hack/grab-profiles.sh: bash script cleanups.

Use double quotes around variables in places where they might be
used in globbing. Also replace an "echo | sed" construct with bash
variable substitution.

You can compare the variable substitution with this example:

  $ addresses="foo;bar,test"
  $ for token in $(echo $addresses | sed 's/[,;]/\n/g'); do echo "token: $token"; done
      token: foo
      token: bar
      token: test
  $ for token in ${addresses//[,;]/' '}; do echo "token: $token" ; done
      token: foo
      token: bar
      token: test
Ismo Puustinen 2018-02-09 14:14:35 +02:00
parent a0db1dc8c9
commit 0cc190cfa0
1 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -240,18 +240,18 @@ if [[ -z "${requested_profiles}" ]]; then
exit 1
gcloud compute ssh "${server_addr}" --ssh-flag=-nN --ssh-flag=-L${tunnel_port}:localhost:8080 &
gcloud compute ssh "${server_addr}" --ssh-flag=-nN --ssh-flag=-L"${tunnel_port}":localhost:8080 &
echo "Waiting for tunnel to be created..."
kube::util::wait_for_url http://localhost:${tunnel_port}/healthz
kube::util::wait_for_url http://localhost:"${tunnel_port}"/healthz
SSH_PID=$(pgrep -f "/usr/bin/ssh.*${tunnel_port}:localhost:8080")
kube::util::trap_add "kill $SSH_PID" EXIT
kube::util::trap_add "kill $SSH_PID" SIGTERM
requested_profiles=$(echo ${requested_profiles} | xargs -n1 | LC_ALL=C sort -u | xargs)
profile_components=$(echo ${profile_components} | xargs -n1 | LC_ALL=C sort -u | xargs)
kubelet_addreses=$(echo ${kubelet_addreses} | xargs -n1 | LC_ALL=C sort -u | xargs)
requested_profiles=$(echo "${requested_profiles}" | xargs -n1 | LC_ALL=C sort -u | xargs)
profile_components=$(echo "${profile_components}" | xargs -n1 | LC_ALL=C sort -u | xargs)
kubelet_addreses=$(echo "${kubelet_addreses}" | xargs -n1 | LC_ALL=C sort -u | xargs)
echo "requested profiles: ${requested_profiles}"
echo "flags for heap profile: ${mem_pprof_flags}"
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ for component in ${profile_components}; do
if [[ "${component}" == "kubelet" ]]; then
for node in $(echo ${kubelet_addreses} | sed 's/[,;]/\n/g'); do
for node in ${kubelet_addreses//[,;]/' '}; do
grab_profiles_from_component "${requested_profiles}" "${mem_pprof_flags}" "${binary}" "${tunnel_port}" "${path}/${node}" "${output_dir}/${component}" "${timestamp}"