mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
improve retrying logic when checking CA status
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ const (
rcCreationRetryDelay = 20 * time.Second
makeSchedulableTimeout = 10 * time.Minute
makeSchedulableDelay = 20 * time.Second
freshStatusLimit = 20 * time.Second
gkeEndpoint = "https://test-container.sandbox.googleapis.com"
gkeUpdateTimeout = 15 * time.Minute
@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ const (
caNoScaleUpStatus = "NoActivity"
caOngoingScaleUpStatus = "InProgress"
timestampFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700 MST"
var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
@ -192,15 +194,21 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
It("shouldn't trigger additional scale-ups during processing scale-up [Feature:ClusterSizeAutoscalingScaleUp]", func() {
status, err := getScaleUpStatus(c)
// Wait for the situation to stabilize - CA should be running and have up-to-date node readiness info.
status, err := waitForScaleUpStatus(c, func(s *scaleUpStatus) bool {
return s.ready == s.target && s.ready <= nodeCount
}, scaleUpTriggerTimeout)
unmanagedNodes := nodeCount - status.ready
By("Schedule more pods than can fit and wait for cluster to scale-up")
ReserveMemory(f, "memory-reservation", 100, nodeCount*memAllocatableMb, false, 1*time.Second)
defer framework.DeleteRCAndPods(f.ClientSet, f.InternalClientset, f.Namespace.Name, "memory-reservation")
status, err = waitForScaleUpStatus(c, caOngoingScaleUpStatus, scaleUpTriggerTimeout)
status, err = waitForScaleUpStatus(c, func(s *scaleUpStatus) bool {
return s.status == caOngoingScaleUpStatus
}, scaleUpTriggerTimeout)
target := status.target
framework.ExpectNoError(waitForAllCaPodsReadyInNamespace(f, c))
@ -211,6 +219,7 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Cluster size autoscaling [Slow]", func() {
if status.target != target {
glog.Warningf("Final number of nodes (%v) does not match initial scale-up target (%v).", status.target, target)
Expect(len(framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(f.ClientSet).Items)).Should(Equal(status.target + unmanagedNodes))
@ -1342,9 +1351,30 @@ func getClusterwideStatus(c clientset.Interface) (string, error) {
type scaleUpStatus struct {
status string
ready int
target int
status string
ready int
target int
timestamp time.Time
// Try to get timestamp from status.
// Status configmap is not parsing-friendly, so evil regexpery follows.
func getStatusTimestamp(status string) (time.Time, error) {
timestampMatcher, err := regexp.Compile("Cluster-autoscaler status at \\s*([0-9\\-]+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+ \\+[0-9]+ [A-Za-z]+):")
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
timestampMatches := timestampMatcher.FindAllStringSubmatch(status, -1)
if len(timestampMatches) < 1 {
return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse CA status timestamp, raw status: %v", status)
timestamp, err := time.Parse(timestampFormat, timestampMatches[0][1])
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
return timestamp, nil
// Try to get scaleup statuses of all node groups.
@ -1358,6 +1388,12 @@ func getScaleUpStatus(c clientset.Interface) (*scaleUpStatus, error) {
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Status information not found in configmap")
timestamp, err := getStatusTimestamp(status)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matcher, err := regexp.Compile("s*ScaleUp:\\s*([A-Za-z]+)\\s*\\(ready=([0-9]+)\\s*cloudProviderTarget=([0-9]+)\\s*\\)")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -1366,10 +1402,12 @@ func getScaleUpStatus(c clientset.Interface) (*scaleUpStatus, error) {
if len(matches) < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse CA status configmap, raw status: %v", status)
result := scaleUpStatus{
status: caNoScaleUpStatus,
ready: 0,
target: 0,
status: caNoScaleUpStatus,
ready: 0,
target: 0,
timestamp: timestamp,
for _, match := range matches {
if match[1] == caOngoingScaleUpStatus {
@ -1390,17 +1428,25 @@ func getScaleUpStatus(c clientset.Interface) (*scaleUpStatus, error) {
return &result, nil
func waitForScaleUpStatus(c clientset.Interface, expected string, timeout time.Duration) (*scaleUpStatus, error) {
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < timeout; time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) {
status, err := getScaleUpStatus(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
func waitForScaleUpStatus(c clientset.Interface, cond func(s *scaleUpStatus) bool, timeout time.Duration) (*scaleUpStatus, error) {
var finalErr error
var status *scaleUpStatus
err := wait.PollImmediate(5*time.Second, timeout, func() (bool, error) {
status, finalErr = getScaleUpStatus(c)
if finalErr != nil {
return false, nil
if status.status == expected {
return status, nil
if status.timestamp.Add(freshStatusLimit).Before(time.Now()) {
// stale status
finalErr = fmt.Errorf("Status too old")
return false, nil
return cond(status), nil
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Failed to find expected scale up status: %v, last status: %v, final err: %v", err, status, finalErr)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ScaleUp status did not reach expected value: %v", expected)
return status, err
// This is a temporary fix to allow CA to migrate some kube-system pods
Reference in New Issue