Merge pull request #46943 from madhusudancs/fed-ns-delete-all-clusters

Delete federation system namespace from all the federated clusters.
Phillip Wittrock 2017-06-04 22:08:59 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 2510dc0ddd
2 changed files with 42 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -411,15 +411,50 @@ function push-federation-images {
function cleanup-federation-api-objects {
# This is a cleanup function. We cannot stop on errors here. So disable
# errexit in this function.
set +o errexit
echo "Cleaning Federation control plane objects"
# Delete all resources with the federated-cluster label.
$host_kubectl delete pods,svc,rc,deployment,secret -lapp=federated-cluster
# Delete all resources in FEDERATION_NAMESPACE.
$host_kubectl delete pvc,pv,pods,svc,rc,deployment,secret --namespace=${FEDERATION_NAMESPACE} --all
$host_kubectl delete ns ${FEDERATION_NAMESPACE}
# Poll until the namespace is completely gone.
while $host_kubectl get namespace ${FEDERATION_NAMESPACE} >/dev/null 2>&1; do
# Delete all PVs bound to PVCs in FEDERATION_NAMESPACE
pvs=$($host_kubectl get pvc --namespace=${FEDERATION_NAMESPACE} -o jsonpath='{.items[*].spec.volumeName}')
while $host_kubectl delete pv ${pvs} >/dev/null 2>&1; do
sleep 2
# Delete all resources in FEDERATION_NAMESPACE.
$host_kubectl delete pvc,pods,svc,rc,deployment,secret --namespace=${FEDERATION_NAMESPACE} --all
# This is a big hammer. We get rid of federation-system namespace from
# all the clusters
for context in $(federation_cluster_contexts); do
local -r role="federation-controller-manager:${FEDERATION_NAME}-${context}-${HOST_CLUSTER_CONTEXT}"
kube::log::status "Removing namespace \"${FEDERATION_NAMESPACE}\", cluster role \"${role}\" and cluster role binding \"${role}\" from \"${context}\""
# Try deleting until the namespace is completely gone.
while $host_kubectl --context="${context}" delete namespace "${FEDERATION_NAMESPACE}" >/dev/null 2>&1; do
# It is usually slower to remove a namespace because it involves
# performing a cascading deletion of all the resources in the
# namespace. So we sleep a little longer than other resources
# before retrying
sleep 5
kube::log::status "Removed namespace \"${FEDERATION_NAMESPACE}\" from \"${context}\""
while $host_kubectl --context="${context}" delete clusterrole "${role}" >/dev/null 2>&1; do
sleep 2
kube::log::status "Removed cluster role \"${role}\" from \"${context}\""
while $host_kubectl --context="${context}" delete clusterrolebinding "${role}" >/dev/null 2>&1; do
sleep 2
kube::log::status "Removed cluster role binding \"${role}\" from \"${context}\""
) &
set -o errexit

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ source "${KUBE_ROOT}/federation/cluster/"
# federation_clusters returns a list of all the clusters in
# federation, if at all the federation control plane exists
# and there are any clusters registerd.
# and there are any clusters registered.
function federation_clusters() {
if clusters=$("${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/" \