mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
Merge pull request #25054 from yujuhong/rm_tests
Remove redundant RC and service tests in integration.gopull/6/head
@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ import (
@ -382,50 +381,6 @@ func podRunning(c *client.Client, podNamespace string, podName string) wait.Cond
func runReplicationControllerTest(c *client.Client) {
t := time.Now()
clientAPIVersion := c.APIVersion().String()
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("cmd/integration/" + clientAPIVersion + "-controller.json")
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
glog.Infof("Done reading config file, took %v", time.Since(t))
t = time.Now()
var controller api.ReplicationController
if err := runtime.DecodeInto(testapi.Default.Codec(), data, &controller); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
glog.Infof("Creating replication controllers")
updated, err := c.ReplicationControllers("test").Create(&controller)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
glog.Infof("Done creating replication controllers, took %v", time.Since(t))
t = time.Now()
// In practice the controller doesn't need 60s to create a handful of pods, but network latencies on CI
// systems have been observed to vary unpredictably, so give the controller enough time to create pods.
// Our e2e scalability tests will catch controllers that are *actually* slow.
if err := wait.Poll(time.Second, longTestTimeout, client.ControllerHasDesiredReplicas(c, updated)); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("FAILED: pods never created %v", err)
glog.Infof("Done creating replicas, took %v", time.Since(t))
t = time.Now()
// Poll till we can retrieve the status of all pods matching the given label selector from their nodes.
// This involves 3 operations:
// - The scheduler must assign all pods to a node
// - The assignment must reflect in a `List` operation against the apiserver, for labels matching the selector
// - We need to be able to query the kubelet on that node for information about the pod
if err := wait.Poll(
time.Second, longTestTimeout, podsOnNodes(c, "test", labels.Set(updated.Spec.Selector).AsSelector())); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("FAILED: pods never started running %v", err)
glog.Infof("Pods verified on nodes, took %v", time.Since(t))
func runAPIVersionsTest(c *client.Client) {
g, err := c.ServerGroups()
clientVersion := c.APIVersion().String()
@ -723,121 +678,6 @@ func runMasterServiceTest(client *client.Client) {
glog.Infof("Master service test passed.")
func runServiceTest(client *client.Client) {
pod := &api.Pod{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Name: "foo",
Labels: map[string]string{
"name": "thisisalonglabel",
Spec: api.PodSpec{
Containers: []api.Container{
Name: "c1",
Image: "foo",
Ports: []api.ContainerPort{
{ContainerPort: 1234},
ImagePullPolicy: api.PullIfNotPresent,
RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways,
DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst,
Status: api.PodStatus{
PodIP: "",
pod, err := client.Pods(api.NamespaceDefault).Create(pod)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to create pod: %v, %v", pod, err)
if err := wait.Poll(time.Second, longTestTimeout, podExists(client, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("FAILED: pod never started running %v", err)
svc1 := &api.Service{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "service1"},
Spec: api.ServiceSpec{
Selector: map[string]string{
"name": "thisisalonglabel",
Ports: []api.ServicePort{{
Port: 8080,
Protocol: "TCP",
SessionAffinity: "None",
svc1, err = client.Services(api.NamespaceDefault).Create(svc1)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to create service: %v, %v", svc1, err)
// create an identical service in the non-default namespace
svc3 := &api.Service{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "service1"},
Spec: api.ServiceSpec{
Selector: map[string]string{
"name": "thisisalonglabel",
Ports: []api.ServicePort{{
Port: 8080,
Protocol: "TCP",
SessionAffinity: "None",
svc3, err = client.Services("other").Create(svc3)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to create service: %v, %v", svc3, err)
// TODO Reduce the timeouts in this test when endpoints controller is sped up. See #6045.
if err := wait.Poll(time.Second, longTestTimeout, endpointsSet(client, svc1.Namespace, svc1.Name, 1)); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("FAILED: unexpected endpoints: %v", err)
// A second service with the same port.
svc2 := &api.Service{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "service2"},
Spec: api.ServiceSpec{
Selector: map[string]string{
"name": "thisisalonglabel",
Ports: []api.ServicePort{{
Port: 8080,
Protocol: "TCP",
SessionAffinity: "None",
svc2, err = client.Services(api.NamespaceDefault).Create(svc2)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to create service: %v, %v", svc2, err)
if err := wait.Poll(time.Second, longTestTimeout, endpointsSet(client, svc2.Namespace, svc2.Name, 1)); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("FAILED: unexpected endpoints: %v", err)
if err := wait.Poll(time.Second, longTestTimeout, endpointsSet(client, svc3.Namespace, svc3.Name, 0)); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("FAILED: service in other namespace should have no endpoints: %v", err)
svcList, err := client.Services(api.NamespaceAll).List(api.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to list services across namespaces: %v", err)
names := sets.NewString()
for _, svc := range svcList.Items {
names.Insert(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", svc.Namespace, svc.Name))
if !names.HasAll("default/kubernetes", "default/service1", "default/service2", "other/service1") {
glog.Fatalf("Unexpected service list: %#v", names)
glog.Info("Service test passed.")
func runSchedulerNoPhantomPodsTest(client *client.Client) {
pod := &api.Pod{
Spec: api.PodSpec{
@ -952,10 +792,8 @@ func main() {
// Run tests in parallel
testFuncs := []testFunc{
func(c *client.Client) {
@ -1001,14 +839,13 @@ func main() {
// We expect 12: 2 pod infra containers + 2 containers from the replication controller +
// We expect 6 containers:
// 1 pod infra container + 2 containers from the URL on first Kubelet +
// 1 pod infra container + 2 containers from the URL on second Kubelet +
// 1 pod infra container + 1 container from the service test.
// The total number of container created is 12
// The total number of container created is 6
if len(createdConts) != 12 {
glog.Fatalf("Expected 12 containers; got %v\n\nlist of created containers:\n\n%#v\n\nDocker 1 Created:\n\n%#v\n\nDocker 2 Created:\n\n%#v\n\n", len(createdConts), createdConts.List(), fakeDocker1.Created, fakeDocker2.Created)
if len(createdConts) != 6 {
glog.Fatalf("Expected 6 containers; got %v\n\nlist of created containers:\n\n%#v\n\nDocker 1 Created:\n\n%#v\n\nDocker 2 Created:\n\n%#v\n\n", len(createdConts), createdConts.List(), fakeDocker1.Created, fakeDocker2.Created)
glog.Infof("OK - found created containers: %#v", createdConts.List())
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
"kind": "ReplicationController",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "nginx-controller",
"labels": {"name": "nginx"}
"spec": {
"replicas": 2,
"selector": {"name": "nginx"},
"template": {
"metadata": {
"labels": {"name": "nginx"}
"spec": {
"containers": [{
"name": "nginx",
"image": "nginx",
"ports": [{"containerPort": 80}]
@ -170,9 +170,6 @@ func walkJSONFiles(inDir string, fn func(name, path string, data []byte)) error
func TestExampleObjectSchemas(t *testing.T) {
cases := map[string]map[string]runtime.Object{
"../cmd/integration": {
"v1-controller": &api.ReplicationController{},
"../examples/guestbook": {
"frontend-deployment": &extensions.Deployment{},
"redis-slave-deployment": &extensions.Deployment{},
Reference in New Issue