
node, err := c.CoreV1().Nodes().Get(nodeName, metav1.GetOptions{})
@ -2777,7 +2789,7 @@ func AddOrUpdateAvoidPodOnNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, avoidPods
//RemoveAnnotationOffNode removes AvoidPods annotations from the node. It does not fail if no such annotation exists.
// RemoveAvoidPodsOffNode removes AvoidPods annotations from the node. It does not fail if no such annotation exists.
func RemoveAvoidPodsOffNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string) {
err := wait.PollImmediate(Poll, SingleCallTimeout, func() (bool, error) {
node, err := c.CoreV1().Nodes().Get(nodeName, metav1.GetOptions{})
@ -2805,6 +2817,7 @@ func RemoveAvoidPodsOffNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string) {
// ScaleResource scales resource to the given size.
func ScaleResource(
clientset clientset.Interface,
scalesGetter scaleclient.ScalesGetter,
@ -2824,7 +2837,7 @@ func ScaleResource(
return WaitForControlledPodsRunning(clientset, ns, name, kind)
// Wait up to 10 minutes for pods to become Running.
// WaitForControlledPodsRunning waits up to 10 minutes for pods to become Running.
func WaitForControlledPodsRunning(c clientset.Interface, ns, name string, kind schema.GroupKind) error {
rtObject, err := getRuntimeObjectForKind(c, kind, ns, name)
if err != nil {
@ -2845,7 +2858,7 @@ func WaitForControlledPodsRunning(c clientset.Interface, ns, name string, kind s
return nil
// Wait up to PodListTimeout for getting pods of the specified controller name and return them.
// WaitForControlledPods waits up to PodListTimeout for getting pods of the specified controller name and return them.
func WaitForControlledPods(c clientset.Interface, ns, name string, kind schema.GroupKind) (pods *v1.PodList, err error) {
rtObject, err := getRuntimeObjectForKind(c, kind, ns, name)
if err != nil {
@ -2858,7 +2871,7 @@ func WaitForControlledPods(c clientset.Interface, ns, name string, kind schema.G
return WaitForPodsWithLabel(c, ns, selector)
// Wait for all matching pods to become scheduled and at least one
// WaitForPodsWithLabelScheduled waits for all matching pods to become scheduled and at least one
// matching pod exists. Return the list of matching pods.
func WaitForPodsWithLabelScheduled(c clientset.Interface, ns string, label labels.Selector) (pods *v1.PodList, err error) {
err = wait.PollImmediate(Poll, podScheduledBeforeTimeout,
@ -2877,7 +2890,7 @@ func WaitForPodsWithLabelScheduled(c clientset.Interface, ns string, label label
return pods, err
// Wait up to PodListTimeout for getting pods with certain label
// WaitForPodsWithLabel waits up to PodListTimeout for getting pods with certain label
func WaitForPodsWithLabel(c clientset.Interface, ns string, label labels.Selector) (pods *v1.PodList, err error) {
for t := time.Now(); time.Since(t) < PodListTimeout; time.Sleep(Poll) {
options := metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label.String()}
@ -2898,7 +2911,7 @@ func WaitForPodsWithLabel(c clientset.Interface, ns string, label labels.Selecto
// Wait for exact amount of matching pods to become running and ready.
// WaitForPodsWithLabelRunningReady waits for exact amount of matching pods to become running and ready.
// Return the list of matching pods.
func WaitForPodsWithLabelRunningReady(c clientset.Interface, ns string, label labels.Selector, num int, timeout time.Duration) (pods *v1.PodList, err error) {
var current int
@ -3129,6 +3142,7 @@ func waitForPodsGone(ps *testutils.PodStore, interval, timeout time.Duration) er
return err
// WaitForPodsReady waits for the pods to become ready.
func WaitForPodsReady(c clientset.Interface, ns, name string, minReadySeconds int) error {
label := labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set(map[string]string{"name": name}))
options := metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label.String()}
@ -3146,7 +3160,7 @@ func WaitForPodsReady(c clientset.Interface, ns, name string, minReadySeconds in
// WaitForNPods tries to list restarting pods using ps until it finds expect of them,
// WaitForNRestartablePods tries to list restarting pods using ps until it finds expect of them,
// returning their names if it can do so before timeout.
func WaitForNRestartablePods(ps *testutils.PodStore, expect int, timeout time.Duration) ([]string, error) {
var pods []*v1.Pod
@ -3172,7 +3186,7 @@ func WaitForNRestartablePods(ps *testutils.PodStore, expect int, timeout time.Du
return podNames, nil
// FilterIrrelevantPods filters out pods that will never get recreated if deleted after termination.
// FilterNonRestartablePods filters out pods that will never get recreated if deleted after termination.
func FilterNonRestartablePods(pods []*v1.Pod) []*v1.Pod {
var results []*v1.Pod
for _, p := range pods {
@ -3197,6 +3211,8 @@ func isNotRestartAlwaysMirrorPod(p *v1.Pod) bool {
type updateDSFunc func(*apps.DaemonSet)
// UpdateDaemonSetWithRetries updates daemonsets with the given applyUpdate func
// until it succeeds or a timeout expires.
func UpdateDaemonSetWithRetries(c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string, applyUpdate updateDSFunc) (ds *apps.DaemonSet, err error) {
daemonsets := c.AppsV1().DaemonSets(namespace)
var updateErr error
@ -3350,6 +3366,7 @@ func CreateExecPodOrFail(client clientset.Interface, ns, generateName string, tw
return created.Name
// CreatePodOrFail creates a pod with the specified containerPorts.
func CreatePodOrFail(c clientset.Interface, ns, name string, labels map[string]string, containerPorts []v1.ContainerPort) {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating pod %s in namespace %s", name, ns))
pod := &v1.Pod{
@ -3374,6 +3391,7 @@ func CreatePodOrFail(c clientset.Interface, ns, name string, labels map[string]s
ExpectNoError(err, "failed to create pod %s in namespace %s", name, ns)
// DeletePodOrFail deletes the pod of the specified namespace and name.
func DeletePodOrFail(c clientset.Interface, ns, name string) {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Deleting pod %s in namespace %s", name, ns))
err := c.CoreV1().Pods(ns).Delete(name, nil)
@ -3499,14 +3517,17 @@ func isNodeConditionSetAsExpected(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionT
return false
// IsNodeConditionSetAsExpected returns a wantTrue value if the node has a match to the conditionType, otherwise returns an opposite value of the wantTrue with detailed logging.
func IsNodeConditionSetAsExpected(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionType, wantTrue bool) bool {
return isNodeConditionSetAsExpected(node, conditionType, wantTrue, false)
// IsNodeConditionSetAsExpectedSilent returns a wantTrue value if the node has a match to the conditionType, otherwise returns an opposite value of the wantTrue.
func IsNodeConditionSetAsExpectedSilent(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionType, wantTrue bool) bool {
return isNodeConditionSetAsExpected(node, conditionType, wantTrue, true)
// IsNodeConditionUnset returns true if conditions of the given node do not have a match to the given conditionType, otherwise false.
func IsNodeConditionUnset(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionType) bool {
for _, cond := range node.Status.Conditions {
if cond.Type == conditionType {
@ -3537,7 +3558,7 @@ func WaitForNodeToBe(c clientset.Interface, name string, conditionType v1.NodeCo
return false
// Checks whether all registered nodes are ready.
// AllNodesReady checks whether all registered nodes are ready.
// TODO: we should change the AllNodesReady call in AfterEach to WaitForAllNodesHealthy,
// and figure out how to do it in a configurable way, as we can't expect all setups to run
// default test add-ons.
@ -3583,7 +3604,7 @@ func AllNodesReady(c clientset.Interface, timeout time.Duration) error {
return nil
// checks whether all registered nodes are ready and all required Pods are running on them.
// WaitForAllNodesHealthy checks whether all registered nodes are ready and all required Pods are running on them.
func WaitForAllNodesHealthy(c clientset.Interface, timeout time.Duration) error {
Logf("Waiting up to %v for all nodes to be ready", timeout)
@ -3651,7 +3672,7 @@ func WaitForAllNodesHealthy(c clientset.Interface, timeout time.Duration) error
// Filters nodes in NodeList in place, removing nodes that do not
// FilterNodes filters nodes in NodeList in place, removing nodes that do not
// satisfy the given condition
// TODO: consider merging with pkg/client/cache.NodeLister
func FilterNodes(nodeList *v1.NodeList, fn func(node v1.Node) bool) {