Add named port egress test

Brendan Creane 2017-11-06 14:17:13 -08:00
parent 01f205adf5
commit 1e7f01e9a2
1 changed files with 42 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -310,6 +310,48 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("NetworkPolicy", func() {
testCannotConnect(f, f.Namespace, "client-b", service, 81)
It("should allow egress access on one named port [Feature:NetworkPolicy]", func() {
clientPodName := "client-a"
protocolUDP := v1.ProtocolUDP
policy := &networkingv1.NetworkPolicy{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "allow-client-a-via-named-port-egress-rule",
Spec: networkingv1.NetworkPolicySpec{
// Apply this policy to client-a
PodSelector: metav1.LabelSelector{
MatchLabels: map[string]string{
"pod-name": clientPodName,
// Allow traffic to only one named port: "serve-80".
Egress: []networkingv1.NetworkPolicyEgressRule{{
Ports: []networkingv1.NetworkPolicyPort{
Port: &intstr.IntOrString{Type: intstr.String, StrVal: "serve-80"},
// Allow DNS look-ups
Protocol: &protocolUDP,
Port: &intstr.IntOrString{Type: intstr.Int, IntVal: 53},
policy, err := f.ClientSet.NetworkingV1().NetworkPolicies(f.Namespace.Name).Create(policy)
defer cleanupNetworkPolicy(f, policy)
By("Creating client-a which should be able to contact the server.", func() {
testCanConnect(f, f.Namespace, clientPodName, service, 80)
By("Creating client-a which should not be able to contact the server on port 81.", func() {
testCannotConnect(f, f.Namespace, clientPodName, service, 81)